• 2 days ago
Today, Johnny and his friends have compete with other players to try and be the last one swimming in a pool in Roblox! Who do you think will make it to the end?!

#johnny #roblox
00:00Who here thinks they can hold their breath the longest in a pool?
00:04Absolutely me!
00:05I'm the biggest one here!
00:06I think it's me!
00:08That is true though, Daddy, you are the biggest, so that means you hold the most oxygen.
00:12But guess what?
00:13We're gonna be putting that to the test!
00:16Check this out, guys!
00:17This is one of the biggest pools ever made in Roblox!
00:20What the heck?
00:22It's like a fish tank!
00:24So we're gonna see who could survive the longest without being bullied in the tank.
00:30There's a lot of people that are trying to win the grand prize of being last standing
00:34in the pool.
00:35You mean I get...
00:36How do you...
00:37What do you mean I get bullied?
00:38I don't wanna get bullied!
00:39Well, Daddy, let's just say you'll find out soon enough.
00:41No, I didn't!
00:42It's in the tank!
00:43Hold on!
00:44Hold on!
00:45This round's almost over!
00:47Three people left!
00:48Two people left!
00:49Who's gonna be the winner?
00:50Oh, no!
00:51That person just sunk to the bottom!
00:53Oh, see that person dancing?
00:54That's gonna be me when I win.
00:56No, I'm gonna win.
00:57I don't wanna be a loser.
00:58All right, well, here we go, guys!
01:00Get ready to swim!
01:01Here we go, guys!
01:02Everyone, swim up to the top!
01:03I need air!
01:04I need air!
01:05Let me just push you down, Daddy!
01:06There you go!
01:08Oh, my God!
01:09I got knocked out!
01:10That's what I was talking about, Daddy!
01:13Don't get bullied in the tank!
01:16I got knocked out!
01:17No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
01:18Get back up!
01:19Get back up!
01:20Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!
01:21Please, please, please!
01:23Why is my oxygen going down still?
01:24Daddy, because every second, it goes down 0.4%.
01:27For everybody?
01:29Look, stuff spawns!
01:30You have to try to get them that spawn.
01:32Little oxygen tanks spawn on the top, and you have to try to eat them.
01:34I didn't know that.
01:35Oh, okay!
01:36Oh, my God!
01:37Oh, my God!
01:38All right, Marty, let me just push you down now!
01:40All right, I'm just gonna push this person down since they're about to die.
01:44Someone just pushed me down!
01:46Me, too!
01:47Me, too.
01:48No, no, no, no, no, no!
01:50What percent are you guys at?
01:51I'm at 53.
01:52I'm only at 44!
01:53Oh, no!
01:54Yo, who spawned in a bomb in the middle?
01:55Oh, who spawned in a shark?
01:56Are you kidding me?
01:57I'm gonna die.
01:58A shark just tried eating me.
01:59Are you actually kidding me?
02:01I'm gonna die!
02:02Did you get, Marty?
02:03I'm gonna die!
02:04Who do I need to go after?
02:05This person.
02:06I died.
02:07No, no, Daddy, I'm gonna die!
02:09I'm on 1%.
02:10I'm dead.
02:12You know what?
02:13I'm gonna spend Robux to revive.
02:15I'm winning this thing.
02:16I did, too, but you revive at your own risk.
02:17I did, too, but you revive at your own risk.
02:20I'm winning this thing.
02:21I did, too, but you revive at your last thing.
02:22Go, go, go.
02:24Am I still gonna die after spending Robux?
02:25There's no way.
02:26Yep, same.
02:27Same, that's so dumb.
02:28I died.
02:29Bye, Daddy.
02:31Hey, wait!
02:32Use your life to push this person away!
02:33I did it!
02:34I did it!
02:35I did it!
02:37Gooby, are we gonna win?
02:38Are we gonna win?
02:39Come on, Team Oak!
02:40Come on, Team Oak!
02:42Give one more person!
02:43Push her again!
02:44Push her again!
02:47You guys got me!
02:48Oh, I got a life mask!
02:50How'd you get that?
02:51Uh-oh, uh-oh.
02:52It's going back, though.
02:53It's fine.
02:54I'm pushing them down.
02:55Oh, wait, they had a little bubble around them.
02:56Oh, but they still fell.
02:57Yeah, Gooby, sorry, but I gotta push you down, bro.
02:58No, no!
03:00Yes, yes, yes.
03:02I won!
03:04No way you won the first game!
03:05There's no way!
03:06I was winning that the whole time!
03:07Good job!
03:08I spent Robux.
03:09It's not fair!
03:10I did spend Robux.
03:11No, but we still, I still ended up dying.
03:12Let's go!
03:13I have 500 coins.
03:14Let's go!
03:15I have 500 coins.
03:16Let's go!
03:17I have 500 coins now!
03:19This is so sick.
03:20Oh, man!
03:21I hate this game.
03:22It means you can buy a shark.
03:23Yep, I just bought it.
03:25So in this next game, apparently, I'm gonna become a shark and eat people.
03:29It says I can morph into a shark for 15 seconds, immune to all attacks.
03:33Okay, I'm gonna wait to use it.
03:37No, I'm already being pushed down.
03:38My God!
03:39That's it.
03:40This round, I'm going crazy push mode.
03:41Ooh, okay.
03:42No one is safe from my pushes.
03:43Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
03:46No one mess with me over here.
03:47I'm chilling.
03:48Ooby, don't think about it, bro.
03:49I'll turn into a shark and actually eat you.
03:51We pushed each other.
03:52Daisy, I think you're getting a little bit too much oxygen.
03:55I'm already summoning the bloop.
03:57Guys, what's happening?
03:58What is that sound?
04:00What is that?
04:01Oh, my God!
04:03It killed me!
04:05I won!
04:06Are you serious?
04:07You just insta-won.
04:09Was that like a bloop nuke?
04:10Yes, it was.
04:11Bro just spawned in the bloop nuke.
04:12Are you kidding me, daddy?
04:13What are kids saying in the chat?
04:14They're not happy.
04:15Oh, my goodness.
04:16I'm not happy either, Monty.
04:17I said that I was ugly.
04:18Okay, that's it.
04:19Nothing we can do about that.
04:20I'm turning into a shark.
04:21I'm turning into a shark and I'm eating everyone.
04:22Get over here.
04:23That is it.
04:24All these people will die.
04:25Okay, you called my sister ugly.
04:26She is nice.
04:27Come here, Gooby.
04:28I'm going to eat you, bro.
04:29No, don't eat me!
04:30Get over here.
04:32There you go.
04:34Now I'm on the top.
05:01I'm on the top.
05:02Are you for real right now?
05:03No, no, no, no!
05:04I'm sinking!
05:05I'm sinking!
05:06I'm sinking!
05:08Someone push me down!
05:10So many likes. Oh, yeah
05:15Let's go, thank you for everyone that liked the video
05:19I'm just gonna spawn in some jellyfishes. There we go
05:23Yep, you guys have fun with those. Oh, let me just spawn them on gooby
05:31Looks like my air is going down. Let me buy an air tank real quick. I'm just gonna die
05:41Oh, yeah, I'm gonna sink everyone to the bottom I
05:45See you later Daisy
05:47You for real? I just put a big boulder on you slime balloon slow speed and negative 10 air. Okay, I'll buy that
06:02Too easy, I think I'm gonna buy this VIP pass as well
06:07I'm sure you're gonna just buy everything. I don't know what it does, but I'm gonna buy it
06:10You know what? If you're gonna spend robux, I'm gonna spend robux. All right, we'll see who could spend more robux daddy
06:15I guarantee that I'm gonna win
06:28You guys have fun with that
06:31And now I just sent the shark on you
06:34You have fun with that
06:40Guess what daddy? I am the shark dummy. Oh, this guy's a lot of HP. So I'm just gonna push him down like that. There we go
06:52Sorry, I just ate all their people instead
06:55I'm just gonna spawn in these jellyfishes right here. There we go. You guys have fun with those jellyfish ease
07:01Restores all air bubble. Ooh
07:03Nice, I needed that. Oh, oh people again too close to me. No
07:07Okay, that is it. They want to play that game. Guess what? Boom?
07:11Chained. Oh, yeah guys. I have a feeling I'm gonna win this. I'm gonna be honest. I'm doing really good
07:16Hey, who froze me? I just froze you always win. Oh, this is just looking too good daddy
07:21You froze me above land. Oh, it looks like it's a 1v1 against me and you daddy. Let's stay here
07:31Oh, yeah, let's go too easy too easy. That was horrible. My daddy is poop. There we go
07:39Just wanted to say that in the chat. So everyone knows that you're poopoo not poopoo
07:47Okay, I guess we'll make it boring I'll show you that I could still win
07:53Okay, fine. I'm still gonna win
07:56Competition if you just spend robux all time. All right, let's be boring. Let's be boring. I think we make a pact
08:02Oh, yeah, that guy just pushed you daddy. Where's my pack?
08:08Watch out watch out push everybody down. There's a lot of people that want us dead. Oh this guy wants me dead
08:13Hey, do we do not push me? Hey, someone use your shark ability. Oh, no guys. They're spending robux
08:19It makes me want to spend robux
08:22I got bitten in the butt by a shark. A lot of people are almost dead. A lot of people almost dead
08:27Oh, yeah. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, dang it
08:29Every time I push someone down they push me down as well and I just got bitten by a shark
08:35Yep, spammy spammy. They're just attacking me over and over again
08:38Oh, you know what? I'm not tired of me winning so I don't care
08:51Oh, yeah
09:00Guys guess what? They use the shark ability on me three times. So I had to use the blooper mess them up
09:07No, you did not. Yes. I did gooby. I had to do it bro. That's a lie
09:11You wanted to do it the only person that says you had to do it. It's yourself. I agree. Nope
09:16I think I just had to do it. Okay, let's see if I get sharks on me again
09:20I'll just spawn in the bloop. I'm not afraid to do it
09:23Push me already keep the whole round. All right, me too
09:30What daddy why are you a shark cuz I want it to be I thought you said no robux, huh?
09:35What happened? This is just coins. Um coins are robux. Oh, hey, I just got pushed. No
09:43Me I'm so sick of being pushed bro
09:47No, what is wrong with you? Oh, yeah
09:53Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
09:56What I turned into a shark I should add immunity
09:59No, this game lied to me. No, I think the bloop is like a nuke
10:02I want to say from the bloop nuke. So what happened to not spinning robux?
10:06Oh, let me push me before I even made it to the surface and then everyone kept bullying me and Marty turned into a shark
10:13Yep, I mean you guys all just cheated that entire round
10:20You haven't won a single round so maybe you should start spending robux
10:31You're not the push master bro. Hey, I think instead you're the poop master. Nobody pushes the push master. I pushed you
10:38Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm doing good. Oh, yeah, easy. Why'd you push me? Huh?
10:42I blame the goobie. You literally came up to me and instant pushed me. What is wrong with you?
10:47It's not goobies fault, that's it. I'm going after Daisy
10:51I'm sending a shark on you Daisy wouldn't be the first time that is what you get push me once and see what happens
10:57Oh, what is that? Oh
11:00Don't go to Joey. Don't go in it. It's an old bubble. I do not want to swallow that. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah
11:05Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna win legit. Why why money? Why? Oh, it was you?
11:11Die yes oxygen oxygen. Oh, I just got 20% of my oxygen back. Yes
11:17I'm gonna win. It was just sitting here. I didn't use Roblox. I did not use Roblox
11:25Let your gooby drowned
11:27Unfortunate I hate this game. I hate it 1v1 daddy. It looks like you're gonna lose. So we're alive below us
11:33Oh, yeah, daddy. You're trying to spend Roblox right now. Get away from me. No, I'm not. I'm not trying to push this person
11:38Oxygen bubble. Yep. I'm winning this daddy
11:41Unfortunate for you. Hey, I do not do that daddy. It's a 1v1 and you're gonna lose
11:47Oh not get away from me. I want to say hi to you. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
11:52No, that's big for me right there. Was it though? Cuz look I'm up here and you're down there. Oh, yeah. I'm a winner
11:58I'm a winner. Oh, thank you
12:07Let's go, no, we got so lucky with the spawn suffer spawning on I'm the winner
12:16Looks like you guys are just not good at being the last one staying in a pool
12:20He's using his coins to get air bubbles. It's not even a pool. This is a fish tank. Okay for this next round
12:26I have a different tactic. Here we go. All right, just gonna do this
12:30To be the putt smash though, cuz that's my thing. Nope. That's all you goobie. You got that one
12:36a lot of people someone's pushing me
12:39Okay, who's been annoying me the most this game has it been my daddy has it been Daisy or gooby
12:47Can't blame the putt smash up for pushing, you know, that's what he does. All right, just gonna do that
13:01Goodness you guys are not winning this game. That's all I'm gonna say. There is no way that you guys could win
13:10No, I died I actually died no, no, no, no, no, no who did that you guys just spam stuff on me. How dare you?
13:16Yeah, that's why I'm back alive
13:18Cheater like that one daddy. Give me Johnny. Hey, you like that one? You like that? I'll reciprocate. Okay. See you later
13:24I got it. I got a spam on this person. I just got an instant kill them real quick
13:29Yo, no, I just instinct put them down. That is actually crazy. Nope. I'm reviving. I need to win this game. Sorry
13:35No, I need to win it. I'm back alive. I'm back from the dead. No, no
13:50Wow daddy look no one won. Oh my god, I died
13:57My god, you should never play this game again daddy. You should never play
14:05Like how do you actually use the bloop and still die I revived I put a bubble on that I did I did that and
14:12Then mm-hmm. Yep. Sure daddy fun. It's not fun game
14:24You were the first one next to me Daisy, what were you saying? I just don't know what you're trying to say to me anymore
14:30She's getting really frustrated. Bye Daisy. See you at the bottom
14:35Don't be like that. Oh, it'll be no good. We know good. We know good. We know good. We know
14:39Oh, well, well, we know
14:42That's not fair that is not fair. Are you kidding me?
14:48There's no way there's no way
14:54That is crazy gooby finally one around, you know, it'll be good job you did it good on you
15:01All right, let me just spend some more robux so I can get more coins to spend on gooby stop stop stop stop
15:10Even for you always spending robux, you know. Mm-hmm. Sure. I phone with that little shark attack over there
15:18Master was back. It's ready to push. Ooh Johnny. Ooh
15:22Yeah, that's why I just pushed down like five people daddy, huh?
15:24I did too get me up get me up get me up get me up. Oh, please push circle, please. No Daisy
15:31Daisy that's not fair. Now. That is that is ridiculous. Sorry. No, I ran out of robux. No
15:38I've no more coins. I'm dead
15:40I'm dead. I'm dead
15:43Okay, I guess I'll just go to the lobby I'll just watch you guys be a bunch of stupid little fishies in the fish tank
15:58Daddy I'm telling people that are in this game right now with us to call you fat. Oh, I don't care
16:04Come on, it better work. This is my only way of getting back at my daddy. Oh my games broken. Who's gonna win?
16:10It's a all three of you are alive right now. Oh
16:13Maybe not gooby. I've been on the floor dead. Oh my bad
16:25Let's go I want it daddy. Someone just called you farty Marty said that who said that
16:34You're fat Marty farty. Oh my god. Everyone thinks you're a fatty Marty. Hey, well, I just won
16:41Oh, yeah, not in this game daddy. Cuz guess what on your face?
16:47It's so much
16:55Everyone yay
16:57Let's go
16:59To win, um, yes, it is bro. This is a big bloop a bloop just swallowed everyone whole gooby. That's so cool
17:07it's probably cool like the full three million times but
17:11Three million in one time. It's not good. Okay, what are you about? What about three million and two times?
17:16You think it'd be still funny then?
17:21Daddy I'll summon another blue pin after you. No, no, it's not allowing it. You can't only one blue better time. No
17:30People leave now everyone can look at me after calling me farty Marty
17:34I mean daddy, we can't even play the game if you're just gonna do this every time loop everybody. I'll just keep looping
17:39No, I want to bloop someone now. I have an unlimited credit card. Well, I also have access to that credit card
17:44No, you do not. No, you do not. It's I do daddy. No more blooping blooping is
17:49Disqualified. Okay. Okay, you know, you're right. You'll be no more blooping. No more blooping
17:57My god, it's a bloop
18:02This game is so much fun
18:06Well, if you guys made it to the end of this video then make sure leave a like and subscribe right now
18:11And if you don't I'll send the bloop on you not again