• 14 hours ago
Hermitcraft 10: Episode 30: THE NEW BRANCH! Grian is back on hermitcraft and we have build the first branch of the permit office.. 30 million blocks away.
00:00Oh dear, we are going straight into story mode right now because all the guys are online
00:07and we are heading 30 million blocks away.
00:11We're doing that to set up exile for everyone that hasn't handed over their permits.
00:16I filled up a few shulker boxes of everything we need.
00:20Now these blocks have been specifically chosen because they are the same blocks that we used
00:26to build the permit office.
00:28Now let's go and meet up with everyone so we can understand what is going on.
00:35Just waiting for the guys, just making sure all of these complaints are listened to and
00:42Yep, there we go.
00:43Wow, that was a lot of complaints.
00:46Wait, there's only one thing to do while we're waiting.
00:51Just waiting around.
01:00Waiting for the boys to get online.
01:01Yeah it is.
01:03Man, if they don't get here before this song ends, we have a problem.
01:13Ready to smash some heads.
01:15I'm sorry, I can't even tell you.
01:18Come on, Rub-a-dub-cub, let's go.
01:22How long do we got, Green, on the song?
01:30You don't know with this song.
01:31It sounds like it's going to finish about maybe three or four times during the song
01:34and then it doesn't.
01:36We've got to be near the end.
01:37Of course, the permit office never gives you a conclusive answer ever.
01:41No, it does not.
01:44There he is!
01:47Right, we could turn this off.
01:50I'm shocked that we didn't get to the end because that was on for like five minutes.
01:54Let's actually not go to the office.
01:56Let's head downstairs.
01:57Right, Skiz, you were here for the meeting so you know what's going on, right?
02:01I'm completely up to speed, sir.
02:03Good, it's weird because I couldn't make out what you were saying.
02:06Anyway, so what's happening now is we're holding off on exiling anyone because we want to create
02:12something over in exile to welcome those people and explain what's going on.
02:18We maybe slightly rushed into things immediately trying to exile Jevin, so it's probably a
02:24good thing that no one's there yet, but now we have the opportunity to really welcome
02:28them to their new home, yeah?
02:30So you've been liaising with Doc, so the plan is you are going over on the pig.
02:35Okay, all right, I'll be launched.
02:38So what we've got, everyone here is sort of banded together.
02:41We've all got stuff for you, Cub.
02:44Fantastic, okay.
02:45So one, we've all got shulker boxes to give you and an ender chest there.
02:48Oh, we're giving him the stuff.
02:50Oh, hold on, I got some stuff for you, boy.
02:52Oh my gosh.
02:53It's gonna be a long walk.
02:54It's gonna be a long, long walk.
02:55Yeah, we didn't think this through.
02:56All the way to the shopping district.
03:01This is like day one Minecraft right here, just walking.
03:08I've been here before.
03:09I remember that guy up there.
03:12Show us the pig.
03:13There he is, there he is.
03:14All right.
03:15Oh, there he is.
03:16The pig that's not real.
03:17Did you name the pig?
03:18I have no idea what this thing is.
03:20So Doc, can you explain what's going on here?
03:21Can you explain briefly what's going on?
03:22Well, okay.
03:23We have a pig here, and that is a special pig.
03:24It is charged with infinite velocity.
03:25Infinite velocity?
03:28I don't know.
03:29Let's say roughly a minute.
03:30About four million blocks this way to the world border.
03:32Let's go.
03:33Also known as exile.
03:34Dude, what?
03:36All right.
03:37All right.
03:38Here we go.
03:39Mount him up.
03:40Oh, Godspeed.
03:41Gentlemen, anybody wants to do the honors, just click this notification bell, and you
03:42will be notified.
03:43There he is.
03:44There he is.
03:45Oh, my gosh.
03:46Oh, my gosh.
03:47Oh, my gosh.
03:48Oh, my gosh.
03:49Oh, my gosh.
03:50Oh, my gosh.
03:51Oh, my gosh.
03:52All right.
03:53There he is.
03:55Oh, my gosh.
03:56Oh, my gosh.
03:57block here and don't scare somebody okay
04:02all right when i get there see you out there
04:05i got speed cub oh he's gone he's gone he's just vanished
04:13he i didn't even see another frame he just
04:17gone which direction did he go uh due north um you know we went that way
04:26yeah yeah that way you think it would go this way during the yeah you'd think
04:29if he i kind of pictured this like it was a cannon and it was going to go
04:32either that way or that way but no it just sits that way yeah the
04:37pig gets charged back there and it just pulls
04:39over here then pretty much and then you know it's a long story short
04:43it's like i hope he'll land in the right spot it's not guaranteed it could be
04:48a thousand blocks off then he has to walk no one told him that
04:52all right so yeah he's going for your services doc yeah no worries
04:56i guess i'm no longer needed right well yeah i always needed doc
04:59oh oh just that fast in the world he just maybe he's
05:03zoomed how did he went with cub he had a fishing rod he did he did a fishing tp
05:09i want one of those i want one of those you need one of those
05:13you don't want you need i don't understand that was a bug that was fixed
05:17a while ago no i think it's possible right okay
05:20guys so you know the drill we we actually need to perish now so
05:24oh man i'll be the last one there no wait let's jump together ready three
05:29two one
05:34okay here comes skids here we are in exile
05:39you took a second there i thought i was gonna be alone here here he comes rub it
05:43up come here hello boys check your coordinates
05:47skids check your coordinates oh man we're way out here
05:51oh my what oh man so if we didn't have our ender pearl
05:56set up we would be stuck but we we have a way
06:00back so we're all good right yep we need to
06:04crack on and build this thing yep i got all your
06:07stuff here let's go to flip our door
06:14we didn't work that part out we should have actually thought about that before
06:17doing this yeah that seems that seems like and doc's gone too oh no
06:22that's it that's a later problem all right so we're gonna make we're gonna
06:25make the permit office remote permit office for my permit office
06:29all right all right i like it i like it ethereal yeah right there's a good spot
06:33the exile branch trying to remember what it looks like i know exactly
07:00all right guys welcome officially to exile
07:05let's go hold on the banners guys it's the ethereal
07:09office the the the exile branch so when when people get here they're
07:14going to spawn on this little island and they're going to see
07:17this and hopefully this will make a lot more sense to them
07:20why this is happening instead of just you know appearing here on an island and
07:24being very confused so um yeah cub go ahead and press press
07:29the button man like you you put these together
07:32sure oh here we go hello the permit office welcomes you
07:36to exile if you are here it means you haven't handed over your unused permits
07:42if you are here accidentally we apologize for the inconvenience
07:47here in exile there is no way back home the permit office
07:51recommends that you take time to reflect on your actions
07:55and make behavioral changes that will lead to your reintegration
07:59be here at the permit office understand that this is potentially challenging
08:03time for you as such we have provided complimentary
08:06comfort room that will ease your anxieties we hope you find your time
08:10here educational and productive the board thanks
08:14you for your cooperation and we hope to see you again soon
08:19beautiful so miserable i love man what a great welcome to exile each one of
08:24us has recorded that same message so that they understand what's going on
08:30it's a random who you get yeah so scar is gonna build something called a
08:35comfort room we're not sure what that is yet but it's gonna be around the back
08:38here right scar yeah it's gonna it's gonna it's it's like giving them a
08:41little bit of therapy a little help a little encouragement words words of
08:44encouragement like sure they would be delighted to hear what
08:48you have to say and there maybe there's like a secret
08:50rant that they can unlock and who knows there's many possibilities back here
08:53this would be wonderful so much are we worried it might be too
08:57comforting like people might actually want to come to exile just to be
09:00comforted by scar i maybe it's possible all right i'll
09:04message asuma we gotta get back oh he might think he's gonna get exiled
09:09yeah dude this looks like a trap
09:13all right all right here we go get ready here we go we got we got we got
09:16get ready ready guys hopefully it doesn't hopefully it doesn't
09:20oh yeah my guy that was magic oh thank you x we have been on a trip
09:30thank you thank you wow man where have you been sorry that
09:35that we've been to the end of the world but
09:38the noise wow we just came to the world all right
09:42we're back to the mainland exile is set up
09:48anyone with an unused permit you're in big trouble
09:51guys i'm still in big trouble i don't know where my permits have gone
09:55i've only i found i've actually found a couple more
09:58but they're not here they're not or i think there was one or two
10:02permits yeah look here they are these are these are the ones i actually have
10:05shops for so uh no no one's called me out on it
10:10just yet at the permit office but i i have missing permits
10:16well you know let's not worry about that just
10:19yeah surely the the guys will give me a warning
10:23let's turn our attention back to this building
10:26now that we've done the permit office uh branch
10:29exile branch i really want to make a bit more progress on this build here
10:35because we got lots and lots to do i'm in the bowels of the green building
10:39and i'm trying to figure out how we can make best use of the space
10:43so what i've done is i've started by making the beginnings of the cactus farm
10:48and the goal here is to sort of siphon all of the cactus and bring it back
10:53up so i have two options obviously the cactus farm is the cactus farm
10:57and that's that and we can actually probably go down here and start placing
11:00some cactus because i've i've actually only got 11
11:03so we're gonna have to you know build this up a bit more
11:06organically so if i remember correctly i haven't built a cactus farm in a really
11:10long time it feels like i think it's just that and then as they
11:13grow they hit the fence then fall and go all
11:17the way up okay so it looks like we're more than
11:19safe going backwards into the mountain so there's a fair amount of digging to
11:24do really quickly and then there's a bit of cactus building to do so i
11:28think while i dig in this can start producing
11:32cactus for me and i think between the two of them they
11:35can start working then i just have to connect them up
11:38into a smelter system i can't believe i've not
11:43done this before and i know i know and i maybe i should show you really quickly
11:48i know that skiz and impulse made the most enormous
11:54over the top version of this going if we just
11:57whoosh look at this check this out how much cactus
12:04does one person need it's such an enormous farm there's no way
12:11they need that much surely and then this is the kelp farm it doesn't matter that
12:17they've made a big version because bop and go is
12:20still always being used so i just need my um
12:24grain and gain so i just need my mini version of this and i'll tell you what i
12:28actually do need is a lot of green dye believe it or not i actually need green
12:31dye this is going to work out perfectly right let's give this a go
13:01so i feel so accomplished here this actually when you when you kind of
13:16look at the whole thing looks like a real genuine
13:22redstone industrial district you've got several farms here not just the two not
13:27just the one we've got a lot going on here all in one
13:31compact space i mean it's not pretty let's be honest
13:36it's not pretty but it is actually working so here is the magic
13:42bop and go or the the the budget bop and go and let's just
13:46take a look and see how how it's doing so you can see it's
13:49got the dried kelp blocks and the cactus so let's take a look well well well
13:56wasn't as much as perhaps it could be but that was that wasn't bad it hasn't
14:00been running particularly long now if we go over here
14:03i've i mean i've really kind of done myself proud to a
14:07certain extent because i've done some genuine horrible
14:12redstone the all the kelp falls in here and it's
14:15actually at such a steady rate that this figure doesn't really change
14:19which is what we want it means it won't run out
14:21and it's not going to overflow it seems to be in the
14:25perfect sweet spot it then goes through the furnace
14:30and goes through here where it activates boop boop boop
14:34and i think i this is honestly my first time using a crafter
14:38which is dangerous because i didn't really know how they work so you can see
14:42it activates and then when this is full it finally activates
14:45and heads on through here and this is where
14:49it went kind of wrong we'll come back to that later it then funnels all the way
14:53through here into the dropper system so as soon as
14:56this goes it then powers this is not a unique
14:58design at all i just remembered this one when an item goes in here the observer
15:03goes over and it dispenses and up it goes oh look
15:07at that i just i've done it but i haven't also
15:10i have well i also haven't done it because i can't understand because i'm a
15:15stupid why this hopper this hopper here this is
15:20the most important one you put you put anything in here and it
15:24goes straight into the water stream look this
15:28hopper is funneling into this furnace but it seems to prioritize
15:34falling into this hopper first i don't know why why wouldn't it go in there
15:39first it's pointed in there but no i guess gravity it just falls straight
15:43through and i've wasted many an hour trying to
15:47figure that out why why why i need i need an adult i need
15:52a redstone adult couple know cub knows a lot about this
15:55game you're gonna have to explain what's happening here so
15:59i know what you're doing you're taking a signal out of the furnace
16:04yeah and it's gonna go into the the lectern this will now be locked
16:11the bottom hopper will now be locked until
16:14the furnace becomes full genius now that i see it in front of me like it
16:18makes so much sense but i just couldn't think what this and
16:24i feel so stupid for not being able to work out
16:27how to do this but it makes now you've put it in front of me it makes sense
16:32you've got don't feel don't feel dumb because you sort of have to know the
16:35end point to figure out where to go yeah if that
16:39makes sense see yeah so i actually i understand how
16:42this works we're counting how many in the furnace
16:44and now that you now that you've seen it in the future you can sort of yeah
16:48understand the principle behind it and you know make it compact and make it
16:51look nice and all that all that good stuff the lectern kind of
16:54stands as its own little thing right and it's sending a signal
16:58constantly of eight because it's turned the page right
17:01right so then we're comparing the output from the furnace
17:05to the to the to the lectern and then it switches that which then unlocks it i
17:09get it i understand it i just probably wouldn't have got there on my own you
17:12got it you got it thanks for the kelp help cub
17:15so thanks to cub we now have a fully functional
17:21whatever this is counter thing it actually does work
17:25and it's sending kelp there i feel so stupid like
17:29i know this mechanic how it roughly works but i just i would never have got
17:32to this stage but thank you cub for all of that
17:35we have now got a fully functional and rather wonderful
17:40bop and go and i can i can probably manage to do
17:44my own bop and go song right like it can't be that hard i can just do it with
17:48all vocals
18:04okay bye i i will i'm just gonna i've layered
18:08i just layered all those things over each other hopefully that made a song
18:11so the other thing that i have done is i have been
18:15steadily adding walls to the rest of this building and it's kind of dawned on
18:19me that i need to think things through a little bit more because this bit got a
18:25little complicated as the farm juts out a bit more
18:30and i clearly haven't thought it through all the way and this is a bit of farm
18:34that also juts out in an awkward position so
18:38basically what i'm saying is although i've
18:40gone ahead and i've started filling in these walls and it's starting to look
18:43complete this is going to need a bit of a rework
18:46i spent all my time today doing the farms on the inside and i'm
18:50pretty happy with where we're at i will need to come back to the outside
18:56stuff and the reason we're gonna have to come
18:58back is because we need to exile someone
19:02right let's head over to the permit office i'm probably gonna need to stack
19:05up on some gear hello i'm here for some exiling
19:10oh there we go green oh we're locking green out now okay
19:14get it together man get it together hey i was letting them in
19:17it's a serious business man this is serious business all right
19:20well jeb is online he's there he's here he's everywhere we don't want to we
19:26don't we got to get him before he logs out so let's
19:28let's hurry up yeah yeah yeah yeah we got to go we got to go back through the
19:32window everybody oh wait whoops okay go go go go go go go
19:36that's the son of the football
19:40i really don't like that horn all right jeb
19:44oh my god you guys never where are you where are you it's time guys
19:52he's over here oh my god you you guys must want to join
19:55nopo as much as you come over here i've given it some thought i think i'm
20:00gonna give it to you all right oh i know i know i know let's
20:04go all right follow me but i wanted to exile
20:07someone yeah no we set this whole thing up
20:11actually actually hold on hold on hold on you guys have any
20:15open positions at the vermilion window washer got two big stains on those
20:21windows when green and i hit it oh i don't know okay anyways anyways
20:25follow me right over here what is this it's a trap
20:29it's a trap i'm gonna break the beds i'm breaking it get him it's a trap
20:34get him got him got him got him got him well all right he's down he's down he's
20:37down it's none of these beds it's none of these beds
20:40what it was back oh he's hitting me with potions he's got
20:47another sword too wait hit in cub nice i got him i got him
20:51i got him he's gonna respond again i got his bed i got his bed
20:56okay now he's exiled he's down now he's i did absolutely nothing there
21:02oh that was close just got a lot of beds we got we got the beds
21:06yep wow okay so he he was definitely ready for us
21:11hit a bunch of decoy beds yeah he had a ton of decoy beds wow
21:15right okay and do we think we actually got him officially or is he somewhere
21:20far off no well he's born there so unless he's
21:22got an ender pearl you know hidden away somewhere should we
21:26go and check on him in the exile land yeah oh we could we
21:30could that'd be fun could go and introduce him to his new home
21:34we can bring his heads i say we do it assuming he doesn't have some clever
21:38enderpearl trick i think i think we might have got him for
21:41someone who bases up the hates permits he really likes to hold
21:45on to him yeah i don't i don't think they're here he
21:49probably keeps him in his ender chest if he's smart
21:51why don't we have an extra pearl here there's only three that's us
21:56i see three do we see who it is is it jevin
22:00i see three pearls do you see four is it i see three but mine's i don't have one
22:06that's not mine wait what that would be so funny if he's
22:11got an end i'm gonna i'm gonna flick it flick it flick it
22:14yeah okay it was it was one of us twice
22:20whoo that would have been so smart all right
22:25here we go oh he's not going he's not going
22:29burn burn burn in a box of fire as if you just didn't murder me
22:37welcome jeff hello have you taken a look at your coordinates jevin
22:41wow negative 30 million that's a that that's a little excessive don't you
22:47think so the calculations that i read i
22:49haven't verified these is that if you had elytra and enough
22:53rockets it would take 20 hours of flight to get home wow okay well you're quite
22:59far but there's another portal right up there
23:01yeah but you'd have to get yourself an elytra and there are no strongholds out
23:05here that's true that's true but i i could
23:08get a horse up there it's not called exile here
23:11i'm gonna love it here yeah you got the ship look yeah
23:14there's no permits here jevin so if you just want to give us the ones you've got
23:18then we can be on our merry way you can live a permit in a permit free
23:22society here i just want to let you guys know something
23:26before i see i knew this was coming you guys are very typical
23:29they're predictable so i gave vintage beef
23:32power of attorney over nopo and my decision making with the nopo yesterday
23:39so we can it's gonna live on i reckon we send beef
23:43and etho straight to this little island straight away on the list
23:46yeah to be on the list to be exiled jeff if you need any more information you
23:51can press this button here oh god yeah give it a give it a button
23:55hello the permit office welcomes you to exile
23:59oh wasn't that nice i have to listen to that again i'm just gonna drown myself
24:03that was that oh there's a bonus room now yeah
24:07if you can tell about it yeah if you feel that you're just
24:11you know the world's getting you down and exile's got you feeling a bit
24:14stressed we've provided you with this lovely
24:17department of wellness a comfort room if you like
24:21to keep you nice and sane oh doesn't that look nice
24:25well you can enjoy that oh my god yeah just head on in there you know you
24:31can uh enjoy some of the tapes rewards meditation words of affirmation
24:37right guys pretty much guys we better start swimming home
24:41we have a way back right we have a way back we coordinated that right
24:44design yeah oh no see you later jeff so bad
24:49but you are now part of the exile program of excellence
24:53there's there's no one there's no guys this didn't work out well there's no one
24:57online to hit the uh trap door to bring us back he's
25:01experiencing comfort he is still listening to the comfort
25:08us oh god it's still going guys
25:12we've got very important things to tell you but are happy for you
25:16and when that is they will be there that we wish you
25:21all the best and we hope you have a wonderful time in exile
25:25this feels like a trap what do you mean there's another tip for you to enjoy
25:32thanks jim hey fellas that's a bit weird exile melon
25:37yeah thanks these melons are from 30 million blocks away
25:42how special wow put put that in an item frame
25:46whoo what a day just you know good work boys
25:50exile people thank you jim for saving us because
25:54yeah it was really awkward we were stuck we were stuck in exile because
25:58impulse who was supposed to be bringing us back just went afk so we were just
26:01stuck in exile jeff is sitting through about half an
26:05hour of scar's meditation tapes by choice he doesn't have to sit
26:10there by the way he could he could go and do anything he wants
26:14exile is good for you okay we don't need
26:18scar we don't we don't need it we don't need it we don't need alive we don't
26:21need alive all right good job guys good job well
26:24that's it for today's episode we've done so
26:28much we built the permit office we built some of our base and we've sent
26:32the very first person into exile properly and it was
26:35actually a lot easier than i thought jeff did
26:39kind of like put some decoy beds and stuff but i was i was half
26:43expecting his bed to be somewhere else or he no he knew
26:47he knew we were coming so um yeah that was surprisingly easy
26:52well i'm excited to see where this goes looks like beef might be next on the
26:57list according to jeff i hope to see you in the next video
