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#MarvelRivals #shorts
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#MarvelRivals #shorts
00:00This is why they're number one.
00:01Something I'm already noticing, they are constantly keeping themselves speed boosted.
00:05Speedy, speedy, speedy.
00:07Drops another one.
00:08Speedy, speedy, speedy, speedy.
00:10Drops another one.
00:12Immediately goes for the damage.
00:16Hey, you know what, chat?
00:17Even sometimes it's the best player's feed.
00:20So he's gonna go take high ground behind them so he can flank and do some DPSing.
00:24Remember, they're running triple support, so it's not really his job.
00:26He'll be going and healing a ton.
00:29Oh my god, dude, what in the world?
00:35What is this?
00:37Immediately just runs past the tank, goes straight for backline.
00:42Dude, he just does not care.
00:44He actually just flanked Jeff.
00:45He's waiting.
00:46He sat there waiting for the Magneto to bubble.
00:48Stalking, hunting his prey.
00:50Bubble goes off.
00:52Time to strike.
00:56He's actually a shark.
00:57Like, unironically, he's actually fully embraced being a shark.
01:06Did he wait as long as possible to give him a longer spawn because they're coming back
01:10into third?
01:11That's evil.
01:12Their whole f***ing team is just chilling here.
01:17And he's just in there, running around, no fear.
01:20So he has ult now.
01:21It's 55 seconds on the clock.
01:24Puts a bubble there and there.
01:26A full 30 seconds, 40 seconds-ish later, he goes for the ult.
01:31Finally gets it.
01:35And has bubbles on the path to make sure that he'll make it.
01:41Is that intentional?
01:42You guys said he did it earlier too.
01:44Earlier when he solo ulted the Magneto, the same thing.
01:47He puts one close to where he's going to ult and then one close to the edge just in case
01:51he can't make it.
01:52He's planning these ults out like 20 seconds in advance.