• 2 days ago
Thank you so much to maybelline for such a fun trip had the best time!! How you guys enjoyed the video, see you next week xx

Gifted trip

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaci.jay/


00:00Hey guys, welcome back to my channel today is a very exciting vlog because I'm going away again. Honestly, I
00:06Think I should live at the airport at this point. No complaints. Love and life today. I'm going skiing with Maybelline
00:12I am so so excited. I am sharing a room with Kate Elizabeth, which I'm sure you would have seen her before my channel
00:18I have been to Australia and Barlow purse. Basically, we're just travel partners at this point
00:22Mimi is also going who I went to Australia with so I feel like it's gonna be a really fun trip
00:26There's obviously other people there who I don't know. So yeah, I'm super excited. Everyone flew yesterday
00:31however, I had some commitments at home that I couldn't move around so I am flying today Monday and
00:37My car is here. So I need to leave ASAP
00:40The pro is that we have two suitcases allowance with 20 kg each and guys, you know me
00:47I'm an overpacker
00:47So I've got a big suitcase and then I've also got this one which is like medium sized one thing is I'm only there for
00:52Three nights, so it's so excessive but it's because I needed like loads of outfit options because for dinners
00:58There's like themes and I didn't know if it's gonna be everyone's we dressing up or dressing down
01:02So I kind of had to bring a bit of everything
01:04So yeah
01:06Anyways, I need to get going as if I've just nearly forgot my passport about to leave her answers and get it
01:14So bougie, I'm just in the lounge. My boarding gate is now open
01:19We start heading there, but honestly when I don't book my own flights, I literally know nothing and I'm so
01:25Irresponsible like when I tell you I didn't even know why who I was flying with what time I thought was or anything until
01:31I got to the airport, which I know just gives people some anxieties, but tonight just I'm just like my dad
01:37It's just so goes over my head. I bought snacks
01:40I've eaten food because you know when you're like not hungry
01:43But you want to eat and then I realized that I actually won't be getting to the hotel because on the other side
01:48It's like a three-hour transfer. So I won't actually be getting so so so about 11 p.m
01:51So I thought I'm gonna be so hungry
01:54So I went to shop and I bought those as snacks
01:56They're extras because I thought I can eat them when I'm there and then also like had them for the next few days
02:03I'm in France for and then I just bought some sushi because I thought I need to eat food
02:08Otherwise, I'm just gonna be absolutely starving
02:15Guys I've landed and my driver has taken me to McDonald's. Hold on getting it for the tick-tock vlog
02:20So I'm gonna run in here and get food. I'm starving. This is so good because when I get there, I'm not gonna eat dinner
02:26I'm gonna get a nugget meal this in this one
02:30Barbecue sauce, of course fries. Oh my god, wait a vaccine or leave large. Oh, it's fun. Oh god
02:35They have a dime ice cream. No, I need to just be quick and eat this guys
02:39I've never been so happy to see McDonald's in my life because I am so hungry
02:43I was craving McDonald's when I was in the airport because I thought this is something I could eat right now
02:47I just got to the hotel. I'm literally so giddy right now
02:50I'm obviously sharing a room with Kate, but she's they're all at dinner
02:53So let's do a room tour together because I actually haven't looked Kate did send me a video earlier
02:58But I obviously need to see it my own eyes right doors here. Then we've got the bathroom. This is cute
03:05Oh my god, guys, it's so cold in here. Oh my god, the windows open who the hell did that? Oh my god
03:11No wonder why it's so old. No bathroom. Oh god. This is so cute. We got wall drives
03:16I probably won't unpack because there's actually no point and then I can't lie these sofas are a bit funky
03:22No makeup desk then the beds up here
03:27Mate imagine being drunk coming up or down these stairs. Oh
03:32Look at these clothes you're actually having me on look how cute they are. Oh my god. I'm actually obsessed
03:38I was laughing there cuz when she sent me a video I was like, why is this so intimate like but these beds look so comfy
03:46Why is Kate steady on my side of the bed?
03:49Go little gloves and then a little makeup bag a little
03:52Little Maybelline makeup and this robe is beautiful. You're coming home with me. This room is actually actually really cute
03:59I can't lie when she sent me a video of it. I was like, it's kind of weird, but it's actually like unreal
04:05I don't know to myself
04:06I think I'm gonna get in the shower and just get my pajamas and chill in bed
04:09I'm bit like I don't want to do it myself
04:10I feel like when I travel by myself
04:12I just like almost shut off because I find it so weird like not talking for so long and just like being by yourself
04:18Do you know does that make sense to anyone like I almost feel like I just got an autopilot and I just don't even I
04:23Just I'm like a zombie and then I like snap out and I'm like where the hell have I just been like I feel like
04:28I literally wasn't autopilot for the last however many hours. I don't know. It's weird. But also I just randomly started a
04:35Second tick-tock account because I thought I just want a tick-tock account that I can just post whatever how I want and like post weird
04:40Tick-tocks on there with no judgment. So if you find me you find me
04:49Guys imagine I nearly left my whole
04:53Toiletry bag. Honestly, they left my passport nearly left my whole toiletry bag
04:56I only noticed it because I went for a wee just before I left and I saw it in my bathroom
05:01I actually don't know what I would have done if I left without my cocoa butter
05:08This is so excessive I'm here for two days and three nights, this is just not necessary just turn on the shower
05:16It was resting on there right I turn it on it went full force that it's swinging around
05:26No my pajamas, what am I gonna do the bathroom is it she flooded it was going around and around and it just get get
05:33in me
05:35I was trying to grab it and I couldn't get it
05:38And every time I'd hit the floor just bounce back up and then it was spraying up with I finally made my just to grab
05:44How am I gonna do that with jammers, oh my god, they're literally soaks I
05:52Hate you have a spare tracksuit. Oh my god gates make up bags in there. I'm pretty sure it's fucking so
05:59Guys, I've been reunited with my travel partner. Oh god guys
06:05Tonight yeah, sorry, but this is such a nice piece of wake up to
06:15I'm just about to get pretty another state where it was all in my way
06:19And I need to be able to do my makeup and I've got to bring I put a clip in here
06:22It's what I'm for what spring and I've won
06:24So now I've just got that hang off the side of my head
06:26I'm gonna tell you she had the worst night sleep ever
06:30Like I don't mean I don't mean I even slept
06:32This is sometimes when I just want an aura ring so I can prove that I just did not sleep if I have something that
06:37I have to be like up for I
06:39Have well, I could a bad dream it came after me because it's not a bad dream
06:43But in my eyes, it was an awful horrible nightmare
06:47It was that we woke up late and then I had like 20 minutes to get ready and then I was trying to do my makeup
06:51But then like I was using this light and it kept dying and someone
06:54Randomly was in the bathroom applying sunscreen and it went all over the window
06:59So then I couldn't see and I was trying to wipe it and she wasn't going away
07:01And then I had like people knocking at the door saying that if I'm ready and I still hadn't got any of my higher
07:05Equipment and it was just getting later and later and later and I just was it's almost like you know
07:09You're in a dream and you can't run when you need to run that that's mine
07:11It's like I need to get ready, but I can't get ready
07:13And and then I woke up and had a breather because obviously you're pretty stressed now
07:19Anyways, I'm gonna do my makeup and I'm gonna use this light
07:23However, I feel like this might become reality because it's on one bar so that this potentially could die
07:28Let's just hope it gets me to where I need to be guys
07:30We're going to get our ski stuff and Kate is like storming ahead of me. I think she's a bit embarrassed
07:34I don't even know why she's embarrassed. Basically, there's like a rail that has all the ski stuff on it
07:39Like from my son is skiing. I'm really gonna have a look found it
07:43There she is you're giving chic everyone in the comments down below
07:57Just got my boots fitted although I'm a bit stressed for timing because it's like 10 minutes until we have to meet and
08:04I still need to run upstairs and take this out and probably film a tick-tock and get all my stuff that I need
08:10Do you think I'm scared about this? Is that the makeup and also black helmet black gloves?
08:16I don't know if it's gonna have like contrast
08:18But the one the one thing I really want to my son is here was the blue coat like if you know, you know
08:22it's like unreal so I asked the girls anyone has it if I can borrow it at some point because I
08:28Need to wear it. Just just one guys. We got outside waiting for everyone with our skis
08:34Let me go to the ski boss. No, I'm going up
08:40Had the most century overload walking here because my skis will fall apart my pulse fall apart my hair was in my mouth
08:45I feel like I need to know I've done every time how much worse this makeup gets on her and I'm also sweating
09:08We're done skiing I need skis for about an hour, but basically my thank you
09:14My boots were way too big for me
09:16I was struggling so much to ski and I literally thought I'm gonna dislocate my knee or break my ankle or something
09:20But we only had an hour anyways, and then we've got the volley douche
09:23Whatever it's called
09:23So we quickly came back to hotel to drop our ski boots off and I put my moon boots on and just like sorted myself
09:29Out a little bit. Although if I pop off in Kate's bag
09:32So I did she couldn't sort that out, but I brought my big glasses just in case
09:35But I don't really mind not ski that much because obviously I did a full ski holiday
09:40Like I wanted it more for like all the other stuff. I don't know. We've got really we're doing them snowmobiles tomorrow
09:45Which I'm so excited for but it's just a bit of a mess really to be honest Kate's such a mom
09:50She's like, do you need a snooze? Are you cold? Do you need a mothball?
10:02There wasn't any like mojitos or cocktails that I recognize or like. So I've got an Aperol. However, I do think it low-key just tastes like perfume, but I switched out the soda water for lemonade to hope that it like makes it a bit less bitter. If not, I can see some
10:32people spreading
10:37The thing is right, it's so nice and then just has a sour aftertaste
10:42But maybe if I can try and get past that I think it's really refreshing and then it's just like
10:47I mean, I've got a margarita pizza
10:50If you watched my last ski book and you know that I had this like big situation when I didn't know what day I was gonna
10:55order a pizza because I'm not really a pizza lover.
10:57Yesterday I said to myself I'm gonna get the pizza because the pizza smells so good and then I got here and then I can't eat
11:02But then I've seen the pizza so I'm like, okay tomorrow
11:04I'm gonna get the pizza, but I know that I'll probably end up doing the same thing and getting the hotdog again
11:07The only other thing that I could read was pasta, cheese and pepper
11:11Pasta, cheese and pepper
11:13Cacao e pepe if you're actually cultured
11:15I couldn't tell if I wanted to get that, but I just went for the safe option
11:18But I've got this and then I've also got Nutella pizza
11:22Thank you so much
11:24Guys, I've changed my drinks. I gave mine to Kate
11:26I gave mine to Kate
11:30You know what, Kate is actually wrong
11:32She literally was like, I'm not sure if I like apple spritz
11:34Let me order it with lemonade
11:36So she got lemonade instead of soda
11:40Yeah because I thought it was soda
11:42That thing is more pure curfew
11:46We love apple spritz
11:48I don't know how you're not like
11:50It makes me feel like I want a cup of a hairball
11:52I don't want a cup of a hairball
11:54Whatever this is, I'll tell you what
11:56It's beautiful
11:58It's not sour
12:00I don't know why anyone would want a sour drink
12:02It's not normal
12:04It's delicious guys
12:08It's sweet
12:12And it doesn't want to make you cough up phlegm
12:16Go on professional
12:18What the hell
12:24Okay, dessert is served
12:26So I don't really know how to go about this
12:28How are you doing it?
12:30Right, they're throwing out the snow
13:04We're back at the hotel room
13:06I just had a shower
13:08And the best news is that dinner's been moved
13:10It was meant to be at 7 and it's now at half 8
13:12Which is brilliant
13:14Because I am going to have a nap
13:16I've just got out of the shower and I'm so tired
13:18Guys we didn't sleep last night
13:20There was no sleep
13:22No there actually wasn't
13:24No genuinely
13:26We were on a fuse today
13:28I couldn't tell
13:30Am I just tipsy or am I tired
13:32I'm tired
13:34So it's 6pm so I'm going to have a little hour nap
13:36No 40 minutes
13:3840 minutes is the golden number
13:40No guys I'm being so serious
13:42At that time I have 40 minutes and you'll wake up and be like
13:45Wow I feel awful
13:47And then you turn it off and you're like
13:49Actually you know what
13:51It's amazing
13:53That's what I'm hoping is going to happen to me
13:55I can't tell but I just feel worse now
13:57I literally feel like I'm walking zombie
13:59So at that time I have 40 minutes and you'll wake up and be like
14:03I'm going to get ready for dinner now
14:05Tonight's theme is white
14:07Although this lighting is just not giving
14:09Like it's actually giving me an identity crisis
14:11Because I did my makeup with the big light
14:13No it's this light and it's horrendous
14:15But I got these trousers on
14:17I actually bought these like 2 years ago
14:19No maybe like a year and a half ago
14:21When I was going to go to Paris with my mum
14:23And then I didn't like them
14:25And then I kept them
14:27And now I like them
14:29Got a little white T-shirt
14:31And then I'm just putting my Miu Miu coat over my shoulders
14:33Because the white fur coat goes a little bit better
14:35But I never really wear that coat
14:37Because I struggle so much to style it
14:43Just smile up
14:45Basically we're out for dinner
14:47And I had no clue but the dinner
14:49Like the mains is
14:51What's that called again?
14:53Cheese fondue
14:55And like when I go on trips
14:57And they ask for like my dietary recommendations
14:59I never think to put cheese because
15:01It's normally like a starter
15:03And I kind of skip the starter
15:05Like I never would expect to skip a main
15:07And then I'm like
15:09I don't know
15:11Like I never would expect to have a main
15:13So I wasn't even thinking
15:15So I did ask for pasta but
15:17Basically their whole menu is cheese
15:19So the only pasta they had was like a kids pasta
15:21And it's like butter and ham
15:23Which is so random but honestly I would take what I can get
15:25Lesson learnt
15:27That next time I go on a trip to say I don't like cheese
15:29Honestly wasn't even thinking
15:31I wish I liked it because
15:33It just seems so classy
15:35My pasta's come
15:37That looks like such a kids meal
15:39My butter and ham pasta
15:43That's alright
15:47It fell on my lap
15:49That's amazing
15:51I feel like I'm going to find that bit of pasta in my jeans later
15:53Oh my god
15:55That looks so good
15:57Like just mine
16:09Thank you
16:31Guys I was getting ready
16:33Like taking my sweet time
16:35Thinking that we were meeting at 12
16:37I put a thing on the group chat to say
16:39Oh guys we need to meet at 11.40
16:41And it was 11.20 at that point and I hadn't done my makeup
16:43And I'm really stressed right now
16:45Like I actually feel violently ill
16:47Which I don't know why I'm being so dramatic
16:49But I just really get stressed out with these things
16:51And why can't I not find my camera batteries
16:53Okay cool I need to go
16:55I made it on time although we got into the car
16:57And most of us left our ski passes in the room
16:59And I left the room without the key
17:01So I had to run to front of it and say
17:03Can you please let me into my room
17:05And then I also didn't even think about bringing a bag
17:07So I grabbed a bag
17:09So I kind of worked that in the ski pass
17:11Because they were scramming as mate
17:13My bag and the ski pass
17:15But I've composed myself now
17:17I'm honestly so stressed
17:19And it's fine
17:21It's all in my head
17:23I've got Kate's coat on but I was swapping coats at the top
17:25Because I didn't want to wear the red one that she was wearing yesterday
17:27So I didn't want to switch to Rooney
17:29I didn't know I was to do like leggings and a bar coat
17:31To look really cute
17:33It's kind of freezing on the start of the day
17:35So I went for the tracksuit really quick
17:37I do kind of look like I'm just tramping
17:39Everyone's really like glamp
17:41I literally look like I'm a road man
17:43I've got an iced vanilla latte with oat milk
17:45Do you know what's so weird
17:47I was actually really craving a coffee this morning
17:49And I thought I don't even know where I can get a coffee
17:51I really hope it's nice because I'm so tired
17:53Like I really need this
17:57Oh wait it's actually really nice
17:59I didn't think it would be too strong
18:02It's like
18:04Don't talk to me till I've had my morning coffee
18:06Am I right
18:10Okay we finished at lunch
18:12I don't think I filmed anything at lunch
18:14The only thing I filmed was getting my drink
18:16But we've been there for a good two hours and a half
18:18What the hell
18:20I can't remember if I said
18:22But I ran up and grabbed this like snood thing
18:24It's actually from PLT how cute
18:26I brought it on my last ski trip but I wasn't sure on it
18:28And then I didn't know if it was going to clash with the red
18:30Oh Kate's getting her skis
18:36Well done
18:38I don't think I even filmed us in this transportation
18:40Because basically I'm doing a TikTok vlog today
18:42Of like just one with like timestamps
18:44So I'm like focusing on that
18:46And then I forget to film on this vlog
18:48So this is the thing guys I'm like either one or the other
18:50I just can't multitask and do two things at once
18:52So we're going to get in this little
18:54I don't even know what this is called
18:56But we're getting in it
18:58I think a gondola down and then what another gondola back up
19:00Oh it's such a hard life
19:02No no it was a question
19:04No yeah we're going down and then going back up
19:06What is my life
19:08I think a gondola down then come back up
19:10God damn
19:12It's what in the crossy road is going on
19:14Thank god I got insurance because I think in this very moment
19:16Is exactly when I need it
19:18Oh my god
19:20Oh my god
19:22This is good with the ski lift behind you
19:24That's a Dior
19:26I'm like what is this
19:28What is actually stopping that from falling down
19:30If I run into that full force
19:32If there's like enough of us in here
19:34And we have really hot breath
19:36It's going to start melting
19:38Guys we were actually too late for the snowmobiles
19:40So the snowmobiles are here
19:42But we were meant to be here about an hour ago
19:44Or like an hour and a half ago now
19:46So we don't have time to drive them
19:48But we are getting pictures
19:50If you see them on my Instagram it's actually all a lie
19:52It does look sick though so I'm still happy that we were able to
19:54Shoot content with it
19:56But I definitely did want to drive it that would have been so much fun
19:58As I was saying we couldn't do the snowmobiles
20:00Because we didn't have time
20:02But it means that where we're going for a breeze
20:04However you say it
20:06We're going to have to
20:08We're going to have to trek back up
20:10From where we came from
20:12And I know I complained when I was coming down but this is 10 times worse
20:14I actually can't really breathe
20:16Sorry guys look at this
20:18Do I look like a hiker? No and I'll tell you that for free
20:20Guys I'm not even joking
20:22The sugar is like frozen
20:24This is rock solid
20:26Guys someone stole the massive tube of mascara
20:28That we had
20:30This is like my daily entertainment
20:32Finding out if they've found it or not
20:34Guys we're at
20:36Coco Rico
20:40And this absolute headbanger of a song came on
20:42I thought do you know what it's not a bit of me
20:44And a DJ comes on at 6
20:46I feel like I'm more of a DJ girl
20:48So we're going back to the hotel
20:51And then we're going to come back in an hour
20:53The plan is we come back right
20:55We stay here for like an hour and a half
20:57Then we go to the hotel, quickly get changed and go straight for dinner
20:59But I'm like I need a shower to redo my makeup
21:01Like what do you mean you're going straight to dinner
21:03Like I look a mess
21:05But at least everyone's in the same position
21:07No guys I actually can't cope
21:09Listen to this
21:11Skims what have you done to me
21:13We were just chilling and then the girls put on a group chat
21:15That the last entry is at 6pm
21:17So now we've had to like get back up and get dressed
21:19She even took all her makeup off
21:21And she's redoing it
21:23She's so brave
21:25No but it's a good idea
21:27But I just take too long to do my makeup
21:29So I wouldn't have had any time
21:31I think when I get back I'll just take off my under eye
21:33And redo that because that is what's aging me
21:35Like I literally look like I've aged about 20 years
21:37Just on my under eye
21:39I can't wait to get home and put an eye mask on
21:41Because these eye bags are
21:43Not the one
21:45I'm knackered
21:47But like we haven't even done any sports today
21:49Except hike
21:51It must be the altitude
22:13Guys we're leaving
22:15Catch me sad
22:19We have the best YouTuber
22:21Everyone's around
22:23Oh my god
22:25He's giving disaster
22:27That was me and Kate yesterday
22:29And then she stepped over and fell on top of me
22:35My hair is a mess
22:37I'm a bit more drunk than I realised
22:39Oh my gosh
22:41Who the fuck is that
22:43Matilda and Catherine
22:47I'm saying we look like Matilda and Catherine
22:49I look like a Matilda
22:51And you look like a Catherine
22:53Guys it was so fun
22:55I didn't want to leave
22:57I'm just going to have to carry on drinking
22:59Otherwise I'm going to crash
23:01And I need to stay at this level
23:03Last night they were like
23:05After this
23:07We were like yeah whatever
23:09And now I'm like okay I understand
23:11I didn't want to leave
23:15I haven't even packed
23:17It's space diamond night
23:19Which I thought
23:21Everyone's wearing silver
23:23Tell me how
23:25When we've just come from
23:27We're the only ones that have stayed at Coco's
23:29And we're the first ones here
23:31But how nice is this restaurant
23:35This and Hills does not go well together
23:37Oh my god
23:40This is so cute
23:42What the hell
23:44Guys we're actually the first to dinner
23:46I'm so proud of us
23:48I'm going to order another cocktail
23:50Because I think if I don't
23:52Then I'm going to do it
23:54Guys they're giving drinks
23:56With mascara
23:58How cool is that
24:06This is her song
24:32Not another one
24:40We just got back up to our room
24:42And I realised
24:44I left the key again
24:46Also there's always one
24:48Guys I injured my foot
24:50And I've got it fully bandaged
24:52Guys I've got one
24:54Anyways I took my heels off
24:56Obviously because they were hurting
24:58And I wanted to dance
25:00I took them off
25:02And when I put them back on
25:04I fall
25:06That was a shock
25:08That was a sharp pain
25:10I think there's glass in my foot
25:12I kid you not
25:14A massive piece of glass
25:16Is this even in focus
25:18It's kind of better that way
25:20I look awful right now
25:22I look like I've been dragged through a bush
25:24Backwards, sideways, upwards, downwards
25:26Someone kindly called it out for me
25:28Look at Kate
25:30I'm really confused because they said they only have one key
25:32But I have the key
25:34Do you think we dropped it
25:36Anyways as I was saying
25:38Basically I had this wall of glass in my foot
25:40It got pulled out
25:42And then my foot was bleeding
25:44I just put my heel back on
25:46And then someone from the Maybelline team
25:48Came over and bandaged me back up
25:50And now I have some antiseptic in my hand
25:52She was like what's in your hand
25:54She was like antiseptic
25:56It's literally like 2.30
25:58And I need to pack in the morning
26:00I'm a bit stressed
26:02No I'm not
26:04I went to lunch and I can't like
26:06The chicken on the bone was freaking me out
26:08I'm not funny with chicken
26:10But it was really hard to like get into
26:12And I was also like
26:14I was so tired of it
26:16Then it got to dinner and I was like actually out of it
26:18No I'm joking
26:20I had a bit of truffle pasta
26:22Oh my god the truffle pasta
26:24That was so good
26:26It's not even loading
26:28It's not even loading
26:30Then I had probably like 2 thin pieces of beef
26:32It's not like beef
26:34You know what, no regrets, live, live, love
26:36Now we're here eating
26:42I'm at chef's case and I'm like
26:44Can we please go back to our room
26:46I'm dead right now
26:48She was like don't worry, ain't got the key
26:50She didn't have the fucking key
26:52And I lay on the ground of the fucking hotel floor
26:54For half an hour
26:56You never said can we go back to the hotel
26:58I did, I was like how
27:00You've got a video of me on the floor
27:02Run back the track
27:04I'm going to cut the cameras before I get anxiety
27:08Oh my god I don't know what the hell we filmed last night
27:10No guys
27:12No I'm really scared
27:14Guys I'm really scared this morning
27:16I haven't got drunk since early December
27:18And now I know why I don't drink
27:20Because I wake up feeling like this
27:22But in the moment I'm like oh my god
27:24Why didn't I drink, I love life
27:26And then I wake up and I'm like oh my god
27:29What did I say, what did I do
27:31It's the first time we've been drunk together
27:33Yeah it actually is like properly
27:35Guys Casey's so fun drunk
27:37And then I woke up at 9 and then we had to pack
27:41Also I woke up with one foot bandaged
27:43And another one with a swollen ankle
27:45Because that massive tube of mascara
27:47Gropped on my ankle
27:49I remember I literally hadn't seen Casey for like the whole night
27:51And then she comes up to me and she's like
27:53I studied class
27:55It was actually quite a big bit as well
27:57Coming down that mountain was awful
27:59I was like don't throw up, don't throw up
28:01And then I was like you know the more you're thinking about it
28:03The more you're like oh my god I'm going to
28:05But I was like I need to hang on to
28:07The dignity that I have left
28:09So I was like okay I need to shut up
28:11Try to go to sleep, close my eyes and let me feel more ill
28:13In the end I kind of just like
28:15Sat proper upright
28:17And just like shut my eyes
28:19I was like go to sleep, go to sleep
28:21And I fell asleep, thank god
28:23And then we stopped at a cafe and there was a McDonald's across the road
28:25And I went in and just got a coke and chips
28:27Because it's just like light on my stomach
28:29But I need like food and sugar
28:31To help settle my stomach
28:33I realised I didn't do an intro to this video
28:35But clearly I made my flight
28:37And yeah I just wanted to say thank you guys
28:39For watching this video, make sure to subscribe, like and comment
28:41And thank you so so much
28:43To Maybelline for taking me
28:45Because it honestly was such an amazing trip
28:47And I had the best time ever, bye
