Aussie Gold Hunters Season 10 Episode 11 (March 12, 2025) | Full Episode HD | Watch Now
00:00There's a lot of smoke in the sky, big fire mate.
00:03That one's seriously punching through there.
00:06It's coming right in through the road even.
00:09Let's go mate, let's get out of here.
00:11Go left? Up here? What?
00:14Through here? Yep.
00:19Holy hell, there's a big front up here mate.
00:22The fire's across the road.
00:24It's all over, wow.
00:26How are we going to get through there?
00:28We can't stop here.
00:30We can't go back the way we came in.
00:32Nah, look at that, that's serious.
00:34We can't drive through that.
00:36And it's coming this way.
00:38Here we go, we've got a bit of a lull.
00:40Let's go. Yep, go.
00:44We're driving through flames so
00:46let's just go.
00:50Okay, this is fun.
00:58That's the last thing we needed.
01:14Oh no.
01:16This thing's on fire as well mate.
01:20There's a lot of tree there mate.
01:22And it's green.
01:24It's going to be heavy.
01:26I reckon there's three ton of timber here.
01:28There's no way we're going to winch this out of the way.
01:30Nah, you'd need to like
01:32cut all the limbs off it.
01:34Yeah, this is a lot
01:36bigger than the trees I've ever
01:38had to move out of the way.
01:40I don't know.
01:42I don't know what we're going to do here.
01:46Well we're not going to move this
01:49so our other option
01:51is to make a new road.
01:53There's just trees everywhere mate.
01:55And it doesn't
01:57flatten out until we get up here.
01:59We're not going to get through that side,
02:01no way. Our only hope is to come
02:03around through this way.
02:05There's a bit of a gap.
02:07Can we fit it through?
02:09Yeah, I reckon
02:11you might be able to hey.
02:13Alright, let's give it a go.
02:15What have we got to lose? We might as well try it mate.
02:17It's our only way through so we have to try.
02:27Alright, good to go?
02:29Yeah, come this way.
02:31We're going to go through here.
02:33Through here?
02:35Yeah, this way mate.
02:39Yeah, that's a narrow gap there.
02:41Just come over this way a bit.
02:47Down here.
02:49You got it!
02:51It cost me a bit of paint but we made it.
02:53This is without a doubt the most dangerous
02:55gold field in Australia.
02:57But that's why I like it. It's the adventure,
02:59it's the challenge.
03:01This season, Jackie and Andrew are exploring
03:03virgin ground in the legendary
03:05Palmer River gold fields
03:07in the tropics of far north Queensland.
03:09Palmer River's
03:11not a place to muck around.
03:13One of us get bitten by one of those venomous snakes.
03:15You got like 30 minutes, an hour
03:17to get yourself some medical attention.
03:19They discovered a patch of nuggets
03:21deep in the jungle.
03:23Haha, you little river.
03:25That's a nice chuck.
03:27There's three or four grams here I think.
03:29Palmer nuggets, our good day.
03:31But their run was cut short.
03:35There is a fire!
03:37Okay, we've got to go.
03:39Let's go, let's go, let's go!
03:41Get out of here!
03:45Now, it's time to see if their efforts
03:47have paid off.
03:49That was wild!
03:51Just came out of nowhere that fire.
03:53That wind just pushed it straight up
03:55that hill so fast.
03:57I haven't had to run like that in years.
03:59Yeah, that was quite the run.
04:01But anyway, we're going to be safe parked here now
04:03so that's the main thing.
04:05Let's weigh it up and just see what we got
04:07because I feel like we were getting on a really
04:09good run there.
04:11We were finding gold all throughout the week, mate.
04:13It's going to add up. There's a lot of bits in there.
04:15Let's find out.
04:17A few decent chunks as well.
04:19Two grammes, three grammes.
04:21Mate, 2.4!
04:23That's not bad.
04:252.4 ounces!
04:27Yeah, that's alright. It's not massive.
04:29There's a big chunk that I've got
04:31right at the end before the flames come through.
04:33We need more like that.
04:35That's what's going to get us to 65 ounces.
04:37After the fire's gone through,
04:39we've always done better in the past.
04:41It just opens the ground up to us.
04:43This is where the real work begins now.
04:45Out of the frying pan
04:47into the fire.
04:58Last week at the Phoenix project,
05:00we ended up pulling out $20,000 worth of gold.
05:04When Ebony and Shannon went home,
05:06I ended up staying up here and pulling even more gold
05:08out of that reef. It was great.
05:11Alright, looks good.
05:13Don't know how much is going to be in there though.
05:17Let's cool this sucker down.
05:23This is always the best part of the job.
05:25Oh my god.
05:27Look at that.
05:29That is amazing.
05:31That's what Australian nuggets produce.
05:33Let's weigh it up
05:35and see what we've got.
05:3714 ounces
05:39on the button.
05:43Today's gold price, that's just under
05:4550 grand, about $49,000.
05:47That's fantastic and all, but unfortunately
05:49this might be the last bit of gold
05:51we ever pull out of the Phoenix project.
05:53Hey dad.
05:55Hey hun. Hey guys.
05:57How have you been?
05:59Been very good.
06:01Look at that.
06:03That's one shiny bar.
06:0514 ounces.
06:07I think that's one of the best you've ever poured.
06:09You don't look as chuffed as I would expect
06:11with 50k.
06:13That could potentially be the very last bar we pull out
06:15of the Phoenix project.
06:19There's a big mining company in the area, they're buying up pretty much everything around
06:21and they've made me an offer.
06:23Put it in context, what are they offering?
06:25Financial security, mortgage, debt free,
06:27money in the bank.
06:29But you know how hard it is to find good land
06:31with good gold in it and gold that looks like this.
06:33We've still got the Desert King which we haven't got back to.
06:35I want to head back out there, have a really good look around
06:37and I think that might be our next option.
06:39Well that's a massive risk.
06:41How about we set ourselves
06:43maybe a target?
06:45If we can pull 10 ounces out in a week
06:47then we can definitely move ahead
06:49and sell this lease.
06:5110 ounces? That's like 35k in a week.
06:55We've made 50k in a week so we need to know that we can do it.
06:5710 ounces?
06:59Alright, let's do it.
07:01Then we'll make the decision.
07:09I'm heading out to the Desert King lease at the moment
07:11meeting my cousin out there
07:13and he's got his 60 ton excavator out there
07:15and a 50 ton dozer delivered as well.
07:17So we're going to hit it hard
07:19and hopefully try and recover at least 10 ounces this week.
07:21We've found a lot of gold at the Desert King before
07:23and I'm pretty damn well sure
07:25we've left some behind.
07:27We've got to keep producing gold
07:30so that's why we're out here
07:32doing one of the things that I hate, which is metal detecting.
07:34Two years ago, along with his cousins
07:36Dave and Darren
07:38Paul explored the Desert King lease.
07:40Every chance you get to push new ground
07:42and find new gold, you've got to take it.
07:44The results were
07:48Look at that!
07:50That is literally the biggest nugget
07:52I've ever pulled out in the ground.
07:54You're going to need a bigger set of scales mate.
07:56Paul and his family haven't been
07:58back to the Desert King lease until now.
08:04I've got a really good feeling about this joint.
08:06If we do end up selling the Phoenix project
08:08then I really want somewhere else to go.
08:10But look, we pulled out of here last time
08:12and I don't think 10 ounces
08:14is too much to ask for.
08:16We're going to start out at the Desert King by pushing with the dozer
08:18and break over some ground that I didn't get to
08:20last time.
08:22We've got the excavator so once we can actually locate where the gold's coming from
08:24we'll dig down deeper with that
08:26and hopefully get onto some good gold.
08:28I've got the girls in there detecting.
08:30Matt's off having a look at some ground up the other side of that hill.
08:32It's great having Matt available
08:34mechanic by trade and it's his excavator.
08:36I really need to prove
08:38to the girls that there is
08:40more gold here and it's worth
08:42saying and doing a bit more work.
08:44If I sell the Phoenix
08:48we don't have anything else to go onto at the moment.
08:50Jan, you got a copy?
08:52Yeah, I got a copy.
08:54How you going out there?
08:56Yeah, nah, just got a piece of rubbish.
08:58Oh, that's no good.
09:00Keep digging, keep cracking on
09:02you'll find something.
09:04Yeah, good luck.
09:06We're going to work the Desert King.
09:08We've got the excavator here.
09:10We'll dig up the ground and hopefully
09:12we'll find a pot of gold at the bottom.
09:24I need to go deeper with the
09:26excavator. I need to figure out where this gold's
09:28coming from. If someone can hone in on that
09:30then it could be ten times better
09:32maybe a hundred times better than the Phoenix project ever was.
09:34I want to find
09:36the big gold. It's all well
09:38and good finding nuggets but
09:40I'm more interested in finding the source
09:42to keep this dream alive. I need to keep that gold
09:44coming in. This was obviously
09:46a big hill at one stage
09:48and it shed all the gold
09:50down into the valley down there.
09:52Over billions of years
09:54wind and water eroded
09:56the hills, freeing heavy gold
09:58nuggets, resettling them
10:00in ancient creek beds beneath
10:02the source.
10:07With the excavator I should be
10:09able to uncover those little creeks
10:11and rivers and if I can find those gravels
10:13that's where the gold's going to be.
10:15What's that? We're getting a bit deeper
10:17there. It just
10:19dropped down a little bit there so
10:22maybe something I can get down to the old creek
10:24bit. Oh yeah, that's going heaps deeper.
10:26Yes! New river. That's exactly
10:28what I was looking for.
10:42That track's sounding a bit dodgy.
10:48Yeah, it doesn't sound too good at all.
10:50I don't know what's going on with it
10:52but I'll go park it up and get Matt
10:54to have a look at it.
10:56It's a catastrophic valley here.
11:16Big weakness right mate.
11:18We've invested a lot of money. We've just got to start
11:20getting it coming back in so we can start paying
11:22off machinery and making some cheddar.
11:24Oh yeah!
11:26Kyle and I are just
11:28working through the heat of the day at the moment.
11:30Bridget and Sonny have knocked off.
11:32It's a bit too hot for them to be out
11:34here today. So it's our
11:36second week out on our new
11:38lease and we got off to an
11:40ok start. Picked up 3.2
11:42ounces for the week
11:44so this week we're hoping we can
11:46double that at least and bring some
11:48more gold in for the wanderers.
11:50We've dropped 70k on this
11:52machine so it's got to work around the clock
11:54at the moment. Try and pay this jigger off.
11:59Hey! There we go.
12:01We've definitely got another target here.
12:03It's not screaming but
12:05I think we could be onto a bit of yellow here.
12:15Right. So she's out of the ground.
12:21Yeah so it's definitely in the
12:23scoot now.
12:25Yeah there we go. It's a piece
12:27of gold. Lovely little bit.
12:29I'm going to say about half a gram
12:31there which is, it's like digging up
12:33a fifty dollar note. Ah you've got a copy there
12:35Levi? Yeah mate.
12:37I've already picked up a couple of nice pieces man.
12:39I'm feeling this one man. I reckon we could be on.
12:41You're on fire mate.
12:43Ok get posted. I'm going to rip in.
12:45Getting a little bit excited.
12:47Feel the gold
12:49tingling through my bones right now.
12:51With this machine
12:53we're able to dig down so
12:55really just need to get down to this
12:57layer where the gold's sitting.
12:59This is our lifeline this machine.
13:01We're on our own
13:03and we're making our own money.
13:05It's getting pretty hot now
13:0742 degrees.
13:09In the past four years Levi
13:11worked the Pilbara Goldfields as a hired
13:13hand for his uncle Kim North.
13:15You guys need to get me 10 ounces a week.
13:17Alright. Not negotiable.
13:19We've got our own digger
13:21but we need to cut a better deal
13:23with Uncle Kim. I'm North.
13:25How you going? I'm good.
13:27We're on our own.
13:29But when Kim refused
13:31to negotiate their deal
13:33Levi, his wife Bridget
13:35and new mining partner Kyle Wilson
13:37There's the first one.
13:39Decided to stake their own gold claim
13:41deep in the Pilbara outback.
13:43Four pegs in the ground.
13:45This is our own little patch
13:47of paradise.
13:53You're kidding me.
13:55Not even a metre away and we're
13:57onto another signal.
14:02What do you reckon folks?
14:04We onto another one?
14:06Let's have a look.
14:08She's out.
14:10Yeah look there it is.
14:15I reckon she's going to be pushing over a gram.
14:17That's four and a half grams in the first
14:19ten metres of this cup. Good signs.
14:21Could be great things to come.
14:31It's got this warning light coming on.
14:33I'm just going to shut it down.
14:35It's the last thing we need.
14:37I'm not sure what's going on.
14:39Ah, there's that problem.
14:43Ah, we've snapped a bell.
14:53We've got problems.
14:55What's going on?
14:57Just blown a fan bell.
14:59There we go.
15:03Yep, and it just happens to be the weekend
15:05so getting something over the weekend
15:07is going to be a little bit challenging.
15:09You know, I've got some nice gold
15:11but we want some more.
15:13Maybe we call on Uncle Kim.
15:15He's got a workshop. He's got commands.
15:17He's got a workshop. He's got commands.
15:19He's got a workshop. He's got commands.
15:21He's got a workshop. He's got commands.
15:23Look, he's got a workshop. He's got commands.
15:25We've gone out on our own here, mate.
15:27I don't really want to go
15:29calling him up asking for favours
15:31on our second weekend.
15:33It's kind of a surprise thing, really.
15:35It's either that or we sit on our hands
15:37for the next couple of days and we don't even know
15:39if we're going to get a bell if we call Monday.
15:41He could have one sitting in the yard.
15:43Maybe do a ring around first.
15:45See if you can find something else.
15:47Worst case scenario, go with Kim.
15:49Alright, mate. Well, I'm going to go get my phone
15:51and find some reception. Sweet deal.
15:53I'm going to finish this pad.
15:55I don't know.
15:57I'm going to go get a fan belt from somewhere.
15:59Every minute without a belt
16:01is a minute not getting gold.
16:09Once the fires go through,
16:11it's much easier to swing our coil
16:13and all the grass and timbers all burn out of the way.
16:15You also get your coil
16:17really close to the ground,
16:19which is just fantastic because we can hear
16:21nuggets much easier.
16:23The closer we get our coil to the ground,
16:25the more gold we put in the jar.
16:27But it's still fairly hot.
16:29Falling timber is a real problem for us.
16:31The trees will catch light on the
16:33inside and just keep burning away
16:35slowly. Trees and limbs
16:37will keep dropping for weeks now,
16:39so we've got to keep an eye out
16:41and make sure the fires don't flare up again.
16:43We've also got to find some gold.
16:45That's what we're here to do.
16:47Just got to stay away from those
16:49smouldering logs and areas
16:51that might still be burning away.
16:55Pretty loud sounding target there.
16:59Just break up this dirt a little bit.
17:01See the gold being so heavy,
17:03it likes to fall
17:05on that deepest layer it can.
17:07And this strong slab of
17:09essentially like bedrock,
17:11nothing's going to be able to go through
17:15Dig around it myself.
17:19It's sort of breaking apart a bit now.
17:27Alright, target's out of the hole.
17:29Let's find out what it is.
17:35Oh, I heard the clunk.
17:37Awesome, it's gold.
17:39Pretty decent piece of gold too.
17:41There'll be a couple of grams in that,
17:43maybe even three. It's real round and real chunky
17:45so nice and shiny.
17:47So the rule is, once you get gold
17:49in a certain spot, you go low and slow.
17:51Make sure you don't miss anything.
18:01I like the sound of that.
18:03It's tough ground here.
18:09We're out.
18:11That's something big.
18:13Come on, be gold,
18:15be gold, be gold.
18:19Oh, yes!
18:21Oh, that's big.
18:23You're looking at like
18:25six to eight hundred bucks
18:27just sitting here in my hands.
18:29It's not as water-worn so
18:31if anything it shows that this gold
18:33hasn't travelled as far and I'm
18:35finding it along this spur now so
18:37this could be something really good here.
18:39Hey mate, you got a copy?
18:41Yeah, I've got you, go ahead.
18:43Mate, I'm onto
18:45some pretty decent pieces
18:47sort of above the gully.
18:49Righto, on my way.
18:51Awesome, see you soon.
18:59There's a target under there.
19:01Try and make
19:03a bit of room so I can hear it better.
19:09That's definitely
19:11a target under there.
19:13If I can get it around this side.
19:19There's some of these rocks
19:21out of the way.
19:23Hey, you got some holes here, mate.
19:25Hey, we're on the gold.
19:27Yeah, that's excellent. You must have got a few,
19:29there's holes everywhere. Listen to this.
19:33That's definitely gold.
19:35It's in the worst spot too.
19:37We can't dig that out under there,
19:39but there's got to be more gold under all this timber.
19:41If you've got gold all around it
19:43then there's probably a heap of gold in this area.
19:45We need this timber out
19:47of the way, mate. We're not going to move this one
19:49by hand.
19:51No. How about
19:53see if we can winch this out of the way.
19:55The whole tree? The whole tree.
19:57Let's do it.
20:07That track doesn't sound right.
20:09Head on to that.
20:11Hey, Matt, you got a copy?
20:13Yeah, Paul, go ahead.
20:15Yeah, mate, this
20:17front left-hand track's a bit
20:19flapping around a fair bit. There's a bit of noise coming out of it.
20:21Do you want to come and have a look?
20:23Yeah, mate, no worries. I'll be up there in five.
20:25Yeah, righto.
20:27Paul, I gave you one job, mate.
20:29I don't know what's going on, mate.
20:31There's a bit of noise coming out of it.
20:33I don't know what's going on.
20:35I don't know what's going on, mate.
20:37There's a fair bit of slack in the track.
20:39It's making a lot of banging, clanging noises.
20:41I don't want to break something and then
20:43I'll be up, Craig.
20:45What are we doing? Are we throwing a track?
20:47No, get the weight off the track.
20:49We'll have a look.
20:53Keep going.
20:55Yep, go down to that.
20:57Keep pushing it down.
21:01roll that one track, Paul.
21:09Yeah, I thought so.
21:11Yeah, Paul, that idler bearing's
21:13collapsed, mate. Just roll it around.
21:15I'll get the master pin over here.
21:25Yeah, that'll be good.
21:27Drop it down to that, please.
21:33What's the go?
21:35We're going to have to split the track, mate, and pull the idler out.
21:37Hopefully they've got the parts in town.
21:39I mean, otherwise it'll be a couple of day wait if they've
21:41got to come from east or whatever.
21:43Yeah, right.
21:45We're only on a limited time out here, so
21:47if you want to shoot to town, see where you can rustle up
21:49and organise, I can kick on with the girls
21:51anyway. I'll take the dozer over there and start
21:53that new area and
21:55open that up and have a crack.
21:57It all just hinges on you, mate, getting the parts.
21:59I'll shut this down, mate.
22:01Cheers, mate. Lucky we called that
22:03before we threw a track.
22:05Let's get it happening.
22:21Ooh, that sounds really
22:25Hey, Dad, I've got a really good signal.
22:27Come check it out. It's screaming
22:29its head off. Oh, I'm on my way.
22:31What have you got?
22:33Check it out. Hear it.
22:35It does
22:37sound good. Give me the pick, I'll dig it for you.
22:39That's why I called you over here.
22:41Oh, shit. It's still
22:43on the gravels, which is good.
22:45Here we go.
22:47It's getting louder.
22:49You're in hard rock here.
22:51I'm glad I
22:53called you over.
22:57Got it.
23:13Definitely not ideal timing to be snapping
23:15fan belts on the weekend.
23:19No, they hung up.
23:21It's just ringing through.
23:23Everyone's closed.
23:25We're clutching our straws here. We need a belt.
23:27Like, every day we lose, we're losing
23:29thousands of dollars, really.
23:33So while Levi's off
23:35trying to source down a belt, I'm going to
23:37crack on with this and see if I can stay on the gold
23:39to make sure we don't run into the negative.
23:41First run on this cart started strong.
23:43Got a few good nuggets, but
23:45second run, not doing so well.
23:47Haven't even had a tucker yet.
23:51Oh, looks like I'm going to have to just
23:53swallow my pride and give Kim a call.
24:01So who do we want now?
24:03Oh, mate.
24:05You wouldn't believe it, but we snapped a fan belt
24:07and being the weekend and all,
24:09we can't get one
24:11until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday
24:13from Perth.
24:15And I was wondering
24:17if I can pop into your workshop
24:19and see if you've got one there.
24:21This is like a maintenance, a fan belt problem.
24:23You know that, don't you?
24:25Yeah, yeah, maintenance.
24:27That's our fault. You're our last resort, mate.
24:29We really need a fan belt so we can keep
24:31digging this gold.
24:33I'll slip you a couple of grams of gold or something.
24:35How does that sound?
24:37Yeah, that's a deal. I've got the deal.
24:39Thanks, Kim. Appreciate it.
24:41Cheers, buddy. Thank you.
24:43He's a hard nut
24:45to crack sometimes, old Uncle Kim.
24:51Hello. Hey, mate.
24:53How you going? Not too bad.
24:57a belt on our digger
24:59and I was wondering if you might have one.
25:01Yeah, we should have one here, mate.
25:03Did you run it past Kim?
25:05I did. He said, you know, pop in here
25:07and see if anyone's here in the workshop.
25:09You reckon you might have one?
25:11Yeah, we should have one in here, mate.
25:13Okay, awesome. Cheers, mate.
25:17Oh, plenty of belts.
25:19Here you go, mate. Yeah, legendary.
25:21So the 1240 is exactly what we're chasing.
25:23The 17A is the whip.
25:25So it should be up here.
25:27Even if it's close,
25:29we've got a bit of play on the
25:33There you go, mate. Is that the one?
25:35A little bit shorter, but just with the adjustment on
25:37you should get away with that, mate.
25:39Cheers, mate.
25:41Have a good one.
25:55We've got a belt, mate.
25:57Kim came
25:59through. Corey in the workshop said
26:01this should fit, but
26:03we don't know until we get it on.
26:05It's a close fit. Let's try to get it on there, eh?
26:07Yep. Alright, let's do it.
26:11I think it's the right size.
26:13This might be a tad small,
26:17definitely look at getting some genuine ones
26:19sent up from Perth. Yeah, look, we'll get
26:21onto order in there straight away and
26:23this gets us through for a couple of days, man. Happy days.
26:25Might just crank her up and give her a test, eh?
26:27Alright, here we go, man. Moment of truth.
26:29You all clear? I'm going to
26:31give her a start. All clear up here, buddy.
26:35Yeah, some reds.
26:37All good, mate.
26:41Cheddar down.
26:43Now we can get back to digging some real gold, buddy.
26:45Yep. Get onto this Cheddar.
26:51There's another little signal just here.
26:53I reckon we can be onto another little nugget.
27:01Gravel's looking nice.
27:05It's out of the hole.
27:07Let's get down and take a look and see what we've got.
27:13Hey, there she is.
27:15It's gold. Not a massive bit.
27:17Only a tiny little piece.
27:19Maybe 0.1 of a gram.
27:21About $10 in today's price.
27:23But it's got an awesome little shape.
27:25Looks like a little horseshoe. Horseshoes are
27:27good luck, so
27:29maybe that means there's better things to come.
27:37you want to run that out for us?
27:39All right. I reckon just
27:41around where the fork of the tree is there, eh?
27:45Yeah, just in through under there
27:47if you can. Yep.
27:49All right, stand back just in case, eh?
27:51Are you ready?
27:53Ready. Aim.
27:57Come on, big girl.
27:59How good is this?
28:01What do you reckon, that look?
28:03That's awesome.
28:05Now you can get to your target nice and easy.
28:07So good.
28:09Yeah, because it was just here.
28:11There it is.
28:13That sounds big, mate.
28:15This is a dreamer.
28:17Right there, right?
28:21Here we go.
28:23It's in.
28:25It's going to be a big one,
28:29Oh, I can feel it. Look at that.
28:31Oh, no way!
28:35That's a ripper, mate.
28:37Hell yeah, that's going to be half an ounce there.
28:39Feel it. That's a beauty, mate.
28:41I reckon that's two grand there
28:43just sitting right there.
28:45Oh, we're back.
28:47We're back.
28:49Oh, we're back on the board.
28:51I might actually push over this hill
28:53and check the gullies on the other side.
28:57Yeah, good luck, mate.
28:59Yeah, good luck. Get some.
29:01Keep your radio on. Stay safe.
29:03Oh, it's so hot in this gully today.
29:05After that fire,
29:07that sun beating down,
29:09all the heat coming off the ground as well.
29:11It's rough.
29:13Let's hope we get enough gold to make it all worthwhile.
29:19Yes, signal.
29:31It's always good
29:33to come into a new area
29:35and just start getting targets
29:37and start getting gold.
29:39Look at that, a ripper.
29:41That's a gram or so there, which is good.
29:43There might be some good chunky gold in here
29:45and we need chunky gold if we're ever going to get that
29:4765-ounce target.
29:51Oh, that's definitely
29:53a target there.
29:55Get this out a bit more.
29:57There's very much rock in here.
29:59It's not easy.
30:05Get my hand, whatever it is.
30:07Oh, she's
30:09going up. That's heavy.
30:11What is that?
30:13Yes, gold!
30:17Oh, that is unreal.
30:19I felt the weight of that straight away
30:21hit my hand. At least 10 grams
30:23there. Look at that.
30:25You can just see all the gold
30:27sticking out the edges.
30:29Like 1,000 bucks straight towards our
30:31season target. This is the type of stuff we need.
30:33We're on a roll
30:37That's a loud target.
30:39That sounds good.
30:43I can see it in there.
30:45There's some bakers sitting around for me.
30:47That's the weight. A gram of gold.
30:49120 bucks just sitting on the ground
30:51waiting for me to pick it up. I wish more
30:53of them would come along, but that's a bit of a rarity.
30:55Maybe get two or three
30:57of those a year. Hey,
30:59Jack, Jack, Jackie, you got a copy?
31:01Yeah, mate. I'm getting low on water
31:03and I'm starting to wear down the
31:05ground in here as well, so
31:07I'll meet you back at the car.
31:09Yeah, I'll see you there soon.
31:11Too easy. I'm looking forward to doing a
31:13weigh-in and seeing how we went.
31:27I just about put my ears off.
31:29This one sounds epic.
31:31That's music
31:33to my ears. It's not far away, wherever it is.
31:35Where's it hiding?
31:37I've got to be careful.
31:39When you get big nuggets like this,
31:41the last thing you want to do is go hit them with a pick
31:43because you can mess them up.
31:53I reckon we're sitting on a half-ounce
31:55mug there. Once the dirt comes off that,
31:57it's going to be a beautiful shape. It looks like it's all
31:59gold. Could be a couple of grams sitting in that one.
32:01That's epic.
32:05What do you reckon, Oaks?
32:09Nice signal here.
32:11Maybe this is the one
32:13we've been chasing.
32:15Oh, that's beautiful gravel.
32:19down to that
32:21juicy layer we've been chasing all week.
32:25Oh, yeah.
32:27Hey, Kyle, mate,
32:29this might be the one we've been looking
32:31for. Oh, mate.
32:35Oh, yeah.
32:37That's hard ground.
32:39It's out.
32:41Where is this?
32:43Where is it?
32:49Got it!
32:51That's like three grand nugget
32:53right there, mate.
32:55We've been looking for these big ones, so hopefully
32:57they start to turn up.
33:01Got another one,
33:03mate. Guess what?
33:05Double hookup.
33:07How good.
33:09Oh, there it is.
33:11Another grandma.
33:13I raise ya. Two grandma.
33:15Oh, yeah.
33:17Haven't even moved and I'm on another
33:19one right next door.
33:21It's what we dream of, eh? Oh, yeah.
33:23Another one.
33:25Oh, this is a bust up.
33:27About four or five grams.
33:29We are
33:31on the gold big time.
33:33Today's our day, mate.
33:35Looks like the wanderers
33:37are back.
33:47Holy hell.
33:49Look at that. Look at the size of it.
33:51That's a thumper.
33:53That's amazing. Well done.
33:55That's the best one I've ever found.
33:57That's a couple of ounces for sure.
33:59That's a bit of a dent in our 10 ounces, then.
34:01I know. Looking at that.
34:03I'm stoked to keep going.
34:11Should fit in here pretty nicely, I reckon.
34:13Oh, made it back.
34:19How'd you go, champ?
34:21Oh, heaps could pull. I actually managed to have the
34:23parts in stock, mate. Saved us three days.
34:25The other one was ex-Melbourne. Hopefully we don't find
34:27anything else in there, because I only bought the parts that were broke.
34:29Touch wood there isn't.
34:31I'm here to help you, mate. What do you want done?
34:33Perfect. Oh, mate, we've got to blow these four
34:35track plates off, get some heat into it,
34:37and we'll knock that pin out.
34:39Alright, let's get into it.
34:41Thanks, mate.
34:47It's just another typical day
34:49in the gold fields, you know.
34:51Once we can blow these bolts off, we'll take the plates out
34:53and get to the idler arm and see where the
34:55issues are.
34:57It's a shame the excavator's not working.
34:59Paul really wants to prove up this ground.
35:01If we can prove this ground up,
35:03make our ten ounces, we'll go
35:05ahead and sell the Phoenix Project to the
35:07mining company. As a family,
35:09if we sell the Phoenix Project,
35:11we'll become debt free.
35:13That's a good sign there.
35:19Oh, yeah.
35:21I like it
35:23when I see big chunks of rock.
35:25I always hope it's a big bit.
35:29Got it.
35:31Oh, nice.
35:39look at that.
35:43Makes me really happy with that bit.
35:47Awesome. First one from my pocket.
35:51Let's keep going.
35:53Oh, if we didn't replace this idler wheel,
35:55definitely would have ended up throwing
35:57that truck, eh? Yeah, no wrong.
35:59Yeah, we're just trying to
36:01feed the whole idler arm back in now.
36:03Butt it up back to the
36:05inside here. Going just to
36:07push it with the
36:13We're making
36:15good firewood anyway.
36:17Try and push that straight in now, eh?
36:21Ah, look at me go.
36:23You're so strong.
36:25About an inch to go.
36:27Yep, keep going.
36:29Whoa, whoa, sorry.
36:31The whole track's kinked.
36:33I'll walk backwards with the weight on.
36:35We'll get that kink out.
36:43Yeah, you're right there. That'll do.
36:45Looks pretty good.
36:47Give it some love.
36:51Oh, mate. Straight in.
36:55It's amazing what you can do out in the bush without a workshop, isn't it?
36:57Yeah, it is.
36:59We're back on track now. We've just got to put the plates back on.
37:01Put the new bolts in.
37:03Weld up around the pin we just put back
37:05in and send it.
37:13You know, with the Phoenix project,
37:15the offer
37:17that's on the table is a good one.
37:19There's 60 tonnes of power here.
37:21Just want to find a
37:23nice little open spot which has the
37:25gravels in it.
37:27I need to prove that
37:29this place is viable
37:31so that it's going to be sustainable for us
37:33for the rest of the season.
37:37That sounds good.
37:39I'll give that a bit of a scrape.
37:41It's already
37:43been dug a metre down.
37:45So this is a pretty deep
37:47nugget, if it is a nugget,
37:49which, fingers crossed, it is.
37:53Still in there.
37:59I think it was in there.
38:05Yeah, I got it out.
38:07Sounds good.
38:11Holy moly!
38:13Look at that! That's insane!
38:15That's huge!
38:17That's definitely got away nearly
38:19two ounces, about
38:21$7,000. That's insane!
38:23I'm definitely lucky
38:27Hey, Dad, I've just found another big nugget like the one
38:29we found before. Oh, that's fantastic.
38:31I know, I'm stoked with it.
38:33Keep going. Let's go chase that 10-ounce
38:41Here he comes, the man of the hour.
38:43Man has saved the week.
38:45He's feeling pretty heavy.
38:47I'm quite excited to see how you've done.
38:49I can't wait to see how he's done. Let's weigh up this gold
38:51while he's happy playing. How you going,
38:55Are you finding some gold?
38:57Yeah. Good stuff, mate.
38:59Hey, Sonny's keeping production
39:03Absolutely. It's good Sonny and I got a break,
39:05get out the heat for a few days. How's the
39:07week been? It's been tough. The belt
39:09going was obviously the bigger one.
39:11We're so lucky that Levi managed
39:13to get hold of Kim and get the belt.
39:15We could have been down for a week without that jar.
39:17I'd be feeling a lot lighter than what it is now.
39:19Yeah, swallowed my pride. What a legend.
39:21That's amazing he was able to help you out.
39:23We're up to 4.9 ounces
39:25for the season. We really need a good week
39:27to bump that up.
39:29I reckon we throw it on and see
39:31what we got.
39:33Moment of truth. Yeah, you want to do the honors, darling?
39:35Let's see how we go.
39:37Whoa, a couple of chunky ones.
39:39Well done.
39:414.5 ounces, guys.
39:43What a cracker.
39:45That's just over $16,000
39:47guys for one week out digging.
39:49That's impressive. That's epic.
39:51That's almost 9.5 ounces so far
39:53for our season.
39:55We're all feeling a bit shaky towards the start, weren't we?
39:57Not knowing how it was going to go, but this is
39:59the tale of what's to come. I'm pumped.
40:01Sonny, come and have a look how much gold there is.
40:03Ready? I'll pick you up.
40:07Have a look at that for a chunk, mate.
40:09Is that what you found digging over there?
40:13Yeah, we got some gold, Sonny!
40:23Out of the furnace
40:25and down by the river.
40:27That fire certainly made things a bit difficult
40:29for us. I mean, dropped a tree down over the road
40:31and a tree over your back.
40:33That's the problem with those fires.
40:35You never know where they're going to drop.
40:37Yeah, well it's just starting to get so dry out there now
40:39the fires are moving real quick.
40:41We got out of it and that was the main thing.
40:43How do you reckon we went? Pretty good.
40:45I'm hoping it's our best one for the year.
40:47Yeah, me too. It feels pretty heavy.
40:49Alright. Let's see what it says.
40:51There's some real chunky stuff in here, mate.
40:53Come on.
40:55There we go.
40:59Well done, mate. That's a great one.
41:01That's a great one.
41:03That's our best weigh-in. Great job.
41:05Smashed it!
41:07I'd say about 25 grams worth of gold there.
41:09Surely is.
41:11I'll take that.
41:13But we've had slow starts this season
41:15and we've worked really hard to put this together.
41:17That only puts us just over
41:1917 ounces for the year now
41:23we've still got a lot to go
41:25and not even a third of the way there yet.
41:27We've just proved that we are seriously on track.
41:29I think we just keep working out
41:31from that ground we've been to.
41:33Let's just keep systematically
41:35spreading out from that area.
41:37We're picking up gold like a kid in a candy shop in there.
41:39Nailed it.
41:41Let's go.
41:49Hey, you ready for the weigh-in?
41:51Totally. Absolutely.
41:53I'm having fun playing with these nuggets.
41:55Big nuggets.
41:57I did say there was big nuggets here.
42:01Nice. What does that one weigh?
42:035. Two nuggets.
42:05We're halfway there.
42:07Let's just get the rest of them on there.
42:09It might just come a bit shy.
42:13Still pretty good.
42:15Just under.
42:17But really good looking nuggets.
42:23that's not the only ones.
42:25Ebony, have you been holding out on us?
42:27I have.
42:29Another massive one.
42:31I found a couple little ones.
42:33Great job.
42:35You are the lucky one, aren't you?
42:3910.5 ounces.
42:41When I said, let's go find 10 ounces,
42:43I thought, yeah, we're not going to get there,
42:45but we got there.
42:47That's amazing.
42:49I guess that brings us to the decision.
42:51Do we sell the Phoenix Project
42:53and come out here and chase these big nuggets?
42:57That's a big decision.
42:59It is, but I'll leave it up to you.
43:07we achieved what you wanted to achieve.
43:09You got your 10 ounces.
43:11Let's do it.
43:13We'll sell the Phoenix Project.
43:17We got that.
43:19That's unreal.
43:21There you go.
43:23Good job.
43:25Let's chase more of these.
43:51Let's go.
44:21There you go.
44:27Double kill.
44:51There you go.
44:55There you go.
45:21Double kill.
45:23Double kill.
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