• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Grazie alla riclassificazione degli antidiabetici a base di gliptine, e grazie al fatto che si è rivisto il processo di distribuzione di tali farmaci c'è stata una maggiore aderenza terapeutica. Inoltre, l'impatto economico che abbiamo registrato è sostanzialmente una riduzione dei costi per il Servizio sanitario nazionale pari a poco più del 13%. Registriamo un avanzo rispetto al tetto della spesa farmaceutica convenzionata per fine anno che registrerà sempre un avanzo importante comunque di oltre 600 milioni di euro". Lo ha detto all'Adnkronos Salute Pierluigi Russo, direttore tecnico scientifico dell'Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco intervendo, oggi al ministero della Salute, per l'evento 'Farmaco accessibile: bilanci e prospettive. Un anno dalla norma' .


00:00We did a little bit of the consumption of what was the first application of this normative,
00:12which has highlighted positive economic effects with a significant, let's say, transfer of
00:22medicines from a mode of delivery, let's say, that affects with an organizational mechanism
00:31that obviously leads, in particular, the patient to have to return twice to the pharmacy or
00:38even to obtain this medicine through, let's say, district pharmacies, to a
00:46modality or convention that therefore allows a ready availability of these medicines in
00:53front of the medical prescription in the pharmacy under the house or the pharmacy nearby. This has a
00:59very important value, especially in the case, obviously, of those parts of Italy where
01:06perhaps the sanitary presidiums are more distant and therefore this has a positive effect both in
01:13terms of maintaining therapeutic continuity, which above all on chronic disease pharmacies
01:19that have been the first object of this reclassification are the anti-diabetics,
01:25the glyptins, the category of glyptins is a category of anti-diabetics, therefore, which
01:30affect a pathology such as diabetes, which is a chronic pathology, and therefore, from this
01:37point of view, the economic impact that we have registered is a reduction of the costs
01:45for the national health service of 13 percent, of just over 13 percent, and the overall impact
01:54also with respect to the roof of the convention, I would say that in some way guaranteed, in the
02:02sense that, let's say, we record an advance with respect to the roof of the conventional pharmaceutical
02:10expenditure for the end of the year, which will always record an important advance of over
02:17600 million euros. The impact is overall positive, based on these results,
02:23the health ministry's monitoring table has ordered the Italian Pharmaceutical Agency
02:31to proceed with the identification by March 30 of this year of a new, how to say,
02:39therapeutic category that can be in some way considered for the transfer,
02:48the reclassification from APHT to A.
