• 2 days ago
Liam Noble performs live solo and duo with Fred Thomas at The Sands Films Music Room on Thursday 2nd July at 20.00. During the lock-down, venues are closed and all live performing have been cancelled. Sands Films offers musicians a space to perform and a means to reach an audience. Access to the live streams on Youtube, Facebook and Vimeo is free and remains accessible after the live event. The audience is invited to donate to support the performer and the venue: each "donate" button is specific to each show and pays the musicians of each concert. Donations can be made before, during or after the event: visit https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=TYV7DAZUCJDWU&source=url or https://www.sandsfilms.co.uk/sands-films-music-room.html and show your support!
