• 4 days ago
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Thankyou for watching!
Ava x


00:00It is 3.05 in the morning, which always means one thing, it is time to go on holiday, I'm
00:09going to Paris, it's Monday today, I'm going until Thursday, I don't know what I was saying
00:14before, I was really caught off, we're going until Thursday, I'm actually taking my mum,
00:20which is crazy, and the taxi comes in 15 minutes, so I need to hurry up. As you can see nothing
00:32is fully shut and packed yet, also tan looks really good on my hands, I've got French tips
00:38for the occasion, however, I wasn't even focusing. I went to this place in Sheffield and honestly
00:45I feel regretful that I cheated on my nail lady but I had no other option, as you can
00:49see it's already checked. Okay, so this is the outfit, glasses, TikTok shop, ASOS, White
00:56Fox, White Fox, look how cute these are, and I'm just wearing a coat that's also White Fox,
01:02and bag, White Fox. Okay, so I quickly ran the straightens over my hair, however my hair
01:08isn't fully straight and I added the coat, it actually is such a cute outfit, I hope
01:14Ethan likes it because he's like, wants to be my stylist at the minute. So hopefully
01:18he likes this. Frankie's asleep, I know, it's so early isn't it? The taxi's here so we're
01:23gonna go now. We're in the taxi, obviously it's dark because it's half three in the morning,
01:29I am so excited. To be fair, the last time I went to Paris was, we went to school, and
01:36that was in primary school, I think I was in year six. We are at St Pancreas, the taxi
01:42driver knew mum, well no, he didn't know mum, but they went to the same primary or
01:46secondary school? Secondary. Secondary school, and his brother knows, his brother knows,
01:52but was in mum's year, and they know some people. But I'm actually so excited. This
01:58bag is so light, mad, but I also have a mini suitcase as well that I need to wheel around,
02:03so yeah, not really sure how I'm gonna juggle everything, but we got it. So we just walked
02:09in, the amount of people who are queuing up, but we don't really know why they're queuing
02:12up, so we've come and sat down anyways, because the gate opens in 20 minutes, and it is so
02:19cold in here, like there's a wind. There is a wind. Like, but once we're on the train
02:24and we're getting warm and then we go to Paris and the sun will be up, then all things will
02:28be good, but for now, it is absolutely freezing cold, I can't wait to get ready on the train,
02:34all my stuff's in the little black suitcase, thank god, but I also want to snuggle up with
02:39Sadie and have an hour nap as well, so. Got a lot to be doing on the train, but yeah,
02:45I will show you this queue, but it goes down quite a lot. I don't know why people do it,
02:51I think if you don't, because we're on Plus, and we bought seats because we could see them
02:56on our ticket, but maybe these people don't have seats, and everyone, you know like, you
03:01just get carriers and everyone runs and gets in, but surely they wouldn't do that on the
03:05Eurostar, where everyone's running. I think the first time me and daddy went. Everyone
03:10ran? Yeah, we didn't have a seat booked. So we're on the train, it took off. We departed
03:18from the platform 22 minutes ago. Mum thought it's been 5 minutes, it's been 22, but I'm
03:27going to do my makeup because I don't want to fall asleep and then not wake up and then
03:33not be done. And food's coming round, we looked at the menu and it's like Greek yoghurt
03:39and caramelised pear with chia seeds, or it's like a red Leicester something, finger roll,
03:48or it's pano raisin. It could have been a pano chocolat and they put raisin in there.
03:54We're just sickening, no one should ever do that, ever, ever, ever. Disrespect pastry
03:58like that, really. But we're going to get a tea and I'm really fancy an apple juice
04:03as well. We also changed seats, we were on number two and then the man came and was like,
04:08oh, there's a table there if you guys want it. I think he really liked us. Didn't he?
04:13Yeah. So we're now on a four. So yeah, I'm going to do my makeup and that's about it.
04:21Breakfast has arrived, there was a whole palaver but I'll tell you in a minute. This is the
04:25pear and yoghurt cheese twist but it has something else in it but I'm not going to
04:30remind myself what it was just in case I don't eat that. Cup of tea and an orange juice,
04:34they only offered orange juice while I was pressured to get an orange juice. Mum got
04:38the same but she got a coffee because she was pressured. Joke, she wasn't pressured
04:43at all. No, she wasn't. We're not actually pressured, it's just, um, it was the lay-off
04:50Yeah, basically. So, he comes down and gets the food and there's like these bits that
04:55you pull out. For me, mum pulled these two bits out so we thought that we'd just go and
04:59put them there because I've got my makeup and that out. Mum's bag and it's anyways,
05:04he just pulls mum's out anyways and the bag goes flying, bronzer goes flying. Where am
05:12I supposed to put my own cream bronzer? The lid is by the trolley, I'm not even going
05:15to tell him all that but if he wheels it over the trolley and he snaps, then I'm like
05:18fuck. So, I'm like, oh sorry, my lid's there and I'm thinking where the hell is my bronzer?
05:23Like, my bronzer. I got his cream so it didn't break and then I was like, where the hell
05:30is my bronzer? Like, literally like, what the hell? I see it right at the back under
05:34mum's chair, basically under the other guy's chair. So, I go down under the table as this
05:39old woman comes and she's gone and I'm under the table and there's this pole there. There's
05:48a pole in the middle so I was like, I was trying to reach around there, around the pole
05:52but I couldn't get fully under the thing. So, I come up, struggling for air because
05:57I was under there for so long but when I got in it, trying to reach it and I couldn't get
06:02it, the pole's in my face and everything was annoying me. So, I come back up and I couldn't
06:06get it, I had to go down the other way. But anyways, doing my makeup. Breakfast's coming.
06:12Mum's did the cheese twists actually nice but she's eating only around the edges, not
06:17eating the middle. I'm not getting that. Because it's a lie, huh? You don't like it, do you?
06:22No, it's nice. It's got any flavour. But yeah, going to continue my makeup, going to have
06:27breakfast and then we're basically arriving. We've been on it, what's the time now? We've
06:32been on it 40 minutes. I think we're in the tunnel. Do you? Mum thinks we're in the tunnel
06:37but we were just at border control. It's nice but it's heaper looking. I'm getting a visit,
06:42oh, I'm getting a visit, I've got a visit, I'm running four weeks out of 12, I think,
06:45no, four trays out of 12, I think I've got. So, what's left? Well, it's four out of 12,
06:53so four minus 12 is eight. Eight left. I think so, yeah. But yeah, super happy with them
06:59anyways. But I'm going to log off now. Okay, so we are in Paris. No, we're not in Paris,
07:07we're in France. Oh, we're in France. And also, it's so foggy out. But the sun is there
07:11and we were on the underground for 25 minutes, which is like nothing, was it? Done my makeup,
07:19we think we're going to stick with the glasses because Mum said they look like Olivia Outwood,
07:22not look like Olivia Outwood but- Vibe.
07:25So, I just deleted stuff on my card because I've got Australia still on here. Fun fact,
07:31the whole time I've done YouTube, I've only actually ever had one SD card. I've just deleted
07:35it because I've posted the video and I've obviously got it on my laptop. So, I haven't
07:40actually gone out and bought another SD card. Anyway, it's so random. But yeah, the fog's
07:45gone now. This is the space of me deleting a couple of videos. It actually looks like
07:52really nice weather. Let's double check the forecast. Yeah, sunny all day, which is so
08:00good. That's what I want. It feels like one degrees at the minute, but it's going to feel
08:03like 30, which is actually... And look, it's sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny all the
08:10time we're there and then when we leave, that's when it starts getting cloudy. So, that's
08:1616 degrees. I'm so excited. We've only got an hour, one hour left from now, which is
08:22nothing. So... It's nice and relaxed. Yeah, nice and relaxed. I do kind of fancy another
08:29cup of tea. Yeah. Well, it's only a glass that's full, isn't it? I might too. Oh, yeah.
08:36I might too. She can be bouncing off of that. We are off the train. When I tell you the
08:44longest platform ever, we were literally walking for 10 minutes. I really hurt my finger as
08:48well when I went under the table, so I got a call. But we just got out. We're in a taxi
08:54and we're going to the hotel. However, I've got no data, which is so annoying because
08:59I literally have a data roaming sim, but clearly not. So, I'm going to have to go to the hotel,
09:08log on to their Wi-Fi, and then call my dad. Obviously, I can't call him because I can't
09:12call him normally. Then I can't use WhatsApp because I have no Wi-Fi. And then hopefully
09:16he can figure it out. So, we can wait in the lobby or something and then wait until dad
09:20does it and then get going. Because if we don't have any data, that means we can't do
09:25much because we don't even know where to go. Okay, so we've checked in. Dad's got all my
09:31data back and we are now... Thank God I took pictures before this lorry has come. We're
09:36actually at the Arc de Triomphe. Look how... I mean, that lorry is really killing the vibe
09:42since he just arrived. But look how cute. We want to see if we can get tickets to go
09:48up it because apparently it's quite good up there. But we don't really know how to get
09:52to the other side. You have to go down the stairs and underground and then back up. Because
09:57if you don't know, in Paris, the Arc de Triomphe, it's basically a massive fuck-off roundabout
10:03but with no lanes. So, everyone is like... You wouldn't catch me ever, ever, ever, ever
10:09driving on it. But yeah, cute.
10:11Okay, so we've come to Zara. It was actually Zara, literally a one-minute walk that we
10:17were in. And obviously, we were still walking down. There's another Zara. So, we've come
10:20in this one to see if there's anything different or if we see anything that we didn't see in
10:24the old one. Because the other Zara, the layout was a little bit weird, wasn't it? It was
10:28a bit difficult to find the clothes. However, I did find some really nice pieces. However,
10:32Ethan, I don't know if I said in this vlog, Ethan has now become my stylist. So, I've
10:37taken pictures and I'm waiting for him to approve them. But he's at work at the minute.
10:43So, I don't know how long it will take for him to approve. But there's also a really
10:48funny story. We're in McDonald's and mum says something about a shopping centre. And I was
10:53like, oh, what's it called? She went to go get her phone out to look at what it's called,
10:57phone not in her bag. Like, oh, this is one of the jackets. Anyways, I'll continue my
11:01story in a minute. Like this. I think it's really cool for like spring. Anyways, phone
11:07not in her bag at all. Like, she checked her bag, checked herself, checked her coat. Nowhere.
11:14We were like, oh my God. Like, I just tried so hard not to burst out laughing. Because
11:19I'm like, what are the chances of being here 10 minutes? And I then checked Liferay 16.
11:24Thank God I connected mum to the Wi-Fi at the hotel. Otherwise, it wouldn't have updated.
11:29It is in the hotel. And I called the hotel and was like, I think there's a phone that
11:33we've left. And it was on the sofa where we left it about, it was like an hour that it
11:39had been there. So, the fact that it hadn't been stolen is crazy. It's in the lobby, literally
11:44on the sofa right there. Like, I can't believe it wasn't stolen.
11:48We've come to this shopping centre. Oh, the terrace is out. And I needed a wee and to
11:57do the lady business. So, oh my God. Wow. We've just come to the top of this shopping
12:05centre. What? Oh my God, mum, you are lying. Mum's crying. Oh my God. Do you like it, mum?
12:22That is crazy. I'm going to get a good pic. Look at the Eiffel Tower. Wow. Wow.
12:28Look, you can come right by the edge here. Look how stunning. Eiffel Tower there, the
12:33opera there. Mum's gone over there. She ran away from me.
12:39Look, it gets lower here. So, you can actually see. Look at that view. That crane is a little
12:44bit annoying. Look how nice it is. It's incredible. I really thought we were getting a view of
12:49the shopping centre, like I was ready to scope out where Skims, Allon, all that is.
12:54But I guess not. Me and mum have come just to a little cafe on the corner of the road.
12:59And we got a cheesecake, which actually looks unreal. I was just seeing if it was cold.
13:04It is. And I got a hot chocolate. That is literally just a thing of hot chocolate. That's
13:10the milk. Mum got a coffee and a cheesecake. It was like a little deal. And honestly, could
13:15not be healthier. We have an hour until we need to check in. We don't need to check in.
13:19We can check in. We're going to sit here and then waste time, basically, and then go and
13:25check in. But I'm so excited to eat it. So, I'm going to get pictures and then I'll come
13:29do the taste test in front of the camera. Okay, so we're going to try it. It looks very
13:35fresh. I'm going to dip it in the sauce. What's that face for? It's not the nicest cheesecake
13:48I've ever had in my life, but it will do. Okay, so it's a little bit late now. It's
13:54actually, what is the time? Seven? Half seven. It's not actually that much later, to be fair
14:03I am going to give you guys a hotel tour. Room tour. But I just had a nap because obviously
14:10we got up at three. And I got a new makeup by Mario cream contour today. So, I'm going
14:17to put that on. However, we're getting ready for dinner. We don't actually have a reservation,
14:21so we're just wearing cash. I've just got this blazer. I'm in top jeans and then I've
14:26got boots because they're the only like dressy. They're the only shoes I've bought that aren't
14:31trainers or like heels. So, I'm going to wear that. So, just casual tonight. But I'm going
14:37to finish off my makeup and then come back when we're going to dinner and update on the
14:41night because it's literally, we haven't done anything. I've literally just been asleep
14:45for about an hour. Okay, so this is the fit. We're going very cash. Redid the makeup. However,
14:50it went, we didn't really do it. I just put bronze on and I look a little bit odd. But
14:56this is the outfit. Again, the shoes I'm not obviously the biggest fan of because they're
15:01not pointed toe. I don't know if they look a bit weird, but it's the only thing we're
15:05working with and I just cannot wait to get food in my mouth, get hair tip makeup off
15:10and go to bed because I'm so tired. My throat is killing me. But yeah, this is the outfit.
15:15Not my best work, but we'll go with it.
15:18Okay, so we've come to this little restaurant. It's like a two minute walk from the hotel.
15:24It's called Merillo and I got a vegetable curry. It looks banging. It looks like a Thai
15:33green curry vibe. But yeah, I still don't do them, so I have to buy big bags, which
15:40looks so good. But mom's fish and chips, I can't lie. They look banging in it. That
15:45is one of the best fish and chips I've ever seen in my life. And we also got a glass of
15:49champagne and also a glass of Coke because we were so thirsty we had to get it. But I'm
15:56so excited. This smells so good. Okay, I'm not even joking. This is so good. It's so
16:07good. I'm going to devour this. I know I'm going to eat every little last bit. It feels
16:11like refreshing almost, which is really weird.
16:13Just outfit planned for the rest of the day. So this is tomorrow's outfit, a little khaki
16:19number. And then this is thingy, what is this? This is Thursday. Yeah, Thursday going home
16:27with a trench as well. So imagine that. This is Caesars because I just looked it up. It's
16:33very posh. The Weeknd and Kylie Jenner have been there, but I'm also so excited. And then
16:38this is drinks at the Eiffel Tower. And then this is Wednesday's outfit. So yeah, all sorted
16:46and prepared, which is so good because if it wasn't like this, the stress I'd have in
16:50the morning is unbelievable.
16:52Okay, so me and mom showered. We're in our robes and we are just chilling now. It's 11
17:01PM, which is perfect timing because we're basically, tomorrow we're going to go, what
17:06time should we go? Should we be down for breakfast? Would you say nine, quarter past nine? Eight
17:11for breakfast?
17:12All right, nine.
17:14We want to get in and out.
17:16Yeah. Mom, think about how much time we had today. We could have done so much today. I
17:24think. Wake up at eight, get ready, be out by nine, have breakfast, go out. Tomorrow
17:32we're doing the Louvre and the Notre Dame walk. Aren't we?
17:39To be fair, the walk from the Louvre to the Notre Dame is only 23 minutes. Only 20 minutes,
17:45but the walk to the Louvre is 45, I think.
17:49No, it's not. It's 45 minutes to the Louvre and then 25 minutes from the Louvre to the
17:56Notre Dame, yeah. We're definitely not doing the walk from the Notre Dame back.
18:02Do you want to go to Chantilly before we go tomorrow? Like first? Or do you want to go
18:13No, because then we'll have shopping bags and stuff.
18:16Can't be dealing with that.
18:17So we'll go on the way back, won't we?
18:19Yeah, we'll figure it out. And then we've got dinner at Caesars. And then the next day
18:23we're going to do ... where are we going?
18:30And then we've got ...
18:32Oh, I need to look for a bar at the Eiffel Tower. And then on Thursday, going home.
18:38Everyone, welcome back to this video. Today is day two. We woke up, well we sat around
18:44for eight. We actually got out of bed at half eight. Oh my God, the Eiffel Tower's right
18:48Can you see it from there?
18:50So clear.
18:51I didn't see that yesterday.
18:53Should I stop building works?
18:54No, come look. It's actually so clear.
18:57Oh, bloody hell, yeah.
18:59So, anyways, we're heading down to breakfast now. We've literally jumped up, got ready
19:04and we're heading down. This is the outfit, just this from White Fox. These are from ASOS,
19:13but they're a brand, I don't know, it's on my TikTok. Obviously Adidas. And then this
19:17is actually Skims underneath. And I'm also going to add the bomber jacket later, but
19:21because we're only going down for breakfast, just wipe this on. My hair's a bit crazy,
19:25but that's life.
19:27So we've come for breakfast, went to the Cooked thing, however, only got this. Mum got that.
19:32And they've got little jars on here. So we've got syrup, apricot, orange and honey. Orange
19:40juice. They don't have an apple juice, but so weird. Is that like a thing in France?
19:44They don't have apple juice, but every time I've come, it's never been a problem. But
19:48yeah, I'm actually so excited. I'm going to get fruit after this and maybe some croissants
19:51and pastries as well.
19:53Got myself some croissants. Look how cute they are. They're actually so, so small.
19:58I'm actually so excited to eat this.
20:00Okay, so we're just walking. We just walked past the president's house because we were
20:04like, oh, it's shut off. And there was cameras, obviously news, but we thought it was a movie
20:09because we went to the Arc de Triomphe yesterday. There was a movie, so you couldn't actually
20:14go in a certain area. So we thought, oh, it's a movie. And then there were police there
20:17with massive guns. And we're like, oh, maybe it's not a movie. Then we realised that's
20:21where the president lives. But we think something's going on because it's all like, as you can
20:26see, there's gates everywhere around it. So it must be like, don't really know what's
20:30going on today. But something is, and it's also really busy down the end. So I'm not
20:35too sure what is actually going on.
20:38We have 20 minutes left of the walk. Literally just a straight road. We have to just pass
20:45this bit here of the Palace de la Concorde, like main centre bit, and then go back into
20:56a park and keep walking. Then we're there. However, again, it's also really busy here.
21:01So not really. Yeah, someone's coming. We don't know who's coming, but it's definitely
21:06not waiting for us. So that's fine.
21:08Okay, so we've actually come into the park of the Palace de la Concorde. And we just
21:13sat by that waterfall for about five minutes based on my nan. And now we're heading to
21:18the Louvre. It should be basically through here and then round a little bit. But hopefully
21:25it's not far. I think it's about a 10 minute walk. We did do a little detour coming into
21:30the park, but I don't actually think it's going to really matter. But it's so stunning
21:35here. It really, really reminds me of Rome, like really a lot. It really reminds me, this
21:40bit reminds me of the Vatican City. Like it's very similar. Yeah, very clean and white.
21:49It's actually really bright. So white as well. But yeah, heading to the Louvre now.
21:55This is just an example of how stunning this is. Like crazy. It's not even that busy as
22:02well. Okay, so we're at the Louvre. However, there's like gates all around it. And then
22:07like, you know, like them little pods where like the news go in. And we think basically,
22:11we're guessing because it's fashion week, that there'll be like a fashion show or something
22:15or maybe like a news thing. It could be something like that. But we're thinking obviously the
22:19news go in there. Like photographers and all that. And like press. And then we believe
22:26that because they're literally cleaning everything. Okay, so here's a little cafe. And I've just
22:31booked us in there. Hopefully we can get a cocktail and cute pictures sitting on the
22:36balcony looking here. Because also no one's there. So it's also going to be really nice
22:40view because no one will be there. Okay, so we've come to this place called the Cafe Marley.
22:45And if you come to Paris, I actually do really, really recommend. I'd come breakfast time.
22:49The lunch menu did look good. But these pastries are so good. It's also really good. Well,
22:54it's obviously, it's like nine pounds of free pastry. It's actually quite good if you actually
22:58like it. We also got mimosas. Mum's nearly drank hers. But this is the view. Mum has
23:02just got croissant everywhere. This is the view. How unreal is that? Wow.
23:17I'm going to be a little cough.
23:20We're at the Notre Dame. We're currently in the queues so we can get in. I don't actually
23:24think you can take pictures in there. It's quite long, but it's actually moving pretty
23:28quickly. We're not actually like waiting. Is it bad that we've got a Joe and the Juice?
23:32Well, I don't think it is because it's in the galleries and both of them, they're actually
23:36everywhere to be honest, Joe and the Juices. I've got an iced vanilla matcha. As you can
23:41see, all the syrup at the bottom. I need to get that good old mix. Mum got a smoothie
23:45that she's going to drink every little bit of. Wait, I don't know whose is whose.
23:50No, I've got some added sriracha in mine. What does that say? It'll be in French. This
23:57one's mine. Yeah. Okay, so I've got mine and Mum's. Mum hasn't had a Joe and the Juice
24:02before, but they're so good.
24:04Okay, so we are back in the room. I actually forgot to film the fact we went for champagne
24:08and Mum ate all these crisps on the table. I literally tried to get one, but they were
24:12all gone by the time I even tried because Mum ate them all. But anyways, went to the
24:18shop. Oh, that's really nice, Mum. She tried them on the top there. She got an Zara sale
24:23little shirt. But look at my skin. Why is my skin breaking out? Not too sure about that.
24:27So we're walking back to the hotel. As we turn the corner to go on to the street of
24:31our hotel, I reckon about 100 yards to the hotel, there was an officer there and we were
24:38like, oh, that's weird. Mum went, oh yeah, imagine if the Liverpool team... What? He
24:42had a gun. He had a gun. Oh, he did have a gun. I didn't think, I just didn't imagine
24:46that. Mum went, oh, imagine if the Liverpool team were staying here because Liverpool are
24:49playing PSG tomorrow. And then I went, Mum, there's a coach. Obviously footballers usually
24:55come on a coach. The two cars in front of the coaches were Liverpool cars with a Liverpool
25:00sign on it. And then the coach had a Liverpool sign on it. So we're basically staying in
25:03the same hotel as the whole Liverpool team, which is crazy. We're going to go sit in the
25:07lobby for hours waiting to sign them. Jokes. And then we were about to get the lift and
25:12then one of their staff came out and we were about to say, oh, imagine if that was someone
25:16who plays for Liverpool, but someone who actually works at Liverpool came out. So luckily we
25:20didn't say that. Oh, well, I really do fancy them. No. Them. These. These are so good.
25:28Baked, but obviously the big ones. So obviously I just had a shower. I washed my hair. I'm
25:32going to eat these, sit down for a bit, just chill, and then we're going to get ready and
25:36go out. But we're going to get ready for A, even though our reservation's at 9, because
25:39we want to get loads and loads of pictures. Well, I do. Mum doesn't want to get loads
25:42and loads of pictures. Okay, so we are ready for the evening. I've got the light in here.
25:46It's shocking. I haven't been able to get anything for my TikTok at all this whole trip,
25:51which is so annoying that this room is just not it at all. It's like, it's really annoying.
25:56But this is the outfit for tonight. It's all White Fox, as usual, shoes at office. And
26:04yeah, that's literally about it. So we're going to go down and take some pictures because
26:07I need to get something at least tonight, because TikToks just aren't ... TikToking
26:12is really, really annoying. But oh well. Curled my hair, even though I have no hairspray.
26:16So as far as it hasn't actually fallen out yet, it's actually lasted quite well. But
26:20I'm so excited for dinner tonight. I think we're going to go now because this room's
26:24so hot as well. Like I said, I'm going to pass out.
26:27Okay, so we just had dinner at Caesars. It was so nice. The staff was so nice as well.
26:34I'll insert pictures now on what we got. We got a Caesar salad to start, and then we got
26:39spicy rigatoni for mains. And it was so nice. And to be fair, for the experience that you've
26:47got and the kind of dining that you had, it wasn't bad money at all. Like it really wasn't.
26:52We got a bottle of wine because if you get a bottle and you're planning on drinking,
26:56it's cheaper. Because obviously if you work it out per drink, you actually get like four,
27:04like eight drinks, but four drinks each instead of wine. Anyways, long story short. But yeah,
27:10no, we honestly had such a good time. The music was good as well, but it was like the
27:14perfect vibe. Don't you think? Sorry. Mum's had a bit too much to drink, if I'm going
27:22to be completely honest. I'm trying not to mention the elephant in the room, but I'm
27:25trying to hold her up as well. No, but we actually have had such a good evening, haven't
27:31we? I've had four glasses of champagne today. No, but you haven't had four glasses of champagne
27:36because we realised where we went for dinner, that's our fifth place that we've gone for
27:41drinks today. And to have fifth sets of alcohol, not sets, but I don't even know what the fuck
27:48you call it. Glasses. No, not glasses, because we've had more than that. It's like fifth
27:52places for drinks. Yeah. And also mum's got heels on, which are really painful, if you
27:57can't tell. I never wear heels. Oh my God. So I'm holding her up as a young adult does.
28:04No, but walking back home, how long was that, 10 minutes maybe? Yeah, literally 10 minutes.
28:09So we're literally so close. And we just got such good pictures at the Arc de Triomphe
28:14as well, which was so good. And then we're going to go home, finish off our wine that
28:19we got from the soddy place in the supermarket, aren't we mum? And the insert picture now
28:28of mum falling over at the Arc de Triomphe. I won't insert it, but I did get a good picture
28:34of mum falling over. And then we're going to go to bed and then we're waking up tomorrow.
28:38We're going to- Montmartre. Huh? Montmartre. Montmartre, which looks stunning. And I've
28:45got a double denim look, which I feel like will fit perfectly. Mum's going to wear a
28:49blazer, jeans, vibe. Anyway, my arm is throbbing so much, aching right now holding this camera.
28:56Oh my God. That is the best thing ever. And you wore it with the label in. Oh, and I took
29:21my jacket off. So it is day three now, last full day. And got the outfits on. Got a little
29:27double denim look today. I've got this little white bag from White Fox, these tops from
29:31White Fox. And we are in the car on the way to Montmartre. It's an hour walk, so we're
29:36not actually going to do that today. Where's my voice going? We were just in the lobby
29:41and the Liverpool manager was standing right there. There's police there, probably going
29:46to let us out. So yeah, we've actually saw the Liverpool manager in the lobby. So that's
29:53cool. Anyways, we're on our way now. So we just got dropped to the top. There's the church
30:00and then there's like an artist bit around there. And then this is obviously the view.
30:05It's a bit foggy to be fair, but it's probably because it's quite early in the morning. But
30:09look how nice, the sun's shining, thank God. Look, look at that. And all the locks and
30:15the padlocks on the stairs, which are cute as well. So we just went into the church.
30:21It says you're not allowed to take pictures or film. People were anyway, but I didn't.
30:28We didn't actually light a candle in that one because we lit one in Notre Dame. So we
30:34feel like we don't really need to light another one. But we're going to go have a little walk
30:38around and see what's about the place. This is the outfit. You can see it properly now.
30:42So I want to get a really cool picture in it because I really like this outfit. So we're
30:45going to have a walk around. There's also like cable cars over there, which I really
30:48want to go on and take you all the way down. Obviously, as you can tell, we're high up.
30:52So I really want to do that to get down. But there's also a little train thing that drives
30:58around that reminds me of like Disney, but my camera's flashing and I didn't bring a
31:02set battery. So I've got to go. So we've come down. I'm vlogging on my phone now. We've
31:06come down these little roads, all these little shops. Look how cute. Still got their Christmas
31:10decks up. Who's going to turn them? But it's an Irish pub, lol. Look how nice.
31:15We're on the roundabout. And it is crazy. I can't believe this is legal, but look how
31:25pretty it is. We've done the full 360. This is crazy.
31:39Okay, so we are at the Eiffel Tower. It looks incredible. Opposite us. It looks so nice.
31:50It's so sunny as well. Where even is the sun? There. It's literally, name a better duo,
31:56the sun and the Eiffel Tower.
31:58Okay, so it is the evening time. I don't actually think I've vlogged that much today, but we
32:02actually haven't actually done that much. Obviously, we went to that place. Literally,
32:10we've forgotten what it's called. And then we went to the Eiffel Tower, took some pickies,
32:15had some lunch. And then as you can see, all this police. There's a step there. I nearly
32:20went arse over it. And then we got ready to go out because we're going to go to this restaurant
32:25and then go to get drinks at the bar. But we actually don't really want to do that.
32:30I've got changed. I'm in this now. Skim's body suit. And then we are just going to have
32:37dinner. We're going to the same place we went on the first night. I'm going to have the
32:41fancy it. And then we're going to see how we feel. Probably have a glass of champagne
32:46with dinner anyways. It's so nice in here. And then we are going to go and see how we
32:52feel and what we're going to do. I've done my hair different today and my makeup different.
32:56And I actually think I prefer it. Me and mum got picked in my other outfit. But this blazer
33:01is the one I got yesterday from Pizarra. And then this body suit, Skim's. These are White
33:05Fox. And then shoes are obviously Adidas. But this is where we're coming for dinner
33:09again. But yeah, I'm so excited to have this curry.
33:13I've got crispy chicken spring rolls. They're so good. I did have five, but I've saved some
33:20to have with my main, which I've got the vegetable curry, which I got the other time. But they
33:27are so good. I think they have deep fried them or something, but genius.
33:32Okay, so if you do come to Paris, actually come to this restaurant. M-U-R-I-L-L-O. The
33:39food is so good. It's such good value for money. And the people in here are so nice.
33:43I've never met friendlier staff. We ordered obviously food. We came here the first night,
33:50then last night we were walking back. We said to him, because we saw him outside with the
33:54worker, we're like, oh, we're going to come back tomorrow. And then we came back and he
33:57greeted us at the door. He's so nice, isn't he? And we just eat him, had everything. And
34:04he's brought over us a little cocktail. We don't actually know what it is. He said, I'm
34:08not going to tell you what it is. It's probably just straight gin or something. Joke. But
34:13look how cute. Isn't that just the nicest thing ever? And then also these little sweets
34:19as well, which I'm going to pick out all the ones I like. Mom can have this one, banana.
34:24You can have this one, mom. Oh no, it's caramel. You can have that one. I'll have these, these
34:30ones. But it's so nice, isn't it? I don't, I actually don't know what it is. I don't
34:37know what alcohol is after we're out. Can you? A little bit. Tastes a little bit like
34:41a baby Guinness.
34:42Mom loves it. But yeah, just thought I'd give a little shout out to this restaurant because
34:54it's so nice, isn't it?
34:56It is the last morning, which is so sad, but oh well. This is the outfit I've gone for.
35:06A little trench number because I haven't actually worn the trench yet. This, I can't actually
35:10sit on that one. This cardigan is from ASOS, White Fox, Sanucci, but oh, and obviously
35:17the hat. This will obviously be linked on my LTK. Wow. Yeah, we're going down for breakfast
35:24now. To be fair, I'm not actually a massive fan of the breakfast here. I don't think it's
35:28actually nice at all. Like I don't actually like anything that's in the breakfast. So
35:33then we're going to have breakfast, come up, then go and check out. And then we're going
35:37to go to the park that's next to our hotel and then to the Chancelisse and then we're
35:42going to leave around one. But it's 8.46 now, so we'll get to have a long time. But yeah,
35:47come and spend the last while in Paris with us.
35:49I just picked up this ring from Pandora, which is so cute. And then I'm also getting this
35:53jacket from Zara, which is so nice as well. Oh, we're at the top. We're currently in Zara.
36:00I need to get Ethan, I need to get Ethan a present. So I need to get him, I want to get
36:06him a PSG top because I don't actually know if he wants one. I know he has one, I'm pretty
36:10sure he has a PSG top. So I'm going to get him another one from the horse's mouth, Paris.
36:15I've decided I'm going to go and get the Louis bag because I've been thinking about it for
36:20one, and two, the stick strap would look cool with some outfits, like today it would or
36:25whatever. But I never actually have my bag on a strap anyway, so it's not like if I carried
36:30it without a strap it would annoy me. And then you can order a strap online for like
36:34200 quid, which once you get your tax back, basically free. Go math. So we're going to
36:41Louis now, right here, and we're going to go get it.
36:47When I tell you, I am so hot. We've just literally, we went into Louis Vuitton, but obviously
36:54you need your passports, you need to write your tax receipt and stuff. And we ran. We
36:59said we'd be five, 10 minutes, but we didn't factor in coming back from the hotel, because
37:10it's a 15 minute walk, but we made it 10, not even 10, I reckon eight minutes we made
37:14that. And then I've got my passport, jumped back in here, now we're heading back to the
37:20shop. I am exhausted. So hot.
37:26Honestly, ignore the state of me, I look a state. However, food has arrived. Thank God.
37:34I'm not even that hungry and this food doesn't look. So we've got salmon, beetroot, I don't
37:41actually know what this is. Pickled onion, was it? No, don't know. Bread, this, which
37:48I'm excited for. Nuts, chocolate covered nuts, she said. And then we also got a little wine.
37:56The bread looks so good.
