• 2 days ago
Terrifying Moment: Gulmarg Gondola Stalls Mid-Air, Passengers Stranded Thousands of Feet Above! A shocking incident unfolded in Jammu & Kashmir’s Gulmarg as a gondola ride suddenly came to a halt mid-air, leaving passengers stranded thousands of feet above ground. Due to a power outage, the cable car stopped abruptly, creating a terrifying situation for those onboard. Oneindia’s Avinash brings you the updates from the ground, detailing how authorities responded to the crisis and how the passengers were eventually rescued. Watch this spine-chilling video to witness the dramatic moment!

#GulmargGondola #GondolaRideStuck #JammuKashmir #Oneindia #GulmargNews #CableCarIncident #OneindiaReports #GondolaRescue



00:00We are in Gurmarg, Roopvei, Kerala.
00:11It's been more than 20 minutes, we are all stuck.
00:15There are four of us.
00:16How long is it going to back?
00:20It becomes very important because it distracts your attention.
00:24You don't look down again and again if you have any problem.
00:28Keep yourself as calm as possible.
00:31If you have some water, don't drink a lot of water.
00:34Keep drinking a little water.
00:36We are in Gurmarg, Roopvei, Kerala.
00:43It's been more than 20 minutes, we are all stuck.
00:48There are four of us.
00:49All members of the media.
00:51We have come here to cover the Halo India Winter Games.
00:55In J&K, the second phase.
00:58We are coming down from Kangduri.
01:06So the Kangduri phase 1, we are coming down to Gurmarg.
01:10We are all stuck here.
01:12Not just us, in fact the entire line which comprises two phases.
01:17Two and two, both are stuck.
01:19Both are stuck.
01:20We are not sure how long is it going to back.
01:26Power cut is there.
01:27We are hearing that there is some power cut downhill as well.
01:32Even at the hotel where we are stationed, there is some power cut over there as well.
01:37We don't know anything right now.
01:40I think the tourists below us, who are roaming around in sledge,
01:48they feel that our gondola is crawling very slowly.
01:52But maybe someone has corrected them that it is stopped.
02:10If you feel there is a lack of breath, just try to take deep breaths.
02:15There is nothing else other than this.
02:26It becomes very important.
02:27Because it distracts your attention.
02:30You don't look down again and again.
02:32If you have any problem, if you are afraid of heights,
02:37your phobia can increase here.
02:40In such a case, try to keep yourself calm as much as possible.
02:44If you have some water, don't drink a lot of water at a time.
02:47Keep drinking a little bit of water.
02:51The good thing is that you don't feel the heat here.
02:54You won't feel suffocation because there are some channels here.
02:58You can open them, slide up, slide down.
03:01That is also a way.
03:04You can control your breathing here.
03:09There will be no oxygen debt here.
03:11That is not a problem.
03:12But sometimes things have stopped for a long time.
03:17Our companions have also occupied themselves in some way.
03:21We all are from media and sports media.
03:24So we have kept ourselves occupied by talking about sport.
03:29We have kept ourselves occupied by talking a little bit.
03:33We don't know how soon or how long it will resume.
03:38The power will come and it will be restored.
03:41If you can see behind me.
03:44If I can show you with the camera.
03:47Look at this.
03:48All these gondolas are stopped.
03:55They are all stuck like this.
03:58In the beginning, they were moving a lot.
04:02Because better sense seems to have prevailed and everybody is acting patiently,
04:08waiting patiently for the power to be restored
04:13and we get to reach our destination where we are supposed to.
04:20Don't miss out.
04:21Log on to OneIndia.com for more updates.
