"When TTP Talks About Creating a State Within a State, What Is There to Discuss with Them...," Rana Ihsan Afzal
00:00Mr. Rana, please tell us about the other side of the issue.
00:04The way the Indian media propagated this issue.
00:08Any incident of terrorism should be condemned.
00:12But the way you mentioned, they were jubilant about it.
00:16They were not concerned about how innocent they could be.
00:20Secondly, the social media handlers, the different accounts we saw,
00:24especially the way Indian propaganda was being towed,
00:28what are your thoughts on it?
00:32I understand that this is a narrative building.
00:36I remember we were told, and we heard it too,
00:40that this is terrorism because we are supporting America.
00:45And because we are part of their war on terror,
00:49so it is terrorism in Pakistan.
00:51And we used to say that we are not part of it.
00:54We are eliminating our country's no-go areas.
00:57We are eliminating the extremist elements.
00:59But this was such a popular slogan.
01:01So when America is not in this whole region,
01:04neither is it in Afghanistan, nor is it in Pakistan.
01:07It is not even close.
01:08But terrorism has taken hold again.
01:10Then we said, because we were part of America's war,
01:15so if we talk to them now, these matters will cool down.
01:19And we said we will resettle them.
01:21And then we resettled them.
01:23We even offered them to open their offices.
01:26So you can easily make political statements out of this.
01:31You are saying today that because this is being held,
01:34there is attention there, there is no attention here.
01:36Pakistan's army is shedding blood every day.
01:40It is giving martyrdom.
01:42Today you ask what is the agenda of the TTP.
01:45They have a very clear-cut agenda.
01:47They want to make a state in a state.
01:49They want to establish their own system.
01:51They do not believe in these borderlines.
01:54So will you negotiate with them?
01:56Will you talk to them?
01:58And when you talked to them, did the results come in front of you?
02:01So when you give political statements for your political interests,
02:06or when you give wrong statements to your cult followers in Pakistan,
02:12then we are not in favor of Pakistan.
02:15We are harming them.
02:17And as much as I see this happening on social media,
02:20obviously our enemies will highlight this.
02:24They will give a different twist.
02:26They will spread confusion.
02:27There is no confusion.
02:28These terrorists, their agendas are very clear.
02:31They get money.
02:32They get training.
02:34This is an entire system that is being run to destabilize Pakistan.
02:39And behind this is the regional powers, India.
02:42Behind this is Afghanistan.
02:44Their agendas are very clear-cut.
02:46Like you said, some are in Switzerland, some are elsewhere.
02:49This is an entire system that is being run.
02:51Look, is poverty not in Punjab?
02:54Is it not in Sindh?
02:55Is it not in other countries?
02:57When you simplify this, you say that these will also be issues.
03:02We have to deal with them.
03:03But the overlying picture, the bottom line,
03:06is that these transnational elements are supporting this.
03:11They are supporting these terrorist organizations.
03:15When they are using the land there,
03:18they are using the local elements here to carry out terrorism.
03:25Against Pakistan.
03:26Against Pakistan, absolutely.
03:29Mr. Humayun, this Indian propaganda,
03:33since yesterday I have been seeing on different websites,
03:35TV channels, social media,
03:38how they were celebrating this.
03:41We did not do it.
03:44When the Mumbai attacks happened in 2008,
03:47we condemned it.
03:49We told them to support the Indian government and everything.
03:53But here we see that they support any cause that is against Pakistan.
03:59So what would you like to comment on that?
04:01The role of the Indian media,
04:03or the overall role of India in all this.
04:09Look, India's role, unfortunately,
04:13it is very bad.
04:16Not just here, but in every way.
04:18Actually, they have hatred for us in their hearts.
04:21When you have hatred in your heart,
04:24then you don't see what is right and what is wrong.
04:28You remove your hatred.
04:31This hatred is only for Pakistan in their hearts.
04:34There is no reason for it.
04:36But why is there hatred?
04:37There is no reason for hatred.
04:39There is always a reason.
04:40I mean, you see that they do bad things to us.
04:43In hatred, the reason ends.
04:47See, this hatred, this anger, all these things,
04:51this is why it is called unlikable in Islam.
04:55Reasoning ends in this.
04:58You don't see its goodness, you don't see anything of it.
05:02You only see evil.
05:03You see evil in their goodness too.
05:05Okay, I want to comment on another thing.
05:07Now, Maria Sahiba has said everything.
05:09If you take all the salient features from what she has said,
05:14then she said that there should be no persecution,
05:17that there should be political stability,
05:19that there should be justice,
05:21which means that the law should be good,
05:24she said the same thing.
05:25So, if you take these basic fundamental things,
05:29and start correcting them,
05:31then these signs and symptoms will start getting better.
05:34If you only treat the signs and symptoms,
05:37your disease will never get better.
05:39That disease will be born again and again.
05:41And I agree with her 100%.
05:44This is not just terrorism.
05:48We have also done it for our own interests.
05:52Like they have mentioned Lewai,
05:54that 90%, they said 80%,
05:56but 90% of the areas are under Lewai.
05:59It comes in category B, or B areas.
06:02Now, if you look at that place,
06:04the regional politicians there,
06:07they don't even want that,
06:09this was reversed in 2010,
06:11which was said in Musharraf's time,
06:13that they will be made an area.
06:15So, whether we are doing it ourselves or not,
06:18we will have to go and see for ourselves.
06:22There is no doubt about many things.