In this Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft redstone video, we take a look at animated Minecraft fans. Redstone fans act as decoration for large Industrial Minecraft builds, like the surplus Mega corp industrial district on the Hermitcraft Season 10 survival server. With redstone clocks, and redstone timing circuits, we can power trapdoors in a way that mimic a working Minecraft redstone fan.
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00:00I'm a big fan of big fans and it turns out a lot of you are fans of my fan
00:04I'm considering starting a fan page for this thing or maybe an account on a fan-based website
00:08But just when I thought I couldn't be a bigger fan of my fan
00:11I saw an even better fan jake kelton crafts took my design of my fan from the factory and
00:18Animated it using redstone and frankly, I don't think i've seen anything better than this
00:24This is peak youtube
00:25I'm such a huge fan. I genuinely said that accidentally, but i'm keeping it in today's video is going to be dedicated to creating animated fans
00:32And as you can see i've already been messing around with some of this stuff
00:35I have the smallest possible fan here and I actually I kind of like it
00:38I've also been playing around with different ways to create the fans. For example using powdered snow dispensing powdered snow
00:44Actually gives a crazy particle effect as well
00:46Like this feels like a cold air fan and the redstone for it is absolutely tiny
00:50But I think just like jake kelton crafts the best designs probably come in the form of trapdoors
00:55It just it matches up with the vibe nicely
00:57And as you can see i've got two different types here
00:59I've kind of got like a thin bladed fan and then i've got a slightly chunkier one
01:03Both of these have pretty small redstone footprints and from a distance as part of a build
01:08These look pretty fantastic. There was a brief moment where I thought this would work flawlessly, but
01:13No, it's time to leave the two by two designs and go for something bigger
01:16I've been staring at this thing for a while
01:18I'm trying to work out what the sequence would be for a fan
01:23Like how do I power and depower this in a way that it looks like it's spinning?
01:27I mean i'm going to try something really obvious here
01:30But i'm just going to do like a cycle and see what happens
01:33I would imagine this is not going to work as well as I think it will in my head
01:41I mean it kind of actually does work, right?
01:44It kind of actually sort of works, I feel like the pulse just needs to be slightly longer
01:48So i've now added an off switch into the system and in theory I should now have two fan blades and
01:56I think
01:58That is sort of working. Does that look like a fan?
02:01Honestly, I don't know and it is pretty small and simple
02:04Okay, uh trying to do the original plan that I had for this one for a 4x4 fan
02:10That doesn't work in the slightest it's kind of
02:14Mesmerizing the patterns that are forming. I honestly if I wanted to simulate tv static
02:19I actually think i'm doing a pretty good job here
02:21Wait, is this is this kind of working again now that i've switched out the redstone lamps for note blocks?
02:25Is this kind of working? Why do I why do I feel like this is working really nicely?
02:31Why do I feel like that kind of actually works and it's giving us a nice thumping base
02:35Which I can remove by placing a block on top of this
02:38I genuinely think this might be the least janky one that i've made so far
02:41But there still is a little bit of jank that I think I could remove and I think that jank is caused by the
02:46Fact that we are dealing with one tick pulses, which means our trap doors are flicking on and off incredibly quickly
02:51So i've switched over to repeaters
02:54And i'm gonna have two tick pulses. It's not a big difference
02:57But I think it should make the animation a little bit smoother
03:01Okay, it's made it considerably smoother this looks way better
03:07This looks way better hang on if I also power this one on
03:13Yeah, that is like completely different this no longer looks like a fan
03:17How did I think that was good?
03:19This is like this is like a million times better. I'm just checking these things out from an extreme distance and yeah, okay
03:24I think we are on to a winner with this idea so much so that i've actually made a video on this
03:28Onto a winner with this idea so much so that i've actually gone back to our original 3x3 design and i've created this one up
03:35Here and it is significantly better. It just slows things down ever so slightly
03:40I also think moving over to these the pale oak trap doors. It is a massive improvement as well
03:46They just look so much more solid as fan blades and the redstone of this has stayed pretty neat and pretty self-contained
03:51My main goal is to make it so the redstone doesn't stretch outside of the fan casing
03:56Do you know if you put this on the exterior of a build?
03:58There's also a high chance that you have space for the redstone that powers it it is time for five by five
04:03I've got all of the powering of the trap doors all worked out and then from here, I think
04:09It should be quite a simple process
04:11So this is our cycle I take observer outputs throughout the bottom and the top are by far the easiest
04:17Okay, the process is starting. Okay, I think
04:20I think i'm making progress
04:21I'm, just gradually adding in the other details trying to connect things up and be logical about when things would be powered
04:28I think now that is actually getting bigger. It's getting a little bit easier
04:31I don't know any ones I haven't connected up just yet these two in the middle
04:33But they now have been connected and i've added the wiring which will give us two blades instead of one and I think
04:43Okay, I think i've got this worked out now. I kind of understand
04:47How fans work and how the sequence should go and this looks ridiculously good
04:53This looks ridiculously good with the four by four and the five by five next to one another. I do think
04:58The odd number sized fans look considerably better because obviously they're rotating around a point. This makes a lot of sense
05:07Oh, this is so cool, and i'm managing to keep everything pretty simple
05:10Like this thing is not big
05:13It is not big. It's just a bunch of repeaters and a cycle
05:17Of observers running around it's expensive very very expensive and it's loud
05:22I mean you wouldn't want to be next door to this but it's a giant industrial fan
05:26Like of course, it's loud if anything that adds to it
05:29It's time for seven by seven things actually might start to get a little bit challenging with this one as always
05:34First stage of the process getting all of the trap doors in place. And oh by the way
05:38I have tried putting them on the other side
05:41That actually might look good with this one putting them on the other side
05:45But then making this whole area deeper actually will give more depth to the fan
05:50And I think it could look cool on these slightly bigger builds
05:53I have got all of the powering worked out all of the repeaters running into the trap doors should be in place now
05:59So then it's the same old story
06:00I'm, just going to run a bunch of observers around in a square and we will just see what happens
06:07This one is constructed very differently from the other one
06:10So i'm extremely curious. I have way more like meat in the middle of this build to do
06:15So I think this sequence is going to be a tiny bit more complicated. Okay, not off to the most horrific start
06:20I think i'm getting somewhere. Yes
06:23Sort of in case you're wondering what I do here
06:25I just I gradually link up the different repeaters and then tweak some of the timings and things
06:31Until I get something looks good with a single blade and I actually think this is pretty perfect, right?
06:37So i'm just going to do some final build details and one thing that I quite like is when you switch off this machine
06:43Because of the contrast between the trap doors and the dark blocks behind it
06:47This still looks like a vent like this still looks like a cool part of the build
06:50I wouldn't mind actually having this but when it gets activated
06:59Why is it how is it that i've activated these every single time?
07:03Why is it that when I switch these things on I just get
07:07Like a deep
07:09in my chest satisfaction
07:13These things are ridiculously cool. Oh my goodness. This might be one of my favorite things
07:18This might be my new thing
07:20Like I think i'm just gonna build fans everywhere jake kelton. I just want to say thank you
07:24Thank you for putting this into my brain. Seriously. What the heck?
07:29What the heck?
07:31From afar. It looks even cooler
07:34It looks even cooler from back here
07:37Oh my goodness each one I construct as well makes the last one look pants like this looks amazing now compared to the 5x5 one
07:44And these are completely naff. I don't even want to talk about this
07:47I actually still really like these two though as small little details
07:50Also playing around with only having one fan blade on the three by three and it slows things down a little bit and makes it
07:56Match up quite nicely
07:58With the pacing of these fans
07:59So I think if I had a build with a lot of fans and they were all going this sort of speed
08:04I would probably do that on the smaller ones or alternatively do what i've done here
08:08Which is shrink the size of the build down have two fan blades that are significantly smaller. I think actually
08:15This is the winner
08:16Yeah, I think this looks good. It is time to go bigger
08:19Once again, nine by nine is actually the size of the fan that i've got on the hermitcraft servers
08:24So if I get this working then I can replace this it feels really weird looking at a stationary fan now
08:29Let's get to work on building and I spent way too long making this circle here
08:35The fan casing on the hermitcraft server isn't even circular
08:37But I just felt like I had to do it to fit the theme
08:39But is this not the most circular thing you've ever seen in minecraft? It's perfect
08:43It's like a perfect circle davinci. Okay watching back the inside of the circle is actually super wonky
08:48Hopefully i've kind of fixed that it's still a little bit wobbly, but i'm gonna roll with it
08:53Mojang, please give us vertical slabs
08:54All right, so i've got all the repeaters lined up, but i've got everything that should power the trapdoors
08:58It's in a similar setup to this one over here
09:01So here we go again first things first need to create a loop of observers now
09:05We start work on creating the first blade
09:08It's a solid start. This is where it all begins
09:10And honestly, this one actually feels like it might be a little bit more complicated, you know
09:15I've come up with a plan and I don't know if this is a good plan, right?
09:18But I think I can create almost
09:21Like an x of jukeboxes or note blocks in the middle here
09:26And then I can just gradually
09:29like run
09:30Observers up into them and then surely
09:34I will actually get a good pattern and then just need to run observers out
09:38From all of note blocks and all of the observers i'm flying completely blind here
09:44Given that I just came up with a random pattern on the back. It's not a terrible start, but it's definitely
09:50Noisy, it has a little bit of the jitteriness. It has some static in it. There's blocks that go missing
09:57It's not perfect, especially compared to this thing, which is just really really smooth and solid
10:03There's a lot of work to do here. This seems like a better start things are looking solid
10:07I've been playing a lot of minecraft today, but I don't know about you
10:12This is sounding pretty good, this is no longer sounding good I am struggling right now
10:17This is just it's not going. Well, look how good this looks that looks so smooth. This is so flickery and weird
10:23I've tried all sorts of hacks and all various different bits and bobs
10:26But I think i'm actually just going to delete it all and start from ground zero
10:30In fact, I think i'm going to try something really really strange. So if this is our blob of observers
10:38then if I
10:40Just go like this and make the loop go round in the middle
10:45I don't know might have something you see with all the other fans
10:47We've got the redstone clock on the outside and then everything kind of goes inwards
10:51so essentially
10:53The outside of the fan is leading and the inside of the fan is following which evidently works
10:59Well for these smaller builds, but as we start getting into bigger ones
11:03That stops making so much sense
11:05So now the center is what is leading and the outer bits of the fan are what are following the build has a heartbeat
11:13It now also has all the extra bits
11:15Extending off of that original redstone clock and it has an extra couple of timing circuits
11:20That I think should add some spice to the fan and give the impression
11:24Of like motion blur this fan is now big enough that I feel like we need some swishing action going on
11:29So without further ado, i'm going to add in some extra building bits and consider this build officially completed
11:36Here is the on switch out the back that will give us two blades on this fan
11:40And this is what it has ended up looking like and I gotta say
11:46Again, I just think these things are cool
11:49Just think they're ridiculously cool
11:51How have I never thought to build something like this before tram doors have been in the game for years and years and years
11:58We could have been doing this back in 2012. Why was nobody doing this back in 2012?
12:03I quite like this animation. I think it's cool
12:04I like the fact that it feels like there is like wind being pulled behind the fan the redstone is pretty compact
12:11It all fits within the fan casing, which I really really like has a pretty obvious on and off switch
12:17This is genuinely something that even builders should easily be able to install into their constructions
12:23This has been a very very fun day
12:25I'm a big fan of everything that i've created in this video
12:28All of these things would fit in nicely. There is a world download down in the description
12:32If anyone wants to check this out for yourselves
12:33I'm, also a huge fan of jake kelton crafts for giving me this idea and come up with an amazing fan themselves
12:39I'll put a link to their video down in the description and I cannot wait to get some of these
12:42Constructed on the hermitcraft server