00:00dinner. Let's talk big picture first SEC tournament title odds
00:04at this moment. No surprise. Auburn is the favorite at plus
00:07145. But do you go to the top with the Tigers? Or do you look
00:11somewhere else in that board for maybe just a tad more value?
00:15I mean, I lean on Florida here.
00:19I know it's not only from a value perspective, I just think
00:21they're the best team. When you look at both ends of the floor,
00:24and that's not a disrespect to Auburn and where they are. But I
00:28don't know that that Florida isn't primed to win this
00:31tournament given the way they've played. And they seem to be
00:33getting better as the season goes along, right? They're
00:36playing probably the best version of their own basketball
00:38now, more so than ever. And so I like Florida at plus 270. I
00:43don't really give anybody else a shot like Tennessee, I think if
00:47their defense is on point certainly could make it life
00:50difficult for every other team. They would need to play three
00:54straight really stout defensive games. How much better is their
00:58defense? Or how consistent is their defense away from
01:00Knoxville? We haven't really seen a good picture of that so
01:03far this year. They've struggled a little bit on the road. Does
01:05the neutral side game mean on the road? I don't know. But
01:08we'll find out. But I think Tennessee probably is the other
01:10place I'd look just because their defense is that much
01:13better than everybody else's.
01:15It's a good point that you bring up too, because you take a look
01:17at some of the best offenses in the country. According to Ken
01:19Palm, you got one, three, four, five and six along one difference
01:24there, as I assume it's probably Duke at number two overall.
01:27Usually when I look at neutral side court and you play, let's
01:30just say in the SEC, which is an unbelievable conference, do you
01:33really rely more on defense? Because it's true that Tennessee
01:35is the best defensive team in the country. And they still do
01:38have a quality offense on that end. Do you look more
01:40offensively or defensively when you're picking neutral courts
01:43here? Or does it matter to you at that point?
01:46I mean, look, for all intents purposes, you use the same exact
01:49method used for six games in March, right? It's it's guard
01:51playing defense, right? If you have those two things, then you
01:55have a chance to make a run through any tournament, right,
01:57whether it's conference tournament or the NCAA
01:59tournament. And that's what Tennessee really excels at,
02:01right, they got great guard play, and they play great
02:04defense. So I think Tennessee, Tennessee's offense at times,
02:10can look a little bit lackluster. But remember,
02:13Tennessee's pace is so dreadfully slow, that, you know,
02:17it sort of can make their offense look not as good as what
02:22it really is. It's still efficient, but they're just not
02:25pushing the pace and because they're willing to slow things
02:27down, you're not going to get a lot of points scored. That
02:30brings a little bit of variance in when it comes into, you know,
02:33beating better teams. I just think that Tennessee, you know,
02:36again, for them, it's about game script. And if they can
02:38control the other team from the outset, they do it in the first
02:4020 minutes, guess what, they're gonna have a great chance to do
02:43it for a full 40 minutes, because they know what works
02:45against whoever they're playing, and they stick with it.