• 2 days ago
Today in Roblox, Johnny and Gooby try to save Marty and Daisy from becoming too FAT! Will they be able to save them?! Watch till the end to find out!

#roblox #johnny
00:00Go, Gooby! Come on, keep running!
00:02Oh yeah, almost at mile four!
00:06Okay, alright, get off. Now, start lifting weights.
00:09This is called a super set.
00:11You get off of that and you start instantly doing something else.
00:14Yeah, I'm feeling the burn!
00:17Gooby, we are so massive right now. We look like superheroes!
00:21Yeah, we're like the big, strong, hulking guy.
00:25Okay, back on running, back on running.
00:26A few more little runs in, okay?
00:28And super set, super set.
00:31And we finish it off in the pool, come on!
00:34Go, Gooby, go!
00:37Lifting weights while in the pool!
00:39I'm going, Gooby, I'm going!
00:40Oh yeah, I need all that exercise, all that strength, all that muscle!
00:44And jumping off the diving board!
00:47Oh, I think we're done, I think we're done.
00:49That was a good five-hour workout, went pretty quick.
00:52Yeah, now let me just get some protein from the vending machine.
00:56Hey! No!
00:57This is not protein balls, Anil, this is chocolate!
01:00Oh gosh, why would they put that there?
01:03All right, Gooby, well you know the most important part after a workout is to get our protein in.
01:08So how about we go to a restaurant and get full steaks?
01:11Yeah, okay.
01:13All right, come on, bro, follow me.
01:15Let me just hop into my really nice car that's green, like my poop.
01:19Oh, where did you get that?
01:20Um, I bought it.
01:21Oh God, Gooby, I'm so big that my head is popping out of the top of the car.
01:25That's how much muscles I have in my body.
01:27Hopefully we're not too strong that the car can't even drive.
01:31No, we should be fine, Gooby.
01:33Wait, what the heck?
01:34This is Daisy's house.
01:35And look, there's Daisy!
01:37What the?
01:38Oh, she must be having a picnic.
01:40By herself?
01:41Wait, hold on, something's not right here, Gooby.
01:43Hi, guys.
01:44Oh my God!
01:46Daisy, you're huge!
01:48What happened to you?
01:50What do you mean?
01:51Oh my goodness, did you swallow a bowling ball?
01:54Daisy, you got a haircut?
01:55Do you guys want something to eat?
01:57I was about to have lunch.
01:58You were about to have...
01:59This is your lunch?
02:00Are you going to eat all this?
02:01This is pre-lunch.
02:02The other stuff is cooking on the inside.
02:04What do you mean pre-lunch?
02:06This is before you actually even eat lunch?
02:08Of course, this is like snack time.
02:10Oh my gosh.
02:11Daisy, you cannot eat all of this!
02:13Yes, I can.
02:14You are insane!
02:15What have I been telling you?
02:16Wait, hold on, let's see what you got here.
02:18You got pancakes, hot dogs, pizza.
02:22This is all unhealthy food.
02:23Daisy, you're going to die if you keep eating this.
02:25You're not my daddy.
02:26I'm not going to die.
02:27Here, I'll eat some fruit.
02:29Daisy, there's Nutella on the bottom of that.
02:33I love Nutella.
02:34That is not healthy.
02:35Look at me and Gooby.
02:36Look how fit we are.
02:37We just got back from the gym.
02:39Oh, you went to the gym.
02:41Yeah, I'm down to one swim suit a day.
02:44Yeah, Daisy, this is not healthy.
02:45You need to change these habits.
02:47I don't want to.
02:48Okay, fine.
02:49You don't want to?
02:50Then how about I get my daddy over here and you'll see what happens.
02:53When you eat junk food every day.
02:54Yeah, you'll see.
02:55You'll see.
02:56Come on, Gooby.
02:57Let's go get my daddy.
02:59Gotta teach my sister a lesson.
03:00All right, Gooby, look around for him.
03:01He should be around here somewhere.
03:03Oh, yeah.
03:04He usually eats.
03:05Yep, there he is.
03:06Found him.
03:07Oh, yeah.
03:08Wait, what?
03:09Oh, my gosh.
03:10He looks just like Daisy.
03:12Hey, guys.
03:13Daddy, what do you think you're doing over here?
03:15I'm having a nice, you know, lunch.
03:17Some pizza.
03:18Are you kidding me?
03:19Well, daddy, guess what?
03:21Daisy is doing the same thing as you are.
03:23She's eating a pre-lunch right now and she's getting very fat.
03:27That is my pre-lunch.
03:29She learned from the best.
03:30She learned from the best.
03:31Picking up bad habits from you, Marty.
03:33I don't appreciate that.
03:34Get these out of here.
03:36Come on, daddy.
03:37What is wrong with you?
03:38What are you doing with my pizza?
03:39Get these out of here.
03:40What the heck?
03:41Listen, I need you to follow us in your little van because we need to set an example for
03:44Daisy of what not to do.
03:46Well, I need my nap.
03:48I need to take a nap now.
03:50No, daddy.
03:51No naps.
03:52You're messing up with my schedule.
03:53I'm looking at my watch right now and I have five minutes to make it home before I nap.
03:55All right.
03:56Well, guess what?
03:57You're going to stop by Daisy's in two minutes, so you're still going to be in time for your
04:02Follow us.
04:03All right.
04:06You want me to go talk to Daisy?
04:07I'll go talk to Daisy.
04:08You guys think you're all cool because you're fit and you're driving a nice sports car.
04:09Come on, daddy.
04:10Follow us this way.
04:11Come on.
04:12My van's slow.
04:14There she is.
04:15What is this, Daisy?
04:16What is going on over here?
04:17Well, you guys told me that I needed to start exercising.
04:20So, I made a hot dog roll.
04:22I don't get it.
04:23Oh, it's a hot dog race.
04:24Can I join you?
04:25How is this going to help you exercise?
04:26So, I just grab a hot dog.
04:27I eat it.
04:29And then I move to the next one.
04:30Oh, my goodness.
04:31That's good.
04:32She's moving.
04:33See, she's getting fit.
04:34Daddy, look at her.
04:35Daddy, it looks like she has a baby inside of her.
04:36Oh, my gosh.
04:37No, that's a horrible thing to say.
04:39She's just gaining a little weight.
04:40It's fine.
04:41Daisy, every time you eat a hot dog, it will make you fat.
04:42Oh, my gosh.
04:43Oh, my gosh.
04:44Oh, my gosh.
04:45Oh, my gosh.
04:47No, I'm not, Gooby.
04:51This is not happening.
04:54You know what?
04:58You're going to sell this entire house.
05:07It's probably stuffed with food everywhere.
05:10So, I can't trust you, Daisy.
05:11You're going to move to our house.
05:12Come on.
05:13No, I need the snacks in my house.
05:16Oh, no, we're going to a healthy house daddy you to what it's not my fault. I like I like this
05:24Awaiting it over here daddy stop. I got up. I got him on my back. Why you grab my arm like that
05:29You're coming over here. I'm going with you guys. I'm taking my milkshake, but give me one to give me one, too
05:35I need it's my energy. No daddy
05:39I'm getting a workout in and I'm carrying you this ridiculous
05:42Oh, she's really heavy. It's fine. We're almost there all right here. We are guys welcome to our house
05:49Put me down. Just take you to the kitchen area. Oh, yeah
05:53Kitchen see look at all the cool things you can afford if you don't buy food all the time
05:59I like food look at this an indoor workout area you see this
06:05Why are you screaming?
06:07I don't like it. It's scary
06:10Easy you are going to sit here and work out get over here. You do look see this
06:15This is called a treadmill. This is where you could run in place, and you could lose a lot of calories
06:22I want you to give it a try see running. What is on your hands the milk shake?
06:38Okay, you get off. I'll go. I'll go next we'll just rotate
06:43That was not too much. You did good
06:46Why do you look like a sasquatch right now? You look like big boy?
06:50I'm gonna throw up. Where's the bathroom? Oh my gosh goobies. This is not working, bro. We need a different tactic
06:57Oh, yeah, I think we need to hire a private trainer private trainer
07:02You know somebody to like whip them into shape
07:06Professionals, but gooby where are we gonna find a private trainer from boy?
07:10I know a bunch of them from the gym. Okay. Well you go get one and I'll try feeding them some healthy snacks
07:19All right guys it is time for lunch daddy. Come on. Where are you?
07:24It's lunchtime, but a real lunch not a fake lunch where you guys eat. What is going on in here daddy?
07:29Nothing daddy get upstairs. Hey, no time for gaming Daisy. It's time for lunch. Come on. Everyone meet me in the kitchen
07:37Okay, fine fine fine, I'm just gonna eat my my ice pop I'm gonna start preparing a nice meal for you guys
07:45Me too. Hopefully it's really fat middle floor if you don't know where to go middle floor. All right, let's see
07:51We got here. No, no. Oh, here we go. Finally something healthy for them. I'm hungry
07:57All right, here you go guys, here you go, here's one Apple for you
08:01Was that your daddy you could have that Apple Wow, you're gonna have that Apple. It's not eat it
08:06What do you mean? Listen apples are very healthy. Nope
08:16See I would even try that fine fine don't eat the Apple but eat this ham sandwich instead
08:21Has lettuce on it tomatoes and it has your protein let me try it
08:29You think daddy disgusting you mean it's disgusting guys, this is healthy you cannot be eating junk food anymore
08:36Hold on. Can you zip it? Can you zip it? Let me let me let me get my food door. That's something. No, no
08:41No, all right, we just place that there. What are you about a whip out daddy? All right. Nice. Hi. Hi
08:48No, no, no, you guys both cannot be eating pancakes and hot dogs popcorn that is terrible for you
08:54This is all in our pockets. By the way, we've been we've been munching all day long as you've been trying to get us fit
08:58You know what guys this is ridiculous. Oh, I need to try something different a different angle
09:04Something that's really gonna get to them. Oh, I have an idea. Oh, daisy
09:10You know that, you know me and you were kind of a thing and we were kind of dating, you know
09:14You know that little secret. Yeah. Well guess what? We're not dating anymore because you're fat and I don't date fat people
09:22What you're leaving no, that's supposed to motivate you to work out no Daisy, hold on
09:29Who is this guy somebody in need of a private trainer who is this guy? Hey, I get that get her
09:35She's running. This is the most exercise. I've ever seen her do easy. Keep going. Nice. Wait. No. No, that's cheating now
09:41That's actually cheating. What's that girl?
09:44It was my girlfriend bro, and she started eating a lot of pancakes and she got really fat
09:48Oh happens to the best of them. She needs to come back to my gym. Yeah. Well, you just missed her
09:54Okay. Well my daddy's inside. So here I need you to talk to my daddy. Maybe you could slap some sense into him
10:00Oh, here he is
10:02I'm not eating a rocket pop. Oh my god daddy. Put that down. Whoa, bro, really? Let yourself go there, man
10:09No, I did not you have a weird hat. No, it's cool. It says I hate haters. Oh, really?
10:14Well, I hate you hater. It actually says I love haters. So thanks for the hate. Well, daddy
10:19Guess what? This is gonna be your new gym trainer gooby hired him. Whoo
10:25Stop, man. My name's Chet Chet or Chad. Yeah, Chet Chet. I never heard it checked
10:31Well, daddy, listen, you better put some respect on this guy's name cuz he's about to turn you into an absolute beast
10:36I don't think you can just say I've been training people for about 16 years now and I'm an actual pro
10:43All right, Chet. What's the first thing I gotta do? Okay. I have the first thing. Oh, yeah. Sure
10:48What do you think bro before we get into your workouts daddy?
10:51I need you to run over to Daisy's house knock on the door and get her out of bed
10:55Sure, I could do that. Look at this. Look at this Chet
10:58I'm already getting my daddy to do some physical activity by running Wow. Get some bunny hops in there, bro
11:04How do you do some hops?
11:07Yeah, do a few more
11:15Oh, what do you mean you're not leaving our house all this food doing out here. Hey, you locked us inside guys
11:22Come on, it's the fat house. Oh, this is not good. I haven't had a hot dog in like 16 years
11:28Yeah, me neither since I was born is the last time I had a hot dog
11:31Hey guys, you guys want food? Hey, you left all the food out here. Come out here and clean this up
11:37Oh my gosh, look at this hot dog. Oh, I'm just eating it in front of you daddy. You put that down right now
11:43Oh, it's so good. Wow. Are these pancakes? Oh, man. Hey, are you eating these?
11:48Hey, I thought you were supposed to be a good influence like a personal trainer milkshake, bro. This is insane
11:55No, you get out of here right now
11:58It's so good. You're fired. Not chat. You're fired
12:01Wait, what why because you were supposed to be a good influence and now you're eating all the junk food get out of here
12:06Sorry, bro. Just felt a temptation. Yeah. Well, guess what? I have a temptation to punch you right in the between the eyes
12:12Look, just tell gooby that our sessions on the house. All right, really? Sorry, bro
12:17Yeah, it better be on the house and get out of your shoes. Take a couple more of these hot dogs
12:22Serious this guy is so fat. Catch you later, bro
12:27This is really not good. Now. I just lost the personal trainer and Daisy and my daddy are still really fat. Where's gooby yet?
12:34He'd probably have a really good idea
12:42Oh my god, you turned really hairy
12:45I need food. No, I need food. I need food. Oh my god. I think my daddy turned into Bigfoot. This is not good
12:52I think get back over here get over here. Where do you think you're going?
13:06Gooby what that why do you have no clothes on put clothes on gooby? Yeah, I just came right from the gym
13:11Time to pick up an extra shift as an ambulance stole what?
13:15Okay. Well, guess what my daddy turned into Bigfoot by eating so much food and now he's on a pizza bike
13:22What is going on over there?
13:25my gosh
13:27Stop it
13:30Over here daddy stop
13:38I got him gooby. I got him
13:42Oh, it's his fur do you have food? No, I don't have any food. What is wrong with you?
13:48Let me down. It's like he's a bear. Hey, you know what? Oh gooby. I don't think we're gonna be able to change him, bro
13:56I don't know, bro
13:57I've been trying to change both of them all day and I feel like there's been no luck trying to do it
14:02Maybe the thing that's giving us a problem is we're trying to change them
14:06We should just accept them for who they are. Hold on. I just got a snapchat from Daisy
14:11Oh, no, it's probably gonna be her food collection or something. Let me see what she sent. All right, let's go to Daisy
14:16Wait a minute. Oh my gosh. She just sent the picture of her at the gym. What really? No way
14:22We gotta go right now. Hold on. Let me spawn in my car. No way
14:25This would be the best end of our day in the entire world. We just spawned in my Tesla Cybertruck. That ain't gooby
14:34You know, I bought it off to the gym we go
14:37Daisy Daisy, are you up here? Oh my god. I see her
14:41Yeah. Oh my gosh, you're back to normal. You're not fat anymore. Yeah, but I was thinking
14:47Okay, what were you thinking?
14:50For me now
14:51What do you mean? No, no, I'm buff. I'm muscular
14:54No, your body percentage just isn't where it needs to be. So I don't think we can date anymore. Sorry
15:01No, no, you are the fat one. You were the fat one get over here. No
15:08Take care of Marty. You can't leave us. But but oh my gosh, how does that make any sense? Gooby?
15:15She was the fat one. Yep. I don't get it, bro
15:18I can't leave all that weight just in one second. Yeah, that makes no sense
15:22There's a lot of things that aren't making sense today. Gooby
15:25Maybe one thing that'll just make everything go back to normal is a good workout session. Come on, Gooby
15:31Let's get back to training. Yeah, I should call my friend Chet. He's really good at workouts. No, do not call Chet
15:37Do not call him. Whatever you do. Why?
15:39Well, if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and everyone subscribe right now. Bye
15:45I'm ready to work out. No, get out of here daddy