• 14 hours ago
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cashonyt/
Merch: https://cashandnico.com

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Today, I'm gonna secretly use admin commands to cheat against my friends.
00:03They think we're gonna play hide-and-seek on this map,
00:04but they don't know that I'm gonna be the seeker, and I'm gonna be secretly cheating.
00:08Who's he talking to? We can't hear him.
00:09Hey guys, I'm making food back here.
00:11No, you're talking to yourself.
00:12I am not talking to myself. I'm just getting prepared for hide-and-seek.
00:15Maybe he's talking to the person behind him.
00:17Oh, probably.
00:18What? Oh, where did you come from?
00:19Nah, I was just chilling back there. I was making food.
00:20You didn't hear a word I said, right?
00:22No, I heard a little bit, but, um, I think I just heard, like, you were saying, like, something about, like,
00:25how you had, like, um, uh, yeah, something like that.
00:28Okay, good. So, you didn't fully hear the sentence. That's all that matters.
00:31It was, like, some, like, uh, like a yeah, like a something like that.
00:33Anyways, let's play.
00:35Oh, true. I forgot. Okay.
00:36Oh, no. Get him out of here already.
00:38Well, we're on the hide-and-seek map first, and this is the back rooms.
00:40And guess who's seeker for this round.
00:42It's me.
00:42Okay, fine. Don't mind if I do.
00:44And I'm gonna give you all 30 seconds to hide. That's it. That's all you get.
00:46I'm going.
00:47Alright, let's go.
00:48Hider's spot.
00:49You have to camp in this corner if you're the seeker, so you can't cheat by looking at anyone else.
00:52But that's okay.
00:53I'm still gonna cheat anyways.
00:54They don't know about it.
00:55And I can go in this trap door.
00:56Oh, wait. No, it's backwards.
00:57I stole a bagel from the kitchen.
00:59Okay, really?
01:01Okay, there we go.
01:01Now, I'm under the trap door.
01:02You guys have 10 seconds left, by the way, before I start coming out.
01:05Oh, my cheese, man.
01:06Yeah, no time. No time.
01:08How much good are you?
01:09I'm gonna start emerging from the trap doors one by one.
01:11One, two.
01:12Alright, ready or not, here I come.
01:14He's out.
01:14First, before I use any commands, I'm gonna actually search for them.
01:17I feel like I could easily find some of these players.
01:19Is somebody hiding in the spawn, perhaps?
01:20I have a feeling they would be.
01:22Nah, it doesn't look like it.
01:23Okay, they were actually smart enough to not hide near me.
01:25So that means they probably all ran off into the back room somewhere.
01:28You know, I could run a little command.
01:29Effect, give Mia glowing for 3 seconds.
01:33It'll reveal her location to me.
01:35Okay, where's she at?
01:35Oh, I see her.
01:36She was up there.
01:37Okay, she'll never know that I saw her location, though.
01:39I should just make my way up there, though.
01:41I'm not really sure how she even got up.
01:42Are there stairs around this map that I'm missing?
01:44There definitely is.
01:44Not in this hallway.
01:45Mia's gonna be the first one dead.
01:46She's gonna be so mad when she realizes she lost.
01:48Although, I should probably look for some other people, too.
01:50I feel like somebody would hide in this diamond stash, huh?
01:53No, I was thinking Niko would be here.
01:54I guess not.
01:55Wow, it looks like they actually found good spots.
01:56You know, I really was not expecting that.
01:58I kind of felt like my friends would be buns and they'd be caught in the first 10 seconds.
02:01But I found a secret door.
02:02Oh, and wait a second.
02:04That's how I get up to the top.
02:05I think there's a staircase right there that I'm missing.
02:06Let me run this command on Mia again.
02:08Just make sure she's in the same spot.
02:09Oh, yeah, she's still up there.
02:10Okay, time to find the stairs.
02:12Here they are.
02:12And Mia should be somewhere back here, I'm pretty sure.
02:15I'm gonna use this stick.
02:16Where's she at?
02:16Mia, are you near me somewhere?
02:19Oh, so if I run this command, she won't be near me.
02:22Oh, she's on the other side of the wall.
02:23I gotta go.
02:23Hey, Mia, just so you know, I'm about to catch you.
02:25No, you're not.
02:26Yes, I am.
02:26I don't even see your name.
02:27You're not even near me.
02:28Yeah, because name tags are off.
02:30Mia, are you behind this wall?
02:31How did you even find me?
02:34Let's go.
02:34That's one hider down.
02:37And that means I only got three people left to find.
02:39Shady, Nico, and Zoey.
02:40So let's run a command on somebody else.
02:42What if I just TP one of them to me, like Nico?
02:44I'm gonna do it and then act like I didn't even see him.
02:46Okay, still looking for y'all.
02:48Hmm, nobody's around here.
02:50Oh, Nico!
02:52Where did you come from?
02:53I don't know!
02:54That is a bun's hiding spot, bruh.
02:56I was in a spot and a guy removed.
02:57I don't know why.
02:59Nico and Mia are both down, which means now it's just Zoey and Shady.
03:02And let's see.
03:03There's another command I could do that'll make Shady definitely reveal his location.
03:07What if I just poison him?
03:08Effects give Shady poison for, let's do ten seconds.
03:11And let's give him poison five.
03:13Let's see how he reacts to that.
03:14Yo, Shady, are you good?
03:15You sound uncomfortable.
03:16Hey, what's going on?
03:16I think I ate something or something.
03:18I don't know.
03:18I was hurting.
03:19Oh, really?
03:19Well, there's some trash cans out here if you need to throw up.
03:22No, I'm good.
03:22I'm good, man.
03:23I'm good.
03:23I'm just gonna fight my battle alone in here.
03:25Oh, uh, don't worry, Shady.
03:27I just found Zoey eating a bagel on the PlayStation.
03:32That's crazy!
03:33You're gonna get a bunch of crumbs in there.
03:35Alright, well, Zoey's dead.
03:36Did not plan on fighting her, but it looks like she really wants to eat her bagel.
03:39Which means there's just Shady left.
03:40What if I poison him again?
03:41I'm just gonna keep doing this over and over to him.
03:43He may be hiding, but he's gonna be super uncomfortable.
03:45Oh, wait, I hear him.
03:45This hurts so bad.
03:47Listen, I can hear him taking damage.
03:48That means he's somewhere around here.
03:50Hold on, let me do it again.
03:51He's this way.
03:52Hey, who is giving me poison?
03:53Oh, my goodness.
03:54He's under me somewhere.
03:55If I go down these stairs, he's gotta be in this door?
03:58Wait, no, he's not.
03:58Okay, I gave him too much poison.
04:00Wait a second.
04:01Wait a little second.
04:03There's a ladder down there.
04:04Don't tell me Shady's hiding down here.
04:06Oh, wait, no.
04:07I guess not.
04:07Nah, bro goofy.
04:08What do you mean I'm goofy?
04:09Do you see where I am?
04:11Bro goofy.
04:12Hey, don't make fun of me.
04:13That's it.
04:13You know what?
04:14I'm gonna use the glowing effect on Shady this time.
04:16I did it to Mia.
04:16I think it's time to do it on him now.
04:18Effect gives Shady glowing for 10 seconds.
04:20He's behind this wall.
04:22Wait, what?
04:22I swear I already checked.
04:23Oh, he's in the TV.
04:25I didn't even know you could go in there.
04:26Okay, I can't make it obvious that I'm searching straight for him.
04:28He's gonna know I'm cheating.
04:29Let me just walk past here.
04:30Hey, why does this TV have legs?
04:34Perhaps you would know.
04:35No, I see two little legs sticking here.
04:37Let me just try and get him out.
04:38Hey, get over here.
04:41Oh my goodness.
04:42That was like the quickest round of seeker ever.
04:43I don't think any of them knew that I was running commands either.
04:45Let me go meet back with them to see what they think about that round.
04:48Hey guys, looks like I won a seeker.
04:50I can't believe it.
04:52How do you even find me?
04:53Because you had a bun spot.
04:54Dude, my spot was actually good.
04:56Nobody came over to it.
04:57Mia, you were the first one I found.
04:58Not gonna lie.
04:59I was glitching the entire game.
05:00I don't know what happened.
05:01What do you mean glitching?
05:02I just like appeared in front of you.
05:03Yeah, he was next to me for a minute too.
05:05I don't think that happened.
05:06I'm pretty sure you just had a bad spot.
05:08I don't know.
05:09It was weird.
05:09You like teleported.
05:10He was with me.
05:12Well, since I won that round, I'm going to choose the next seeker.
05:14Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
05:17Nico, there you go.
05:19Take the seeker stick.
05:20I wanted to hide on this map, but it's fine.
05:22Oh, it's okay.
05:23I'm hiding.
05:23Now you got to count to 30.
05:25I want to hide in the spooky house.
05:26Yeah, this is a terrifying house.
05:28Okay, what Nico doesn't know is that I'm going to use secret cheats to just pass by him.
05:32And I think I can actually use a command to give me an item that allows me to turn invisible whenever I want.
05:36If I just run give cash invisibility potion, and we'll just do one of them.
05:41It gives me this item.
05:42And this item just takes one click to turn me fully invisible.
05:45And then Nico won't be able to see me.
05:46So I could probably just run past him.
05:47What if I follow him around while he's seeking?
05:49He's going to get so frustrated when he can't find me.
05:51He'll probably find everyone else though.
05:53And I am now seeking.
05:55Oh, he's on his way out.
05:56And I'm not ready.
05:57Let's see.
05:58Is he about to walk in the door?
05:59Well, I counted down for 30.
06:01Those are the rules of the game.
06:03I have to hide my footsteps.
06:04He might see me behind him.
06:05Yo, I hear someone.
06:06Oh, no.
06:07Where are you?
06:08Just stay very still.
06:09I can keep running.
06:10I think I heard someone.
06:11I don't know if anyone's near me.
06:12I'm just saying I'm right here and I will smack you with my stick.
06:15Nico, you're probably just hearing your own footsteps, dude.
06:17Hey Cash, is that you?
06:18What do you mean?
06:19Is that me?
06:19What's what me?
06:20You know, I got a sharp as a hundred stick and it's a one tap.
06:22Well, you're nowhere near me.
06:23I haven't even seen you once.
06:25Yeah, I totally haven't.
06:27Oh, okay.
06:28Okay, Martin.
06:29Someone behind here.
06:30Oh, yeah, that's a good spot to look in.
06:32Yo, that would have been a good spot.
06:34For sure behind that banner with the door.
06:36Yeah, but I guess it wasn't a good spot because I found it immediately.
06:38Oh, why are you opening those trap doors, Nico?
06:40That's not where someone's hiding.
06:41Wait, are you looking at me, Cash?
06:43No, I was just guessing.
06:44Well, how are you talking to me?
06:45And how you know what I'm doing?
06:46Because I have intuition.
06:48Oh my gosh.
06:48What are the odds you turn around, dude?
06:50Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, I see someone.
06:52Mia, that was not the time to run.
06:53I did a what?
06:54I did a what?
06:56Dude, that's not fair.
06:57And Mia's dead.
06:58Nico, that was messed up.
06:59A good spot would actually be like around the map or something.
07:02I know!
07:03Man, Mia always getting eliminated first.
07:05Are we going to point that out?
07:06She bottom fragging.
07:07It's like she's trying to do it on purpose or something.
07:09No, I'm not!
07:10It's because she wants to do something else, huh?
07:12Yeah, she wants to twiddle her fingers and maybe crochet it like a little dinosaur for her little baby cousin.
07:18Yo, leave me alone!
07:20Someone's got to be behind this bookshelf or something.
07:22Wait, hang on, hang on.
07:23I want to go make a five-course meal.
07:24Steak, potatoes, green beans, some bread.
07:27Nico, come kill me.
07:29No, I knew it.
07:30Shady always grubbing up.
07:31He's always chefing in the kitchen.
07:33He's in the kitchen.
07:34No, don't find Shady.
07:35Look for me.
07:36Where is Shady?
07:37Wait, what?
07:37I'm just playing.
07:38You're not finding me, bro.
07:38He's probably in like the most obscure spot known to man.
07:41Okay, wait, you know what?
07:42Shady said that I would walk away from that area.
07:44I'm going back to that direction.
07:46You know, there could be somebody right under your nose, Nico.
07:48You might have just missed him multiple times.
07:50Like if you just swing randomly, you could definitely kill someone.
07:52Cash, you are definitely...
07:53Yo, Cash, you were right.
07:56Is that right?
07:57What? You cheater!
07:58How'd you find me?
07:59You use x-ray?
08:00I can see you through the leaves.
08:02I think she's mad.
08:03Nah, she has fast leaves.
08:05That's crazy.
08:05Oh, this is how she got in the spot.
08:07Hey, Nico, don't make fun of fast leaves.
08:08I use them too.
08:09That's two down.
08:10Two more to go.
08:11You're not going to find me though.
08:12So you might as well just look for Shady.
08:13Yeah, no, I'm looking for you and Shady.
08:15Wherever you are, Cash, I will find you.
08:16I will eliminate you with my stick.
08:18Eh, we'll see about that.
08:20I keep hearing footsteps for some reason.
08:21Is there someone near me?
08:22Dude, for the last time, it's your own footsteps.
08:24Come on, bruh.
08:24What do you mean?
08:25You just got heavy footsteps.
08:27Uh, that's weird.
08:28Shady's gotta be in here.
08:29Oh, is he in that fireplace?
08:30Nah, Nico taking damage.
08:32Dude, where are you, Shady?
08:33Brother is clueless.
08:34Yo, what just happened?
08:36What happened, Nico?
08:37I just got hit!
08:37It wasn't my imagination!
08:39Yo, he's swinging.
08:39Yo, he's swinging out here.
08:40There's gotta be someone around me.
08:41Nah, I'm hiding in the corner.
08:42Oh no.
08:43Okay, whatever.
08:43That was so close.
08:44Someone must have bowed me or something.
08:45I'm gonna keep messing with him.
08:46What if I go and hit him again?
08:47Oh gosh, get this out of my hand.
08:48Shady's gotta be on the top floor.
08:50He's gonna find Shady before he ever catches me.
08:52Shady, where are you, Shady?
08:53Oh no, you're on the top-top floor.
08:55He's probably behind a wall somewhere.
08:56Oh, are you on the top-top-top-top floor?
08:58I'm at your mama's house.
09:00Wait a second.
09:00I just realized I can use the command to TP to Shady.
09:02I kinda wanna see where his spot is.
09:03TP to Shady.
09:05No, Shady, you're behind the gold blocks.
09:07Oh, wait.
09:09Nico, you are blind!
09:11Wait, really?
09:12Oh my goodness.
09:13I can't believe I just watched that.
09:14Wait, wait, wait, wait.
09:15So you're next to Shady?
09:16I'm not saying anything else, Nico.
09:18I gotta let him cook after that.
09:19I'm sorry.
09:20Are you, like, going around to pull Shady?
09:23You most definitely are.
09:26Nico, you're gonna watch my POV back and you're gonna be like,
09:29What's all this POV stuff he's talking about?
09:31What is he talking about?
09:32Where is he?
09:33I don't know.
09:33I don't know where this guy is.
09:35Why am I seeing particles run on the floor?
09:36I'm just in a spot near Shady.
09:38That's it.
09:38Like, Shady, look behind you.
09:39No, you were not there.
09:41Yeah, I was.
09:42I was here the whole time.
09:43No, you were not.
09:43He would have seen you.
09:44No, that's not true.
09:45Nico's buns.
09:46Where are you guys, genuinely?
09:49Oh, Shady, I had to leave.
09:50Sorry, bye.
09:51Where'd you go?
09:52Don't worry about it.
09:52I have no idea where Nico even went.
09:54He just passed us and then he never came back.
09:56Okay, like, how much time is left on the timer?
09:58I haven't found both of you guys.
10:00You have 30 seconds left, Nico.
10:01I'm counting.
10:02Yeah, 30 seconds.
10:03That's it.
10:03Oh gosh.
10:04Don't be buns.
10:05Bro, his buns are delicious.
10:07Oh my goodness.
10:09Wait a minute.
10:13That's what happened last time, bro.
10:15Get over here.
10:16Ain't no way.
10:18I knew you were on the top, top, top floor.
10:20Shady got caught, bro.
10:21Okay, Cash, where are you now?
10:22Just wait for the timer to go down.
10:24Once I win, I'll tell you.
10:25You have to be next to Shady.
10:26I don't know what you're talking about.
10:27I'm not next to him.
10:28No, you most definitely were.
10:30Come on, round.
10:31End already.
10:31I need to win this.
10:32Maybe I should go un-invisible.
10:33Can't have him be sus of me.
10:34You have to have been next to Shady.
10:36I don't understand.
10:37Oh, looks like I won.
10:38Well, Nico, I'll tell you.
10:39I was right under your nose.
10:40Are you serious?
10:41You were down here the entire way.
10:42You were doing the pole strut, huh?
10:44Yeah, I was.
10:46No, I don't like that.
10:47Well, that's two dubs for me already.
10:49There's way too many poles.
10:50I think you're just buns.
10:51All right.
10:52This time, I'm gonna be the seeker.
10:54Okay, Mia.
10:54You gotta start counting, though, and you cannot look.
10:56Okay, fine.
10:57I'm gonna go over here in this corner, look down, and I'm counting.
10:59One, two, three.
11:01All right, guys.
11:01She's starting to count.
11:02We should go hide.
11:03I need to redeem myself from last round.
11:05This is a bouncy castle.
11:06Isn't it awesome?
11:06Isn't it so cool?
11:07Dude, why do I get all the buns maps where I don't get anywhere to hide?
11:11Yeah, what is this map?
11:12This is more like a tag map.
11:14Well, it's very colorful, and since we're all bright colors, it might actually be good for us.
11:17Nah, I can find a spot somewhere.
11:19I could totally find a spot here, especially if I go invisible.
11:22Ooh, come here.
11:23I just saw where Niko was going.
11:25All right, ready?
11:25I'm ready.
11:26Where are you putting me?
11:27Okay, wait.
11:27Hold on.
11:27Now, I need to-
11:28Can you do me a favor?
11:29Oh, no.
11:30I placed-
11:32Oh, my man.
11:33Can you pick me up?
11:34Yeah, just jump, Zoe.
11:35Nah, you missed the jump.
11:37You lie!
11:38Okay, okay.
11:39Try again.
11:39Try again.
11:40I got you.
11:41All right, bad.
11:41She is not getting up here.
11:44Oh, yeah.
11:44Definitely not.
11:46Sorry, Zoe.
11:47Guys, you're gonna look really stupid.
11:49There's a ladder.
11:51Are you serious?
11:52Oh, my gosh.
11:53Ready or not, here I come!
11:55Oh, gosh.
11:56Hold on.
11:56I can't let Shady or Zoe see this.
11:58I just gotta go over here and then hide behind a block.
12:00Then I can go invis and they won't see it.
12:01Okay, perfect.
12:02Now, I can run another command.
12:03Let me give myself another item that's kind of OP.
12:06It's called a flight feather.
12:07Basically, it's in the name.
12:08It's a feather that allows you to fly.
12:10So, if I right-click this thing, boom, I can now fly.
12:12Although, I'm still in survival.
12:13So, I gotta watch out.
12:13I see Nico's spot.
12:14That's kind of goaded, actually.
12:16Shady's over here and I don't know where Zoe went.
12:18I think she found another spot.
12:19Oh, and there's Mia.
12:19What is she doing?
12:20Where is everyone?
12:22You better look closely, Mia.
12:24How can I not see anyone from up here?
12:25That doesn't make any sense.
12:27I have no idea, actually.
12:28It's kind of crazy.
12:29Because you're buns?
12:30Yeah, you may just be bunsalicious.
12:32I don't know.
12:34Well, you better start looking.
12:35It's not like somebody's right next to you, Mia.
12:37Shady, crawl.
12:39Shut up, Zoe.
12:40Oh, where is Zoe?
12:41Oh, I see everyone's spots.
12:46Zoe, Zoe, move.
12:48Move over here quick.
12:49Oh, I see them.
12:50I didn't realize Zoe was still here.
12:51Wait, that's kind of cool.
12:52Okay, I'm at a higher vantage point.
12:53Mia's able to see the entire world again.
12:56But will she find somebody?
12:57Seriously, nobody's here?
12:58What if I pick her up and I troll her?
12:59Mia, get down here.
13:00Wait, no, I'm moving.
13:02What do you mean, Mia?
13:02I don't know what you're talking about.
13:03The game's glitching.
13:04I literally just made it all the way up, and that parkour was not easy.
13:08I don't know what you guys are yapping about over there, but I've been in the same spot the entire time.
13:11You know what?
13:12I know where you are, Nico.
13:13I think Mia's having trouble seeking.
13:15Is she trying to go through a door?
13:16Does she not know she has to right-
13:17Oh my goodness.
13:19And no one's in here.
13:20You know, just for that, I'm going to troll Mia even more.
13:21I'm going to pick her up again.
13:22I'm going to go-
13:23Oh, no, no!
13:24Mia, why are you yelling?
13:26I'm glitching!
13:27Never mind.
13:28I almost foiled Nico's spot on accident.
13:30Someone in here?
13:31Mia, I'm just saying you're not going to get to my spot even if you try.
13:34Dude, yes, I will.
13:35Just wait.
13:36Should I give some L hints?
13:38Will you have to do two double Neos to get to my spot?
13:40Dude, you know I can Neo.
13:41You know I can.
13:42Mia, do you see where Nico is?
13:44He's over here.
13:44Oh my goodness.
13:45Hey, oh.
13:46Oh my goodness.
13:47What in the world did I just watch?
13:49Yo, that is bad.
13:50Wait, Cash, where are you?
13:51I can't see you.
13:52I just saw this, bro.
13:53I'm nowhere, Nico.
13:54Don't worry about me.
13:55What if I do this?
13:56Ow! Ow!
13:56What happened?
13:57Oh, no.
13:57Yo, Nico's on the ground.
13:58Yo, Cash, did you bow me or something?
14:00Where is he?
14:00Where is he?
14:01Where is he?
14:01No, I don't even have a bow.
14:02I don't know what you're talking about.
14:03Dude, how do I get back up?
14:05Nah, Mia, you are blind.
14:06Where is he?
14:08He's still on the ground.
14:09I see him from up high right now in my hiding spot.
14:11I can't find him.
14:13Oh, Nico, you better hope that you can find another spot before he catches you.
14:16I'm going in the same spot, bro.
14:17Oh, okay.
14:18I don't know where you just bowed me from.
14:20I did not bow you.
14:21It do not matter.
14:22Oh my goodness.
14:23Nah, he's buns.
14:24He fell.
14:25What are you doing?
14:26What are you doing?
14:27What if I just help Mia out?
14:28Come here.
14:29Nah, I just...
14:31Nico's cheating!
14:32What just happened?
14:33I just glitched through a block or something.
14:34Let me try and help her again.
14:36Hey, hey, hey, hey.
14:37He's cheating!
14:38She's actually getting combo'd right now.
14:40Wait, you're buns!
14:42You're buns!
14:42Stop it!
14:45Oh my goodness.
14:46Nico is a try-hard, bruh.
14:55Well, it was only a matter of time.
14:57My first kill!
14:58Okay, what if I help Mia a little more?
15:00She seems to be a little buns.
15:02Shady, this spot is amazing!
15:04Yeah, this spot is crazy.
15:05I could bring her near the area where they're hiding.
15:07Let me just...
15:07Wait, I'm flying again.
15:08Guys, I promise I'm not cheating!
15:10Mia, you're flying?
15:11You said you're flying?
15:12You skibbity cheater!
15:13What is this?
15:14Where am I?
15:14I don't know.
15:15Better vantage point.
15:16Where is...
15:17I feel like they're up there, but I don't know!
15:19I'm gonna check where they went.
15:20It looks like they moved spots.
15:21Wait, are they in here?
15:22Shady and Zoe.
15:24I'm just gonna TP to them.
15:25TP to Shady.
15:26This crawl spot is amazing.
15:28Wait, where am I right now?
15:29Oh my goodness.
15:30How did they even get to this spot?
15:31They're like never gonna get seen.
15:33Oh, there's a ladder.
15:34Hey, what's opening?
15:35Oh, do they see the trapdoor?
15:37Why is it moving?
15:38It's haunted!
15:38Is that a ghost?
15:39Are you guys seeing a ghost?
15:40What are you talking about?
15:41What is going on?
15:42Nah, get the EMF reader out.
15:44I'm gonna keep trolling them.
15:44What if I carry Shady out?
15:45Shady, kill the ghost!
15:46Get it!
15:47Something's trying to pick me up.
15:48What do you mean?
15:48Ain't gonna happen.
15:49Ain't gonna happen.
15:49Yeah, nice try, ghost.
15:50Ain't gonna happen.
15:51Just saying.
15:51Okay, really?
15:52What if I hit him off?
15:56Oh, I made him fall.
15:56Okay, I'm gonna bring him up here.
15:57I see Shady!
15:59Yo, is Shady flying?
16:01Shady, are you cheating?
16:02No, I'm not.
16:03Honestly, I kind of vibe with this spot.
16:04You can't even get up here.
16:05Oh, wait.
16:05Did I just help him?
16:06Okay, hold on.
16:07I can't even get up to you!
16:08I know what to do.
16:09Let me just...
16:11Here I go!
16:14Mia, you are blind.
16:15Wait, where did he go?
16:16He jumped!
16:17Oh my gosh!
16:19Oh my god!
16:20Okay, Zoe is not getting away scot-free.
16:22I'm gonna bring her out, too.
16:23Where's she at?
16:23Oh, there she is.
16:24She's just sitting down in here.
16:25Something's picking me up!
16:26I'm flying!
16:27Oh, what the heck?
16:29And Shady just died.
16:31I saw a dead body.
16:32I'm gone.
16:33You saw it?
16:34Where are you?
16:35No, I'm hiding.
16:36Okay, I should leave Zoe alone.
16:37Let's see if this spot actually cooks.
16:39You know what?
16:39I'm gonna un-invisible right here.
16:41Hey, Zoe, look above you.
16:42Cash, what are you doing up there?
16:43You're gonna get caught!
16:44Hey, Mia!
16:45There's somebody in here!
16:46Cash, I don't have directional audio!
16:49Okay, well...
16:49I'm moving away.
16:50I'm moving away.
16:50She's near a blue entrance.
16:52And it's a blue and...
16:55I see you!
16:55I see you!
16:56Get Cash Vincent!
16:56Not me!
16:57Get Cash Vincent!
16:58I'm going invisible.
16:58She's not gonna see me in here.
17:00Mia, sweetie.
17:02No, I'm coming!
17:03I'm coming!
17:04Mia, sweetie, no.
17:06I'm coming up.
17:07Just wait there for me.
17:09I'm sorry.
17:09I didn't wait.
17:10What if I help her up?
17:11I'm just gonna bring her to Zoe at this point.
17:13Wait, I'm blind again!
17:14Oh, no, not again.
17:16Let's see if she can find her from here.
17:17Oh, Mia.
17:18Oh, no.
17:19Come on.
17:19There's probably a secret ladder.
17:20Burning hot!
17:21There's no ladder.
17:22You are scolding!
17:24It's another one of those blocks.
17:26Oh my goodness.
17:27How does she not know how to use a door already?
17:29Stay away!
17:31And Zoe's dead.
17:32Now, I just gotta survive.
17:33Oh, hiders win!
17:35How did Cash not get caught?
17:37Because I just had the most goaded hiding spot.
17:39No, he was like right next to me.
17:41No, I wasn't.
17:42I was never next to Zoe.
17:43I was actually just running around the map.
17:44Are you calling Zoe a liar?
17:45I'm not a liar, bro.
17:47I'm not calling her a liar.
17:48I'm just explaining my spot.
17:49I've got my eyes on you.
17:51We can go to the next round now.
17:52Okay, guys.
17:53It's time for the next round and we're all in Squid Game.
17:55Nah, Nico, Zoe.
17:57What are you wearing?
17:58Where did y'all get your outfits from?
18:00He wanted a match and I got this one.
18:02I had the other one, okay?
18:03Oh, so you're just trying to make him feel better?
18:05He's excited.
18:06Look at him.
18:06He's happy.
18:08Well, the next secret for this round is gonna be shady.
18:10So, everybody has to find the best spots they can or they're dead.
18:13Okay, here is the stick.
18:14Alright, good luck, shady.
18:15You can see the pain in his stick.
18:17Okay, bruh.
18:18Let's run.
18:18I need to find a good spot.
18:19Although, it doesn't really matter.
18:20This is the awful spot.
18:22This is the horrible spot.
18:24It's like the first spot to be found out here.
18:26We're all three of you hiding in there?
18:28We may or may not be following Nico.
18:30Okay, I can't let them see me.
18:31I'm just gonna use my flight feather and go invisible.
18:33Now, I can fly up here to a spot this way.
18:35Ah, perfect.
18:36Okay, let's just camp up here.
18:37And I can run another command to give me a better item.
18:39Give cash.
18:40God mode.
18:41And we'll take one of those.
18:42This God mode basically just makes me invincible.
18:44Wait, wait, wait, wait.
18:45There's a stick right there.
18:46What is that?
18:46Oh my goodness.
18:47Zoe almost saw me.
18:48Mia, there was something right there.
18:49Wait, where?
18:50Alright, ready or not, here I come.
18:51Hide, hide!
18:52Okay, let me go spectate shady.
18:54I want to see where he's running to first.
18:57Squid game.
18:58Even if he tries to kill me, he won't be able to
19:00because I have God mode on.
19:01I'm basically in creative mode right now.
19:03Squid game.
19:03Where even is shady?
19:04I can just TP to him with my commands.
19:06Oh, he's in a painting.
19:08Hey, shady.
19:08I don't want to give L hints or anything,
19:10but I'm pretty sure everyone's next to each other.
19:12So that's all I'm going to say.
19:13Oh, perfect.
19:13It would be a triple kill then.
19:15Oh no.
19:15Nico, you just fumbled it.
19:17He saw you guys.
19:18Oh, they are so dead.
19:19They don't even know.
19:21I think Zoe fell off the side.
19:22Wait, where did Nico go?
19:24I swear I just saw him a second ago.
19:25Okay, hang on now, brother.
19:26I have hidden.
19:27I need to find Nico too.
19:28It's kind of like I'm the seeker too.
19:30Wait a second.
19:30Don't tell me he's in there.
19:31Oh no.
19:32Wait, shady just ran past it.
19:33You will never-
19:38I knew I could hear something in there.
19:39That was just bad timing.
19:40I have no idea why Nico opened the door.
19:42Well, that just leaves three people.
19:44Mia, Zoe, and me.
19:45But I'm not going to get found.
19:46I'm literally invisible and flying,
19:48and I have God mode.
19:49Where are you?
19:50They found better hiding spots after I ratted them out.
19:52I'm not going to lie.
19:54Oh, never mind.
19:56Take the bread and leave.
19:57Get up.
19:57Get up.
19:58Take the bread and leave, please.
19:59Okay, okay.
20:00Okay, what?
20:01Now start walking.
20:02Yes, sir.
20:02Yo, why is shady staring at her?
20:03Do some dances.
20:05You are now my help seeker.
20:06Okay, zombie.
20:08Zombie mode.
20:11Okay, now you're my zombie.
20:12Go find Mia now.
20:13Yes, sir.
20:14I think I remember where she is.
20:15If she didn't move.
20:16Yes, sir.
20:17That's not fair.
20:18You better go.
20:19She's over here.
20:20Somewhere over here.
20:21He's got Zoe under distress right now.
20:22Well, technically she's over.
20:24Wait, how do I get up to the place I was?
20:25I'm confused now.
20:27Oh my goodness, Zoe.
20:28Well, it looks like Zoe's out now.
20:30You know what?
20:31That's fine.
20:31She just took herself out without helping shady.
20:33Let me see where Mia is.
20:34I'm kind of curious.
20:35Ah, what?
20:37Is this a real spot?
20:38There is no way.
20:38This is actually a thing.
20:39Maybe it is.
20:40Oh, I picked it up again.
20:42Oh, no.
20:43Wait, let me help shady out real quick.
20:44Let me see where he is.
20:45How do I get up there, bro?
20:46I'm just gonna slightly help him because I want Mia to get out before me.
20:49Let me just pick him up.
20:50Whoa, dude.
20:50I'm flying again.
20:51Wait, you're cheating?
20:52Where in the Merton is going on?
20:53Okay, I'll put him right there.
20:54Let's see if he knows.
20:55Does he see it?
20:58Oh, he found it.
20:59Mia, you may or may not be dead.
21:01I'm not gonna lie.
21:02Oh, hello.
21:04Go, go, go, go, go, go.
21:05Nah, she's trying to dodge?
21:06What was that dodge?
21:07Yo, that was buns.
21:09Oh, oh, no.
21:10Get this out of my hand.
21:10Yo, get this out of my hand.
21:11Where are you going?
21:14Get over here.
21:15Mia is so dead here.
21:16If she actually manages to escape.
21:20Time to sacrifice you.
21:24And she's gone.
21:25All right, where is cash, bro?
21:26Uh, don't worry about it.
21:27What if I go uninvisible and I just stare at him?
21:29I got a feeling this dude is invisible or something.
21:31No, look above you.
21:34I don't even think I can get up here.
21:35I could just jump down.
21:35How'd you get up there?
21:36You can't even do that.
21:37No, there's a secret spot.
21:38It's like a little ladder.
21:39Wait, for real?
21:40All right.
21:40I'll just make my own.
21:41Wait, what?
21:42No, you can't place ladders.
21:43That's not allowed.
21:44Yes, I can.
21:44Where'd you even get those from?
21:45All right, I'm jumping off.
21:46Oh, I'm not gonna die, though.
21:47Because I'm God mode.
21:48Hey, how'd you not die from that fall, bro?
21:50I just parkoured on my way down.
21:51I hit the jetpack strat.
21:53You know what I mean?
21:53Oh, yeah?
21:54I hit a ladder clutch.
21:55Where are you?
21:56Well, I just got up to another high spot.
21:58Uh, yeah.
21:59Dude, how are you doing that?
22:00Come on.
22:00Timer, run down.
22:01I gotta win.
22:02How are you doing that?
22:02If he tries to hit me, he's gonna realize I'm invincible.
22:04Oh, oh, oh, oh, no.
22:05Oh, no.
22:06Oh, no.
22:06Get me out.
22:06Get me out.
22:06Get me out.
22:07You're not dying.
22:07What do you mean I'm not dying?
22:08You're just not hitting me.
22:09Your aiming's bad.
22:10Bro, you're not even dying, bro.
22:11I don't know what you're talking about.
22:12I totally-
22:13I died.
22:14What was that?
22:15Don't worry about it.
22:16Well, it's time for-
22:17What are you guys wearing?
22:18Why are you guys wearing my clothes?
22:20Okay, Zoe, here's the stick.
22:21You are now the seeker.
22:24Yay, Zoe!
22:25Why do you have my clothes on?
22:27Let's continue.
22:28All right.
22:28Why is Shady staring at me right now?
22:30I'm just gonna go hide, okay?
22:31I'mma count.
22:34No, wait.
22:34Why are you growling at me?
22:36What's going on?
22:36I feel like you've been very suspicious, Cash.
22:38Am I being interrogated?
22:39Come on, Niko.
22:40Okay, what is it?
22:41Hold on, hold on.
22:42Please don't do this.
22:43Shady, stop.
22:44Stop it.
22:45Show your items.
22:46We know you're doing something.
22:47I'm not using any items.
22:48I don't know what you're talking about.
22:49No, run your pockets.
22:50Okay, okay.
22:51Stop, stop.
22:52It's okay.
22:52It's invisibility pot, flight feather, and god mode.
22:54I used commands to get it.
22:56Knew you had that stuff.
22:57Listen, I have an idea.
22:58We could troll Zoe.
22:58You know what?
22:59I like that idea.
23:00What if I give you guys invisibility in flight, too, and we just watch as she looks around, but nobody's there?
23:05Yeah, let's do it.
23:05Okay, I just need to get myself some more of these.
23:07Better hurry.
23:07She's counting over there.
23:08Okay, flight feather.
23:10We'll do four of those.
23:11We'll do a few of the god modes, and then we'll do a few of the invis pots.
23:14Okay, Nico, Mia, get over here.
23:16Wait, what?
23:16Guys, get over here.
23:17He's giving us his cheating items.
23:19Shh, it's not cheating, okay?
23:21Don't expose me.
23:22Wait, what is this?
23:23I knew you were a cheater all along.
23:25Well, yes, we get it.
23:26I cheated.
23:26But listen, we control Zoe right now.
23:28If everyone just goes invisible and uses their flight feather, we can just pretend like we're hiding.
23:32Let's go to the top of the statue.
23:33Wait, is this Nico on a pig?
23:35Yeah, I just realized this map is honestly really cool.
23:37That's a pig on a pig.
23:39Ah, I see it.
23:40Okay, let's all go inside.
23:41Okay, ready or not.
23:43Actually, I'm just gonna follow Zoe.
23:45Once she gets into the build, I'm just gonna see where she looks.
23:48She's not gonna find any of us.
23:50Where is everybody?
23:51We're inside the pig right now, but since everyone's invisible, she's not even gonna see.
23:54She's just gonna wander around aimlessly.
23:56Hey, Zoe, I'm up here.
23:57Look at me.
23:58You can't get me.
23:59Yo, Shady.
23:59Let me get you.
24:00Why isn't he using his invis?
24:01Where'd you go?
24:02Where'd you go?
24:03Where did he go?
24:03Did he just go invis?
24:04Bro's buns.
24:05Where are you?
24:06Shady, why are you messing with me?
24:08Are you in here?
24:09Hey, Zoe, look.
24:10I'm up here.
24:11Nah, bro's a nub.
24:12I can't do the parkour.
24:13Don't make fun of me.
24:15Hey, Zoe, I'm over here.
24:17Where are you?
24:17I'm looking at you right now.
24:19Yo, who's got their invis pot out?
24:20Not me.
24:20There was something in the sky.
24:22I don't even know where Nico is.
24:23Someone's invisible.
24:24Where are you?
24:24Oh my gosh.
24:25Oh my gosh.
24:25You almost dragged me.
24:26Is Mia on the ladder?
24:29Someone's in here invisible.
24:30Zoe, nobody's invisible.
24:31I think you're just going crazy.
24:33Where are you?
24:33Yo, yo, yo.
24:34Let her get up.
24:35Let her get up.
24:36Yo, yo, let her get up.
24:36Let her get up.
24:37Let her get up.
24:37Let her get up.
24:38I killed someone.
24:41Um, I forgot to activate my god mode.
24:43You guys are cheating.
24:44I'm stopping the game.
24:46How do I do the one command?
24:47Stop your cheats, everyone.
24:49Oh my gosh.
24:49Oh my gosh.
24:49Oh my gosh.
24:50Oh my gosh.
24:50Uh, listen.
24:51Undo them.
24:52I see you now.
24:53Well, just so you know, it was all Mia's idea.
24:56And Nico was the one that got the items for her.
24:58No, it wasn't.
25:00Bad Mia.
25:01I can't believe this.
25:03That was true, actually.
25:04Where did President Cube just come from?
25:07Hey, I want to-
25:08Oh, nah.
25:08If you want to watch more videos from us, then click one on your screen right now.
25:11And also, don't forget to subscribe.
25:14Bye, guys.