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#Caedrel #lec #lta
00:00Lock-in for the draft. What are we banning?
00:02We're banning Ziggs. Oh yeah, target Yappa.
00:05Viktor banning against Vladdy, nice.
00:09Okay, we look for Kalista first pick KC, 100%.
00:11Draven ban, yeah that forces a Kalista ban.
00:14Skarner's useless now, chat. Skarner will not be banned, I think.
00:17It's fearless? Yeah, it is fearless. Blue side abusers.
00:20Why did KC get side selection, chat? I guess it was coinflip or what?
00:23Why did they ban Draven?
00:24I don't know, does Yone play Draven? Normally you ban Draven for first pick Kalista.
00:29Are they gonna ban Kalista?
00:31Rumble ban.
00:32Ooh, Taliyah ban.
00:36Oh my god, so they targeted Yappa and they're securing a first pick Kalista.
00:41Yeah, lane swap's gone.
00:42Are you banning Kalista or not, TL?
00:44I think you should, I think you're fucking mental if you don't ban Kalista.
00:47They will take Vi if you... Okay, they're gonna take Vi.
00:49Alright, so KC gets Vi, which is pretty solid.
00:52Yeah, Skarner's gone.
00:54I don't know the way TL drafts,
00:56but I'm guessing answers to Vi here are like Pantheon, Maokai, Xin Zhao, Jayce flex,
01:04Azir early rotation.
01:06I think KC will look at champs like maybe Ahri.
01:09Estreal could be an early rotation, they could go Xayah.
01:13These are like early rotations, but I don't know what LTA drafts.
01:16Maokai, okay, yeah, Maokai is definitely one of the top picks.
01:20I think they should pick something like Jayce if they want.
01:23I think the easy thing is picking like Estreal, Xayah, Varus here,
01:26but I feel like they're fine to pick AD on three if there's something OP.
01:29Okay, they're just gonna pick Varus.
01:31Now it's too high.
01:32TL, oh yeah, TL, Jayce is not good.
01:34Okay, yeah.
01:35Western hate watchers lock in, what is this chat writing?
01:39Yeah, KC will take Estreal and probably something like Ahri.
01:42But I don't know if Vladdy plays Ahri, actually.
01:45Maybe he doesn't pick mid here, maybe they just pick full bot lane.
01:47Yeah, they could go Ambessa, yeah.
01:49I don't like it though.
01:51Wait, didn't Aurora get nerfed?
01:53Surprise, Aurora's being played, I thought it got nerfed.
01:55Yeah, I wonder what he's gonna match mid.
01:57His Taliyah and Ziggs are out.
01:59What is Iappa gonna pick?
02:03Tristana mid.
02:05Tristana mid.
02:06I don't think it's worth to ban champs like Ornn and shit.
02:10I feel like they need some kind of good AP top champ.
02:14Like Bard is bad for them and they need AP top champs.
02:16What's a good AP top champ?
02:18Kennen, Cho'Gath, Ornn.
02:21What do they ban?
02:23Yeah, Gragas.
02:25They ban Poppy.
02:27I think they're looking for Rell, maybe.
02:29What do you counterpick here? Support or top?
02:32Is Impact a good carry player?
02:33I don't know what he can counterpick on top.
02:36I feel like maybe support last picks better.
02:37But I feel like they're just gonna pick Rell.
02:39They're gonna pick Rell or Leona.
02:41Flex Aurora top? Yeah.
02:44Could, yeah.
02:45Braum ban.
02:46I mean, Braum ban's good because they have double AD carry, but...
02:49Braum ban also helps Kayce blind support a bit, you know?
02:52I feel like they have a lot of blinds now that Braum's out.
02:54Like, Rakan could have been good, but now Leona is even better.
02:57Nautilus is fine, yeah.
02:59Maybe they think it's fine that they're full AD. Maybe they don't care.
03:02Mordekaiser. Yeah, you could play Mordekaiser on five.
03:05Doesn't he normally play Mordekaiser into, like, Ornn or some shit?
03:08Kassandre ban.
03:09You blind support or top,
03:11you could pick, like, Leona or some shit if you want to here. Or Rell.
03:14Or you could blind Ornn with that Braum ban.
03:17And Kassandre being out.
03:19But I think he would slam Aatrox into his face if he did that.
03:22Remake draft or what?
03:24Don't know what to blind?
03:26Well, what happened? Did it bug? I guess it bugged, right?
03:28It's nice that they let us watch them just re-picking everything.
03:31Because at least you know what you're up to.
03:34I've never seen this before where they just show you them remaking the draft.
03:37Yeah, TL's comp is eeeew right now.
03:39Double AD carry Maokai.
03:41Alright, there was Ambessa ban, Poppy ban, Kassandre ban, and then Braum ban.
03:46Okay, what are they picking on four here? Support or top?
03:49I think they could easily pick something like Leona here on four if they want to.
03:51Or any support. Or Nautilus, yeah.
03:53They can easily just slam Rell here.
03:56And they can slam a top laner that's like Gnar.
03:58And they're probably fine.
04:00Or Jax, yeah.
04:01Rell, great pick.
04:03I think Jax blind is sketchy because there's a world where they start flexing Maokai supports and shit.
04:08Yeah, Jayce or Gnar are good, yeah.
04:10I prefer Gnar.
04:11I think Jayce is fine, but I feel like...
04:14Kanna, Gnar, maybe just... It's game one.
04:17Okay, he went Jayce.
04:18I just don't want to run into these tank tops with Jayce, man.
04:21I'm just scared of them just picking Ornn or Malphite here and then the Jayce value just goes down a bit.
04:26I think Gnar is like safer.
04:28Look at TL's comp, man. Double AD carry, three tanks, full CC.
04:33Kayce's comp is like skirmish heavy, single target poke.
04:37Oh my god.
04:39TL's draft is a lot easier, you know?
04:42I feel like it's just simple as fuck.
04:44Please don't lose to it, EU. Please don't lose to it, Kayce. Come on.
04:49Did you sub and like the video?
04:51Okay, bye.
04:53Chat, I think the overlay is going to look kind of funky.
04:56Let's see if we like it or not. I'm not sure.
04:58I haven't seen the new version of it.
05:03What the hell?
05:05Where does my camera go?
05:07Yeah, it's a new overlay.
05:08I don't know. It looks very like...
05:13I mean, I get it.
05:15Yeah, it's very mobile gaming.
05:17I think some people are going to love it and some people are going to fucking hate it.
05:21But it's going to take a while to get used to.
05:22Let's see after a few games what we think.
05:25Oh my god, it's so weird to see their health bars.
05:27Oh my god.
05:29I'm so used to...
05:30Ah! What the fuck?
05:33How do teamfights work? Half the screen is just gone?
05:36Wait, Umti invaded his Raptors.
05:43Just ran into his Raptors.
05:47Umti should still be able to walk away.
05:49Where are the player cameras? Well, they're here.
05:52Why do I put myself here? Is it fine?
05:54I don't know. I feel like the whole screen is just clogged.
05:57Cover the minimap.
05:58Chat, I'll stay here for now and then after the game maybe we can find somewhere better.
06:01Oh my god, I feel like it's so hard to track what's going on in the game.
06:04I'm so used to it.
06:05Okay, so Umti got Raptors, right?
06:07These Raptors, blue, Gromp, 12 CS.
06:11Yeah, I can't see their...
06:12The EXP bar is the blue bar, chat, I think.
06:15No, that's the mana.
06:16Wait, where's the EXP at?
06:18I don't know how close they are to 6 and shit.
06:20What the hell?
06:23Oh, he got it. Big yike.
06:25Yeah, I can't see EXP diff, I can't see gold diff.
06:28The blue bar is not EXP, chat. The blue bar is mana, I think.
06:32Yeah, it's mana.
06:36Try and focus up, chat.
06:37So, top is winning.
06:39Bot is...
06:43Fine for now.
06:45Where do I see who has...
06:47How do I know which team gets Dragon?
06:49And, like, where they're stacking.
06:51Oh, it's on the top left there.
06:53Oh, team gold's up there as well.
06:55Oh, yeah.
06:56Chat, I'm not gonna lie, I fucking hate this.
06:59What the fuck, man?
07:00Bro, I feel like I have to use so much brainpower to figure out what's going on.
07:11No, watch out! Don't die!
07:12Oh my god, you're so cocky, it's crazy.
07:15So, TL's winning bot.
07:17Or actually, smashing bot.
07:19But KC is smashing top.
07:21I can't focus him, it's hard to focus.
07:24Oh, yike, there's Qs in the pit.
07:26Nautilus, Varus are sprinting on our base.
07:29Oh, this early game is trash for KC.
07:32Oh, wait, these are ultimates.
07:33Summoner spells, ultimate. Okay.
07:36Does Jayce have Grasp?
07:37I have no idea, buddy. I have no idea how to figure out what rune he has.
07:41I'm not sure.
07:44Okay, wait, there's a kill feed up here.
07:49Okay, Kanna is smashing this lane, what the fuck?
07:5220 CS lead, two plates.
07:57I guess Varus no Flash is kinda OP in lane, right?
08:02Yeah, Umti's been taking away his Raptors second time now.
08:04Ooh, nice damage, Vladdy, good shit.
08:08Oh, they added something!
08:10What the fuck is this? This is like a stocks graph or some shit.
08:12What's going on? It's going up and down.
08:15What the hell?
08:17Okay, Umti's trying to take their red, chat, focus up.
08:20Ooh, we're going for that.
08:26Hey, someone help!
08:27No! Come on, what was that play?
08:30What the fuck was that?
08:33Q, Flash, Q, Flash from Vi.
08:35Oh my god, there's no damage, man.
08:37Where's the damage at, then?
08:43But Umti is perma-invading.
08:46Umti's perma-invading, he's aggressive as fuck.
08:49Yeah, Yike looks a little nervous, a little nervous.
08:53A little bit.
08:54I keep thinking the blue bar is the XP bar, I'm so dizzy.
08:57Okay, so they swapped their bot lane mid at...
09:00Wait, where's the game time, chat?
09:01Oh yeah, top left, 9.06.
09:03KC is in big trouble.
09:04It's only a 200 gold deficit, but playing against Ornn, Maokai, Tristana, and Varus sub 1k gold, it's rough.
09:14Jayce dies once the game is over.
09:25It's a horror.
09:27It's a horror, it's a horror, it's a horror.
09:30Oh my god.
09:32Oh my god.
09:34Where's all chat? Can they put all chat here? Then maybe the UI can start cooking.
09:38How are we losing our lanes to Team Liquid?
09:39Hey, relax, buddy, relax.
09:41Bot lane lost a little bit.
09:43Top and mid have been fine.
09:45Don't use the word lost, we didn't lose.
09:48Only bot lost a little bit.
09:50They're not playing that bad.
09:52Where's the grub counter?
09:54It's up here somewhere, I think.
09:56Wait, it's gonna cycle.
09:59There it is!
10:00Five to one.
10:01With blue having the arrow, so I guess KC has five.
10:05Kana is the map.
10:07They're getting vision for Kana.
10:09They're leaning to Kana.
10:12They're pushing with Kana.
10:14All roads are gonna have to lead to Kana right now.
10:16Hey chat, the reason I don't like the overlay is information isn't readily available.
10:20I can't see, whenever I want, the difference in XP between players.
10:24I don't know when someone's about to hit level 6 for their ult.
10:26I don't know when someone's about to level up in a 1v1.
10:28I don't know where their fucking drakes are until I wait until this PowerPoint presentation is over.
10:33I don't know the gold diff between anyone.
10:34Information is just not readily available at the cost of a chunky-ass fucking thing being down here.
10:40And more space on the sides.
10:41That's the problem with it.
10:43Information is just being hidden until points in the game where you're decided to be told that information.
10:49You know what I'm saying?
10:51We will see the gold diff eventually when someone presses a button.
10:54And we will see the drakes eventually when the presentation is over.
10:57And I feel like the casters need that information, you know?
11:00Like, drakes spawning soon.
11:013 minutes, whatever.
11:03Now I can see the drakes.
11:11Are you dead?
11:13Ooh, I feel like you could've died if they played that better.
11:22Crying a Moomoo face.
11:23Crying a Moomoo face.
11:25Kanna is just ignoring impact, bro.
11:26Kanna is smashing this game.
11:29Wait, they moved to the sides now!
11:30What the hell?
11:31Now where do I go?
11:32I go down here?
11:34This is already a bit better, I think.
11:35No joke.
11:37Okay, chat, we'll go here from now on, okay?
11:38Deal? Is that better?
11:40You good now?
11:41Okay, focus up.
11:42How many drakes did it?
11:43Is it 1-1 on drake?
11:441-40 on drake?
11:45Where's the items?
11:47Oh, for fuck's sakes!
11:48Now I have to move again!
11:50Jesus Christ, man!
11:53It takes a while for my brain to realize where the ult stops
11:56and where the items start.
11:57Okay, we're good.
11:58Stun this guy.
12:00Kanna, don't die, please.
12:06QE, QE, QE, show me QE!
12:08What is Kanna's gold diff in top?
12:10This guy is frying!
12:12Overloading to bot, get bot tier 1.
12:14But they're getting Herald as well.
12:16Alright, get the second drake.
12:18We're gonna lose top tier 1.
12:19Sucks, but it's okay.
12:20DL are not going to Herald.
12:22They are right-clicking the drake.
12:29Is that it?
12:30We just get right-clicked and die?
12:31Oh, come on!
12:32Why are you flashing?
12:35This mid-Ornult!
12:36Oh my God, man.
12:38Kanna, I'm gonna need you to carry this game.
12:40Listen, Kanna.
12:42The Nongshim days.
12:45The T1 days.
12:48I'm gonna need you to carry the DK days.
12:49I'm gonna need you to carry this one.
12:51Talk to me, KC.
12:52Oh, yeah!
12:53Herald starts from base.
12:55Wait, Jayce is down on XP.
12:56What the fuck?
12:57Is he close to level 13?
12:58How is he down on XP against Ornn?
13:01Where is Yappa TPing?
13:03Oh, yeah!
13:04Oh, big flank!
13:06That's a big gold to Kanna!
13:09Where's Bro TPing?
13:10Where's Bro TPing bot?
13:14They wasted Maokai ult.
13:17They're trolling.
13:20Three towers.
13:21Yummy, yummy.
13:22This was a really good flank by Vladdy.
13:26Good engage by Targa.
13:28And then a dunk by Kanna.
13:30That is huge.
13:35The move again!
13:39Yike, please stop getting caught.
13:42Please stop getting caught.
13:43Kanna, talk to me.
13:45Oh, he got knocked back.
13:46Oh, he's dead actually.
13:48Oh, yeah!
13:55Oh my god.
13:56They're going to get out of Kanna's spawn.
13:57Guys, how...
13:59How is Yike getting caught again?
14:01Why do they keep changing it?
14:03For what?
14:04Yike gets caught on Crux.
14:05Does Kanna TP in?
14:06He does TP in, right?
14:09Oh, he just Qs over.
14:15Oops, the Maokai Qs out.
14:16Maokai Qs out.
14:18TP from Kanna.
14:20It was a good play by TL.
14:23It was a pretty good play by TL.
14:30I swear I'm being fucked with here.
14:31I can feel it.
14:33Top right.
14:34I don't want to go in the top right.
14:35I feel like...
14:36I don't like the top right.
14:40I like being bottom left.
14:42It's a good shift by Yappa.
14:43How long is the attack on 4?
14:44Is there a way to see that?
14:46No, right?
14:48We can't see how long the attack is on 4?
14:50I'm not on top chat.
14:51I'm on bottom.
14:52I want to go top right.
14:55Kalista is spiking really hard.
14:56But it doesn't really matter.
14:58Just need to fight the strake.
15:00I don't even know if they can fight the strake.
15:02I think they'll have attack on 4.
15:06This mid-tier one is doing God's work.
15:08This mid-tier one is holding the game alive.
15:11Second is mid-tier one.
15:12Second is mid-tier one breaks.
15:13I think KC is cooked.
15:20Oh, nice engage, Targa.
15:22That's deep.
15:23That's deep, guys.
15:24That's really deep.
15:30Nice play by Vladdy.
15:32Kanna, can we tank that?
15:33No, you can't.
15:35Oh, yeah.
15:36They're griefing a bit.
15:37But they have GA, so it doesn't matter.
15:39Oh, Yappy!
15:43That was a good engage.
15:44I think the vial is just too much.
15:46I think he should have vialed to the Ornn there.
15:48Playing front to back against Ornn, Maokai, Tristana.
15:53It's never gonna be a win.
15:55You can never win the front to back against double AD carry tanks.
16:02So this game is lost here.
16:06Even though KC is only down 1k gold.
16:07It's the mid-game.
16:09And the Ornn comp is ahead.
16:10With double AD carry.
16:12KC, it's impossible to fight with their champs.
16:15Enemy team just presses R buttons and they lose the fight.
16:18They need to somehow flank with Aurora.
16:20Poke with Jayce.
16:21Catch out Tristana with Vi.
16:24But it's really hard to do right now.
16:26Really hard.
16:28He's down a level.
16:30And he probably loses against Tristana.
16:32Where are the bounties?
16:34Bro, fuck do I know.
16:36I feel like there's less information on this than the one there was before.
16:39Let's all keep yapping about the HUD and we'll forget the fact that EU is losing game 1.
16:43Deal? Deal?
16:48The hook hit.
16:49No shot.
16:50He's one shot.
16:53He's one shot.
16:54It's a front to back teamfight comp.
16:55We can't win against it.
16:57It's front to back teamfight.
16:59I don't understand why the HUD changes.
17:01Is it in fights or what?
17:04What is going on?
17:05What is going on?
17:08Guys, we can't fight this.
17:11We can't fight this, guys.
17:13Maybe we can fight this, actually.
17:14Hold up.
17:15Let Kalist cook a bit here.
17:17Can we cook?
17:19Okay, no Tristana E.
17:21Just watch out for Maokai flash W.
17:22Please watch out for Maokai flash W, Kalist.
17:24You have no cleanse.
17:25He's gonna flash W your ass.
17:26Okay, it's over.
17:27This play's over.
17:28It's over.
17:29Play's over.
17:30Guys, the play's over, I said.
17:32What the hell?
17:36Baron going to fall for TL.
17:39So they're scared that they're on Nash,
17:40but the enemy team has no Baron damage.
17:42If I get hit by a hook, then...
17:46They can't play front to back.
17:49KC needs to go game 2
17:51and first pick Azir
17:52and play scaling teamfight.
17:53That's how this series is gonna go.
17:55This series is scaling teamfight.
18:02What is happening?
18:03This guy's jungle item.
18:05What are you doing?
18:06Is this for mental?
18:07Are you all chatting while doing this?
18:10Oh no.
18:11No, the other way, Yike!
18:12The other way, now!
18:14Oh my god.
18:16Oh no, he's not gonna get the jungle item, is he?
18:18Oh yes.
18:21Yike, what is happening?
18:22What are we doing?
18:23Where are we going?
18:24What is happening?
18:25Oh my god.
18:28Why is he clearing?
18:31What is this?
18:33Bro, is this just some clown music needs to be played?
18:36Like, what is going on?
18:40Observer's going here, there.
18:41Yike's over here, there.
18:42Clearing a ward, ulting this.
18:43Everyone's walking in.
18:44Come on, bro.
18:45Just fucking wrap it up.
18:49I want the game to end
18:50so I don't have to see this overlay anymore.
18:53Get me into a fucking postgame.
19:02Game 1, Yike able to do nothing.
19:04Put on a good show in the escape
19:06but could not find it anywhere else.
19:08Game 2 on the horizon, but it's TL.
19:12This was a wacky-ass game, but we got through it.
19:15TL's draft is safer and easier
19:17and KC just inted.
19:21Yike is permanently caught.
19:22What is he doing?
19:24Victor ban.
19:25Alright, they're gonna ban Draven again.
19:26Then they're probably gonna ban Rumble
19:27and then they're probably gonna ban Taliyah
19:28and then they're probably gonna ban Kalista
19:29and then they're probably gonna first pick Azir
19:30and then TL.
19:32I wonder what they play into TL.
19:33Into Azir.
19:35Kalista ban now.
19:37So Rumble might be up.
19:39Is TL gonna play?
19:40Ooh, if they first pick Azir
19:41TL's gonna play some Rumble Yone.
19:44I think KC should take the Rumble.
19:46I think they should take the Rumble.
19:48They're gonna play Rumble Yone.
19:50If they take Azir.
19:52Ooh, Yone ban.
19:54That is smart.
19:55Because now if you first pick Rumble
19:57Yone's out and so is Tristana Jayce.
20:00If you first pick Azir
20:01they'll get Rumble on red side
20:02with like a three pick.
20:03Ooh, what do you do now?
20:04I think you should just take the Azir.
20:06I feel like there's not enough AD mids
20:08unless you're gonna play Smolder
20:09but Maokai's out.
20:10Yeah, I think take the Azir.
20:12Does Yappa play Smolder?
20:15But I also think Rumble for KC
20:16is not that good with Azir
20:17especially with Vi out.
20:18So I'm not sure if they'll even take it.
20:20Get Kanna on Gnar.
20:23But like I said, first pick Azir
20:24makes a lot of sense.
20:25These games are just long.
20:27Team fighty.
20:30Okay, this is a KC win I think.
20:32Counters to Azir.
20:33I mean, I think they'll pick AD here.
20:34They'll probably pick like
20:35Corki flex or Ashe.
20:37But what they'll pick on three into Azir
20:39is probably Akali or Orianna I guess.
20:41But I don't know if Yappa
20:42plays either of those champs.
20:44He plays Neeko
20:45and he plays Orianna
20:46and Aesol.
20:47Okay, perfect.
20:48So that's why he's gonna pick on four
20:49then or what
20:50and they're gonna pick jungle on three.
20:512-3 here is hard for KC.
20:52Not sure.
20:54They have a flex.
20:55What AD do you pick?
20:56They have a flex.
20:57Camille flex.
21:00Yeah, they should definitely take Sejuani here.
21:03Camille flex, yeah.
21:04KC should take Sejuani 100%.
21:06And then TL should go Ivern maybe.
21:08Yeah, Camille flex is psycho.
21:09But it's not really a flex
21:10because they see Ambessa.
21:12The only worst case scenario for KC now
21:14which could be annoying
21:15is if they put like Ambessa into Jax
21:16and they pick
21:18and they pick
21:19Ambessa into Azir
21:20and they pick Jax here.
21:22What? He picked Skarner?
21:26You wanna see Skarner's win rate?
21:28All the junglers in Emerald Plus?
21:29Where do you think he is?
21:34After the nerfs.
21:36That champ is gutted.
21:38Absolutely gutted.
21:39Let's see if they can pull it off.
21:41Solo queue is a good metric for win rates.
21:42The win rate went down by like 4%.
21:45Sejuani is on high either.
21:47Yeah, but Sej is...
21:48Sej definitely fits the exception of solo queue
21:50in pro play.
21:52Skarner was OP because
21:54his kit is good
21:55but he had insane damage as well.
21:56Like his damage was nuts.
21:58Corki ban?
21:59Corki Jhin?
22:01What is Kalista gonna play here?
22:03Braum ban.
22:04They didn't ban Neeko.
22:05Does he go Neeko into Azir?
22:06Or Rellian Soul?
22:08I think he has to play MF.
22:10MF Leona?
22:11Yeah, good.
22:13I think really good.
22:14I think
22:15blue side comp is really strong right now.
22:17With Rell and Braum out
22:18Leona blind is crazy.
22:20What can they pick on 5 here?
22:22They can probably pick Poppy support
22:24or they can pick Lulu maybe
22:25but I don't know if Lulu wins you the game.
22:28I feel like blue side has already won the game.
22:30Pantheon support!
22:31Okay, wrap it up.
22:33I think this game is fucking fried for TL.
22:36Absolutely fried.
22:37Like this draft is...
22:42I hate...
22:43This is my opinion though.
22:44I personally hate Pantheon support.
22:46I hate it.
22:47Yeah, Pantheon is pretty OP in a 2v2, right?
22:50So I guess the lane bot will be a bit tricky.
22:53He said it was bad.
22:55Yeah, I think
22:56Pantheon and Lee support
22:57are just trigger champs for me.
23:02This bot lane looks...
23:05Oh god!
23:07No lane swap?
23:09No more lane swaps.
23:12This is perfect.
23:13We have the new HUD.
23:14God knows how we'll find the CS difference
23:16and the gold difference.
23:17Oh no, we can't see it
23:18because of the new HUD.
23:20Well, looks like they're healthy at least.
23:22Is the new HUD only for this tournament?
23:24Brother, I hope the new HUD is only for this series.
23:27Top is winning really hard.
23:29Ambessa is quite high on mana apparently.
23:31So we're chilling.
23:33Okay, early base and get some boots.
23:34Run back to lane.
23:36TP back from...
23:40So mid and bot...
23:42I think early base is lost a little bit.
23:44Both sides.
23:46There's three former T1 top laners at first hand.
23:50Impact, Kanna and Zeus.
23:52Man, I feel like Kanna has been smashing Impact in lane.
23:57Like last game, the matchup...
23:59Smashed him.
24:00This game, I think the matchup is also good for Camille.
24:02He's already 10 CS up.
24:04The lane didn't matter in the slides last time.
24:05Yeah, it's because Yike was getting perma caught.
24:13Okay, Yappa is going to have to take a bad base here.
24:16Wait, what the fuck?
24:17What the fuck?
24:20Oh, there he is!
24:21Vladdy with the solo Bolo!
24:23He heard you talking shit!
24:27Kalista, don't die please.
24:30Nice, trade back a bit here.
24:31Can get Ashe cleanse.
24:34I don't know what...
24:36Cleanse ignite.
24:39Q flash on Sage is up, but they've got a flash.
24:41Yeah, bot is kind of rough.
24:44But like...
24:45Mid is...
24:46A kill up.
24:48Top is 10 CS up, but bot is struggling a little bit.
24:52Oh, he's dead still.
24:53Is he dead?
24:54Does Pantheon kill here?
25:05He needs empowered Q.
25:07Yo, KT bot lane is under big pressure these last two games.
25:11When does Pantheon get outscaled?
25:13I would say like past level 9-ish.
25:15I feel like the champ starts to fall off a bit.
25:18In support role.
25:19Just becomes like a...
25:21I don't know.
25:22If he gets some kills, it can be useful, but it's unlikely.
25:24Can they not fight him here?
25:25I guess they have a level disadvantage, right?
25:28Yeah, he's going hard steal.
25:31I think when Pantheons are ahead,
25:32sometimes they go Umbral Glaive or something.
25:34Or they go like a lethality item.
25:35But they can't do it now.
25:37Yeah, he can't do it because he's not ahead.
25:40So he's going hard steal.
25:41It looks like.
25:46Umti is shadowing.
25:49Oh, nice flash by Umti.
25:50That was...
25:51Oh, but he flashed the ult.
25:53Can they kill Impact?
25:55Karna can E.
25:56The wall maybe if it's up.
25:59No flash on Umti.
26:03Oh, nice by Karna.
26:04The auto Q.
26:05Upper TPs.
26:07Yeah, he can maybe kill.
26:09He flashed over the Aurelion Sol as well.
26:11Karna, talk to me.
26:12Do something.
26:15Wait, Karna's just...
26:16He's smurfing!
26:17Are you kidding?
26:19Oh my god!
26:20Karna and Yike were crazy in that 2v3.
26:23Karna was actually disgusting in that fight.
26:26Oh my god.
26:27The Camille is absolutely off the rails now.
26:30Karna played that so well.
26:32Animation cancelling was great.
26:33Spacing was great.
26:35Flash timing was perfect.
26:37Here he gets flash E'd.
26:39Flashes just as he's about to hit the wall
26:41to not get hit by the ult.
26:42Q, grasp.
26:43Space is Umti.
26:44Q, 2.
26:45W, heal.
26:47Q, 1 again.
26:48Comes up here.
26:49Now he's going to E.
26:50He's going to auto attack before Q, 2.
26:52They're going to run back.
26:55And now it's going to be just a pixel out of Aurelion Sol Q range.
27:04Oh my god.
27:07Karna, baby.
27:10What is that handwriting?
27:11My handwriting is fine, isn't it?
27:13Nice ult.
27:14Oh, he Qs out of Skarner ult.
27:18Kalista, talk to me.
27:22Good TP.
27:23Secure it. Secure the play.
27:25Karna doesn't have Triforce yet.
27:26I think when Camille gets Triforce, it's just a blasting session.
27:30This is so much better draft here, right?
27:33Yeah, I agree.
27:34I think they played well as well.
27:36I told you NA fans would be mad after game 2.
27:38You guys are not scaling, by the way.
27:40You're not scaling shit.
27:41You're scaling into next game.
27:42You're playing Pantheon.
27:43And you're Ambessa is behind against Camille.
27:45You're not scaling shit.
27:47You can say, but we have Aurelion Sol.
27:49Buddy, we have Camille Azir.
27:51Don't even.
27:54Targamas, where are we going?
27:57Is this a bit deep or not?
27:59Nice, no flash.
28:00Not bad.
28:01We'll take that.
28:02Skarner ult is on cooldown, so they can't really play it.
28:05Vladdy is so fed.
28:06Azir is such a good side laner.
28:08The 1-3-1 for KC is so strong.
28:13No sums.
28:14Free kill.
28:16KS, but we'll take it.
28:17Had wasted cleanse as well, but it's okay.
28:19They could dive Aurelion Sol really easy.
28:22They're so far ahead that KC can threaten a dive bot
28:25and do grubs at the same time.
28:27Need to be a bit careful, though, if they do dive bot.
28:30Camille has Triforce now,
28:31so I think this matchup is just absolutely swung.
28:33Even though Impact has Eclipse, which is nice.
28:35Every time I see Eclipse versus Triforce and sheen items,
28:38I always get worried for the Eclipse user.
28:45It's fine.
28:46It's a pick. It's okay.
28:47No Drake for two minutes. It's okay.
28:50If this top play works out for KC, though,
28:52that's a dead tower.
28:54Talk to me. Talk to me, Yike.
28:56He's playing really safe, Impact.
28:58And they're swapping between the lane economy snapshot.
29:03Yeah, top side is smashing.
29:05Is Vladdy getting dove?
29:08I can lift this, maybe.
29:14NT, NT, NT.
29:17Yo, respect!
29:20Triforce Camille, baby.
29:23No W.
29:24And here come the boys.
29:25UmTi's dead.
29:27Kanna solo kills Impact.
29:28Dives him on the tower.
29:30Nice E-flash.
29:31Nice E-flash, Targamas.
29:35They basically just aced him.
29:37They literally just aced him.
29:38Well played by Vladdy.
29:39Well played by Kanna.
29:40Nice collapse by KC.
29:41Jungle bot.
29:42Bot tier one dies.
29:43Top tier one might die.
29:45They have TP on Ana and Bessa, though.
29:48Oh, Kanna was TPing, so he ulted him to cancel.
29:50That makes sense.
29:54So, I guess Impact didn't really have...
29:56In his mind, he didn't really have a choice.
30:02Oh my god!
30:04He flashed his flash on the E?
30:08Are you kidding?
30:12What happened to Kanna?
30:13Why is he so good?
30:14What the fuck?
30:17This year, he's been insane.
30:25He just has to step in there and die.
30:29Oh, nice ult as well.
30:40You're fucking dead.
30:41It's okay, though. Don't worry about it.
30:44Went for the headshot there, yike.
30:45Oh, the W-whip flash!
30:47I like it.
30:49I like it.
30:51It's a masterclass by KC.
31:02...to be able to get out.
31:03APA trying to catch Vladi on the bot lane,
31:05but it's a fight in the mid lane.
31:06The lockup is there.
31:07Kalista on a killing spree.
31:08Vladi, what are we doing?
31:09Oh, we're just smurfing!
31:10That's what we're doing!
31:12Another one!
31:14Bro, every time he's in a 1v1 or a 1v2 or a 1v3,
31:16he's coming out with one.
31:17Be careful if you send too many that way.
31:20Honestly, are we gonna keep up the action?
31:24Continuing. We are.
31:25No flash, but I don't know if you're in range there.
31:28Nice slow.
31:31Smart by CoreJJ.
31:33Good pace by KC. Good pace.
31:35This A-Soul is quite useless.
31:37We gave you one game?
31:39What is this chat writing?
31:40We. We gave you one game. We.
31:42Buddy, you're gonna get...
31:44You're gonna lose the next game as well, okay?
31:46Was Taliyah banned?
31:47Yeah, she was.
31:48I think KC's going red side, obviously, next game.
31:50But now that A-Soul's out, Azir is out,
31:53and Tristana,
31:55they're gonna ban Taliyah-Ziggs again.
31:57They're gonna keep targeting Yappa.
32:10Make magic. Make magic. Come on, do something.
32:16Move speed.
32:17Yeah, passive.
32:19Oh, he's gonna give the kill to Pantheon.
32:22Or Skarner, even.
32:23Probably better than giving it to A-Soul, right?
32:27Where do we see the current win-loss of the team series?
32:35There's like a dot.
32:36Oh my god, that's a lot of flowers.
32:38Is there a flower counter on this new HUD
32:40that they made to increase info?
32:42Where the flowers at?
32:44How do you see the flowers?
32:46Because the problem is,
32:47one thing that's missing from this overlay,
32:49not to stop yapping about the overlay, sorry,
32:51is normally you could click on a champion,
32:53and you would see their spells and shit.
32:55And their buffs.
32:57But you don't have that anymore.
32:59So I can never find out how many flowers they have, ever.
33:09Oui. Engage is gone.
33:10Oh my god, Camille Q2.
33:15Oh, Vladdy!
33:16All of them flashed it. Good reactions.
33:19Nice stopwatch.
33:20Can someone help him?
33:23Oh, there comes Kanna.
33:24Pentakill? No.
33:26GG well played.
33:27Hey, Eddy! 23 minute win!
33:29Where are you at now?
33:30Where are you at now with your fucking shit talk?
33:33Eastern United States.
33:36Shut up.
33:38Shut up.
33:43Oh, I wish we actually killed Ashe there.
33:46Much better draft from KC.
33:48Much better draft. Easy win.
33:51Much better draft. Easy win.
33:53Simple. Profit.
33:55Good shit.
33:56NA, this song's for you.
33:58Knocking you out to this song.
34:00Okay, remember what I said, chat?
34:01Ziggs, Kalista, Rumble, and Taliyah.
34:04What is KC gonna do about it?
34:06So Draven, is it open? It is.
34:08Okay, they banned Ziggs first.
34:10Draven's still open.
34:11Will they ban Kalista?
34:12This is the puzzle they have to figure out on red side,
34:15because of fearless draft, right?
34:16This is the current puzzle.
34:17Kalista, Rumble.
34:18Okay, they take away the Rumble.
34:20So Kalista and Taliyah are up.
34:22They're playing a game of chicken here.
34:24Now, they could ban Draven on blue,
34:25force the Kalista ban,
34:26and they could first pick Taliyah.
34:28And if KC are not stupid,
34:30which I don't think they are at all,
34:31they're very smart,
34:32they will know this exactly what's gonna happen.
34:33Okay, Draven banned.
34:34Now, what happens?
34:36Do you give them Kalista, and you take Taliyah?
34:38Or do you ban Kalista,
34:39and they likely first pick Taliyah?
34:41And then what do you have into Taliyah that wins you the game?
34:44Do you take Taliyah or not?
34:46Maybe TL just have a completely different plan in mind.
34:49So of the four champions, they decided Taliyah.
34:52What has KC got into it?
34:54I wonder if he's gonna play like Hui into it or some shit.
34:57Taliyah first pick.
34:58All right.
34:59I would love like a Syndra or a Hui here or something for KC.
35:03Could just go Kassante 1-2 here.
35:06Kassante in mid would be quite safe.
35:09Doesn't show much.
35:10Could pick jungle in mid.
35:12Like Jarvan or Xin Zhao are like solid right now with AD pool.
35:15Viego is kinda hard to draft around
35:17unless you're playing like Galio mid, but...
35:20Okay, Xin Zhao, pretty safe.
35:21Vladdy doesn't play Syndra?
35:22Yeah, not many mids play Syndra.
35:25Not many mids play Syndra, I think.
35:27I think any mage would be nice here for Vladdy.
35:29I think this is where...
35:30Oh, Ahri.
35:31I don't think... Is Vladdy a big Ahri player?
35:33Ahri, Xin.
35:35This is where I think in these games,
35:37TL should pick top jungle or full bot lane.
35:41I feel like picking one of each makes the draft a bit strange.
35:44So I would love for them to just go full bot lane
35:46or just go like full top side would be nice.
35:49Poppy? No, I don't think Poppy is that good.
35:53I was thinking more like Viego, Kassandra or something for TL, you know?
35:56But Taliyah needs...
35:57I think Nautilus is out, Leona is out.
35:59The Taliyah first pick, is it gonna get like a good...
36:02Is there gonna be like a good support?
36:05Rell's out, Nautilus out, Pantheon's out.
36:08Leona's out.
36:09Can't really blind Alistar.
36:11Oh, the problem KC has if they're gonna want...
36:13If they're gonna 2-3 Kai'Sa with a support,
36:16Braum is still open.
36:18They could just go Sinari, Braum if they're gonna play Taliyah, Kai'Sa
36:21and then they're gonna play Alistar here.
36:22But Kai'Sa needs...
36:24With Rell out, Leona out, Nautilus out and Pantheon out,
36:29if you're picking support blind there, it has to be Rakan, right?
36:32It has to be Rakan.
36:33They're doing Kai'Sa, Rakan or they're doing Kai'Sa, Kassandra
36:36or they're doing Kai'Sa, Poppy flex.
36:39I think those are their three best options.
36:41I don't like the AD top
36:42because I feel like they can just match top and drop AD.
36:45Ooh, they picked Kassandra now.
36:46They picked Kai'Sa before.
36:47Are they doing Kassandra, Kai'Sa?
36:49Was it bugged or what?
36:50They didn't want the Kai'Sa?
36:51Are you picking Kai'Sa?
36:53Or are they gonna go full topside?
36:55They're gonna go full topside.
36:57Taliyah, Nocturne, it's good.
36:59Taliyah, Nocturne, Kai'Sa was an error pick.
37:02They were allowed to remake from that point.
37:06Okay, well, they can match top here if they want.
37:08Pretty easy.
37:09Or they can pick something like Xayah.
37:11But I don't know if they need to pick Xayah.
37:12I think they have Xayah, they have Zeri,
37:14they have...
37:16Okay, Gnar.
37:18Not bad.
37:20Now I think they have to think about blind picks.
37:22Maybe KC want Kai'Sa.
37:24Xayah ban?
37:26That signals Kai'Sa a bit, yeah.
37:28I think supports right now is Rakan, Lulu.
37:30Pretty strong.
37:32Okay, they ban Rakan.
37:33That could be like a brown blind.
37:35Or like an Alistar maybe.
37:38Still think they might be looking for Kai'Sa.
37:41I think if you ban Kai'Sa, they can take something like Zeri.
37:44I wonder if TL is going to play Lucian-Nami.
37:48I have this feeling that TL is going to play Lucian-Nami.
37:51They used to play a lot of Lucian-Nami, didn't they?
37:53I remember TL was like a Lucian-Nami team, weren't they?
37:56What is it? Kai'Sa or Zeri?
37:58I mean, TL could just take the Kai'Sa now.
38:00That's pretty easy.
38:01I wonder what support they have on 5 here though.
38:04Or KC.
38:05I feel like Lucian-Nami is fine.
38:07What do you pick on 5 into Lucian-Nami?
38:09I think they're going to do Lucian-Nami, you know.
38:11I don't know what you can pick into it on 5.
38:13I think TL has set up a Lucian-Nami slam here.
38:15Yeah, I knew it.
38:17They're going to have to play...
38:18I think Poppy support is your best option maybe.
38:20But I don't know, the lane is a horror.
38:23What's good here? Yuumi?
38:25Chat, is it Yuumi?
38:26Is it Lucian-Nami?
38:28Versus Zeri-Yuumi?
38:35Oh my god!
38:39Oh my god!
38:45He just slap-bombed his back.
38:46What's worse?
38:47Winning with Smolder or winning with Yuumi?
38:49I mean, Yuumi is the...
38:51Smolder is the modern-day version of Yuumi, you know.
38:54Okay, Kalista, you need to cook him.
38:57Please don't let NA win the first series.
39:00It's been 3 years since we beat NA.
39:02Okay, EWC, we beat them.
39:03G2 beat FlyQuest, fine.
39:05But at Worlds and MSI, it's been 2 years.
39:10PTA, LittleTempo, DoubleAry, FaZe, Rush, Electrocute, Conqueror, Conqueror, Grasp, Grasp.
39:14I feel like EWC counts.
39:15The only reason EWC doesn't count is because Gen.G just...
39:18Actually, no one took it seriously.
39:20But because EU won, I think we can count it.
39:26Well, the training is pretty good for KC and Bot here.
39:29I mean, if EU lost, we could discount it, but you know.
39:34Oh, what the fuck?
39:36Kalista is mental or what?
39:38Nice play by Kalista.
39:39Get level 3, nice.
39:42Oh, that hurts.
39:45You have heal advantage.
39:48Exhaust, exhaust.
39:52They're just dying in the 2v2 or what?
39:58Oh, Scorcher.
40:01I think that could have been a double there if Kalista went for it, but it's okay.
40:04We saved the flash.
40:06Where's NA at now?
40:07ZeriUmi 2v2 killed Illusion.
40:09Nami, what?
40:11Okay, Karnas winning lane.
40:13I feel like Karnas had a good matchup every game.
40:20Kalista, Kalista.
40:25Come on, someone right click bot, please.
40:28Nice, okay, they can push out for free here.
40:30Okay, that's good for bot lane.
40:32Oh, they're swapping.
40:35They just drop a bot wave.
40:36Guys, come back.
40:38Come back, 2v2, 2v2.
40:40Come on.
40:42Where are you going?
40:44I like that they run mid here.
40:46Because now they can just pivot top when they show.
40:49Nice, KC, nice.
40:50No swap for you.
40:53You didn't try and steal one with W?
41:01As long as they can't get dove top, maybe we're okay.
41:06Nice W.
41:07Nice spacing.
41:09Nice CSing.
41:10Nice dash.
41:12Okay, Kalista.
41:14What the fuck?
41:15Kalista is spacing him like an astronaut.
41:17Are you kidding?
41:18We have barrier soon.
41:19Get six and we can...
41:21Maybe cook him?
41:22How far until six?
41:23Are we close?
41:30Does Nami need to...
41:35Does Nami need to play more of a body block on this area?
41:38I feel like Lucian gets buffed,
41:39but every time he dashes, he's just going to get chunked.
41:42It's like Nami is just sitting at full HP behind the Lucian.
41:45I feel like Nami needs to step up a bit.
41:47If Lucian wants to dash.
41:50Nice dodge.
41:56Could be a bit more patient, but we'll take that.
41:59They didn't expect him to come back.
42:01Full committing here.
42:02Wall built to parkour.
42:03Still makes it over.
42:05Oh, that's infuriating for Tia.
42:08Oh, Team Liquid.
42:14I think the extension actually was what made the difference.
42:16Okay, Vladdy.
42:18Doesn't have good information.
42:20Culling now used.
42:21Flash over the wall committed.
42:22Are we dead?
42:23A bit extra movement speed about to come through.
42:24But they're going to finish that one.
42:25Another auto.
42:26Yawn and core.
42:27Finding the pick in mid.
42:28Come on, man.
42:29Oh, yeah.
42:32Wait, core might be out, actually.
42:34No, he's not out, right?
42:43Okay, Kalista is the main character in this game.
42:44Let's let him cook.
42:47You're fine, right?
42:51Oh, he used it.
42:52Kanna used the oldest tool in the book.
42:55He just clicked away.
42:57ATCS Lucian.
42:58Mid 11.
43:05Nice charm.
43:07Nice W.
43:08Play it, play it, play it, play it, play it, play it, play it.
43:15Don't play it, don't play it.
43:16Run, run, run, run.
43:19Oh, Kalista.
43:20Yeah, what happened?
43:21How are we all dead?
43:24How is everyone dead?
43:25Are you kidding?
43:27What happened there?
43:31Wait, we got wiped?
43:33That's it?
43:344 for 0?
43:48Why don't they just go on the Nocturne?
43:50Everyone's going so deep.
43:52Yuumi ult early.
43:55Just go on the Nocturne.
43:59Stop it, it's fine.
44:00We will win.
44:01Yeah, ZeriFlash was such...
44:03Please don't lose to Team Liquid.
44:05Please, KC.
44:06Please, please, please, please, please find the pace somewhere.
44:09How does KC win this?
44:11Just scale a bit.
44:13You're fine, right?
44:14You're fine?
44:15You don't have Flash, though.
44:16Please don't die.
44:17You have E?
44:18You have E?
44:19Don't press E.
44:20Don't press E, whatever you do.
44:21Don't press E.
44:22Please don't press E.
44:25Okay, Kalista, I see you.
44:30Can you play that, Kanna?
44:31Can you play it?
44:32You have jump, you have jump.
44:34Oh yeah, Kanna!
44:35Oh yeah, the fancy feet!
44:37Oh god, Kanna!
44:40That was fucking clean by Kanna.
44:43Gnar is mega Korean.
44:44Holy shit.
44:46Absolute insanity.
44:48Korean Gnar goes crazy hard.
44:49I don't think he had jump in this play, right?
44:51Because he flashes the fear.
44:54And he gets jump at the end here.
44:56Auto, auto.
44:58He gets jump now.
45:01No, he doesn't have it the whole fight.
45:04Oh man, if he had jump last second, maybe?
45:06Yeah, TL have Lucian, Nami, and double global for mid wave.
45:08So Kalista just needs to not die on mid wave.
45:11Are they going to get this drake?
45:14Yeah, RATP is up.
45:15Oh, Kalista is holding on here.
45:22Nice, got the drake.
45:23Out, out, out, out, out, out, out.
45:26Everyone out.
45:27Nice, it's fine.
45:28Two drakes.
45:29Two drakes and held mid tier 1.
45:31Now let's defend bot tier 1 and life is good.
45:33But I don't know if we can defend bot tier 1.
45:35Yeah, Kanna is in monster mode right now.
45:37He's 40 CS up and he's two levels up.
45:40Yeah, Kanna is in monster mode right now.
45:42He's 40 CS up and he's two levels up.
45:43He's 40 CS up and he's two levels up.
45:45But Umti is also two levels up.
45:48The side lane baby.
45:50Wait, how is Vladdy level 12?
45:53Okay, NT, NT.
45:59I think if he went on the Ahri, he was cooked though.
46:01They had heal on Yuumi and they would have probably saved him.
46:04Okay, Kalista.
46:05Be careful, be careful.
46:06They have no Nocturne ult, so he's probably fine.
46:08And Nautilus ult.
46:10Kayce is playing tower defense.
46:11Bro, shut up.
46:14It's working.
46:16Wow, new update design.
46:17Very cool.
46:19Oh my god, look at all those flowers.
46:22Am I dumb?
46:23Is it 7-2 in kills for Kayce?
46:24You are correct.
46:25It is 7-2 in kills for Kayce.
46:27For TL.
46:28And TL is 4k gold up.
46:37If you told me that Appa and Umti would be two levels up on Yike and Vladdy respectively,
46:42I would say nope.
46:44Vladdy and Yike are going to be the two players that gap against TL.
46:47They're not...
46:48The only player that's gapping TL right now is Kanna.
46:51I guess Vladdy would get a solo kill, but...
46:53Yeah, Kalista is playing pretty well this game, but there's not much he can do.
46:56Game is still playable for Kayce though.
46:59I wonder if...
47:00They've been having Gnar top for the whole game.
47:02I wonder if having Gnar down here would be better.
47:04Now that Atakan's gone.
47:06Holy fuck, it's like watching Baus.
47:08Except he would have Symbiote's Shoes and his base would have finished there.
47:14Okay, Drake is spawning.
47:15It is second Drake for TL, third Drake for Kayce if they get it.
47:18But Kayce looks like they're committed for this.
47:21I don't know if this is the call though.
47:22You really just want to send it on the Drake?
47:25Really? Really? Are we just going to send it on the Drake?
47:30We want to send it here?
47:34But Vladdy's really low, guys.
47:35Vladdy's really low.
47:36Keenan's finishing it out.
47:37Out, out.
47:39Why are we turning?!
47:40Why are we turning?!
47:41Why are we turning?!
47:42Why are we turning?!
47:44What the fuck?!
47:45What the fuck is that?!
47:48Oh yeah, Kalista.
47:50Kalista, Kalista, Kalista, Kalista.
47:53What the fuck?
47:55Oh, Kalista!
47:56Oh, come on.
47:57What the fuck was that?
48:00Where are we turning?
48:02Kanna is so fucked up.
48:03Where are we turning?
48:05Kanna is so far away.
48:07Like, the turn...
48:09Look at the turn from Xin Zhao.
48:12Look at how far away everyone is.
48:13Vladdy can't follow.
48:14Gnar can't follow.
48:21And then Kalista has to, like, find a way to 2v4 them.
48:25And he does pretty well, to be honest.
48:26Like, he kills Appa and gets a good shutdown, but...
48:30Oh, man.
48:31That's really playable for KC.
48:34But they've just thrown it now.
48:36Man, maybe just...
48:38How long on IE on Zeri, maybe?
48:39With IE on Zeri, it's playable?
48:40Talk to me.
48:41I can't see how much gold you have.
48:44Okay, we're getting there.
48:45This looks pretty unlosable for TL, I'm not gonna lie.
48:48Three items on Lucian.
48:56Four levels?!
48:59We're getting four!
49:01What is that?
49:02Four levels, are you kidding?
49:05Why is EU jungle the same level as NA support?
49:14Oh, my God.
49:16It's okay, TL didn't get Nash yet.
49:18Come on, someone give this fucking Vladdy some gold.
49:21Oh, yeah, Kanna.
49:22Cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook.
49:27Nice try, NT.
49:28Nice try, NT.
49:30You have flash?
49:31No, you're fucking dead here.
49:32Maybe not worth flashing.
49:34Yeah, just die.
49:35It's okay, don't worry about it.
49:37We're gonna lose bot tier too, maybe.
49:40Nice try by Kanna, get a pick.
49:43Man, Kanna's 1-4, but you know his score, not his story.
49:45I feel like he's playing good this game.
49:47Oh, shit, they're going Nash.
49:49They just based and ran to Nash.
49:51But Kanna has TP, we can play this, maybe.
49:52Guys, hello?
49:55What the?
50:00Bro, has Yike been flanking his demons in mid lane?
50:03I swear, every time the camera pans, he's around mid.
50:11Oh my god, they blue orbed him.
50:14They're hacking.
50:15Riot, remake.
50:18How did they know he was there?
50:19They just blue orbed his ass?
50:21I think they're not quite in the right direction, but it just does not matter.
50:22That pick on top of the Baron is going to spell disaster.
50:23Kha'Zix, the double kill!
50:24He was awake as he pops what I think was the one small sliver of hope that was there for
50:26The scaling was not enough.
50:27Zeri, not enough.
50:28TL might have faltered in the first few minutes, but they put their foot on the gas and they
50:29never stopped in this game 3.
50:30KC, one last desperate hold.
50:31TL don't want to get overeager.
50:32Yone taking his time.
50:33Almost one-topping Gladi.
50:34He's going for the kill.
50:35He's going for the kill.
50:36He's going for the kill.
50:37He's going for the kill.
50:38He's going for the kill.
50:39He's going for the kill.
50:40He's going for the kill.
50:41He's going for the kill.
50:42He's going for the kill.
50:43He's going for the kill.
50:44He's going for the kill.
50:45He's going for the kill.
50:46He's going for the kill.
50:47He's going for the kill.
50:48He's going for the kill.
50:49He's going for the kill.
50:50He's going for the kill.
50:51He's going for the kill.
50:52He's going for the kill.
50:53He's going for the kill.
50:54He's going for the kill.
50:55He's going for the kill.
50:56He's going for the kill.
50:57He's going for the kill.
50:58He's going for the kill.
50:59He's going for the kill.
51:00He's going for the kill.
51:01He's going for the kill.
51:02He's going for the kill.
51:03He's going for the kill.
51:05We lost to NA?
51:09Oh my god.
51:11There's no way.
51:13What is it? What is it?
51:15What is it?
51:16Yo, how you doing bro?
51:17What is it?
51:18Say it. Say it.
51:19Say it quick. Say it.
51:20I mean, NA is just simply better, no?
51:22Say it. Get it out. Get it out.
51:24Simply a better region.
51:26Just a comprehensively better region.
51:28Keep going. Keep going.
51:29Better players.
51:30Better coaching.
51:31Better strategies.
51:32Everything, right?
51:33You just gotta admit it at this point?
51:34Yeah. No, keep going.
51:35Where's C9 by the way?
51:36How's C9 going?
51:37Oh, wait!
51:38Oh, they're fucking trash!
51:39They suck!
51:40They suck!
51:41They suck!
51:43Alright, you know what?
51:44You know what, you motherfucker?
51:46Why don't you bring LoserTonus over here?
51:49To play against C9.
51:50How about that, bro?
51:51We will!
51:52We will!
51:53Hey, look, look.
51:54Our region will actually allow you to stream the scrims.
51:56So, hey.
51:57We got that going for us.
51:59True, my region doesn't let me stream the scrims
52:00and they lose to NA.
52:01Yup, it is what it is.
52:02Anyways, bro.
52:03I hope you enjoy the stream.
52:04And the hub is fucking making me dizzy.
52:05What the fuck?
52:06What are the positives today?
52:07Yeah, just enjoy the overlay.
52:09Enjoy the rest of the stream, bro.
52:10I hope you have a good one.
52:11Alright, love you, Dom.
52:12Alright, yeah.
52:13Love you too, bro.
52:14Fucking piece of shit.
52:15Fucking piece of shit.
