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Home And Away 8448 Episode March 12, 2025 | Full Episode | HD | English

00:00♪ Stay, I won't go away. ♪
00:07Ah, is that necessary?
00:08Everything always goes Remy's way.
00:10He's had his fair share of dramas in the time I've known him.
00:12Yeah, but when he falls, there's always a bucket of money and a beautiful woman to catch him.
00:16It's hard to watch.
00:17Here, I'll give you my number.
00:18Hey, give it back! Now!
00:21Do you regret what you did?
00:24He was bugging me, like you are now.
00:26The police had to forcibly remove her from her parents.
00:29She was placed into the custody of her grandmother.
00:31Well, how did she end up in foster care?
00:32Her grandmother died.
00:33I'm really sorry.
00:35That must have been incredibly traumatic.
00:38I was just wondering why Eliza hasn't been charged.
00:41You mean she threatened someone?
00:42Yeah, yeah, apparently the boy and his parents don't want the police involved.
00:45So you're gonna do nothing?
00:46There's nothing I can do.
00:55Definitely not.
00:56I haven't even said anything.
00:59Mate, we have been out the last three nights in a row.
01:02Yeah, you look rough.
01:04Is that why you came down here to tell me that?
01:06No, I also came to ask.
01:09Knew it.
01:10Hey, just for some good conversations and breakfast.
01:14Maybe a little hair of the dog?
01:15And Remy's shirt.
01:17Now you're getting it.
01:18See, I don't feel comfortable with how much you say that.
01:20But see, Remy's cool with it, you know that.
01:22Look, if I say yes, will you just stop talking?
01:26Alright, grab my shirt and I'll meet you up there.
01:29I won't back out this time, okay?
01:30I am so ready to do this solo thing now.
01:33And I love that.
01:34Then what's the problem? Why won't you manage me?
01:36Kevi, I just feel like this is a little bit beyond my abilities, alright?
01:40Why would you even say that? You've already done this before.
01:43Lyric already had a fanbase.
01:44They had a solid set list.
01:46This kind of feels like a blank page.
01:48Like a really talented blank page.
01:51But he was phasing.
01:54I'm not Forrest.
01:56You had the best of the best.
01:57And so did Lyric.
01:59We did.
02:00So please, just think about it.
02:06Hey, Rose.
02:09Look serious?
02:10Ah, yeah.
02:11I am going to try the solo thing again.
02:14That's great.
02:15Yeah, it is.
02:16And actually, it's thanks to something that you said.
02:18You mean I gave someone good advice?
02:20Look, I'm as instructive as you.
02:21But yes, this whole music thing that you've been banging on about,
02:25this is where it's landed.
02:26Well, I love this for you.
02:28Ah, cop says I'm eager.
02:30I wish I could, but I've still got a day job.
02:36How many dresses have you actually tried on?
02:40Okay, yeah, you need to narrow that down a little bit.
02:44Okay, yeah, I'll talk to you later.
02:47So, Harper still hasn't found a dress in the city?
02:50No, she's found heaps. That's her problem.
02:53Ah, she'll look beautiful no matter what she's wearing.
02:58Maybe you might find yourself a new fella at the wedding.
03:02Sorry, too soon?
03:03No, no.
03:05You are the only person that I want to dance up a storm with.
03:08How's your delivery?
03:10Yes, love, you've got to stop bringing me food.
03:12No, you don't.
03:13Hi, darling. How are you?
03:15I'm good, love. Busy.
03:17Right, how's your schedule going?
03:18Very good indeed.
03:20In fact, I'm just about due for my afternoon walk.
03:24Oh, well I was hoping you could swap that out for a bit of an impromptu talk and tea.
03:30Everything okay?
03:31Not really, no.
03:33I don't know what to do about it.
03:45What is going on in here?
03:47Just mucking around.
03:49How was your trip?
03:50Oh, so great.
03:51It was good. Got to meet the family.
03:52Oh, how was that?
03:54What? I can't help the mothers love me.
03:56Impossible to deny. Mine certainly did.
04:00She wasn't too impressed when I said I didn't have a job, though.
04:02Oh, so she asked what do you do?
04:04Yeah, and when I said not much, she said that's not much of a plan, is it?
04:07Well, I'm so sorry.
04:09Hey, don't be. She had a point.
04:11Which is why I called the studio about doing some session work again.
04:14As a regular gig?
04:16Oh, what did they say?
04:17They said it's not.
04:18Go, Bree's mum. Go, mum.
04:21Um, speaking of music, there's actually something that I would love to talk to you about.
04:26Why would she steal a picture of an ultrasound?
04:29I don't know. I mean, she has an interest in medicine, apparently.
04:33It's kind of like a hobby.
04:34Yeah, but also glassing somebody, is that a hobby?
04:37Well, Chris doesn't seem to think it's a problem.
04:39I'm the only one who does.
04:41Even if it's a reaction to something that happened to her in the past.
04:44Oh, and I understand that part.
04:46I mean, goodness knows, Jet was a very troubled little boy when he came to us.
04:51But with Eliza, it's not just the stealing and the lying and the violence.
04:57What is it?
04:58I don't know. I've just got this really bad feeling about this girl.
05:03And that is a terrible thing to say about a child.
05:06Oh, what about Rue?
05:08Well, Rue can't see it. You know, she's turning a blind eye.
05:12Have you spoken to her about it?
05:14Mm-hmm. Yeah, she told me to keep out of it.
05:17Well, maybe she has to come to that realisation herself, look.
05:23Yeah, but also, if you have a bad feeling about this, I don't think that you should ignore your gut.
05:29I suppose for now, all I can do is keep an eye on things and hope for the best.
05:34Stop! Time for my walk.
05:38Time for my walk.
05:40Do you want to wait, like, another half an hour or something?
05:43Ah, no, love. Look, you can stay if you want to, but I don't want to break the schedule, love.
05:47I'll see you later. You ready?
05:49Oh, right. OK. Thank you for listening.
05:54Somebody's come alive again.
05:56Yeah, it doesn't mean I'm heading out, though.
05:58My liver can't take it.
06:00And I'm paying for this.
06:02I thought you said money was tight.
06:04It is. There's no way I feel right living off Remy's credit card.
06:07Oh, that is a lot.
06:09How much did you spend on the car?
06:11Everything I got. You saw how much work was left to do.
06:14Yeah, and what about the extra shifts you've been up to garage?
06:16Well, Alf's been great, but there's only so many vans that I can clean.
06:20All right, well, think of something else. You're a smart guy. Alf is a mechanic.
06:23And, you know, I know my way around cars. If you need any help, let me know.
06:27Yeah. Well, this mechanic better get back to the place the employee's in.
06:30Sweet, man. Laters.
06:36Grease monkeys.
06:39You and your mate, you into mechanics?
06:41Uh, A.O.I.D. service or something?
06:44Nah, I don't need anything.
06:48Just looking for people who are interested in making money.
07:03Give me a call if that's you.
07:18I think it's a great idea.
07:20Yeah, I totally get why you want to go solo again.
07:22Oh, I just thought it was a great idea.
07:25Yeah, I totally get why you want to go solo again.
07:27Oh, I just thought it was a great idea.
07:29I totally get why you want to go solo again.
07:31Oh, I just feel like the second I commit to this, it really just draws a line in the sand about lyric.
07:37Kirby, you can be as nostalgic as you want, but there is no lyric.
07:41So you haven't had a conversation with Justin about the future?
07:43Not since that chat.
07:44Then why won't he manage me?
07:46Did you ask him?
07:47Yes, I did. And he said he'd think about it, but he doesn't seem keen.
07:50And you don't think that you can change his mind?
07:52I don't.
07:54But I do know someone who might.
08:01Perfect timing.
08:02Ah, look, I would be here if I wasn't working, sorry.
08:04Come again?
08:05Rumi's back doing session work?
08:06Yeah, and I'm due in the studio any minute, so I better get going.
08:09Look, why don't you hang out with this lot?
08:11Oh, I've got a bit of life and men to do before I get back to work.
08:14Well, it's work, chat. It's disturbing.
08:16Yeah, well, we wouldn't hurt you to get off your backside and do some work, mate.
08:18Hey, you're lecturing me on hard work, hey?
08:20The trust-button kid who's had everything handed to him.
08:22Yeah, that joke's getting old, mate.
08:24The shoe fits?
08:27Do we have a problem?
08:29Nah, just stating facts, man.
08:40I think you're getting faster.
08:41I don't think I am.
08:42Okay, well, my heart rate makes a difference.
08:45Well, girl, you miss a day, you break the chain.
08:49Okay, and you have to do the schedule every day?
08:53You don't have to walk with me or exercise with me if you don't want to.
08:56No, no, no, I want to.
08:58Imagine how fit we're going to look at the wedding.
09:00Never said I was going, did I?
09:04No, but I thought because you were out of the clinic that...
09:06Well, you thought wrong.
09:11All right, just slow down.
09:15I just figure with Lyric over and all of us going our separate ways...
09:19It makes sense.
09:20I like it, you're thinking big.
09:22That's what Sonny said.
09:24So you called me all the way over here just to tell me you were going solo again?
09:27No, I didn't.
09:28I called you here to help me convince Justin to be my manager.
09:32Oh, okay.
09:33Yes, he keeps saying that he thinks he's too inexperienced,
09:36but I just want someone as passionate as me.
09:39All right, yeah.
09:41Right, I'm off.
09:42Good luck.
09:44I think I know how to play guitar still.
09:46See you guys.
09:50I should get going too.
09:52Oh, no, come on.
09:53Don't leave me with these two.
09:56You need to celebrate your man going to work instead of you.
09:59Oh, you know what, Sonny?
10:00Remy's right.
10:01Those drinks are getting a little bit old.
10:04Point taken.
10:05But you'll stay, right?
10:07I guess the washing can wait.
10:11There you go.
10:12Justin's keen to meet up later.
10:14What exactly did you tell him?
10:16I just said that I'm heading to Seoul.
10:18He's invited.
10:19Ambushing him?
10:20Are you sure that's a good idea?
10:22Well, you want him to listen to what you want, don't you?
10:25This is how you do it.
10:28Um, do you want to see if Marilyn can come for dinner?
10:33I don't know.
10:34I just, I felt like she wasn't really done talking, you know,
10:37before you and I went on your walk.
10:40Marilyn helped write that schedule.
10:42She knows my routine.
10:47Harper's found the one.
10:49No, the dress, I mean.
10:51Do you want to see?
10:52No, thank you.
10:55Okay, Irene.
10:56Can we please talk about why you're not coming to the wedding?
10:59Because I'm very busy.
11:01Yes, with the daily schedule, I get it.
11:03And I don't want anything to interrupt that.
11:06Not even Harper's wedding?
11:08Not even that.
11:16I really hope Justin says yes.
11:18Are you already doubting your powers of persuasion?
11:20No, I'm just saying.
11:22If he agrees to manage you, it's also very good for me.
11:26It means I'll get extra shifts and I could use the money.
11:29Right, this is for the car project.
11:31Yeah, it's going great, but the funds are not.
11:37I thought this was dinner.
11:38Didn't expect to see you here.
11:39Yes, I want to talk to you.
11:42Ah, okay.
11:44Okay, okay.
11:45I can see what this is.
11:46This is your ambush, is it?
11:47Oh, a fresh opportunity for everybody.
11:51Really? That's your big sell?
11:52Justin, I just need a manager that I can trust.
11:55And someone who shares my vision.
11:57Yeah, that is clearly you.
12:00Two music nerds working in a partnership.
12:04It's beautiful.
12:05Well, it's going to take a whole lot more than that.
12:07Okay, well, listen.
12:09You've read my lyrics and it meant something to you, right?
12:14Well, that meant something to me.
12:19Won't be easy.
12:22Going to take a whole lot of work to do it properly.
12:26Does that mean you're in?
12:28I'm in.
12:33Ah, yes, thank you, thank you.
12:35Heard you say yes.
12:38So, you glad you went to see your mum's then?
12:40Yeah, I think the build-up was harder than anything else.
12:44Yeah, same with my grandma.
12:45The first anniversary of her passing was rough.
12:48I think that's because I thought I was over it.
12:50You're never really over it, not with grief.
12:53No, no, I'm starting to understand that now.
12:59I was really lucky to have Remy there.
13:01He did so well with my family.
13:04I think he fits in more than me.
13:06Yeah, do you mind if we don't talk about Remy?
13:10What is going on there?
13:12What do you mean?
13:14Look, I have loved seeing your friendship in action.
13:18You bring out this lighter side to him.
13:20There's a lot of love there, I can tell.
13:25But it must have been hard watching the trust fund kid who's had everything handed to him his whole life.
13:30Yeah, okay, that was a lot of blood.
13:33Hey, you feel how I can feel?
13:37Yeah, it does feel unfair sometimes when someone gets an easy pass.
13:43So you get it?
13:44Yes, yes, I came from nothing.
13:46I had to work my butt off to become a doctor.
13:49So, yeah.
13:54Sometimes it drives me nuts too.
13:58I get it.
14:00I really do.
14:02Um, sorry, what are you doing?
14:17So how are you feeling about the new songs you've been working on?
14:20Well, I'll be feeling better once we get into a studio to record them.
14:23What, an album?
14:25Well, I don't really have that many songs yet.
14:27Well, I don't really have that many songs yet.
14:29However, I was thinking we can start with an EP.
14:32One that isn't owned by anyone else except for me, if that's something you can get behind.
14:36Yeah, for sure.
14:37There's just a small detail.
14:39Where are you going to get the money for it?
14:43Studio time's expensive.
14:44Artwork, expensive.
14:47Yes, yes, yep, yep, yep, I've got it.
14:49Um, yeah, I can't really cover that with my board shop wage right now.
14:55But I can ask Remy what the numbers are because he did all the organisation for the album.
15:01Well, instead of asking him how much it costs, you could just ask him for the money.
15:07You think it's that easy?
15:09He wouldn't even take his money when he did offer it to you.
15:11No, I went in a different direction.
15:14Right, I could take out a bank loan.
15:16Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, listen.
15:19How about we do this firstly?
15:22Can't hurt to ask Remy.
15:24He was willing to throw money at Larry.
15:26Yes, but I didn't feel good about that.
15:27Well, then you can pay him back once your career starts taking off.
15:31And I truly believe it is going to take off.
15:33And if he says no, then we discuss a bank loan.
15:40See, this is why I need you as my manager.
15:43Oh, yeah.
15:45Will you please just talk to me?
15:47I have nothing to say to you.
15:48I'm sorry, I misread the vibe.
15:50No, there was no vibe, Sonny.
15:52It was dumb.
15:53You think?
15:54I thought we had a moment and I was wrong.
15:56We were talking about my boyfriend.
16:00How could you do this to Remy and so easily?
16:03I wasn't thinking.
16:04Okay, so what am I meant to tell him?
16:06Nothing, he doesn't need to know.
16:07You want me to lie to the man that I love?
16:10No, it was just blanking out a few details.
16:12No, we don't lie.
16:13We don't keep secrets.
16:15I said I'm sorry.
16:18Hi guys, you still up?
16:23I thought that you were working late tonight.
16:25Yeah, we got everything finished early.
16:27What's going on here?
16:29Are you going to tell him or should I?
16:39Okay, love.
16:41Thanks for that.
16:43So you got a hold of Marilyn?
16:45Yeah, yeah, we had a good chat.
16:47Yeah, is she okay?
16:48Yeah, love, she is, she's good.
16:50We might catch up tomorrow morning for a walk.
16:53That's nice.
16:57Who's that?
16:58No one.
16:59It's Harper, isn't it?
17:01Sending you another photo of a women dress.
17:04Hey, you don't want to talk about the wedding.
17:06I'm not talking about the wedding.
17:11Love, it's the alcohol.
17:16The thought of sitting there while people are pouring drinks around me,
17:22it terrifies me.
17:24I don't want to risk it.
17:26I would be there to support you.
17:28Love, don't be ridiculous, come on.
17:30It's your sister's wedding, you don't want to be babysitting me.
17:34I do want to.
17:37Honestly, just thinking about sitting there trying to be normal,
17:44I feel so far removed from normal at the moment, it's not funny.
17:50I'm not even back at work yet.
17:52Going back to work could be a really good first step.
17:55You know, especially if the goal here is to get things feeling normal again.
18:01It could be good.
18:04So, what about tomorrow?
18:10Yeah, I'll give it a go.
18:15It was only a kiss, man, not even.
18:18You're not seriously going to throw me out.
18:20You expect to stay here after that, yeah?
18:22It was one mistake, we're best mates.
18:24Mates? You turned up when you smelled funny.
18:26You've been using me ever since.
18:28That's not true at all, I thought we were on the same page about having fun.
18:33It was a stupid thing to do.
18:35Yep, agree on that.
18:37Now get out.
18:38Where am I meant to go?
18:39I don't care.
18:47Are you okay?
18:48I am so sorry.
18:49No, don't, don't.
18:51He's the one who needs to apologise.
18:54I'm sorry.
19:04Spoken to him yet?
19:05Not yet, no.
19:06He was asleep last time I got home last night and I had an early lesson this morning.
19:09But he's on his way.
19:11So you know what you're going to say?
19:14Hi Remy, can I please have and or borrow 10 grand?
19:17Maybe more.
19:18I'll work on it.
19:19It's good, it's just...
19:24You got this.
19:28Hey, thanks for coming.
19:30What's all this about?
19:31You okay?
19:33Yeah, do you mind if we just do this over coffee?
19:36Did something happen at the studio?
19:39Sonny's not going to be staying with us anymore.
19:41Well where is he going to be staying?
19:42I don't know and I don't care.
19:43Okay, Remy, what are you talking about?
19:45Sonny made a move on Brie.
19:50That's wild.
19:51He's been leeching off me this whole time.
19:53Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.
19:54Let's get you this coffee.
19:56I still got one mate who doesn't want anything from me.
20:14Big night?
20:19What, you never sleep in your car?
20:21I prefer a bed.
20:22Yeah, me too.
20:26Me and Remy had a misunderstanding.
20:29He kicked me out.
20:31Because he's the boss, as always.
20:35What are you going to do?
20:37I'll figure it out, don't worry.
20:39Mate, you can't be sleeping in your car.
20:41Well, I can't make decisions on an empty stomach.
20:46You forgot Remy's credit card.
20:57Welcome to our humble abode.
20:59Sonny hasn't told me too much. What's this all about?
21:01Jeez, you sure ask a lot of questions, eh?
21:04There's some major horsepower underneath that hood.
21:06Yeah, you can handle what's underneath here.
21:07Wouldn't stop me from trying.
21:11Shut up!
21:12Do you have any idea who these guys are?
21:14No, but I'm getting the impression that it's other people I want to stay on the right side of.
21:17Guess I'll see you around.
21:18Depends how lucky you are.
21:19She saved a number in my phone. That's your new crush.
21:52Your tower has been destroyed.
21:59You have been defeated.
22:10One hour has been depleted.
22:12Don't look down.
22:17Your enemy has been annihilated.
22:21Will you look?
22:24He does not have any more to make.
22:30It's not to be expected.
22:35Sit down.
22:36We need a little space.
22:38We need a little space.
22:41We need a little space.
22:43Sit down.
23:13I got you.
23:34You have been defeated.
23:35The darkslayer has been summoned.
23:38Will you look?
25:09The tower has been destroyed.
25:12Jump to the door.
25:14Shut down.
25:19You have defeated an enemy.
25:21The base is under attack.
25:23The enemy holds the base.
25:27Shut down.
25:36Double kill.
25:39In that area? Yeah. Perfect.
25:41Double kill.
25:55You have defeated an enemy.
25:57The tower has been destroyed.
25:59The base is under attack.
26:01Shut down.
26:05Double kill.
26:36You have defeated an enemy.
