• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - In Campania viviamo un paradosso: da un lato, tante aziende cercano talenti; dall’altro, molti giovani faticano a trovare lavoro. Questo accade perché c’è un disallineamento tra le competenze acquisite e quelle richieste dalle imprese. Stiamo lavorando con scuole e centri di eccellenza per adattare i percorsi di studio alle reali esigenze del mercato. Cosi come sta facendo la Luiss”

Cosi Giancarlo Fimiani, Vicepresidente per la Valorizzazione del Capitale Umano, Innovazione, Ricerca & Sviluppo e Università presso l’Unione Industriali Napoli durante l’evento Muoversi nelle professioni e sul territorio, promosso dalla Luiss e dedicato alle Lauree Magistrali dell’Ateneo


00:00Of course there are a lot of advice, but we have a paradox in the area where we have a lot of companies that look for talent and a lot of talent that don't find a job because we have a mismatch between the skills learned by our young people and the skills that are needed by companies.
00:27They don't work a lot with schools, we have schools of excellence that are starting to modify the course of study, what is needed is to know how to work.
00:38To know how to work is not so much to know how to turn the screwdriver at the right speed in the right machine, but to know how to work in a team, to know how to overcome problems, to know how to turn obstacles.
00:53This is something that is missing, the mechatronics, the informatics, everything that has to do with the digital.
01:01At the moment we have an explosion of interest from companies towards the digital because we have an important digital reticence.
01:11This is a topic that is filling up little by little and generates many more prepared young people in this sense, but there is still time because companies are looking for something else.
01:25Today companies have to talk with the training, today the training is a pillar that serves to increase the competitiveness of our companies, of the territory, and to increase the competitiveness we need competence.
01:41So good training is needed, it has always been an excellence and has generated generations of managers, entrepreneurs, professionals of quality.
01:55Today it is necessary to talk with companies, it is necessary that companies talk with those who do training because we have to meet the needs with the programs of study and they are starting to go in this direction.
