• 4 minutes ago
Highway Thru Hell S13 Ep02


00:00The following program is rated 14 plus and may contain coarse language, violence, nudity,
00:11mature subject matter or scenes which may not be suitable for all viewers.
00:14Viewer discretion is advised.
00:17This time, on Highway to Hell, in the belly of the beast, Jamie powers through, aggressive,
00:39sends big iron, into the back country, and glaring, feels the squeeze, in British Columbia's
01:00Rocky Mountains, on the Trans-Canada Highway, Jamie Davis is entangled in his second day,
01:24of an unrelenting wreck, two nights ago, a fully loaded semi, lost the road, and toppled
01:41down the steep bank, last night, there's no way that that is 5,000 pounds, no way,
01:53wrong information, way more weight in here than what they're saying, resulted in Jamie's recovery,
02:05unreal, I'd never seen anything like it, becoming bigger than he bargained for,
02:12and he only left, with a tractor, we had a plan, had it all in line, we knew what we're going to
02:25do, we had it figured out, man oh man, but you know we got thrown a curveball, what can you do
02:31about that, today, they're cutting off the back of the trailer, you got it, yeah, the main goal
02:43here, is just to get the rear section of the trailer out, I'll hold it, and open up a pathway
02:49for us to recover the cargo, with a rear section free, and we'll put that towards the back end of
02:59the trailer, Jamie rigs to the trailer's rear wheels, or bogies, for the rollover, we're gonna
03:08tie up the bogies, and get it out of the way, you ready for the flip over, are we good,
03:18you got to be real careful, you're in tight there, you're in a dangerous situation,
03:21things could go really, really wrong, really, really fast,
03:52oh man, that looks in pretty bad shape, just east of Revelstoke,
04:03Jamie, and his 50 ton,
04:09are grappling with a torn trailer,
04:22the bogies are on the road, okay, let's just unhook it, the main goal here, is just to get the rear
04:28ends out of there, this part here has to get cut off, and then we'll go on to getting the cargo
04:34out tomorrow, but first they'll try to tow the wreckage back to the yard,
04:40towing it back, we don't have to bring a load bed, makes it a little more efficient,
04:52what's up,
04:56yes sir, all righty,
05:03even made road ready,
05:05the bogies 100 kilometer journey, I don't know how it'll tow, will test Jamie,
05:15I'm worried the unit's too short, and it'll become a wiggle wagon, and won't be towable,
05:21I'm going to chain up one axle, and tow it on the second axle,
05:24so that it's a little longer, and it won't wobble all over the roadway,
05:28that's a bit of a magic, it's got to be able to tow safely, can't play around, serious stuff,
05:40I'm just cringing,
05:58550 kilometers southwest, on the eastern edge of Harrison Lake,
06:08all right, let's do this, aggressive towing's 50 ton rotator,
06:14Harrison East, zero kilometers up, and heavy operator Chris Mervin, head to an off-road
06:21recovery, I love this side of Harrison, it's pretty, in this area, it's very steep, rugged,
06:29and it is just classic west coast country,
06:36joining him, gonna have some fun, Jaden Dick, I haven't done much for off-road recoveries,
06:42yeah, this is what I remember about Harrison, like Bob Ross,
06:50to reach the wreck, I'm so sorry Bertha,
06:56the rotator needs to make a 27 kilometer journey, working up east Harrison, through steep rugged
07:04terrain, Bertha's favorite, FSR cruising, we know we are operating on a very narrow area of this
07:17forest service road, and that is one of the benefits to a rotator,
07:20is it can just reach over the side and pick things up, good news,
07:25100% still here,
07:40it's a service truck, I think the guy was out in the logging camp,
07:43a couple clicks down the road, and he just put her down there, yeah,
07:51a little better time than now, Dickie,
07:56yeah, we're definitely dealing 40 degrees, it's steep, somebody went for a ride, somebody went for a rip,
08:03six hours northeast, just past that wreck, it's not pretty, an unwieldy load,
08:17must travel over 100 kilometers, I'm checking it for wobbling and shaking, before Jamie can get it
08:26safely off the Trans-Canada Highway, I don't want to hear any bashing and crashing,
08:32and I want things to be right, I can see it, it's looking good,
08:37still though, I don't want to get too confident here, you got to be very cautious,
08:43but his biggest hurdle is coming up, the only worry I really have ahead here is the tunnel,
08:53the drive will take Jamie through Highway 1's low clearance tunnels,
08:59this area is close to Revelstoke, they have snow tunnels,
09:04so that if an avalanche comes down, it doesn't go on the road,
09:09left unchecked, overheight loads can cause significant structural damage,
09:19but if anybody hits it, they would shut everything down,
09:22shut the highway down, big problem, big fines, I'm going to slow down and I'm going to stop
09:31before the tunnel, we're going to reassess everything, you don't want to take chances
09:38with that, it's either right or it isn't, I'm going to recheck this again, pretty serious stuff,
09:46I don't want to be the guy that hits the tunnel,
09:50I want to make sure that we're going to have enough clearance to get through them,
09:57we're 4.38, okay, what does our sign say here, 4.40, we're just under, Jamie has only two
10:08centimeters to spare, we're right at the very limit of heights here, all right, so we're good,
10:16we're going to have to be careful,
10:20until we clear the tunnel, we're on pins and needles,
10:24I'm going to go all tight, I'm going to be close, he's coming now, on the trans canada highway,
10:37should make it through, well we're 0.02 under, Jamie's 14 foot tall load,
10:47so I'm just going to go through here gingerly,
10:49it's close, clears the low ceiling, really close, we just, just made it through,
11:07but with six more tunnels to go, just take it nice and easy,
11:12Jamie can't lose focus, I'm pretty sure they're all the same, but we'll be double checking,
11:18you just got to go steady Eddie and be slow and cautious, 4.40,
11:25probably good that I did this job, I don't want anybody to take the rap if something goes wrong
11:31here, it's working out for us, I'm still going through the tunnel slow,
11:41easy does it, we'll persevere, we'll get there,
11:45after 45 minutes, we just passed the last tunnel, so we're all good,
11:50Jamie is on the home stretch for today, very happy that we're able to do this in one shot,
11:59great job, but the nightmare recovery is far from over, we'll come back tomorrow for the
12:06rest of the trailer, you got to be a little nuts to be in this business,
12:14six hours southwest in East Harrison, somebody went for a ride, Jaden and Merv face a service
12:22truck, somebody went for a rip, yeah, nose down a steep bank, we're basically hanging on the edge
12:32of the cliff side here more or less, an aggressive flat deck arrives to help, just makes it easy to
12:40get it out of the bush, we're unsure of the amount of damage or if it is toolable on an underlift or
12:43not, we just pick it up and it'll want to spin on its own, we'll just lay it out behind us,
12:51let's get it out of here, with the rotator we can reach out about 24 feet off the side of our
12:54trucks, we don't have to worry about debris and rocks and dirt and trees and all sorts of stuff
13:01as we come up this bank, lines from the rotator hooked to chains will fish the pickup out of the
13:11ditch, then with the rotator's rear winch line running from the flat deck to the pickup,
13:19they'll level the wreck back on solid ground,
13:22right there, we're gonna let Jaden come up with his own rigging plan,
13:33what he's going to attach to, how he's going to do it,
13:37one on one side, one on the other, definitely feels pretty good,
13:41he's comfortable with my decisions, I'll have to reach past you then boom in, hopefully you can
13:46reach them cables after, as you can see I didn't bring my pin puller, you can't quite reach that
13:50hundred percent, okay here now, no,
13:58it's all right, try to steal your gloves,
14:02ah Jaden, he's doing well for us here, learning, he likes coming out and playing on steep banks, so
14:08make sure you bring him every time, he's young, he's got the energy to do this,
14:12I'm getting old, how long do you have those chains Jaden, real short, real short,
14:18no, no, we need them long, because what's going to happen when it rolls over, when it comes up,
14:22it's going to be on my cables on the tailgate, I mean we could try, we could see what happens,
14:27I'm a gamer, I'm going to blame it on you, if anybody makes fun of it,
14:32too late, we're doing it now boys, we're going to let him witness his own rigging in play here,
14:39let's see what it does, how I rigged it, that's not the way he would have done it,
14:45but I'm comfortable with it,
14:56nice and easy,
15:03there she goes, that's slick, the rotator has to clear all 22 feet of the truck,
15:11that is a lot more truck than I thought, before it can be swung onto the road,
15:21I got to manage to get her laid out behind us here,
15:26okay boys, grab the nose and pull it that way and then we'll set her down,
15:31we got it standing vertical right now, we want to set it down on four tires,
15:36so my flat deck operator can load it up, there you go, and get her out of there,
15:44using the flat deck as an anchor, a line from the rotator will level the pickup,
15:54okay hook her in,
15:55she's going to want to roll towards the bank here too, so watch yourself,
16:09Merv's master class, yeah see that's, that's what I'm saying, is back in session,
16:17so now I guarantee you understand why, yeah, as he shows how Jayden's short chains
16:27caused the winch lines to bear the full load of the wreck, everything's a learning experience,
16:34derig everything, we're done,
16:38you just got to point these things out and then he understands them,
16:42take everything off because then he can load it,
16:46this is one of the aspects of thinking the recovery through in its entirety versus
16:50just one section, slow and steady all the way down buddy,
16:57but Merv and Jayden, my Chevy too, we can, aren't leaving just yet,
17:05there's another pickup further down the bank, we'll get her bud,
17:11I don't like garbage left in the bush, takes away from the beautiful scenery,
17:16so if I come right here, this one should pick flat, not the truck we came up for,
17:21but might as well clean up the environment a little bit,
17:28but being good Samaritans means working in the dark,
17:33you want bee posts, yeah, both singled out,
17:42okay, right there buddy, you can't see things around you,
17:47falling objects in such steep terrain becomes a danger,
17:52in order to get this ugly eyesore out of there, it's worth it,
17:57this vehicle has been in there for a good couple of years,
18:01we're just rigging to the strongest points, we'll just go from there, we are all ready,
18:09but recovering a random wreck, watch behind you buddy, comes with its own risks,
18:17there's so much damage, she's coming, if we can get her up on the road,
18:23in one piece, we'll be laughing,
18:31anybody order a truck, on a forest service road,
18:37Merv and Jayden are going above and beyond, yeah, to clean up mother nature,
18:46it's just an extra step,
18:48we're gonna put her on the back of Bertha, and bring her back out of the bush,
18:53all right buddy, d-rig, they're running pretty good, nicely,
18:58Jayden preps the second wreck to be towed out,
19:04and the second wreck is going to be towed out of the forest service road,
19:08buddy, d-rig, they're running pretty good, nicely, Jayden preps the second wreck to be towed out,
19:19oh, working with Merv is amazing, he's a great teacher,
19:22he's always willing to show you different tricks, he's been doing it for ages, so he knows,
19:28knows a thing or two, and Merv's lessons in the backcountry, now we're good, are done for the day,
19:37yeah, I really enjoy working with Jayden, yeah, dickie bird, all right, let's get home,
19:49I'm hungry,
20:03the next morning, east of Revelstoke,
20:10all right, Jamie is back on scene, we're on day three of this job here,
20:17for us, the priority is to get the load out of the trailer,
20:22oh, so there he is now, he's bringing in a 28-ton crane truck to help with the offload,
20:32the cargo, it's down a few feet from the highway, there's a very steep bank,
20:38you can barely even stand up in this trailer, so what we want to do is reload that stuff in
20:43your basket, unload it up here, create pallets, and we'll put the bobcat in, you know, lift them
20:48into another trailer, with a 95-foot reach, it's a vital recovery tool, this job's just going to
20:59take time, the crane is going to be a lot quicker, but first, okay, that's good, good enough,
21:08Jamie rigs a safety line, we're just going to hold it,
21:13to protect the salvage crew, we need to make sure that it doesn't just slide down the bank further,
21:21be careful going down there, which today includes his daughter, Alexis, yeah,
21:29I have never seen a crane like this in my life, it is the biggest piece of equipment I've like
21:35ever been beside, here Alexis, just carry one at a time, since she was eight years old,
21:46you can do this one, Alexis has tagged along on wrecks, perfect, Alexis look, look, pick it up,
21:56I like driving to the recovery tube, towing it, everything, good job Alexis, I'm like wow,
22:04when she grabs the controls, she just knows, she's a natural, proud of you,
22:12I'm going to give you guys hard helmets,
22:17here Alexis, you wear mine,
22:22there's some big risk inside of a trailer unloading that,
22:25you don't know what's going to come down on you, so we want to be safe,
22:33we have a mixed load, lego, labels, soap, tvs, yes, this is a front to back fully loaded trailer,
22:47and it's in five thousand pounds, also back on scene,
22:53oh my back, swamper martin steffig, okay bring that off,
23:04okay, helping at road level is Jamie's stepson Brandon Codalis, it's a heavy hat, but it's safe,
23:14so we're at three days straight here, but you just work until you get the job done,
23:19and today's unload, so that's what we'll be doing, but removing a full load,
23:31on a 45 percent grade, watch out, comes with challenges, definitely a lot of things to watch
23:39out for, whenever the cage comes down, you got to watch like metal flinging back and forth,
23:47the sidewalls of the trailer not meant to be walked on, so you're sliding everywhere,
23:52oh that's just gonna,
23:56you have to pace yourself with this,
24:00what do you got up there still, about eight pallets, on top loaded more,
24:06we got about a third of a trailer left, we want to make sure all of this loads out of here today,
24:11we won't have the crane tomorrow,
24:15with daylight fading, hey let's get out of here,
24:20the team needs to hustle, once it gets dark, it becomes distraction to traffic,
24:28it could cause a secondary accident, the hazards and the danger triple with nightfall,
24:36it's do or die on the cargo right now,
24:41can't do much until they unload the trailer, on the TransCanada Highway, I got two skids coming up,
24:48the race is on, and watch yourself, to empty out a full load of mixed goods, yep, all right,
24:58but as night falls, concern for his crew, I'll go have a look, has Jamie reassessing his plan,
25:08star code, visibility's a problem, accidents can happen, how's it going, we almost got it,
25:18it's coming, I know, with over two-thirds of the trailer unloaded, let's just finish these boxes
25:30here, okay, okay, Jamie makes the call, we're just gonna pull out the rest of these boxes,
25:38and then we're gonna pull it out tomorrow, with some of the load still in it,
25:42I know what it takes to do these jobs, and I know when to hold them, and I know when to fold them,
25:50with the arrival of the offload trailer, let's come right here, all right, Alexis, okay, that's it,
25:57and Martin, we're good to go, can call it a night, definitely feel good about today,
26:06we got a lot done, but even after clocking out, you're not tired yet, no, Alexis continues to
26:14pitch in, man, you're my little hero, you work like the old man, that's why I have your hat on,
26:21that's why you got my hat on, yeah, that's why my name's Jamie today, I definitely see me in him,
26:27yep, yep, I see, yep, I do, and even big brother Brandon, we'll get this one figured out,
26:35is taking notice, not only am I proud of Alexis for being able to do this kind of work physically,
26:40but I'm just genuinely shocked, the effort level is very impressive, have a good night, thanks,
26:49the offload complete, this is going to be the last one, brownie, nice,
26:55marks the end of day three, everybody really worked hard today,
27:01we're going to come back tomorrow and pull the trailer up,
27:07I'm out of here, I need my pillow and a blanket,
27:32550 kilometers southwest,
27:37in the Fraser Valley,
27:40the road turns dry the whole way over,
27:44a 50-ton Vulcan wrecker is on the move with Al Quiry,
27:50we're just heading back out on the highway for an incident that happened earlier in the daytime,
27:57hours earlier, a dump truck left the road and its trailer flipped over, spilling its load,
28:11backing up traffic for kilometers,
28:16it takes a matter of seconds to back up our highway corridor on the TransCanada,
28:23so we had to make choice, disconnect the truck,
28:29separate everything quickly and just clear the scene to hopefully get traffic flowing again,
28:38we're gonna deal with the trailer this evening, now that the roads are clear,
28:43okay, let's roll,
28:48returning tonight, still in there, right, Al sent a crew ahead to prepare the trailer,
28:54because this truck is in the median, I've sent out a mini excavator
28:59to empty the trailer out, so it'll be a simple recovery,
29:04to help with the rollover, his son, Cary, follows in his 20-ton wrecker, I've got Cary
29:11coming out with the little tow truck there, he's gonna hook onto the front of it, tow it away for
29:15me once I rip it out, but working at night, next to the live lane, is a constant concern,
29:27is a constant concern, being in the fast lane is pretty dangerous place,
29:34it's only 100k zone,
29:39but still people in the evening not really paying attention, perfect timing,
29:46Cary rolls into the scene, all ready, and quickly gets to work, it's very challenging at night,
29:55be working out on the highways, there's lots of dangers, hidden dangers,
29:59and these days, the stakes are exceptionally high for the quarries,
30:07last summer, Cary and his wife, Sarah, welcomed their son, Tanner,
30:15got her, every day in North America, tow truck guys get hurt on the side of the road,
30:24and I don't want to have my son, I don't want to have my family, I don't want to have my workers,
30:29in any situation like that, being a dad, my goal every day is to come home alive,
30:37it's a bad spot, they're still working on the highway,
30:43on highway one,
30:56the quarries must work beside a live lane,
31:03to upright a tipped trailer,
31:13Cary will be in control and hold that front bogey system,
31:20as I upright the trailer and drag that onto the road,
31:26but in tight quarters, Al is relying on every tool he has, having the side pull
31:33on the truck that I operate, it greatly benefits your recovery ability,
31:40especially when you're in a live lane,
31:47for new father, Cary,
31:52and granddad, Al, you know, just let your truck roll ahead,
31:55just make sure you don't go in the ditch, every minute counts,
32:02our trans canada, in this part of the province, is not very wide,
32:07oh let's pull it out,
32:12so head on a swivel, keep your eyes on traffic,
32:16because it's a dangerous place to operate out there,
32:24gently laid over, go forward, the trailer must be pulled onto pavement,
32:32but between his wrecker, and the wreck, getting real tight, Al's feeling the squeeze,
32:44sometimes it does get a little squishy, there's risk, good, good, but I like to be in the action too,
32:54barely 25 minutes after they arrived, it's good enough, the trailer's good to go,
33:01ready, yeah, all right, you need to have your plan laid out,
33:10I like to be seal team six, that's the way my dad, that's the way my grandpa,
33:15that's the way my uncle's taught, fine, good, yeah, it went perfect, working with my dad,
33:22well, I always look forward to it, it's a bonding time, all right, we're rolling,
33:28I want that situation to be as safe as possible for everybody around,
33:34I've got a responsibility, not only to Kerry and Sarah, but you know Tanner as well,
33:41and hopefully future grandchildren, you can quote me on that,
33:47awesome, thank you,
33:52in and out, that's quick, awesome, thank you,
34:08six hours northeast, the final piece of the puzzle,
34:14four-day wreck, doesn't happen often, it just pushes you to the max,
34:21Jamie Davis's new 50-ton HR100, his job's been long, heads back to the big recovery,
34:33four days ago,
34:35the fully loaded semi, lost the road,
34:42and toppled down the steep bank,
34:48a little bit of tarnish up in here,
34:54also back to finish the job,
34:56to finish the job,
35:00Brandon, time to push through and get the last bit done, and Alexis, Dave, I don't even know,
35:09I'm pretty driven to do it because I've seen my father do it
35:12like my whole life and he hasn't quit, bringing in 30-ton HR130 for the big pull,
35:20it's rock and roll, ready to give her, operator Rob Wall,
35:28it'll be a relief when this gets back to the air tonight, yeah that's good, let me bring the cable,
35:36we need the big straps over the trailer, we'll put two around it, we'll try to basket it,
35:41the reason we're using the straps on the back is because there is nothing to hook onto,
35:47yeah bring that one down, we'll go right around the whole back,
35:51here's the shackle for that guy, the straps are wrapped around, here's a thing to pull it,
36:00what's left of the destroyed trailer, we're just doing whatever we can to get it rigged up for
36:06recovery, getting it through, I got it, pull it, with lines from the 30-ton to straps
36:19and the 50-ton at the front, they'll drag the unit back onto the road,
36:30I want to make sure this thing's going to come out and come out smoothly,
36:33you got it, okay,
36:41arriving to watch their final move is Jamie's wife and business partner Sherry, my family's
36:48over here, so I'm hanging out with everybody, okay everybody out, but with 8,000 pounds remaining
36:57inside the destroyed trailer, okay, the pull,
37:06holy man, is still a fight,
37:20we're hoping that the trailer stays together, keep going, keep going,
37:28the more pieces that break off, means more work, keep coming,
37:42almost there, and after four days of a job that consumes you and everything around you,
37:49well, it's up and on the road, you just want to get this done and you want to move on with life,
37:55I'll get out of the way,
38:01a specialized low bed arrives for the wreckage,
38:05what do you think about pulling on something, but dragging the mangled unit onto the tilting
38:11trailer, well, there's the only thing we can pull is on here, comes with new challenges,
38:18look right here though, we're a pretty big spot right there,
38:22thin light material, we don't have a lot to work with here,
38:30we'll get three 3h chains and do three points, if we can get two or three places to hook to,
38:36we might have a chance without it breaking apart,
38:39everyone's pitching in, basically, the job is don't stop, that's the job, just keep working,
38:48just hang on to it, pull it, she's there right to the very end, right through the nitty-gritty to
38:54see it done, okay, let's see what it does, okay, are we good, yeah, just try it,
39:04okay, let's see what it does, okay, are we good, yeah, just try it, pull in a bit, yeah, let's pull,
39:21stand back there, Rob, you never know,
39:27watch yourself,
39:29pull it, all stop,
39:37they're moving the trailer right now, okay, suck it up, on the TransCanada Highway,
39:44okay, slow down a bit,
39:48not going, the last pull, pull it, all stop, of Jamie's four-day recovery,
39:56let me see, has hit a snag, the winch, it'll pull a certain amount, yeah, that's working,
40:04but the trailer needs a bit of finessing here to make this work,
40:09determined to make this the final push, maybe go to the back end with a skid steer,
40:16yeah, I'll try a little bit, they bring in the on-site skid steer,
40:22yeah, the trailer, it's got some weight in it,
40:24so the bobcat can give us a hand pushing on the back to make this happen,
40:31careful, Rob,
40:34that way, it's gentle, gentle, gentle, yeah, that's working,
40:42the last thing we need is this thing falling apart, with a final push, it's actually coming up good,
40:52yeah, the mangled unit makes its way onto the tilting trailer,
41:01there we go, nice,
41:06a little more, after four exhausting days, I think it's pretty good,
41:14the wreck is finally out of the ditch, perfect, it's coming together, we've got a little bit of
41:20stuff to load and then we're all good, basically today I'm working so hard because I got places to
41:31be tonight, looking forward to a night off? Yeah, I gotta get home, I got a date tonight,
41:39you've got a date? Yeah, are you kidding me? What do you mean a date? I don't even know you
41:44have a boyfriend, who is it, that guy, same guy, she's worked 12 hours and she's still got enough
41:50energy to go chase a boyfriend, like what? I checked him out, he's okay,
42:02four-day wreck, doesn't happen often, ratchet up, takes a lot of work, lots of people,
42:10now you're good, just tie it up, yeah, but we got it done, it's a win for the whole family,
42:19it was a family effort going on here to get this thing done, that's good, she's good to go,
42:25everybody worked really hard, it's nice to have the family all work together,
42:30and Jamie's newest wrecker, I love this truck, comes out on top,
42:37you know, we're on to better things, heading into the winter, there's a lot of energy around,
42:43everybody is in a good mood and they're gung-ho, kids want to get out there and work,
42:49that's it, we're out of here, you've got to get out there and get it done, you just don't give up,
42:56yeah, it's that time of year,
43:01thankfully, we're here,
43:06next time on Highway Through Hell,
43:12over the edge, holy crap, with Team MSA, how are we gonna get this out of the way,
43:18extreme grades, it's just too steep, an uphill battle,
43:25and a log jam, it's gonna be a big pull, of trouble, hey, roll it over,