• il y a 11 heures
Lester, un dangereux braqueur de banques, s'évade de prison. Le FBI charge l'agent Malcolm Turner et son coéquipier John de le coincer. Malcolm s'est forgé une solide réputation au sein du FBI pour sa bravoure d'une part et pour sa maîtrise de l'art subtil du déguisement d'autre part. Le plan de Malcolm et Turner semble simple : ils ont prévu d'attendre Lester au domicile de Big Mamma, la grand-mère de Sherry, l'ex-petite amie du malfrat. Mais sur ces entrefaites, Big Mamma part en voyage, et Malcolm se voit contraint de se faire passer pour l'imposante vieille dame. Grimé et déguisé, Malcolm accueille la belle Sherry. N'ayant pas vu Big Mamma depuis dix ans, la jeune femme se laisse abuser...
00:30La la la la, look what the women blow my...
00:36Hi Big Mama!
00:38Damn, you fine.
00:40I'm Sherry!
00:42What the hell are you doing?
00:43I've gone undercover as Big Mama.
00:45That's an image that's gonna keep me up tonight.
00:47Agent Malcolm Turner is going undercover.
00:50I thought you may have forgotten all about me.
00:52Oh no!
00:54Big Mama could never forget that ass.
01:00Deep undercover.
01:01Something wrong, child?
01:03You're a...
01:04Oh, there!
01:05When you get to be my age, they're like yard dogs.
01:08If you don't put them on a leash, they'll just roam all over the neighborhood.
01:12This year...
01:15Who are you?
01:16Big Mama asked me to come by.
01:18I'm a handyman.
01:20It ain't over.
01:21Let me show you what I got.
01:23Oh, oh, oh!
01:26I was wrong. It just got serious.
01:28Till the fat lady sings.
01:34So Grandma thinks she got game.
01:36Grandma knows she got game.
01:40Let's go!
01:44Hey, baby!
01:45Why don't you back that thing up and show me what you got?
01:47What you got?
01:50Back that thing up!
01:55What's that?
01:56That's you, son.
01:57My flashlight.
02:00Big Mama, it's time.
02:01This baby could be here any minute.
02:03Excuse me?
02:04Well, you're the midwife, aren't you?
02:19Big Mama?
02:21Est-ce qu'il y a un autre flashlight là-bas?