Today, Johnny and Daisy must conquer True Love in Minecraft after Johnny eats too much McDonalds. Can Johnny become strong enough to win her love back? Watch to the end to find out!
#minecraft #johnny #minecraftmod
#minecraft #johnny #minecraftmod
00:00Just one more chicken McNugget get it in there
00:06Okay, I think I'm officially done now with my McDonald's meal Oh God
00:23Can you pass me those fries over there
00:30Come on
00:37It's so good, I'm loving it. No, you're not loving it. You're loving it
00:41I think a little too much cuz now you're fat. Well, I'm not fat. I'm just big-boned
00:46Besides just I'm just big-boned daddy. Don't make fun my way big-boned. You are fat. You got blubber on you
00:53You're jiggling as you move. No, I'm not
00:56You need to go to the gym what I'm not going to the gym daddy
01:01What do you want
01:04What I am NOT fatter than my daddy everyone knows that he's the biggest
01:12You cannot play video games like that your fingers will be too fat
01:16They'll just press like sweet things on the keyboard at once. That's fine
01:20I don't need to play video games anymore. As long as I got my McDonald's, I'll be happy
01:24You know what? I was thinking about going for another round. I'm gonna use your credit card
01:38Card give me a card right now. No, I'm ending your privileges. This is my only happiness is with this card getting McDonald's
01:55You're bad daddy, I don't even want your credit card
02:03Oh, I'm fatter than Johnny, ooh, see now I'm out fatting you now you can leave daddy. I'm just gonna start eating the leaves. Oh
02:10My gosh, no way. Oh, there's no way stop. That's not even healthy
02:15Bugs on that. Mmm. Well daddy. I'm still hungry. All right today marks. What the heck just happy you just grew
02:20Do I get fatter you just got wider who saw that?
02:24Johnny if you keep eating you're gonna explode. I'm not gonna explode Gooby. You don't know what's good for my health
02:31You got drool come out of your mouth. I'm not listening to a person with drool in their mouth. Oh, sorry
02:37Okay, you know what Johnny you're going to the gym right now this marks day one of Johnny getting fit again
02:43But daddy, I've never even been to the gym before I'm scared. It's okay. It's okay
02:48It's right down the road and guess what Gooby's gonna go with you. Really?
02:55Just said it because I'm not going to the gym because I like to eat
02:58Okay, and I need something to watch him and Gooby. You're a dude so you can watch
03:07Daddy nope, you're going you need to walk. You're gonna walk there. You're not hopping in the van. You can't even fit in that van
03:12Yes, I can daddy. I'll just take up the whole back row. No stop. Don't get in there
03:17Okay, take me to gym. All right, fine. Johnny, you're coming with me. No daddy, please. I don't want to go, please
03:25Gooby don't break your arms. I know he's fat
03:29We'll tell him to walk
03:31Walk, okay. I just walked super slow. Okay, we'll be there in 30 minutes. That's fine. All right, I'll whip this guy's shape
03:39No problem. All right, good
03:41See you later
03:43I'm trying. Oh god
03:57I'm gonna throw up Gooby. I can't I can't walk anymore. Okay, this is the gym
04:04Lift stuff. All right. Well, I guess let's go inside and let's see what you could teach me man
04:09All right, this is really cool thing. Oh, whoa, buddy. Hey, watch where you're walking
04:14We're just trying to go inside the gym, sir
04:17Yep. Sorry. Yeah. Well, uh, watch where you're keeping your pet elephant
04:21Wait, did he just call me a pet elephant gooby? I am not an elephant, right?
04:25I told you you're looking pretty big right now. Listen. I am not an elephant. I talk and I do normal human things
04:32Okay. Yeah, all I know is uh, you're in the right place there. Mr. Pig
04:37Hey, i'm not a pig either
04:39I'm gonna work out so hard in this gym right now. You'll see you'll see a chad. Nice meeting you chad
04:45Hopefully a bus runs you over. It's gonna be whipped
04:49Ripped see that ripped. Yeah, more like ripping open a bag of cheetos
04:56Good luck
04:57That guy was so mean gooby. Yeah, he's lucky you were here
05:01Well, I was gonna fight him or I was gonna sit on his face. He's my big butt. How about that?
05:06Okay, maybe don't do that. Oh my god, gooby gooby. Gooby. Look a cinnamon roll
05:14My mouth is watering gooby I need it. Come on. Do not look at it. Oh
05:19Oh a cactus i'll eat that
05:22Okay, okay
05:24Okay, there's lots of cool workout equipment. Oh
05:29Oh my god, gooby. Look it's ernie
05:32See I knew it was gonna be here
05:36You finally made it. What the heck is this guy?
05:40Why are you
05:42Just ate a lot of food. That's johnny. Oh my gosh you changed what I did not change
05:48I'm the same johnny as always bro. Not for the better either. You definitely gained like 30 pounds 30 30 pounds
05:55That's that's a lot of pounds. Um, no, but if I could I probably would you've definitely been eating a lot of hot dogs
06:02Ooh hot dogs are my favorite. Do you got any on you? No, I don't got any on me. I got protein powder
06:07Ew protein powder. Yuck. Yeah, he kind of ate the whole mcdonald's menu
06:12Did he actually did he just like go into a food coma or anything like that? Nope. I'm the mcdonald's champion
06:18Well guys, I have something really important to tell you
06:21It's like super embarrassing to even say this but I have to say because you guys are my bros. Yeah
06:26Um, I think she's really hot. Yeah, I do see that girl over there
06:31What I want to steal. Oh, she's like walking out
06:34I've been over here trying to pump iron and try to like look strong and buff, but it's not working
06:38Wait, ernie. Do you have a crush on that girl?
06:41Dude, don't say it that loud. Okay, she might be able to hear you. Oh, yeah
06:44Well ernie, I dare you to go up to her right now and try to get her phone number. I double dog
06:51Hold on. Hold on. I gotta do some squat. I gotta get a pump in real quick just to make sure I look big
06:56Let's go. We don't have time for this. I'll literally sit on you. Come on. Hurry up. Stop
06:59Don't do that. You'll kill me go over there and go talk to her. Okay
07:04Goes way out of your league, bro
07:07I've been working out. I look buff. Okay, here I go. Hey, uh, hey joy
07:12Uh nice to meet you
07:14I'm ernie and I was working out over there with my friends and I kind of saw you running over here
07:20And I thought I can get your number. Oh, you want my number? I'm, sorry
07:23You're not gonna be able to have it today. Wait, why? Oh, you know, I just don't think it's the right time. Why?
07:29Listen, I gotta get back to my workout. Sorry, dang it
07:33Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. It didn't work. It didn't work guys. I failed
07:37You didn't get the number
07:39Yeah, i'm gonna pass out because I was so nervous. Honey. Did you x y she didn't give you his number?
07:44Oh, she said it like wasn't the right time. Well, ernie. That was a complete embarrassment
07:49Okay, gooby. I think it's your turn you go up to her and try to get her number
07:53Me yes you come on. I know you were looking at her. I mean, it looks really cool
07:59But um, I don't know if she's gonna like me gooby
08:02I have an idea go up next to her and just start running on her treadmill next to her and then try to make small talk
08:07Oh, yeah. Okay. That's a good idea. Just act natural. Yep. Act natural. It's not gonna work. It didn't work for me
08:16Oh, is this treadmill shaking over here? No, it's not feel free to use it. Oh gosh. Oh, yeah, don't mind if I do
08:25Nice day, huh? Yeah, it's a pretty nice day outside. Yeah, it's really nice day for date
08:31Wait, did you just say it's a nice time for a date? Oh, no, I said, um, I said i'm gonna be late. Sorry
08:46Wow the pressure got to you both didn't it it didn't get to me i'll do it again. Nope
08:53Fat lord
08:55Do not call me that you know what fine I will go up there. Oh, let me think let me think riz riz w riz
09:01Okay, I got w
09:04Here I go
09:08Hey, um, what is someone talking to me? Oh, yeah
09:12It's me. Um, I was wondering like since you're like super fit at the gym
09:17Uh, can you train me at the gym, you know, of course I can if you just keep up with my workout
09:23You'll be fit in no time. Wait, really? Oh my god. You're actually gonna train me. Of course hop on the treadmill
09:29Oh my goodness guys. Do you see this?
09:33I don't get it. You're fat
09:36Hold on I can't even fit in the treadmill. No, hold on this is embarrassing. Oh, oh, it's um, it's not working joy
09:43Can we do something else? Yeah, let's start on the punching bag. Oh, yes the punching bags
09:48Start punching them and move your arms start punching them and move my arms. Oh gosh, this is gonna be really difficult
09:55Oh, yeah, you like that?
09:58Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, i'm beating the poop out of them. Oh, yeah. Hold on. Hold on. I got some punching bags over here, too
10:15You guys were getting in my way of my wrizz
10:18You're not raising you're just super fast. She feels bad for you. No, she does not you know
10:23I'm gonna prove to you that she doesn't feel bad and i'm gonna ask her on a date you guys ready for this
10:27You're gonna lie to us
10:30Here goes nothing
10:31Um joy, I was wondering like, you know, we're kind of really getting along here
10:36Um, would you want to go on a date with me?
10:38You know i'll go on a date with you if you can keep up with my workout
10:41What are you saying that i'm too fat to go on a date with I just want to see if you can keep up with me
10:46No, I think you're calling me fat
10:49They all call me fat
10:53Fine, you know, I don't like you either joy
10:55I'm just gonna go sit over here and cry in the corner
10:58I'm, sorry. That's not what I meant
11:01It's fine. You don't have to talk to me. Okay, johnny. Listen if you do three of my workouts i'll go on a date with you
11:08Wait, really? Of course a real date like not a fake one. Yes a real date
11:13Oh my god a date at mcdonald's is gonna be the best day ever. So are you down to try my workouts?
11:18Yes, but also if my two other friends could do it with me
11:22I need all the help I can get of course follow me to the first one
11:26Um joy, why are we outside of the gym right now? I thought we were supposed to be working out
11:31That's because you and your friends are gonna do a barrel race
11:34What the heck is a barrel race each of you are gonna pick up this barrel and you're gonna have to pass this line
11:41I can do that. If I win do I go on a date with you?
11:44No, bro. I'm already going on a date with her. Nope. Not if I win
11:47Does it make any sense? Why is he talking to you johnny because w riz gubi I already told you man doesn't matter if you're fat
11:55What no, I did not pay her money what is wrong with you
11:58That's the same wheel. Let's get ready to be destroyed in this barrel race. Oh, yeah. I'm about to win this
12:04I'm about to win this for joy. Are you guys ready? Yep. We're ready count us down run in three two one
12:17I gotta put down
12:24We have a winner get back here
12:27Oh, i'm so close you stink. Oh, I did it. I did it. Oh god put that down. Oh god
12:34Does anyone have my inhaler goobie, where's my inhaler?
12:38Need an inhaler. You don't have one. I need a mcdonald's fry. Do you have any fries? No
12:43That's why I just mess in the first place. No, don't worry. I got some in my pocket. Hold on. Let me get these
12:48Hey, no, stop. You can't be eating food like that
12:54I just need a little revive a little med kit. Oh god. Did I get fatter? Oh, no
12:59Um, see you're doing the opposite of what you're supposed to be doing right now
13:03But I needed just a little bit of energy to hold the barrel johnny
13:07You have to put those french fries down pass them over but put the mcdonald's in the the the fine you could have them
13:13You can't eat this stuff anymore. It's not good for you, but it tastes so good
13:17Why do they make it taste so good then probably to trick you?
13:20Yeah, well, they're doing a good job at it. You know what? Let's just move on to the next workout
13:24What workout do you have next joy? This one is gonna be super fun. Oh, yeah super fun
13:30You say we're gonna go into this room right here and we're just gonna dance
13:33All right. Let me make sure I can fit through the door. Okay. Yep. It's lined up. Nice. Okay. I got it
13:39Did you say dance? Of course I did. It's the best way to work out. Hold on
13:43I don't know. I'm not dancing. I don't know how to do that. Well, you gotta do it
13:47Okay. Well, I want to see gooby and ernie go first. Whoa. Okay. Joy's dancing. Oh my goodness. Come on everyone
13:53Dance with me. Oh, there's not really any music going on. I'm supposed to dance
13:58You know what? I got you bro. Hold on. Let me let me get the jukebox on. All right, gooby. Check it out
14:02Oh, yeah, this is a classic. This is good. I'm feeling it. I'm feeling it. Oh, I might actually start dancing here soon
14:09Come on guys dance. Okay. I'm doing a shuffle. Oh, yeah
14:13Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
14:16I'm doing the zombie. What are you doing? I'm doing the zombie ernie. I'm doing the zombie. That's not a cool
14:23Lifting you off. Okay. I'll do the uh, let me see. Oh, yeah, i'll do the spider crawl
14:28That's not cool. Are you even doing that not dying from your fat? Oh, yeah
14:32Okay, you know what? I want to see who has the best dance move ernie you go first
14:36I'm gonna do my shuffle the ernie shuffle ernie shuffle. Okay, that's pretty fire. All right gooby yours next
14:44Oh my goodness
14:47Oh, okay, that's embarrassing. All right, joy, what's your dance move? This one's my favorite. Oh, it's similar to the ernie shuffle
14:54It's totally different. I got more style. Okay. Well, are we done? This workout's lame. Tommy
15:00We need to see your dance. What you want to see my dance like an actual dance. Of course we do
15:05Oh, okay. I guess i'll show you one of my dances. Okay, here we go. This one's called the gritty
15:11Oh, yeah, i'm quitting on them i'm quitting on them fat guy gritty heck yeah
15:19Oh, yeah, i'm feeling the burn guys see the way my legs are going up and down i'm feeling the burn
15:25Whoa, he's even lifting a dish at the same time
15:28What the heck? Yeah, I really felt that I felt that one. All right, can I do the next challenge?
15:33You want to do the next challenge? All right, here we go. This is a perfect spot. Can we have a match for it?
15:38Um, what are you doing? What is that?
15:41We're doing push-ups
15:45I think this challenge a little bit too hard for me. I'm, not sure if i'll be able to get in that position
15:50Oh, come on, johnny, you know, you can do it. I actually cannot joy, please
15:54No, do not make me do that. You gotta do it. Ernie made the rule man. My arms are really swole right now
15:59Look at me. Look at me do it. I can do it. Okay, let's see you do it. He's going to bed. Are you serious?
16:07Bro it is not working just wiggle on the floor a little bit. All right my turn. Oh, yeah
16:12Oh, yeah, i'm doing it. I'm doing it. Ernie. Look am I doing it right a worm?
16:16Do I have the form down? Let me just go on the mat. Am I am I doing it?
16:18I think that's a belly flop. Well, you know, it's the closest thing I could do to a push-up man
16:22Crazy, you haven't even lost any weight from this. Yes. I have I I was feeling it in my legs before
16:29Changed nope joy sees the difference and that's all that matters. I don't care what you think ernie
16:33Well, you know what? I think me and joy should go on a date because i'm obviously the most fit one here
16:39Ernie, that's not what matters here. Yeah, it's all about mindset ernie mindset and riz
16:44Well, I have a good mindset to get fit and swole. I don't care what johnny looks like. I like his personality
16:51See what no, but you hearing this
16:54Personality that is not cool. You know what?
16:57I think that all the challenges are completed joy and we should just get along with our date
17:02We don't need to be talking to gooby and ernie any longer. What do you think?
17:06I think you're right and I have the perfect spot. Oh, really? Oh, bye guys
17:12No, nope. Nope. Nope. Sorry. Don't third wheel
17:18I'll see you guys gooby. I'll see you home after my really hot date. Bye
17:26See you losers later
17:29Yeah, this is not fair gooby I just don't understand how someone's so fat to be with someone so fit
17:35Yeah, they did not match at all. I think maybe she just
17:38Feels sorry for him. Well, I don't care what the reason is. We're ruining that date
17:43You want to do a little sabotage mission? That's not nice. Well, I saw joy first. She's my girl
17:49Shut up. I got a great idea. Okay. What's your idea then smarty pants? I think we sabotage
17:56Johnny's date. Oh my gosh. I just said that. Okay, follow me. We're gonna go find out where they went
18:01No, no, I it was my idea though. It was my idea. I said first. Well, I I thought it was good first
18:07Okay, whatever whatever you say. Wow, johnny this date. It's so romantic. Yep
18:12It's a pretty awesome spot. But uh, I had a question for you since we're kind of getting to know each other
18:18Um, uh, what food do you like? Oh, I love eating chicken
18:23Really? Okay. Do you have any questions for me? Um, do you have any brothers? Um, probably like uh, probably like wait
18:31Wait, I wasn't done asking you a question. Um, how much chicken do you eat like on a weekly basis?
18:37Oh, I try to eat like two chicken breasts a day. Wow
18:42How much do you weigh johnny? Are you getting hungry? Maybe you should go order yourself some food
18:47Yeah, I think you're right. I'm getting a little too skinny. I gotta bulk up a little bit
18:51Um joy, do you want anything? I'm gonna go and order from this truck right here. No, i'm good
18:56Okay, i'll get you something. Don't worry. It's gonna be a surprise. Um, hello there, sir
19:00Um, i'd like to have all your chicken all my chicken. Yep. Just give me all the pieces
19:05All right. Are you sure you could pay for that? Um, obviously i'll pay later bro
19:10Just give me the chicken me and my girlfriend are hungry. Wow. That's a nice girlfriend you have
19:15Yes, can't you see i'm on a very hot date, but I need some hot chicken in my mouth as well
19:20Kind of don't match you're kind of weird and fat. Hey, what do you call me fat right now? Are you serious?
19:27Yeah, and she looks like she works out a lot. Um, yeah, it's because opposites attract just give me the chicken
19:33Okay, make sure you come back and pay for it. Look at this chicken. Oh god. I'm gonna get some early bites in
19:42Okay, thank you
19:44What a weirdo, all right joy check it out I got chicken. Oh, yeah, wait, johnny, are you gonna eat all of that?
19:51Um, uh, obviously and if you don't eat yours, then i'll eat that as well. Well here I only need one
19:58More for me. Thank you
20:01Oh, hello there
20:03Uh, I have some more food for you. Here you go. Here's a hamburger. I have a chocolate cake and I have a pizza
20:11Oh, thank you. Did you order all of this? Um, no, I don't think so. Wait guys we didn't order this
20:17Oh, yes, he did. Oh, yes. He loves food so much. Here's your strawberry cake
20:24Um his chocolate cake and the cookies give me that. This looks so good. Thank you. You look very uh
20:32fit today
20:34Thank you. I like these waiters and waitresses. I mean really fat
20:38Extremely fat. Are you kidding me?
20:42You can't talk to him like that. He doesn't have to be nice. Oh my bad. Oui, oui
20:47Uh, I think we are done giving you food for today. Uh, this is
20:53Because you made fun of my weight. Oh, yes. Oui, oui. Sure. Yeah, it could be free
21:07Unbelievable they should be fired from their jobs making fun of how fat I am
21:12I agree. That was so rude
21:14Not even fat. Oh, you know what now i'm gonna eat all this food for free
21:19It tastes so much better. Uh, do you want any of this food? No, i'm good. I don't like sugar
21:24I wasn't gonna give it to you anyways. Oh, yeah
21:27It's so good. Eat a little bit of these. Oh some chocolate cake. I'll eat some of these. Oh, yeah some pizzas
21:34Oh i'm going crazy right now
21:37Johnny are you sure you should be eating all of that? It's so good
21:42Let me get these last bites in. Oh
21:44Oh, oh my god. I feel so powerful right now and so big
21:51Johnny, I think you gained a couple pounds. No, I didn't. Oh gosh. Is that a monster?
21:58Oh, i'm getting out of here
22:01What the where are you going?
22:04Oh, look, you left some chicken behind i'll eat that
22:08Oh, no
22:09Oh, oh these picnic tables also taste really good. It's got the crumbs on it from the the last customers
22:16You know johnny, I think i'm just gonna go
22:19Wait, no, where are you going? No joy joy. No. Ah, the date was so good though
22:29Well, I guess more food for me. I'm gonna go through the trash cans next
22:35Yes, our plan worked you loser. Hey, what the fuck you wait a minute ernie gooby. Is that you guys?
22:43Yeah, it is. Yeah, it was us. We put on disguises
22:48You fed me a lot of food to try to make myself look fat in front of my girlfriend
22:53Well, I mean look at you you're like a whole player taller than me now, but but guys why would you do that?
22:59What is wrong with you? Uh, we were afraid you were gonna uh, I don't know maybe marry joy
23:06Wow, so you guys also had crushes on joy. So you wanted to get back at me? Well, I did. Yeah gooby didn't care
23:12Well now look what you did. You ruined my life now more fat and I don't have a girlfriend
23:17I think that's your fault. You just keep eating stuff guys. I'm gonna do it
23:22What the heck what are you gonna do here? Hey, hey
23:26She's gotta try it in her head
23:31What do you mean only when it fits me what you're doing
23:37Oh god, that really hurt
23:42I just heard a popping noise like a balloon. Yep. That's all you have to do
23:47Like a balloon
23:50Oh my god, you're not fat. Yeah, I am back to normal. I'm not wide. I'm not tall. Thank you. Daisy. Thank you
23:57You're welcome. Yeah, now you can probably get back to that date with that gold joy, you know, gooby. Shush. No
24:04Wait, you're saying johnny was on a date?
24:07No, no. No. Oh, yeah, he was. Oh, yes, he was
24:10I'm gonna pop you like a balloon again
24:15I'm not fat. Hey, stop. Stop. You're gonna kill me. Oh
24:19Ow, well, if you guys made it to the end of this video, then make sure to leave a like and subscribe right now