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Welcome to Daz Games! Here you’ll find all my Try Not To Laugh Challenge, Sketches and Reaction videos where you’ll enjoy my responses to videos from “LIFE HACKS THAT MAKE NO SENSE” and everything else on the internet you could think of. I like to do commentary walkthroughs and playthroughs of games like The Sims, ARK, GTA V, Minecraft, Horror Games and many others. New gaming videos will be posted five to six times a week. Be sure to Subscribe to never miss one!
00:00How's it going Dazzlers? Welcome back to DazGames and we're back with another horror game.
00:05This one's another horror demo that got sent to me via email and it is called
00:09Chorus of Karosa.
00:11You are an artist who has been rejected in life and is slowly going insane and you don't know the reason why.
00:16And everything in your building starts to take a nasty turn.
00:20I love horror games that play with madness.
00:22Let's play the game.
00:27Chorus of Karosa.
00:30I don't know what that means.
00:32But it looks impressive.
00:34Dreams of Deliverance.
00:41Can't I catch a break?
00:43Oh, okay.
00:44We're very stressed.
00:49Stay calm.
00:51Oh, am I anxiety ridden or?
00:54Okay, I'm going to leave that here.
00:58Let's read a little bit into the world.
01:01Thank you for your application for the Tri-River Art Grant.
01:05Unfortunately, you didn't make the cut.
01:08We've received a lot of applications and had to make a lot of tough decisions.
01:15We didn't make it in.
01:17If I'm in an art club, why is there no art in my apartment?
01:20Why am I not influenced?
01:22Oh, shit.
01:24Maybe I was wrong.
01:32I thought this was my...
01:33Is this my apartment?
01:41Alright, we'll come back to this in a second.
01:43I think we're meant to go around here now.
01:49Turn off.
01:50No, I don't want to turn it on.
01:52Everything's interactive.
01:57I think someone knocked on the door.
02:05No, I'm good.
02:10I don't.
02:21Where's her eyes?
02:47Finally, a smart character.
02:48Not letting the bitch in.
02:50Shit, shit, shit.
02:52Why do we have a statue in our bedroom?
02:55Yeah, call them.
02:57Call them.
02:59She has no eyes.
03:00Call them.
03:03Hello, my name is Cassie.
03:04What's your emergency?
03:06Bitch has no eyes.
03:07There's a woman who's been blinded.
03:10Her eyes gouged out.
03:17Her eyes are gone.
03:22Oh, fuck.
03:23Very much so.
03:25Something's happening in the hallway.
03:26I don't know what.
03:27It doesn't sound good.
03:30Pull yourself together.
03:33Three eighteen chambers.
03:36Are you in front of your door?
03:39You have to open it.
03:41Are you insane?
03:44Open the door.
03:45Don't be a stranger.
03:47The fuck are you talking about?
03:50Come on now, it's time.
03:52Everyone's opened their doors except you.
03:56Are you telling me to just roll over and die?
04:00Open the door, stranger.
04:03Fuck no, you're insane.
04:08I can't leave.
04:10I won't leave.
04:11Can't leave.
04:22Oh, I'm having a panic attack.
04:24And I don't blame you.
04:30Pull yourself together.
04:34You did the right thing.
04:39Okay, we had our little moment.
04:43Oh, no.
04:45Did she break into the workshop?
04:49She's in front of my house.
04:50My nightmare.
04:54She's in the workshop.
04:57I mean, is she still out there?
05:03No, just a shit load of blood.
05:18Okay, let's get some more clues before we go in there.
05:24Did you just refer to yourself as Daddy?
05:28That's no help for you.
05:31According to government officials, the latest attempt to censor has failed.
05:36Allegedly, all the community members have gone nuts and turned their office into battle royales.
05:42Really? Okay.
05:50I guess we should go into my workshop.
05:52Which, for the size of apartment we're in, this back room doesn't seem possible.
05:59I hope rent control know about this.
06:02I mean, look at this place.
06:11And I got rejected to art college?
06:15What's this?
06:18Oh, one year sober.
06:19Okay, so we're an alcoholic. Or we were.
06:22What is this?
06:24Did I carve this?
06:26Or am I restoring it?
06:28Oh, that was my phone.
06:32Oh, God!
06:36Wait, if this is in my apartment, am I...
06:40I must be nuts!
06:43Let's go up here.
06:49Damn, this is a good space, though.
06:51I want this space for Daz Games.
06:53That's what I want.
06:55Oh, wait, no, that hand. It must have been a part of a statue.
06:59In the bathtub.
07:01Maybe I'm, like, soaking it.
07:03It looked like a body. I thought, why...
07:07Dear Moonlife member, to continue enjoying our insurance, please pay your outstanding debt.
07:12Log into your account and check your balance.
07:15Moonlife sales.
07:17Well, I guess I'm in debt as well.
07:19But I don't know why, because this art is actually pretty cool.
07:26There's no sign of disturbances.
07:32Maybe I'll go downstairs and see.
07:36Oh, God, what a studio.
07:38I love this room for some reason.
07:41Yeah, that's probably, like, a statue.
07:43It looked like a real person.
07:47Okay, what do we got here?
07:49The electrical in this place is sketchy.
07:56Can I, like, take it? Is that not, like, a flashlight?
07:59Because I'll take a flashlight.
08:01I'll just remember it's there.
08:04Okay, it's through here.
08:07No, don't close it. We're going through. We're going through!
08:11Yeah, I'm gonna die.
08:14I'm gonna die.
08:17Give me the flashlight. Give me the flashlight.
08:23Okay, we've taken it.
08:25There we go.
08:28Should I turn the light off?
08:30All right, power's gone.
08:33Yeah, look, it's a statue. I'm not a serial killer. Okay.
08:39Stop playing with me!
08:41So, did she get in through the back door?
08:47I think I left this door open myself.
08:56Should I click my keys? No? Still can't type?
09:05Oh my god!
09:14All right, well, she's in.
09:19Shit. She's got no eyes, right? She can't see me.
09:23How the hell did you get in here?
09:29Oh, it's very Layers of Fear.
09:35Where'd she go?
09:39Where did she...
09:42Where's my footprints?
09:51Oh god!
10:03Yeah, I'm gonna get evicted for this.
10:12Am I insane? I think I'm insane, aren't I?
10:20Can I go through here and peek?
10:24Stop fucking with me!
10:31They always say, like, artists that go mad, don't they? A lot of them are crazy.
10:38Okay! Wow! Someone didn't skip leg day, did they?
10:44Yeah! Use a little bit of a tan! Don't say my son's not myself!
10:52Shit. You move, I swear to god.
10:57All right, it's just a statue.
11:01Okay. We're good.
11:05Is that still there? Thank you for your... Okay. I've read that one.
11:09Oh wait, that's boarded up.
11:12I can't get in.
11:16Okay. Um...
11:20Oh shit, this is open.
11:25Oh, hell no.
11:27Now this is the metaphor we're descending into madness, I guess.
11:32Just because we didn't get into art college, we're now gonna go mad.
11:50There we go.
11:56That's nice.
12:02I'm still not, like, totally caught up on what the story is.
12:06We're definitely, like, an artist.
12:08Oh! Okay.
12:13And we've been rejected. It looks like we're in debt. We're not in a good position in life.
12:17They seem to be anxious and are on some sort of anxiety meds.
12:26And that's about it.
12:31Who? You badly voiced man.
12:41Yeah, they're definitely alive, because he was there.
12:44What are these mushrooms?
12:48They're the ones making me go insane, isn't it?
12:50I've inhaled some sort of damp, and I'm now mad.
13:00What's going on here?
13:11Okay, I guess I'm going through there.
13:15Damn, it's like I turned into The Last of Us all of a sudden.
13:24Do I go down there, do you think, or down here?
13:28I'm gonna say here.
13:30Eyes open. Oh, they're open.
13:36What's this?
13:38Who put the lock here?
13:41Is that what you're asking right now?
13:45Alright, that has two ways. Am I gonna have to, like, play a game of hide and seek?
13:56Right, if I take my eyes off him, is he gonna move? Is that what this clue's saying?
14:02Yep, see? I called it!
14:14Yeah, if my eyes aren't on it.
14:23Will it come round here?
14:27I think I'll go in here, and that'll hide me from him, right?
14:35Can he go through here?
14:39I don't know if he can.
14:42Oh, wow.
14:47Got a big pair of scissors.
14:52Alright, so it's a key.
14:56Don't move!
15:11Nothing behind me, right?
15:14Oh, I don't like those puzzles where you have to keep your eye on the enemy in case they move.
15:19This furry puppy's playing around.
15:26Are they gone?
15:35Oh, shit!
15:39No, he's got me!
15:48Right, so they're quite slow.
16:01Oh, shit. Okay.
16:03There's nothing here, though.
16:05Oh, God, they're so close!
16:08Right, let me get the scissors key.
16:19So they're not here now.
16:22As soon as I take the scissors, they go.
16:26Now that's not nice, is it?
16:34Now, back through there. That's where the...
16:40That's where the key was, right?
16:47Okay, right. Let's try and go back through here.
16:50But this time, when he comes out, I'm going to run back.
16:59Yep, there we go.
17:04Oh, he's not stopping.
17:13Run! Run!
17:16Oh, my stamina is awful.
17:22Oh, there's something about statues coming to life.
17:26Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.
17:29Hurry up!
17:33Right, yeah, he's freezing. He's freezing.
17:35Oh, God!
17:41Yeah, your work is trying to kill you.
17:45Pull that down.
17:46All right, done.
17:50Oh, my own work is trying to kill me.
17:54That's crazy.
17:58I don't think that's the case, though.
18:00I think we've, like, been hanged or something.
18:03We've gone mad.
18:04This doesn't even look like my apartment building.
18:08What's this?
18:10Strange writings on the wall.
18:12In the hall of dreams, you stepped inside.
18:15Whispered secrets tried through chill of echoes.
18:19By day, by day, by day, by day, by day, by day.
18:23Okay, standard.
18:25They want me to die.
18:29Strange writings on the wall.
18:30Why did you go there?
18:32Why did you go there?
18:38God damn it!
18:40God damn it!
18:42Okay, so we're at our apartment.
18:47Wait, thank you for interest in...
18:49Unfortunately, we hated your application.
18:52You have no talent.
18:53You have no skills.
18:54You have no riz.
18:55They really said that.
18:56In fact, you're an arsehole.
18:57Don't apply again.
18:59Okay, so he's taken it personally that he's not got in.
19:05I think I might turn that off.
19:13Oh, God!
19:15I feel like I'm breathing in the shrooms.
19:21The soundtrack is awesome, isn't it?
19:30Oh, well that's locked for a reason.
19:32We'll keep it that way.
19:34And a basement.
19:39No fucking way.
19:40Yeah, that's what I thought.
19:42Perfect response.
19:44I like this game.
19:51God, everything is like a nightmare.
19:55We're gonna leave that closed.
19:56We're gonna go down to this other basement.
20:03What's this say?
20:04Hope stunter.
20:06Hope stunter.
20:08A lot of repetitive nonsense.
20:18Are we getting back up here?
20:25This is very claustrophobic.
20:35What do you mean again?
20:36I've not seen this one.
20:39That doesn't open.
20:44Mouldy letter.
20:46Scouring the edge flew high above the heart's sweet refrain.
20:50The sword gleamed in the light reflecting the ancient claim.
20:53The king's heart oppressed by the crown's cruel weight.
20:57Every spike of promise of the kingdom's twisted fate.
21:04Some Alice in Wonderland shit.
21:09There's a code pad there.
21:16Oh, wow.
21:20Star signs.
21:28Alright, we got a good puzzle here.
21:32Right, so there's a...
21:34Let me read this again.
21:36The eagle flew high above the harp's refrain.
21:40The sword gleamed in the light reflecting the ancient claim.
21:43The king's heart oppressed by the crown's cruel weight.
21:54Got it.
21:57Oh, my God!
22:05Oh, great.
22:06What's going on?
22:07How did I end up here?
22:09Keys, phone.
22:12Fuck, fuck!
22:14I need to leave.
22:16I need to get away from this fucking house!
22:21You need to get out of here.
22:24And leave art college behind.
22:28Okay, find the exit to the building.
22:29Alright, so we're on the other side of the door now.
22:34Not doing it.
22:35I love how he just refuses to do it.
22:38It's basically me whenever I play a horror game.
22:49I'm not.
22:50I need help.
22:51Somebody's lost it.
22:53It is murdering people!
23:05That's what I said.
23:19Are you kidding me?
23:30You sound like a cartoon character.
23:49Shit, what was that?
23:51I sound like Felix from Wreck-It Ralph.
23:56That's what I sound like.
23:59I'm hungry.
24:00I'm hungry.
24:01I'm starving.
24:03What's going on in this apartment?
24:06Guttly out.
24:07Okay, we don't have time for this.
24:12Alright, I remember, since anyone's told me the hobby is fixing stuff,
24:16that broken camera I found won't make a good gift then.
24:18Today's her birthday.
24:22What are we talking about?
24:24What apartment building is this?
24:29I'm not paying my rent.
24:30Oh my god.
24:37If she hears me, she'll kill me too.
24:47Jesus Christ.
24:48How long can I hold my breath?
25:03Now I, lady, did not know I was there.
25:08Now I, lady, did not know I was there.
25:19We're literally just trying to find a way out of here, right?
25:25Shit, is this it?
25:27Oh my god.
25:30Are we back in this, like, different universe now?
25:36I think I understand how this place works.
25:39Return upstairs immediately if you want to find an anomaly.
25:43Behold, descend if you haven't found one.
25:46I know it's not easy.
25:47The whole place is like a goddamn madhouse.
25:49But it's the only chance.
25:54I think we'll descend downwards.
25:56Continue on.
26:00Yeah, this mold has just been making everyone go mad.
26:12Now it's looping.
26:17Oh my god.
26:25Just sending us, like...
26:26Oh wait, there's a hole.
26:33Is that the woman with no eyes?
26:43That's weird.
26:51Oh wait, I've gone down, what, 6-5.
26:56I think I understand how to play this.
26:57Return upstairs immediately if you want...
26:59If you find an anomaly.
27:01Ah, okay, so now it's turned into, like, an anomaly game.
27:06So that's open.
27:09So I should go upstairs if I find an anomaly.
27:37It's going down.
27:51Okay, that's an anomaly.
27:52Fuck that, I'm going back up.
27:56Did it.
27:57Jesus Christ.
27:59You just have to, like, get the rhythm and see, like, what's normal and what's not,
28:03and you have to play it through a few times, but we did it.
28:07There are no certain benefits of the elevator system.
28:19What is this place?
28:20Like, nothing, like, makes sense to me.
28:23Don't stop.
28:29Okay, what's going on?
28:40Oh, someone's doing some nice stuff in there.
28:49Okay, um...
28:50We have to just get out of here still, right?
28:59What the hell?
29:01Level design is crazy in this game.
29:07Okay, I'll go up, I'll go down.
29:10Let's see if the elevator's...
29:13Okay, one to five floors only.
29:16But we're going down.
29:20We're getting out of here.
29:22We're getting out of here.
29:23Shit, shit, shit!
29:25It's still dead.
29:37Can't make a sound.
29:39Oh, shit.
29:52Okay, I have to...
29:53I don't even know if she can hear my microphone.
30:03Oh, my God!
30:04She's got me!
30:05Damn it!
30:15Damn it!
30:22I think the switch is the other side of the room, behind the blind girl.
30:28This big black wire.
30:40This cable leads over here.
30:49I've powered this up.
30:51This could be a distraction.
31:17Okay, she likes the jukebox.
31:20I think we've got to go this way now.
31:23I thought the power was for the elevator.
31:38Oh, shit, it ended just like that.
31:43Damn, okay.
31:44Well, it was a demo.
31:45All right, I felt like I needed more out of the gameplay.
31:49The story was very cool, the sound design, the soundtrack was great.
31:53I loved it.
31:54It kept me on edge.
31:55But I just couldn't connect to it, you know?
31:58Couldn't connect.
31:59Still pretty cool and, you know, we've got the full game coming out, so we'll see what that's like.
32:03Guys, like, love, crest my channel, and I'll see you in the next one.
32:06Stay dazzling!
