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#Caedrel #hle #zeka
00:00Skarner ban on blue side from HLE, I mean Peanut wants Maokai or Sejuani, now I can tell you that's for a fact with those two bans.
00:09Could go Nidalee as well, I think Peanut's prio is Skarner, Sejuani, Maokai, Nidalee, this is literally his champ pool.
00:16If he gets one of those four he is chilling. Leona ban, they're scared if they take Maokai or what?
00:23They want Maokai I think, and if they ban Maokai they're gonna get Rumble.
00:28It's a headshot and draft by Humble Life actually, this Leona ban doesn't even matter.
00:33And now Zeus gets Rumble, oh my god, enjoy this one.
00:38They're gonna have to play Galio or something, right? Or Kassante, but it's not gonna be winning.
00:44Now they can take away things like the Vi, Varus, Azir, but I think Humble Life will be able to match it really easily.
00:51I can tell you what's coming is some Rumble Yone action, yeah Azir is coming.
00:56They should take away Vi, I'm kind of scared of Rumble Vi Yone if I'm CFO against Humble Life.
01:02Oh, Azir Ezreal, what? They didn't deny anything that Humble Life wants to pick.
01:07I hope they have a good jungler on three that's gonna win them the game because I know for a fact they're gonna get hit by Rumble Vi Yone.
01:14It's a complete headshot from Humble Life this draft.
01:17Now Maokai Sett you're also banned and so is Skarner.
01:20Yeah, Viper's fine, he'll cook something on 4-5 easy.
01:23Wukong, now they can ban Kai'Sa and shit, but I think it's cooked already.
01:29I think if you have to pick between giving Peanut a tank jungler versus giving Zeus, Jayce and Rumble, I think you pick giving Peanut a tank jungler.
01:38Ashe, yeah, he can play Kai'Sa, he can play Varus, he can play Ashe, he can play MF, he can play Jhin.
01:44All of those five ADs are great with these champs.
01:47MF is great with these two, Jhin is great with Rumble and Yone.
01:51Ashe is great for engage, Varus is great for lane, Kai'Sa is good for the dive.
01:56They will find an easy AD pick.
01:58The only value CFO will get here is counterpicking support, but I don't know how much value they'll get.
02:02Maybe a brown ban is like all that covers you off and every champ is up, right?
02:09The lights will just go Alistar or Rell or... I don't know if you can go Rakan, but let's see.
02:14So they chose Varus, Kai'Sa.
02:16Ornn ban. I think you do have to go Galio top now.
02:19Kassandre and Ornn are out and you're against Rumble.
02:22What, are you gonna play Sion?
02:24Seems tough, no? Jhin top on 4.
02:27Ooh, Karma flex.
02:29Hmm, Karma into Rumble is not bad.
02:31Karma's support with Ezreal is decent.
02:33I think they could go... What can they go? Ashe is up.
02:36They could go Ashe-Rell.
02:38I think the bot matchup is hard though.
02:40I wonder if there's something they can pick that wins lane.
02:42I feel like Ashe is the safest champ right now.
02:44I just don't know what support is good.
02:46I think if he goes Nautilus, they go Karma top, run into Braum.
02:49Game's actually losable.
02:50I think Lulu could run into Blitz.
02:52I think Lulu might be the safest blind, you know?
02:54I guess into Karma it's not the best, but...
02:57I think them picking Blitz or Naut on 5 with Ezreal.
03:04Maybe that's the best.
03:07Okay, don't give a fuck then.
03:09They did this before. They played Varus-Poppy into Renata.
03:13Enemy team comp on left side looks fucking crazy.
03:16They can put Karma top here and counter Rakan,
03:18but what can you counter Rakan with, actually?
03:21They could go... It's similar to Lulu, I guess.
03:23They could go Nautilus.
03:24They could go Karma support and play Galio.
03:27Alistar... Ooh.
03:28I feel like the value they got out of this draft, CFO, is not good.
03:31If CFO win with this draft, I would be very surprised.
03:34This is like Humble Life's bread and butter.
03:36Here's a kiss to everyone who liked and subscribed.
03:40Enjoy the video.
03:41Yeah, Karma top into Rumble is not too bad.
03:44Saw this before a lot during the regular season.
03:46Global Power Rankings, Humble Life number 2.
03:49Wait, who's number 1 if Humble Life's number 2 in the Global Power Rankings?
03:53LoL Esports Global Power Rankings.
03:56T1 is number 1 and BLG is number 3?
04:00What the hell? G2's number 7?
04:03Player cam's bottom left.
04:09This Alistar has headbutting.
04:11I like the Viper's push usage.
04:13Ooh, the heal is nice.
04:16The spacing from Viper.
04:20Was that worth for Humble Life?
04:21I feel like with Alistar passive, they're maybe just losing the lane now after this wave.
04:25I guess Rakan has nice sustain too.
04:27But CFO looks pretty healthy here.
04:30Rakan Q misses.
04:31I feel like they should step up a bit.
04:32No, they're kind of chilling after the wave settles.
04:36I guess if Rakan combos Ashe...
04:38What does Rakan do if Alistar combos Ashe?
04:40Does Rakan W the Ezreal?
04:41He can't, right? He'll just E over it.
04:43He has to just do it on the Alistar.
04:45Alistar right-click top from base.
04:48I wonder if he knows that this is happening.
04:50Because the wave will crash right now.
04:56Oh, the minion's in range.
05:02He's cooked.
05:07He is cooked.
05:09The rest are good.
05:12Oh, the level up.
05:14Not a bad play from CFO.
05:19That is a Sukomusho.
05:22How is Azir diveable? What the fuck?
05:24They swapped Ashe top now.
05:27Rumble catches bot wave safely.
05:28So they kill Rumble top and it's okay.
05:30They kill Azir mid and chat spams GG.
05:36I think Rumble's having a great time now.
05:38Yeah, I guess they can't really do anything to Rumble.
05:40But they also can't do anything to Karma.
05:43And Ashe catches like a big top wave.
05:44And the bot wave bounces into Rumble.
05:47Which was really nice actually from HammerLife.
05:49To not lose any minions, right?
05:52And I don't think they mind playing into Karma.
05:53As much as they can't do anything into her.
05:55As much as they can't do anything into her.
05:57I don't think they can do much into Rumble either.
06:02Oh, he ulted this way.
06:03But I think he was scared.
06:04Now he has to get out of there I think.
06:06I see his Wukong though.
06:07He could flip it.
06:08But they are taking over bot again.
06:11I think these lane assignments from HammerLife were great actually.
06:14Wow, Peanut can just cross and take Drake as well.
06:17Holy HammerLife, Jesus.
06:19What the fuck?
06:21It's just complete horror for CCF already.
06:26Rumble has a base advantage on Karma.
06:28But Karma has TP.
06:30I think he has such a nice wave state.
06:32He is chilling.
06:43I mean.
06:45It is such a horror game already.
06:47It's crazy how fucked this game is.
06:51I think they still lose this though.
06:59Oh my god.
07:00Now he can flash down if he wants to.
07:01Oh my god.
07:02And now Rumble is going to...
07:03Oh my god.
07:04Now Azir is dead.
07:06Just wrap it up.
07:08Wrap it up.
07:09It's a fucking nightmare.
07:12Stop saying KC lost to this.
07:13Shut up.
07:15Every lane is just over, isn't it?
07:17Don't think Karma or Wukong can ever win this 2v2.
07:22Someone is tanking this combo.
07:23And whoever tanks this combo is one shot.
07:26Now it's time for some six grubs.
07:30Oh, Zayus may be dead actually.
07:33Is he dead?
07:36Oh my god.
07:37He sidestepped Karma Q.
07:38And he sidestepped Ezreal Q.
07:43Oh my god.
07:44Oh my god.
07:45It's going to be a...
07:46Is this just a world record kind of game or what?
07:53Now TP's bot doesn't even base.
07:54Just TP's bot and just fucking pushes.
07:56Every lane is just getting pushed in.
07:58Every lane is covered on a death.
07:59Every lane is covered on a swap.
08:00It's ridiculous.
08:02Zayus gets ganked and Viper just presses B and runs top as he dies so he can catch the wave.
08:05And then Rumble gets a slow push in bot.
08:07And then they swap back when grubs are dead so they can be in time to fight Drake.
08:10And Rumble TP's top and...
08:12What the fuck?
08:14I know what NA fans are going to do.
08:17They're going to taunt in the chat saying that NA made the semifinals a first hand.
08:23How did they do that?
08:24Five teams, four spots.
08:26One team got knocked out.
08:27You made it there?
08:31Nice W.
08:32Rumble's not ticking I think.
08:34So it's not the best.
08:36But it doesn't really matter I guess.
08:37They just run over everyone.
08:41Okay, nice try Delight.
08:42Looked cool.
08:45Honky, he's trapped.
08:46He wants to make something of this.
08:47He goes in for the sweetness now.
08:49Maybe something, maybe...
08:50I don't think they have any damage right now.
08:52They're playing Astral Karma as here.
08:56Absolutely unplayable game.
08:59See, this is the thing against Hammond.
09:00Do you play against Peanut on a tank jungler or do you play against this...
09:04CFO is better than E by the way.
09:06Chat, I had this idea.
09:07I was thinking like...
09:08What if first stand was an open qualifier tournament or some shit?
09:12That would be fun as hell.
09:14And it's like the seeding for it is based on like your team, right?
09:18So like the first seeds from every region go through.
09:20So like these five teams.
09:22And there's another five teams which are open qualifiers.
09:25Or like let's say you finish second place in LEC.
09:27You are very deep in the qualifiers already.
09:29Or like second place, third place, fourth place.
09:31Like the tier one teams are quite far into the qualifier.
09:34Maybe it's too many games though.
09:36I feel like there will be so many games.
09:40Doesn't CS have that?
09:41I feel like...
09:42Not that I think that we need it because CS has it.
09:44But CS has something similar, don't they?
09:55Oh, they're all out actually.
09:56Like they have seeding based on teams that have been at previous internationals.
09:59Or domestically like good.
10:01And they have like an open side.
10:02Or some shit.
10:04Is he dead on the reset?
10:08Wow, he's just dead.
10:09You're not dead though.
10:11Hold up.
10:12The light, no flash.
10:15LEC first place shouldn't qualify.
10:21The final thing I'll say about the EUNA.
10:24It's been a while since EU's made top five at an international.
10:26Okay, I'm pretty happy with the performance so far.
10:30There's only five teams.
10:31Remove that part.
10:38Chat, let's just wait.
10:39Okay, let's just wait.
10:41Hold off on the EU flame.
10:43Let's play against top esports.
10:44If we lose, then you can unleash.
10:46But if we beat top esports, you're going to look kind of stupid.
10:50Because then we're all in a circle of suck buddy.
11:01Is Yone balanced or what?
11:10Oh, Zekka.
11:14Send more of them.
11:16Holy fuck.
11:17This is such a demoralizing game for CFO, isn't it?
11:19Like, Half-Life is absolutely annihilating them.
11:22It's a mental cracker.
11:30But then they'll remember that they're probably going to make top four anyway.
11:32Because KC is 0-2.
11:34And they'll probably be happy again.
11:36So it won't last too long.
11:37Holy fuck, Viper is gliding.
11:39No ult on Wukong.
11:40Oh, get him Viper!
11:54Okay, Peanut.
11:55We're having a bit too much fun here.
11:56Do you have the damage to kill that guy?
11:59No, you don't.
12:02First time viewership is lower than LCK average.
12:04I don't think so.
12:06Also, I don't think it's too much about viewership.
12:08Like, Riot went out of their way to make a third international.
12:11I'm not really going to complain, you know.
12:13I don't think it's worth complaining.
12:14It's a third international.
12:15It wasn't here before.
12:16They're trying a third international.
12:18Fair enough, you know.
12:19Credit where credit's due.
12:21Otherwise, right now, you'd be watching week eight of the regular season.
12:24So, it's something.
12:26I think there could be a lot of things that could be a lot better.
12:29Like, it feels to me already that they're just going to make a third international.
12:31Like, two teams would be a bit better, I mean.
12:33Like, similar to MSI.
12:35Like, having one team from each region doesn't really bring that, like, prestige rivalry.
12:39Your team just loses once, and then you're just like, well, this tournament sucks.
12:43I think the teasers were, like, low quality.
12:45The hype's not really there.
12:46It's brand new.
12:47Not many people know it's there.
12:48The investment, like, on making sure people knew, could have been better, right?
12:52But, um...
12:54I love it.
12:56I love it.
12:58I love it.
12:59But, um...
13:01Overall, it's a new international, right?
13:04I'm happy with the new international.
13:08I would imagine that the expectations were different at the start of the year.
13:11Like, we're going to try to do this small international to see if Fearless Draft works.
13:16And after, like, two weeks of Fearless Draft, in January, everyone was like, Fearless Draft's the best thing ever.
13:21And they kind of probably saw first hand as a way to test it.
13:24They're testing a new HUD.
13:25They're testing a new format.
13:26They're testing Fearless Draft.
13:28And I think they probably had expectations.
13:30Set expectations.
13:31Expectations were blown out of the water before the tournament started.
13:33And the tournament feels boring because the expectations were already blown.
13:37I feel like next year, they can definitely cook harder with first hand.
13:40Feels like first hand is their test area.
13:42It's just probably what makes sense instead of being like, this is boring, or like, um...
13:46Obviously, it's not the most, like, world to them.
13:47It's higher, way more fun.
13:49And it doesn't have that international feel to it.
13:52But I don't blame them too much.
13:57But here comes Delight.
13:58And now the Equalizer is pretty nice on top of Rest.
14:01And Honky Honky was so low in this one.
14:03And Doggo, he E's over the wall.
14:05As the fight is very much broken up.
14:06Okay, end bot.
14:09I don't know if they can end bot.
14:11Maybe they can. We'll see.
14:12If Alistar dies.
14:15They can't end, can they?
14:17Oh, Zeus. He wants to end.
14:23Is this just a K-Corp waiting room so we can hate on KC?
14:26Is that what everyone wants to do here?
14:28Guys, KC's gonna win.
14:29You're wasting your time.
14:34You're wasting your time.
14:37EU is...
14:38Today is the day...
14:40That EU gets their first win.
14:44I will not go bold if they don't.
14:47Maybe CFO's playing the long game.
14:49Maybe they let Hamillife win game one so they can take out a lot of good champions for them.
14:53Because now they can take away Jayce.
14:54But Freenut will get fucking...
14:57He'll get Sejuani or Maokai one-two. Easy.
15:00Wow, Corki first pick.
15:03That is...
15:04That is some EU Corki, Pryo.
15:07Azir is out.
15:09Come on, Peanut. What is it? Sejuani or Maokai, buddy? Huh?
15:14Sejuani or Maokai. Which one are we feeling?
15:16Ooh, MF early rotation.
15:18People pick MF into Corki, right?
15:23Fun detected, red alert!
15:25Hey, Peanut!
15:27What the fuck?
15:30But they have to pick Rell or Leona on three.
15:32They have to.
15:34So they blind early top Gragas.
15:37So they have to go Rell here.
15:38Alistar is out.
15:40Like, if they don't pick Rell here, then they're kinda cooked.
15:42What do you have? Rell, Braum, and then what?
15:44Yeah, blue side is very Los Ratones style.
15:47Could ban Lee Sin. It sounds a bit silly.
15:49Sejuani ban.
15:50Sejuani, Gragas, Leona sounds like...
15:53Murkthread Central.
15:56They're gonna give counterpick to Zeus?
15:57Yeah, of course they are.
15:58Unless he's gonna pick Kassandra on four like a little rat.
16:01They're gonna take Kassandra on four or what?
16:03What am I saying? They're gonna last pick mid?
16:04Of course, Gragas is already picked.
16:06There's no way they can flex Gragas jungle, right?
16:10That signals like an Orianna, I thought.
16:11Are they going not to an Orianna?
16:13Go on, Kassandra. Do the thing where you pick Kassandra.
16:16Do the thing.
16:17Huh? What?
16:19He's playing Vlad into Gragas?
16:21He's been playing in solo queue a lot?
16:23Wait, really?
16:24Oh yeah, he has. Conqueror Vladimir.
16:26He's played two games.
16:28He's got a 29% win rate over seven games.
16:31Which means he's played in solo queue a lot.
16:33He's been spamming it in solo queue.
16:35Yeah, he's lost every game.
16:37And there was like seven of them.
16:39Kindred on five there.
16:41Can Zekka cook here?
16:44Is there a cooking angle?
16:46What do you think, Zekka?
16:48Not what you got for us.
16:50He just picked Zed!
16:52He just picked Zed!
16:54He just picked Zed!
16:56He just picked Zed!
16:58What? I haven't seen Zed in propane 15 years!
17:01What? What? What? What? What?
17:07Holy shit!
17:10Holy shit!
17:13It's crazy how one champion can just change the whole energy and mood of the series.
17:17Oh my god!
17:21Chat, what the fuck?
17:23Okay, I think Humble Life is having a bit too much fun.
17:25They played game one and fucked them.
17:28And the coaches are like, yes, we can play Zed and Vladimir.
17:31It would be the funniest thing ever if they rock up
17:34and Zed loses the game
17:37and they get stomped and we never see Zed again.
17:40How does their draft make any sense, by the way?
17:43Does this draft from Humble Life make any sense?
17:45Like, what the fuck?
17:47They have MFRL.
17:49Massive wombo combo.
17:51Three single target damage, no CCs.
17:53They have Nidalee. Massive damage with setup.
17:55No setup in solo lanes.
17:57This is the most fucking cooked-ass draft ever.
18:01Zekka, why the fuck are you playing Zed?
18:03Let me check if Zekka has been playing Zed in solo queue.
18:05He's played it a couple of times, but he's losing every game.
18:08Every game being two.
18:10Zed in Taliyah? Yeah, it's not that bad.
18:13Zed can definitely kill her.
18:18No flash mid.
18:20That's what I'm talking about.
18:22None of that pussy ass, push wave, trade CS, TP back kind of bullshit.
18:26No, ignite mid, all-in level two.
18:28That's what I'm talking about.
18:30No. Fur. Lash. Mid.
18:40He's dead.
18:43Oh, GGS solo kills him.
18:45Ow, Zekka! What the fuck?
18:47That was quick.
18:52Oh, he's in his work ground though.
18:54He's going to get a Q. Wait, he ran out of his work ground.
18:57Spacing his ass, that's why.
19:01Big kill. Let's go CFO.
19:03Zekka saw someone in chat say that the games are boring to watch.
19:05So he said, hold my beer.
19:07The problem is that Zekka has in this fight,
19:09is if he kites down and buys time,
19:11this wave is slow pushing into him.
19:13So the longer he buys and the more he gets chased,
19:14the more he's getting fisted when the wave crashes.
19:16So I think he just has to like,
19:18I mean Taliyah's losing, but he loses.
19:20I guess he just has to die.
19:22Otherwise he's going to lose so many XP.
19:24See now this Gragas style of play into Vlad is probably winning, right?
19:28Like he's playing grasp Gragas,
19:30but Baus plays like full AP cosmic fucking face rush Gragas,
19:35which I presume does better into Vlad
19:37because you actually have damage.
19:39But CFO is actually like unironically in a really good spot.
19:43Only problem they have is their top laner is getting a bit blessed,
19:46but he's got a big wave.
19:54There it is!
19:56There it is!
19:58That's the shit we like.
20:01That's the shit we like to see.
20:04Just straight up all in his ass.
20:07Taliyah struggles a bit to actually like defend herself.
20:09Also surprised he's running conqueror.
20:11I guess it's like a really good rune, right?
20:13But electrocute got buffed.
20:15I would have thought that all in with electrocute there's a lot more damage.
20:17I wonder if he'll ever pick Zed in like a game against TES or some shit.
20:20It's such a flex from Hamillife though what they're doing.
20:22Zeyu Zeka solo lanes playing Vlad Zed.
20:26Come on guys.
20:28KC lost to this?
20:30Yeah, no.
20:32Bro, I've read that enough.
20:40Oh my god, he W'd the Leona Q flash.
20:44It's still one shot.
21:04Is this guy diveable?
21:09Oh, Zeka.
21:11Oh, what? He didn't get in tower range there for the last shot? Really?
21:19Wait, Viper didn't wait for the tower damage to drop.
21:22Oh my god, I guess he probably thought that he would have spells up if he waited.
21:25Oh, he got executed though. Actually worth.
21:27If there's no...
21:29If there's no tank then...
21:31Kind of chilling.
21:33Oh, the Gragas Q couldn't go off because he fucking...
21:35He fucking died.
21:40Oh, he delayed.
21:42Q flash missed.
21:46Oh, get him Zeka!
21:48He doesn't have ult up yet.
21:53Oh, Zeyu's.
21:55TFW? Oh, he does.
22:01Oh, miss!
22:04He has ult in three seconds.
22:06Oh my god.
22:08He has ult in three seconds here, Zeka.
22:15Should we Q?
22:17Oh, he goes for the Taliyah!
22:19Oh, Peanut!
22:21Damn, they actually played that?
22:24Oh damn, they actually played that.
22:30That's what I'm talking about.
22:32HLE is pro. HLE is entertaining.
22:35They took it into their own hands.
22:38Holy shit.
22:40Holy shit.
22:42Hey, what the fuck is Gragas doing?
22:44I think we missed something, Kobe.
22:46The Boothius.
22:50Zeka's ult is up in seven seconds.
22:52Six, five, four.
22:57Ult is up!
23:02Gragas thinks he's bouncy.
23:04Gragas is up in XP a lot on Vlad.
23:06Hey, don't count CFO out just yet.
23:08Game is playable.
23:19The Baal special.
23:22I want to watch Zed on side lane,
23:24but I think it's a Gragas.
23:26He can't really do much.
23:28Okay, now you can definitely cook him a bit.
23:30Yeah, the Kindred is a bit annoying for Zed,
23:32but it's not the end of the world.
23:33Late game Zed can kill Kindred without pressing R
23:36if he gets one good combo on her.
23:46Nice turn.
23:49They're going to pop the Kindred ult.
23:54Zeyuz just absolutely stomps all of them.
24:04Run, Peanut!
24:08Ooh, nice round the spear.
24:10Okay, play is over.
24:12The Vladimir and the Kindred is quite nice actually.
24:14Just go in and ult WE when the Kindred ult comes off.
24:17Everyone's dead.
24:21Zed and Rell dive onto Corki.
24:24They have the Kindred ult to Corki now,
24:26and then look who rocks up.
24:28Zeyuz, three-man ult, WE.
24:34Quite nice actually.
24:36Yeah, I don't know if Zed can do much, like I said,
24:38into Gragas, which is annoying.
24:40Where is he? TPing? What the fuck?
24:42Why did he TP there?
24:44Is he going to knock him or what?
24:48Okay, they got MF some. It's not bad.
24:50They will lose top tower.
24:54Nice, they get mid tower though.
24:56Zacca wants to join the drake fight.
24:58No matter what, he is right-clicking that drake fight.
25:00He's not even going to take top tower.
25:01They have three drakes now. What?
25:0419 minutes in, they have three drakes.
25:12Nice, Zed.
25:13Oh, flash.
25:16This Vladimir pick looks fucking deadly into Gragas' tank.
25:21I wonder what happens if he goes actually damage Gragas.
25:23Does he change it? Oh, Rell's dead.
25:31Zero damage.
25:33Where's the damage?
25:35Where's the damage?
25:37That pop was fucking 1% health.
25:40Oh, it was locket.
25:41Did locket time on the pop?
25:43I think he locked at the pop.
25:44That's why it looked like it didn't do any damage.
25:50Wait, is that how that works?
25:51Wait, hold up.
26:02So when I'm Kindred
26:04and my health bar is locked
26:07on low health
26:09and Zed ults me
26:11and he does his whole combo on me
26:13because I can't take damage in Kindred ult
26:15it doesn't count to the R pop damage even when Kindred ult fades.
26:19That damage actually has to be applied.
26:21It can't just be used.
26:23That is strange.
26:24Out of thought that he can ramp up the pop
26:26in the Kindred ult.
26:28I think Zacca probably thought that as well
26:29otherwise that makes no sense for him to go in
26:31and damage him in the ult.
26:33I thought it was whatever damage was applied
26:35but I guess the damage technically isn't applying, right?
26:38Yeah, it's damage dealt, not potential damage.
26:42I didn't actually know it was like that
26:44for Kindred Zed.
26:45The damage is being dealt
26:46but it's not being dealt, right?
26:48He is hitting him for that much
26:49but it's not doing damage.
26:51So it's potential damage, right?
26:53Versus max damage dealt.
27:00Yeah, it used to be a Zed one trick in Season 5.
27:03Challenger 200 game Zed.
27:06What? I didn't even know this.
27:07Was Kindred ult in Season 5?
27:08Maybe I'm just f***ing brain rot.
27:10Season 6? I still main Zed in Season 6 a bit.
27:13I have no excuses.
27:15Okay, Driver is ahead on XP.
27:17Don't look bot!
27:19Bilgewater cut his first base on Zed.
27:21Feels good, man.
27:24Did they fix that bug on TR
27:25where Chemtech's soul can never spawn as the first drake?
27:29The Chemtech drake can never be the first drake.
27:31Like, they had...
27:32No, it's a bug.
27:33Chemtech drake can never...
27:34They fixed it?
27:44It's completely over.
27:45This Vlad MF is annihilating them.
27:51Zacka didn't even press R yet.
27:55Oh, he did.
27:57That Zayus TP flank was crazy.
27:58Like, it doesn't even matter what anyone did in this fight.
28:00Zayus's positioning just wins the fight.
28:03That positioning from Vlad is so...
28:05He's literally 1v1ing their level 12 Corki.
28:08And getting free stacks.
28:14Zacka did the same thing into Kindred again with ult.
28:16Did he?
28:17Yeah, I guess he doesn't know or want to.
28:28But their teamfighting is also incredibly cracked.
28:31It's crazy.
28:33Yeah, he ults her while she's in the ult.
28:34It's never worth to ult her in the ult then, I guess.
28:36You have to always ult as her ult's fading.
28:39Zayus is on his Khan arc.
28:41No, he's not on his Khan arc.
28:42He already won Worlds twice, so...
28:44The Khan arc is an arc of pure despair.
28:48He will not walk that road.
28:53Can they finish?
28:55Yeah, they can.
29:02He's like trying to cook this Gragas.
29:12Just take the Penta or what?
29:14Did Zacka really just take the Penta?
29:17Could have set him up for a Vladimir Penta there.
29:19Actually, Chemtech's ult for Vlad is so nice.
29:24This was not even, like, close.
29:27How many lives?
29:28Macro in Game 1 and they're micro in Game 2.
29:31Zayus is such a monster.
29:32Like, it is so imbalanced to have a Zayus guy on your team.
29:34Like, what on earth is this?
29:37I'm not overreacting just because it's CFO, but all year long,
29:39Zayus is just fucking annihilating everyone.
29:42Like, last year in Spring for T1, he was god tier.
29:47Then he fell off a bit, and then he came back for Worlds.
29:49But this year, he just looks like...
29:51He just looks like he's just a cut above everyone.
29:55Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
29:57He is fucking ridiculous.
30:24I'm not overreacting just because it's CFO, but all year long,
30:26Zayus is just fucking annihilating everyone.
30:28Like, last year in Spring for T1, he was god tier.
30:30Then he fell off a bit, and then he came back for Worlds.
30:32But this year, he just looks like he's just a cut above everyone.
30:34Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
30:36He is fucking ridiculous.
30:38Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
30:40Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
30:42Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
30:44Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
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43:46Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
43:48Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
43:50Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
43:52Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
43:54Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
43:56Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
43:58Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:00Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:02Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:04Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:06Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:08Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:10Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:12Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:14Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:16Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:18Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:20Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:22Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:24Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:26Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:28Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:30Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:32Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:34Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:36Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:38Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:40Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:42Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:44Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:46Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:48Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
44:50Like, maybe the best player in the world right now.
