• anteayer
General Hospital 03-10-2025 FULL Episode 720HD || ABC GH - MARCH 10, 2025 FULL Episode 720HD
00:00Not what I said. But obviously you have a problem with me investigating Sidwell.
00:05Would I prefer that you stay away from the guy who held me hostage,
00:09sent an assassin after me, and tried to kill my best friend? Yes. Yes, I would.
00:14Well, Sidwell seems to like me. That gives me an advantage that law enforcement doesn't have.
00:22And if I can learn something that could prevent him from hurting anyone else, then I've gotta try.
00:30But if our being together hinges on me dropping the investigation, then I guess this is it.
00:40It's okay. It was worth a shot.
00:44So that's it.
00:46Uh, how's, uh, how's James? Oh, uh, Dr. Gammon said it was a clean break
00:51and kids heal quickly, so James is gonna be fine until he decides to sled off the roof again
00:56or does something else that's really stupid. Yeah, boys, they, uh, I think they're invincible.
01:00Just boys. Yeah, you're right. Women can be pretty reckless too.
01:04You know that's not what I meant. Hey, listen, I need your help or something.
01:08Okay, you have it.
01:11It's Lulu. I, I, I'm just worried she's gonna get herself into a situation that she can't get out
01:17of. So that's it? You've decided that you know best? You're willing to stomp all over other
01:25people's lives regardless of the consequences? The only consequence will be Dante knowing he
01:30has another son somewhere. And then what? Think of somebody other than yourself for once, Lulu.
01:37Telling Dante will blow up a lot of lives. How will him knowing this make anything better for anyone?
01:45Daddy, mother, we, uh, we have a situation, but rest assured as long as there is breath in my body, I will
02:03protect our legacy. I will not allow Drew to take anything from this family.
02:09Drew, listen to me. I strongly advise we wait. No time like the present. Put it up. What?
02:18Well, that is the thing of beauty. I appreciate you making her happy so quickly.
02:22Yeah, well, now that I have, we best make sure we can back it up. Henry,
02:27better get busy. I just wish I could see Tracy's face when she finds out.
02:32What's going on? What's different with Gio? Yes. Time and again, we have seen people under
02:44Sonny's so-called protection lose everything because of their association with him.
02:50So why are you suddenly okay with Gio becoming one of Sonny's charity cases?
02:57Gio isn't a charity case. He's family.
03:16So first impressions, they're right. Mental security, one guard in the gatehouse,
03:20one guard patrolling the area. I mean, there's too much area for one person to cover.
03:23Okay, any sign of Charlotte? Nothing. We traced the phone back to this house,
03:28but that's all. Maybe they ditched the phone and went into Buenos Aires. No.
03:32No, the curtains may be drawn, but there's definitely movement inside there, I saw it.
03:37How much? You know, minimal.
03:41Look, I know Valentine. If he and Charlotte are in there, they're alone.
03:53Charlotte, get away from the window. Come on, you know better than that.
04:00I know. I'm sorry, but something's up. I don't like it here. How long are we to stay?
04:10How long? Thank God. Where are we going?
04:14Not we, my petite, you. It's time we say goodbye.
04:19The guard on patrol should pass us in five. That's going to give us a 15 minute window
04:23to get in, get Charlotte and get out. It should be, it should be an easy job.
04:29Yeah, it's too easy. Something's wrong.
04:48Barry Cirillo. Damn right he is.
04:57But what does that have to do with taking money from Sonny,
05:01especially when it comes with such a risk? There is no risk.
05:04Really? Okay, there is minimal risk,
05:09but Gio is not alone. He has all of us. Sonny is not his only influence.
05:14So why risk Sonny's involvement at all? Because us Cirillos, we love Gio.
05:22We loved his mother. We watched with our own eyes how she passed her talent down to him.
05:26That much is obvious. We could give Gio all the love in the world,
05:30but it takes Sonny's financial support to make sure that his talent is cultivated.
05:35I understand all of that, Lois. But now that Gio is here,
05:39Lois, why would you go to Sonny rather than come to me?
05:46Did you think that I wouldn't help? What is this?
05:52That is an official notice stating that this building has been seized and must be vacated.
05:58You're both trespassing. Where's my security?
06:00Well, they had no choice but to let us in. We've got a court order.
06:03Can I see that court order so I can figure out who to have removed from the bench?
06:10By all means.
06:18I'm not wasting my time with you. I'm calling the police.
06:20Go ahead. I'm not going to do you any good, though. The law is on our side.
06:27What's the type of situation you think Lulu has gotten herself into?
06:31Oh, I see. You already know something.
06:35What? No, no, I don't. I don't know anything. And that's because
06:39Lulu won't return my phone calls. So I have no idea if she even found...
06:43Found what? Where?
06:47Okay. And now you're stalling, which tells me that it's worse than I thought.
06:51No, no, it's not. Look, I promise, okay? I saw Martin this morning,
06:54and he doesn't have any clue that Lulu broke into his hotel room.
06:57Is it even breaking and entering if she had an actual key?
06:59Okay, you know what? I changed my mind. I don't think I want to know.
07:03Cool, cool. This conversation never happened.
07:06No, but the problem is it did happen. And now I know that she's out of control.
07:11Dante's life will be better once he knows the truth. When...
07:17When I found out about Charlotte, my whole world changed.
07:20That was a completely different situation.
07:23Charlotte was still a child when you found her. My child...
07:26My son is legally an adult by now. He's lived an entire life without me or Dante.
07:31He might not even know he's adopted.
07:33And what if he does? What if he wants to know who his birth parents are and...
07:39And why they gave him up?
07:42That would be the happiest day of my life if you showed up on my doorstep and asked...
07:50Maybe you wouldn't hate me.
07:52Maybe he'd want me to be in his life.
07:54Then tell Dante and make it happen.
07:57No. Because it's the child's choice, not mine, not Dante's, and certainly not yours.
08:04And if I tell Dante, you know he would move heaven and earth to find his child.
08:09Yes, he would.
08:13Because Dante is a wonderful father.
08:16Any boy would be lucky to have a father like him.
08:20Any boy would be lucky to have Dante in his life.
08:25So give him that standing.
08:28Please admit he's the father.
08:33What if I won't?
08:38You can't have us removed, Tracy.
08:40Because we, like that crypt, are on public land.
08:44I beg to differ.
08:45I'll have my surveyor clear this up.
08:48You, over there.
08:49Not you.
08:51Henry, this is Henry.
08:53He is the county surveyor.
08:54As the congressman of this district, I was able to get somebody down here really quickly
08:58to protect the public's interest.
09:02You don't care about the public.
09:03All you care about is throwing your weight around.
09:05That's your M.O., Tracy.
09:06You quarter mains.
09:07You make me sick.
09:11We quarter mains, of which you are not one.
09:14You know, I always think that you can do what you want.
09:16I mean, Edward had how many acres?
09:18And yet he had to steal public land because why?
09:21He just loved this view?
09:22It really is a lovely view.
09:24Who cares?
09:27This land abuts.
09:29Acres and acres of public land.
09:32We're not disturbing it.
09:34Why would we?
09:34That conservation area is protected.
09:37Which means the quarter mains can't take it just because they want to.
09:40So I don't care who you think you are.
09:43You're not gonna get your way this time.
09:47Leave the old lady alone.
09:52I'm not leaving you.
09:53This is my fault.
09:55I should have made you go with your mother back in Prague.
09:58No, we're a team.
10:00We are a team.
10:02We're a good team.
10:04But I'm being selfish because it's dangerous for you to stay with me.
10:08So you're gonna do what?
10:09Just send me on the plane back to Fort Charles?
10:14I've texted Rocco pretending to be you.
10:18Lula will see the text and use it to track us down.
10:21She's probably already on her way.
10:27Charlotte, you miss her, don't you?
10:32I really do.
10:34But I don't want to leave you.
10:38So do you think the more security Valentin had,
10:41the more attention he'd get?
10:44Yeah, possibly.
10:45And after he attacked Brennan,
10:47he had to know that the WSB would double down on their efforts to find him.
10:51Possibly put a kill order out on him.
10:53Too bad they weren't better at it.
10:58Something else to consider is that
11:01Charlotte told Valentin that she was meeting Lula in Prague.
11:05So he passed his prologue.
11:08Valentin is expecting us.
11:10He's expecting someone.
11:14We got a vehicle.
11:16Crapper than any in the past hour.
11:19That means the bureau has found Valentin.
11:21Okay, we gotta get out of here.
11:22Stop going after Sidwell.
11:23You said no.
11:25End of discussion.
11:26It is?
11:27Because I expected you to be halfway out the door.
11:31I know.
11:33If those are your terms, I accept them.
11:35I mean, I have my pride.
11:37I know.
11:37But I'm not gonna stop going after someone as
11:41interesting and, frankly, as gorgeous as you
11:44just because I didn't get what I wanted.
11:47Is that what you're used to?
11:50Please, do not get me started.
11:54Let me ask you then.
11:56Are you gonna walk away the second we disagree on something?
12:00Because statistically, it's bound to happen.
12:03I'm not gonna walk away.
12:04Because statistically, it's bound to happen.
12:07Well, it depends on the disagreement.
12:10But all things equal now.
12:17Then I guess we should get used to spending a lot of time here.
12:22I guess so.
12:26Then we need to do some grocery shopping.
12:33Orange lady?
12:35You need to back off.
12:37The Quartermains have appropriated public land and Tracy here
12:41continues to interfere with county business
12:44and she's very close to a Class D misdemeanor.
12:47This is the Quartermain estate, yes?
12:49He knows full well it is.
12:50Not all of it.
12:51The mausoleum right here is over the property line and is on protected land.
12:57So people are buried here.
13:00And these gentlemen want to deny me access to my parents' final resting place.
13:06Because Edward Quartermain was wrong.
13:08Edward Quartermain saved my life.
13:12And you rescued me from kidnappers.
13:14I did, Emma.
13:16I did.
13:18And now you want to remove her father,
13:19the man who saved my life, from his final resting place?
13:22They do.
13:23Listen, I'm Congressman Drew Quartermain.
13:27Drew Kane!
13:28You will never be a Quartermain!
13:31So you're not even a cop.
13:34You're nothing but a petty congressman.
13:35I'm the Central Police.
13:38Well, in that case, none of you have jurisdiction here.
13:40In fact, you're trespassing.
13:43They are.
13:44And I am calling the police.
13:46There is no need to waste the station's time.
13:50And why would I call the station?
13:52I have a direct line to the police right here.
13:55Ben, you already give a lot of money to a lot of different wonderful causes.
14:00Well, I would have been thrilled to support Gio.
14:03Yes, I know.
14:04You're a very generous man.
14:06But Sonny didn't grow up with the same things you grew up with.
14:10He didn't have any family or support.
14:12He wants to make sure that Gio isn't going to struggle the way he had to.
14:16And look, I know how you feel about Sonny.
14:19But he has a good heart.
14:21Well, now that Gio is living here, the quartermains can support him financially.
14:26Okay, well, that is up to Gio.
14:27And clearly, he chose Sonny.
14:31Gio, I'm in here.
14:34Hey, honey, what's wrong?
14:37Ned, you're here too.
14:40She was at the crypt.
14:41So was Tracy.
14:46Ever since Lola woke up, she's been tearing into Brooklyn like every chance she gets.
14:51Okay, maybe she's just making up for lost time.
14:54Okay, but then I have to defend Brooklyn, and that hurts Lulu.
14:58Here's a wild idea, but have you considered talking to Lulu about this?
15:02Actually, yes, I have.
15:04And I asked her to maybe have a little patience with Brooklyn.
15:07But that only made Lulu think that I was taking Brooklyn's side over hers.
15:10You did.
15:11You do know that, right?
15:12No, I didn't.
15:13Look, maybe I could understand her more if she would talk to me.
15:17But the problem is we can't talk anymore.
15:24Because of Sam?
15:26Because of Sam.
15:30I miss her a lot, Maxie.
15:32And I'm just trying to keep our family together.
15:36That has to be incredibly hard.
15:40You know, something's going on with Rocco too.
15:43I don't know, it's probably because there's all this tension between me and Lulu.
15:46And that's having an effect on him.
15:48And that's not okay.
15:54My number one priority is being a dad to my son.
15:58And I would do anything for him.
16:00Are you saying that you would lie and say Dante wasn't the father?
16:05I'm saying I would do anything to protect my son's happiness.
16:09Don't pretend you're doing this for your son.
16:11You're doing it for you.
16:13You don't want Dante to know because you don't want him to hate you.
16:16You're right, I don't.
16:18But if I had to choose between Dante's happiness and my child's, I would choose my child any day.
16:23And I know that you would do the same damn thing.
16:26You have no idea what I would do.
16:29And only someone as arrogant as you would pretend that they do.
16:33You have always been so threatened by my relationship with Dante.
16:37Even when the two of you were solid.
16:38You mean when you couldn't break us up?
16:40Ask yourself one thing while exposing me to Dante.
16:44And telling him the truth.
16:45Be worth hurting him.
16:46I'm not hurting him.
16:48You are.
16:50How can Dante miss a son he doesn't even know he has?
16:52How convenient for you.
16:54It's not.
16:58It's agony.
17:01And if you tell Dante that I got pregnant that summer and gave up our child,
17:05then you will be subjecting him to the same agony that I have been living with for 21 years.
17:14And you know that Dante will turn this world upside down trying to find our son.
17:21Just like you are for Charlotte.
17:24And where will that leave Rocco?
17:27Rocco knows I love him just as much as I love Charlotte.
17:30Rocco knows that his dad is there for him.
17:34But if he starts searching around for our child, Rocco will have been abandoned by both his parents.
17:39After all of the running and hiding we've done, you're just, you're just letting them find us?
17:43You deserve a better life than this.
17:45No, I deserve to be with you.
17:47I need you to trust me.
17:48This is for the best.
17:51There's a kill squad right behind us.
17:52We take Charlotte and go.
17:54Go now.
17:56That's not what I said.
17:57But obviously you have a problem with me investigating Simcoe.
18:02Would I prefer that you stay away from the guy who held me hostage,
18:06the guy who held me hostage, sent an assassin after me and tried to kill my best friend?
18:11Yes, I would.
18:13Well, Simcoe seems to like me.
18:17That gives me an advantage that law enforcement doesn't have.
18:21And if I can learn something that could prevent him from hurting anyone else, then I've got to try.
18:28But if our being together hinges on me dropping the investigation, then
18:36I guess this is it.
18:39Okay, it was worth a shot.
18:43So that's it.
18:45Uh, how's, uh, how's James?
18:47Oh, uh, Dr. Gaiman said it was a clean break and kids heal quickly.
18:50So James is gonna be fine until he decides to sled off the roof again
18:54or does something else that's really stupid.
18:56Yeah, boys, they, uh, they think they're invincible.
18:59Just boys.
19:00Yeah, you're right.
19:01Women can be pretty reckless too.
19:03You know that's not what I meant.
19:04Hey, listen, I need your help.
19:07You have it.
19:10It's Lulu.
19:12I'm just worried she's going to get herself into a situation that she can't get out of.
19:17So that's it.
19:19You've decided that you know best.
19:22You're willing to stomp all over other people's lives, regardless of the consequences.
19:26The only consequence will be Dante knowing he has another son.
19:30And then what?
19:32Think of somebody other than yourself for once, Lulu.
19:36Telling Dante will blow up a lot of lives.
19:40How will him knowing this make anything better for anyone?
19:53Maddie, mother, we, uh, we have a situation,
19:57but rest assured, as long as there is breath in my body, I will protect our legacy.
20:04I will not allow Drew to take anything from this family.
20:08Drew, listen to me.
20:09I strongly advise we wait.
20:12No time like the present.
20:13Put it out.
20:17Well, that is the thing of beauty.
20:18I appreciate you making her happy so quickly.
20:20Yeah, well, now that I have, we best make sure we can back it up.
20:24Henry, better get busy.
20:27I just wish I could see Tracy's face when she finds out.
20:35What's going on?
20:38What's different with Gio?
20:41Time and again, we have seen people under Sonny's so-called protection
20:45lose everything because of their association with him.
20:49So why are you suddenly okay with Gio becoming one of Sonny's charity cases?
20:55Um, Gio isn't a charity case.
20:58He's family.
21:15So, first impressions, they're right.
21:16Minimal security, one guard in the gatehouse, one guard patrolling the area.
21:20I mean, there's too much area for one person to cover.
21:22Okay, any sightings, Charlie?
21:25Maybe we traced the phone back to this house, but that's all.
21:28Maybe they ditched the phone and went into Buenos Aires.
21:31No, the curtains may be drawn, but there's definitely movement inside there, I saw it.
21:35Well, how much?
21:37Like, you know, minimal.
21:39Look, I know Valentin.
21:41If he and Charlotte are in there, they're alone.
21:44Charlotte, get away from the window.
21:56Come on, you know better than that.
21:59I know, I'm sorry, but something's up.
22:04I don't like it here.
22:06How long were you to stay?
22:08How long?
22:09Thank God.
22:11Where are we going?
22:13Not where you went, Petit, you.
22:16It's time we say goodbye.
22:19The guard on patrol should pass us in five.
22:21That's going to give us a 15-minute window to get in, get Charlotte, and get out.
22:25It should be, it should be an easy job.
22:29Yeah, it's too easy.
22:32Something's wrong.
22:43Barry Cirillo.
22:54Damn right he is.
22:56But what does that have to do with taking money from Sonny?
22:59Especially when it comes with such a risk.
23:01There is no risk.
23:04Okay, there is minimal risk, but Gio is not alone.
23:10He has all of us.
23:11Sonny is not his only influence.
23:13So why risk Sonny's involvement at all?
23:16Because us Cirillos, we love Gio.
23:20We loved his mother.
23:21We watched with our own eyes how she passed her talent down to him.
23:25That much is obvious.
23:26We could give Gio all the love in the world,
23:29but it takes Sonny's financial support to make sure that his talent is cultivated.
23:34I understand all of that, Lois.
23:36But now that Gio is here...
23:40Lois, why would you go to Sonny rather than come to me?
23:45Did you think that I wouldn't help?
23:49What is this?
23:50That is an official notice stating that this building has been seized and must be vacated.
23:57You're both trespassing.
23:58Where's my security?
23:59Well, they had no choice but to let us in.
24:01We've got a court order.
24:02Can I see that court order so I can figure out who to have removed from the bench?
24:07By all means.
24:15I'm not wasting my time with you.
24:16I'm calling the police.
24:17Go ahead.
24:18Not going to do you any good, though.
24:21The law is on our side.
24:24What's the type of situation you think Lulu has gotten herself into?
24:27Uh, I see you... you already know something.
24:31What? No, no, I don't.
24:32I don't know anything.
24:34And that's because Lulu won't return my phone calls.
24:36So I have no idea if she even found...
24:39Found what? Where?
24:42Okay, and now you're stalling, which tells me that it's worse than I thought.
24:47No, no, it's not.
24:47Look, I promise, okay?
24:48I saw Martin this morning and he doesn't have any clue that Lulu broke into his hotel room.
24:53Is it even breaking and entering if she hasn't told him?
24:56Is it even breaking and entering if she had an actual key?
24:58Okay, you know what?
24:59I changed my mind.
25:00I don't think I want to know.
25:02Cool, cool.
25:03This conversation never happened.
25:04No, but the problem is it did happen.
25:06And now I know that she's out of control.
25:10Dante's life will be better once he knows the truth.
25:15When I found out about Charlotte, my whole world changed.
25:19That was a completely different situation.
25:21Charlotte was still a child when you found her.
25:23My child...
25:27My son is legally an adult by now.
25:30He's lived an entire life without me or Dante.
25:33He might not even know he's adopted.
25:34Then what if he does?
25:36What if he wants to know who his birth parents are and why they gave him up?
25:43That would be the happiest day of my life if he showed up on my doorstep and asked why.
25:51Maybe he wouldn't hate me.
25:54Maybe he'd want me to be in his life.
25:57Then tell Dante and make it happen.
25:59No, because it's the child's choice, not mine, not Dante's, and certainly not yours.
26:07And if I tell Dante, you know he would move heaven and earth to find his child.
26:12Yes, he would.
26:15Because Dante is a wonderful father.
26:19Any boy would be lucky to have Dante in his life.
26:24So give him that standing.
26:27Please admit he's the father.
26:31What if I won't?
26:37You can't have us removed, Tracy, because we, like that crypt, are on public land.
26:42I beg to differ.
26:44I'll have my surveyor clear this up.
26:46You, over there.
26:47Not you.
26:49Henry, this is Henry.
26:52He is the county surveyor.
26:53As the congressman of this district, I was able to get somebody down here really quickly
26:57to protect the public's interest.
27:00You don't care about the public.
27:01All you care about is throwing your weight around.
27:03That's your MO, Tracy.
27:05You quarter mains.
27:06You make me sick.
27:10We quarter mains, of which you are not one.
27:13You always think that you can do what you want.
27:14I mean, Edward had how many acres, really?
27:17And yet he had to steal public land because why?
27:19He just loved this view.
27:21It really is a lovely view.
27:23Who cares?
27:26This land abuts.
27:28Acres and acres of public land.
27:31We're not disturbing it.
27:32Why would we?
27:33That conservation area is protected, which means the quarter mains can't take it just
27:38because they want to.
27:39So I don't care who you think you are.
27:42You're not going to get your way this time.
27:44Hey, leave the old lady alone.
27:47I'm not leaving you.
27:52This is my fault.
27:54I should have made you go with your mother back in Prague.
27:57No, we're a team.
27:59We are a team.
28:01We're a good team.
28:03But I'm being selfish because it's dangerous for you to stay with me.
28:06So you're going to do what?
28:08Just send me on a plane back to Fort Charles?
28:13I've texted Rocco pretending to be you.
28:16Lula will see the text and use it to track us down.
28:19She's probably already on her way.
28:25Charlotte, you miss her, don't you?
28:30I really do.
28:33But I don't want to leave you.
28:36So do you think the more security Valentine had, the more attention you'd get?
28:42Yeah, mostly.
28:44And after he attacked Brennan, he had to know that the WSB
28:47would double down on their efforts to find him.
28:49Possibly put a kill order out on him.
28:52Too bad they weren't better at it.
28:57Something else to consider is that
28:59Charlotte told Valentine that she was meeting Lula in Prague.
29:03So he passed his prologue.
29:07Valentine's expecting us.
29:11He's expecting someone.
29:15We got a vehicle.
29:17We're happier than any in the past hour.
29:20That means that we always found Valentine.
29:22Okay, we got to meet him.
29:23You stopped going after Sidwell.
29:25You said no.
29:26End of discussion.
29:27It is.
29:29Because I expected you to be halfway out the door right now.
29:34If those are your terms, I accept them.
29:36I mean, I have my pride.
29:38I noticed.
29:39But I'm not gonna stop going after someone as
29:44interesting and frankly as gorgeous as you
29:47just because I didn't get what I wanted.
29:50Is that what you're used to?
29:53Please do not get me started.
29:57Let me ask you then.
29:59Are you gonna walk away the second we disagree on something?
30:03Because statistically it's bound to happen.
30:06Well, it depends on the disagreement.
30:09But all things equal now.
30:16Then I guess we should get used to spending a lot of time here.
30:21I guess so.
30:25Then we need to do some grocery shopping.
30:32Orange lady.
30:34You need to back off.
30:36The Quartermains have appropriated public land and Tracy here
30:40continues to interfere with county business.
30:43And she's very close to a Class D misdemeanor.
30:45This is the Quartermain estate, yes?
30:47He knows full well it is.
30:49Not all of it.
30:50The mausoleum right here is over the property line and is on protected land.
30:56So people are buried here.
30:59And these gentlemen want to deny me access to my parents' final resting place.
31:04Because Edward Quartermain was-
31:06Edward Quartermain saved my life.
31:11And you rescued me from kidnappers.
31:13I did, Emma.
31:15I did.
31:17And now you want to remove her father,
31:18the man who saved my life, from his final resting place?
31:21They do.
31:23I'm Congressman Drew Quartermain.
31:26Drew Kane!
31:27You will never be a Quartermain!
31:30So you're not even a cop.
31:32You're nothing but a petty congressman.
31:34There's no police here.
31:36Well, in that case, none of you have jurisdiction here.
31:39In fact, you're trespassing.
31:41They are.
31:42And I am calling the police.
31:44There is no need to waste the station's time.
31:49And why would I call the station?
31:51I have a direct line to the police right here.
31:54Ned, you-
31:55You already give a lot of money to a lot of different wonderful causes.
31:59Well, I would have been thrilled to support you.
32:02Yes, I know.
32:03You're a very generous man.
32:04But Sonny didn't grow up with the same things you grew up with.
32:09He didn't have any family or support.
32:11He wants to make sure that Gio isn't going to struggle the way he had to.
32:15And look, I know how you feel about Sonny.
32:18But he has a good heart.
32:20Well, now that Gio is living here,
32:22the Quartermains can support him financially.
32:24Okay, well, that is up to Gio.
32:26And clearly, he chose Sonny.
32:30Gio, I'm in here!
32:34Honey, what's wrong?
32:36Good. Ned, you're here too.
32:38Drew's at the crypt.
32:40So is Tracy.
32:45Ever since Lulu woke up,
32:46she's been tearing into Brooklyn like every chance she gets.
32:49Okay, maybe she's just making up for lost time.
32:53But then I have to defend Brooklyn and that hurts Lulu.
32:56Here's a wild idea,
32:57but have you considered talking to Lulu about this?
33:01Actually, yes, I have.
33:03And I asked her to maybe have a little patience with Brooklyn,
33:06but that only made Lulu think that I was taking Brooklyn's side over hers.
33:09You did. You do know that, right?
33:11No, I didn't.
33:11Look, maybe I could understand her more if she would talk to me,
33:15but the problem is we can't talk anymore.
33:22Because of Sam?
33:25Because of Sam.
33:28I miss her a lot, Maxie.
33:31And I'm just trying to keep our family together.
33:35That has to be incredibly hard.
33:39You know, something's going on with Rocco too.
33:42I don't know, it's probably because there's all this tension between me and Lulu
33:45and that's having an effect on him and that's not okay.
33:52My number one priority is being a dad to my son
33:56and I would do anything for him.
33:59Are you saying that you would lie and say Dante wasn't the father?
34:04I'm saying I would do anything to protect my son's happiness.
34:08Don't pretend you're doing this for your son, you're doing it for you.
34:11You don't want Dante to know because you don't want him to hate you.
34:14You're right, I don't.
34:17But if I had to choose between Dante's happiness and my child's,
34:20I would choose my child's any day.
34:22And I know that you would do the same damn thing.
34:24You have no idea what I would do.
34:27And only someone as arrogant as you would pretend that they do.
34:31You have always been so threatened by my relationship with Dante,
34:35even when the two of you were solid.
34:36You mean when you couldn't break us up?
34:37Ask yourself one thing.
34:39Will exposing me to Dante and telling him the truth be worth hurting him?
34:44I'm not hurting him, you are.
34:48How can Dante miss a son he doesn't even know he has?
34:50How convenient for you.
34:52It's not.
34:56It's agony.
35:00And if you tell Dante that I got pregnant that summer and gave up our child,
35:04then you will be subjecting him to the same agony that I have been living with for 21 years.
35:13And you know that Dante will turn this world upside down trying to find our son.
35:20Just like you are for Charlotte.
35:22And where will that leave Rocco?
35:25Rocco knows I love him just as much as I love Charlotte.
35:28Rocco knows that his dad is there for him.
35:32But if he starts searching around for our child,
35:34Rocco will have been abandoned by both his parents.
35:39After all of the running and hiding we've done, you're just letting them find us?
35:43You deserve a better life than this.
35:45No, I deserve to be with you.
35:47I need you to trust me, this is for the best.
35:51There's a kill squad right behind us.
35:53Right behind us.
35:53We take Charlotte and go.
35:55Go now.
36:22Choose your brain.
37:52I'm not as strong today.
38:22I'm not as strong today.
38:52I'm not as strong today.
39:52I'm not as strong today.
40:22I'm not as strong today.
40:44I'm not as strong today.
41:14I'm not as strong today.
41:40I'm not as strong today.
