Franco Colapinto, destacado piloto argentino, ha utilizado sus redes sociales para solicitar ayuda urgente para Bahía Blanca, su ciudad natal, afectada por recientes desastres. Su padre, Aníbal Colapinto, comparte la conmoción y destaca la solidaridad de los argentinos en momentos difíciles. A pesar de estar en el extranjero, Franco busca movilizar recursos y apoyo a través de donaciones y mensajes al gobierno.
00:00We are in communication with Aníbal Colapinto, Aníbal good morning, Aníbal is the father of Franco Colapinto, thank you for attending us, he is very involved, he is very moved, Franco uploaded to his networks the request for help, good morning Aníbal
00:16Hello Pamela and team, how are you?
00:18Good, let's remember what is the relationship with Bahía Blanca, we know that recently he had to say goodbye to his grandfather and that's why he was from Bahía Blanca, is that right Aníbal?
00:31Yes, all my family is from Bahía Blanca, I was born in Bahía Blanca, then I ended up in Buenos Aires, now in the countryside, but I have my mother, my father left four months ago, but my mother and my brothers are there, I was there three days before this,
00:51now I'm going to go there on Friday night, Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, when I finish completing the bus that facilitates a business, so we are planning things for the trip.
01:06Well, I'm trying to listen well, I don't know if you, the communication is cut off, right? Aníbal, are you in contact with people currently from Bahía Blanca?
01:20Yes, yes, yes, I am in permanent contact, my relatives, even friends, even acquaintances who have had a very bad time, some with losses, even relatives, that's why I'm trying to put each one in our little grain of sand.
01:42Sure, Aníbal, it caught my attention, Franco, that a boy with good wood, with good feelings, that the first thing he did was to alert Mr. President, please help Bahía Blanca, retweet a tweet from someone who asks President Javier Mirai to connect with reality and please help the people of Bahía Blanca,
02:06he felt attacked by many people who had to go out and say, please, it was a request for help, I don't care who governs, I'm not doing politics with anything, do you feel that each phrase, for what he represents, how he represents us in the world, can be taken badly?
02:24It's crazy what's going on, we have so many good things, the Argentines, as well as bad things, Franco, the only thing he did, being abroad, without knowing much about what was happening, kind of desperate, because, well, he has his feelings of the city.
02:45He reposted something that a friend of ours had uploaded, who is also from Bahía Blanca, who has his family there, and he is working elsewhere, he did it once, well, some started to criticize that, and to be frank, of course, I'm not a politician, I'm not interested in politics, the only thing I want is...
03:05It was a request for help, which I think he added.
03:07Yes, he added.
03:09In short, he wasn't even criticizing the government, he wasn't even a politician, nothing, in short, to both, guys, get together.
03:17I asked Franco to steal them, to Governor Axel Kicillof and President Javier Milet, to steal them, so that this famous meeting could take place, because it's incredible that they can't talk.
03:28No, no, but that's why he stole them, like saying, guys, cool, let's finish with the crack, get together, let's do things together, for the people who really need it.
03:40Aníbal, do you feel, I always see Franco committed to his country, I always congratulate him, he is an example for even the youngest.
03:47Now, are you going to recommend to him as a father that he doesn't get involved in politics anymore? Because he has such a clean image.
03:53Messi, look, the truth is, he never talked about politics, I mean, I never heard him talk about politics, and Colapinti, Franco, your son, who is a young figure in sports, I see him involved, and I like that.
04:02But are you going to recommend him to follow the line of Messi, that he never gets involved, or that he continues with this temperament that he has?
04:10No, Franco is very spontaneous, Franco says what comes to him, but it's like he clarified it, it's not that I want to get involved in politics.
04:18Well, I want you to decide, you can say, well, a politician, whatever party, in the catastrophe, today it was Bahía Blanca, tomorrow it can be any other province, get together, forget about the difference that each one of the parties has.
04:38Let's see, what we Argentines have to do, not just the politicians, right?
04:41Yes, I want to share with you this desperate request for help from Franco Colapinto.
04:48He is one of the many organizations that is buying supplies, helping people, and is receiving all the donations, so everything you can send, I leave you a couple of links, and you can send it there.
05:03And nothing, a lot of strength to Bahía, that among all we can get ahead, we are going to rebuild the city, and I am sure that in a while we will be able to return to normality.
05:17A lot of strength, keep fighting the endola, and a very strong hug, bye bye.
05:24With a lot of impotence for being so far away, but what he does is share the links for help, help with whatever, yes Mariana.
05:30Aníbal, good morning. How do you imagine, and I ask you if you are in contact with someone from Bahía Blanca, let it be the bridge, to know what is needed?
05:41And I also understand that there, with the strength of Franco's sponsors and others, and other types of help, something very important can be generated, which is what you are proposing.
05:52Yes, the truth is that it is admirable, as I said before, we have bad things, but the solidarity that we Argentines have, I think we are number one in the world.
06:05In fact, what I am seeing in the field now, in one of the properties called San Andrés Giles, a group of friends, a truck with a semi-truck made available to me, so that I can go with the truck full of collectors.
06:25So everyone started working in the village, that's why on Friday night, at dawn, I'm going out there with the truck, and yes, well, with Franco you can imagine.
06:39Forget it, a revolution, so with the truck, I say, the transfer of goods is important, because it is the truth that is most needed now, there is so much donation, so much donation that now the transfer has to be made.
06:55Yes, and the truth is that what people need the most today is, because it has already ended now, when they start to lift the mud and the solidarity begins to go down, but unfortunately.
07:08But a lot of laundry, always mattresses, drinkable water, gloves, rubber boots, something that for now I will not follow, but we are related to laboratories, and what people are needing is insulin, because the diabetics need insulin.
07:31Thank you very much, yes, Anibal, the communication is being cut off, thank you very much for your words.
07:36Well, thank you for the discussion, see you later.
08:01Thank you very much.