• 2 years ago
I just realized some other recent people have defunct YouTube channels called Once More Gaming / Once More Games / etc... Well, my Twitch and DailyMotion Channel predates them all. I'm the OG. I just didn't make a YouTube channel until now. I still upload to DailyMotion and stream on Twitch, but I just don't get many views at all from there. I'm trying out YouTube to see if I can get some love here.

I love this game!

Happy Halloween Month!

But I hope you enjoy this series!

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Buy one of my books: https://www.amazon.com/Kevin-Conner/e/B00BO138ZS/

Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Strahd - Let's Play
00:00 Alright, so let's start this over again.
00:04 For those of you in streaming land, sorry for the delays.
00:10 For those of you who just watched the completed streams and videos on YouTube, you're going
00:20 to see a lot of dead space.
00:24 And I don't mean the once great franchise that turned into a steaming load of trash
00:34 when they didn't know how to properly finish it.
00:37 At least I hope my videos aren't steaming trash.
00:43 The reality is I stream in locations where I don't have an entire amount of privacy to
00:51 myself.
00:53 That would be something that would change if I get a better job, for instance, or somehow
00:59 explode on the streaming and video scene.
01:04 I doubt that will happen because I've been making videos and streaming for about 10 years
01:09 now.
01:12 And I appreciate every single person that comes by and watches my streams.
01:16 They're almost all friends.
01:18 And so, yeah, I don't unappreciate them.
01:25 I appreciate them very, very much.
01:28 But the reality is I doubt I will ever become a huge streamer.
01:32 If I do, that'd be pretty fun.
01:35 I think that'd be pretty fun.
01:38 But it doesn't look like it's in the cards for me.
01:41 And most of that is to do with the fact that I'm highly unprofessional.
01:49 As you can tell from my videos, if I screw up on the sound, I just say, "Hey guys, sorry
01:54 I screwed up on the sound.
01:55 By the way, here's what happened."
01:58 If I accidentally leave the game paused when I meant to show you something, I'll just unpause
02:03 it and say, "You know, so this and this happened, but I forgot to unpause it."
02:09 I don't have a webcam because, I mean, when I'm at home and I'm streaming, it's my day
02:15 off and I'm not brushing my hair.
02:17 I'm still in my bed clothes.
02:21 And I may not have even shaved.
02:23 It's like, pfft, nobody wants to look at that.
02:27 And if I'm at work, well, I mean, no, I'm not going to show you where I'm working.
02:33 I've got a big, huge sign right behind me where I'm working.
02:36 So yeah, that's the reality of the situation.
02:40 But for those of you who have been sticking with me and enjoying my videos, I appreciate
02:44 it.
02:45 I know there are a few of you out there.
02:46 I look at the metrics and, you know, it's a decent amount of, you know, a handful of
02:52 people that have been sticking with each video and I appreciate that.
02:56 I'm sure most of you are probably people I know.
02:59 And thank you.
03:00 Thank you very much.
03:01 And for the couple of you I don't know, hey, thank you.
03:05 Thank you very much.
03:06 Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe.
03:09 And also hit the little bell notification problem.
03:11 Not problem, button.
03:14 That is a problem though.
03:16 So yeah.
03:18 So you know, when I'm at work and I'm streaming, there's a lot of dead space.
03:24 Just a lot of dead space.
03:26 And there's nothing I can do about that because I'm at work.
03:28 When I'm at home, there are like random pockets of dead space.
03:34 So I don't have the setup where I could put on a video.
03:40 I mean, I should set one up like that.
03:43 But I mean, my little computer, I have to keep most of the hard drives clear.
03:47 So I don't have any videos I can share or anything like that.
03:52 So that's basically the summary of what's going on.
03:56 I'm three minutes into this and you guys probably want, or four minutes into this, you guys
04:01 probably want to see some gameplay.
04:03 So let's go ahead and start and let's enjoy this.
04:11 Like there, I just yawned.
04:15 Let's enjoy this.
04:16 Let's have fun.
04:17 Let's see how far I can get tonight.
04:19 I think, I think I can finish this game tonight.
04:26 I've been kicking some serious butt since, I mean, I know the enemy so well, and I know
04:31 how to take care of them, but Strad's Castle really does suck.
04:40 And I'm not sure how long that'll take me.
04:44 I mean, look at what happened to Caves in the Ivalice.
04:47 It took me four hours to beat those.
04:51 Strad's Castle was, one day I was in it for two days.
04:55 I mean, not one day, but one time I played I was in it for two days.
05:01 There are so, so many secret doors and walls and stuff.
05:08 That's another thing you might notice.
05:09 I mean, I don't go through and edit my videos.
05:12 I just press pause and play.
05:15 And that's because I used to edit videos like Final Fantasy VII.
05:19 I was doing a full blown walkthrough.
05:22 Master all the material 100%, everything.
05:25 I missed one thing.
05:27 I went back and redid it and did a video of me redoing it.
05:30 So technically the video is 100%, even though my save file isn't exactly 100%.
05:36 And it was stealing Yuffie's weapon from the diamond weapon.
05:43 I keep forgetting about that because that weapon is so much trash that I don't bother
05:48 ever getting it.
05:50 That's the only thing I really kind of miss.
05:52 That's why I went back and got it and I edited it.
05:55 So yeah, I do have editing software.
05:57 Yeah, I do edit videos.
06:00 I think one of my best edit jobs was with Alien Isolation because I had to do so many
06:07 cuts and speed things.
06:10 But I mean, I just don't really have the time.
06:14 So you're just seeing live playthroughs is what you guys are seeing.
06:20 And I'll just like manually just cut out giant things.
06:24 You don't need to see me kill every vampire in the graveyard.
06:28 I ran around once, showed you the graveyard, and then I paused it.
06:32 And then I spent the next hour killing ghouls and vampires.
06:38 You really don't need to see me doing that.
06:40 If you want to see me doing that, you can watch the live stream.
06:45 But there's nothing there of value to be gained as an audience person.
06:51 And you know, I'm also going off by memory.
06:53 I'm trying not to look at the walkthrough, although I decided to look at the walkthrough
06:57 to make sure I didn't miss anything.
07:00 Because I was getting a couple things wrong.
07:03 And they were just minor things that I got wrong.
07:06 So when I give advice about the game, I'm giving advice from 20 years ago.
07:12 Last time I played was, I don't know, at least this far was 20 years ago.
07:17 I've begun and stopped this game several times since then.
07:21 But so it really is, I mean, it's fun.
07:29 It's a trip back to memory lane.
07:32 That's why this is on Once More Gaming.
07:33 Oh, and here's another thing.
07:35 I want to make this very clear.
07:38 There are like three or four other channels called Once More Gaming on YouTube.
07:45 Every single one of them came after I first started streaming on Twitch.
07:52 And I opened up my Dailymotion site.
07:55 So as far as I'm concerned, I'm the original Once More Gaming.
07:59 I just wasn't on YouTube.
08:01 So I found out none of the other people got partnered and I thought, you know what, I'm
08:05 just going to go ahead and do my YouTube thing.
08:07 If anybody causes me problems, I'll just drop them a link to my Dailymotion site, my Twitch.
08:15 I've been on there since before anyone else.
08:19 To my knowledge.
08:21 I mean, over 10 years.
08:24 If there's somebody who's older than me, then they clearly quit because I can't find them.
08:30 I don't know where they are.
08:33 But having said that, unlike other people, I'm not going to go after everyone and say,
08:37 "I was Once More Gaming first!"
08:40 I'm just saying, if anybody's like, "There are other Once More Games."
08:44 Yeah, you know, I'm the OG.
08:48 I'm the OG.
08:49 I'm also not very popular.
08:50 So take that what you will.
08:56 And now, nine minutes into me talking.
09:00 So this is going to be a Talky Talk episode.
09:03 And now we're going to get into the gaming episode.
09:06 You know what, I figured that this one might actually be a short episode to begin with.
09:11 Because what do I need to do?
09:12 I need to resurrect the Cleric.
09:17 And after I resurrect the Cleric, I'm going to go ahead and cure the Werewolf.
09:24 I don't know.
09:26 You know what, I don't know if I should keep the Thief.
09:33 I mean, I really don't.
09:35 He's got high dexterity, but I don't know if I should keep the Thief.
09:39 I might get that woman back.
09:41 So I think I'm going to get that woman back.
09:43 But I'll get her back after I resurrect the Cleric.
09:46 So let's get going.
09:48 And here we go.
09:49 Let's have some fun.
10:52 [Music]
11:16 [Music]
11:36 [Music]
11:54 Oh it was me, indeed it was.
11:56 [Music]
11:58 He was my Novice.
12:00 [Music]
12:04 Oh we've already went through all of that, so I just need to go downstairs.
12:08 [Music]
12:22 [Music]
12:29 [Music]
12:39 [Music]
12:46 [Music]
13:03 [Music]
13:18 How can I ever thank you for my life?
13:21 Not only have you rescued me from death, you have brought back my bones from a cursed and fleshless state.
13:28 I thank the gods I was able to escape Castle Ravenloft, and that I died here where you found me.
13:34 [Music]
13:38 Alright, number one is by whose hand were you stripped to cursed bone? Who did this foul deed?
13:44 Number two is what events led up to this fate? Your flesh, guts, and tissues brushed aside like dust leaving your endless bones.
13:53 Ooh, I'm going to do them in order.
13:58 [Music]
14:01 It was Strahd, you must understand he is no civil and ordinary Count, no mere Lord.
14:07 Strahd is death itself, he's a vampire, a Nosferatu, a creature of solitary evil who feeds on the blood of men, and of women.
14:17 This land will know peace only if he is destroyed, and I will gladly join any efforts in that regard.
14:25 So he's Italian? Just kidding, I love that joke, dead and loving it. One of the best vampire movies ever made.
14:33 [Music]
14:35 Know this, I suspected our Lord Strahd of being a vampire, and so I stole into Castle Ravenloft while the sun burned bright, intent to destroy him.
14:46 How can I describe the raw course and scabrous evil, the horror of Strahd's minions as they attacked me?
14:53 It is impossible, I barely escaped with my life, yet when I reached the church, dust had drawn its veil across the land, and Strahd was there.
15:04 [Music]
15:08 How could you, a priest, have gone to Castle Ravenloft, uninvited and alone? I can't believe you had a key.
15:14 [Music]
15:17 Exactly, north of Barovia lies a barrier, a gate beyond which a path snakes its way to Strahd's castle.
15:24 I possess the key to that gate, even in death I hid it beyond Strahd's recovery.
15:30 I know not what quest you are about, but as certain as the rising sun, whatever you seek is in that castle.
15:38 Believe it, Strahd controls, watches, and holds all information and all things of value in the land.
15:46 [Music]
15:49 Alright, so, one, everything we've seen points to Strahd's control of this valley.
15:55 We should take another tour of his castle, uninvited, will you join us?
15:59 And two, true Strahd's authority seems boundless.
16:03 I can't ask you to join us after what you've experienced, but will you give up the key so that we might visit the castle uninvited?
16:10 [Music]
16:12 I mean, for completion's sake, I'll do number two first, then I'll do number one, even if I have to jump cut and run all the way back.
16:19 [Music]
16:25 The key is yours, I know you will use it well.
16:29 And when you come to realize the whole horror of Strahd's nature, you will work toward his destruction.
16:34 I believe it with all my heart.
16:37 [Music]
16:46 How can I ever thank you for-
16:47 [Music]
16:49 It-
16:50 [Music]
17:01 Well, that's interesting.
17:03 [Music]
17:05 The game seems to have bugged out.
17:08 [Music]
17:16 How can I ever thank you for-
17:18 [Music]
17:19 It was Strahd!
17:21 [Music]
17:22 Know this.
17:24 [Music]
17:28 Yeah, this is definitely bugged, okay, so I'm going to, uh, pause, load, and run all the way back.
17:33 [Music]
17:39 Alright, jump cut. Now let's see what happens when I ask him to join us.
17:43 [Music]
17:44 I am at your service, and the key to the gate is yours.
17:48 Let us be off, fortified by one great resolve that we must penetrate Strahd's defenses, and take any action by which we might destroy him.
17:57 [Music]
17:59 I was wrong, I'll admit it.
18:01 You worked too hard for an honest graver I would have kept up.
18:04 Longer hours, anyway.
18:06 If you'll excuse me, I'll be making my way back to the Blood of the Varn for a few refreshments.
18:11 You can find me there, where I'll be expecting a fair share of whatever treasure you come across.
18:17 [Music]
18:31 Dear God, he's a terrible friggin'-
18:34 He's a terrible cleric!
18:36 Wisdom of 16.
18:38 Oh God, that's just awful.
18:40 [Music]
18:47 The mage has a better wisdom score than any of the clerics, and mage's prime ability stat is intelligence.
18:55 I think I'm going to get rid of Misha.
18:58 [Music]
19:23 You know what, I'm going to go ahead and jump cut and grab the bard girl, the black girl.
19:31 Oh God, I forgot her name.
19:33 She's a hell of a lot more badass.
19:36 I'm going to grab her.
19:38 [Music]
19:40 Alright, alright, I'm here.
19:43 Let's see.
19:45 [Music]
19:47 Where, oh come on.
19:49 [Music]
19:52 I guess another jump cut's in order as I figure out where the heck she is.
19:56 [Music]
19:58 Alright, I swear to God that those two characters should be here, and they're not here.
20:04 Um.
20:07 I wonder if my original disc version was slightly different.
20:12 Maybe I'm just misremembering.
20:14 Well, I gotta find them somewhere.
20:17 Alright, I found the bard lady.
20:19 Yay!
20:21 I'm going to mark her on the map.
20:23 She's in a little area.
20:26 Let me just double check to make sure I want her.
20:29 [Music]
20:49 A little of this and a little of that.
20:51 Whatever might add another feather to my hat or a coin to my purse.
20:57 Blade, book, and sleight of hand, these tools of mine are at your command.
21:02 May we journey together with laughter in our voices
21:05 and the sound of jingling coin ever closer to our ears.
21:09 [Music]
21:25 Once again, before I leave, let me thank you for bringing flesh to my wasted bones.
21:30 Now I must continue my purposes on my own.
21:34 But you will remain in my heart and in my prayers.
21:38 I wish you well.
21:40 So, um, yeah, I decided to use her.
21:55 I'm back.
21:57 Um, the, uh...
22:02 I don't even know if you got my...
22:04 Let me replay this because I think I accidentally paused everything.
22:08 So let me go ahead and replay this.
22:10 There we go.
22:14 Let's go through this whole thing again.
22:16 Blade, book, and sleight of hand, these tools of mine are at your command.
22:27 May we journey together with laughter in our voices
22:30 and the sound of jingling coin ever closer to our ears.
22:35 Once again, before I leave, let me thank you for bringing flesh to my wasted bones.
22:41 Now I must continue my purposes on my own.
22:44 But you will remain in my heart and in my prayers.
22:48 I wish you well.
22:50 Yeah, dude, I like you too, but, um, you're trash for a cleric.
22:58 You're a bad cleric.
22:59 Meanwhile, she...
23:00 Look at that, she's got 18 for dexterity.
23:02 She's like the best thief ever.
23:04 Uh, you know, I couldn't remember why I liked her.
23:08 Historically liked her.
23:10 And this is why, she's the best thief ever.
23:12 I just need to level her up, so prepare for another jump cut.
23:16 I'm going to go to a cemetery, kill a bunch of vampires,
23:20 um, commit some genocide,
23:23 and, uh, hunt on the ghouls and everything,
23:26 and, uh, level everybody up a little bit.
23:29 Then I'm going to, uh, rescue the werewolf and end this episode on rescuing the werewolf.
23:34 So, um, jump cut coming up.
23:38 Alright, so, uh, just breaking for a moment, I got the Axe of Hurling.
23:44 This is actually a really, really, really good weapon.
23:47 [laughs]
23:48 So I'm going to go ahead and use the Axe of Hurling right now.
23:52 Uh, and it's, uh...
23:55 I'll mark the spot, interior location, it's in the upper, uh, northeast corner corner.
24:01 So, yeah, jump cut again.
24:05 Alright, so, to my knowledge, uh, um,
24:09 I-I think somehow I dried up all of the monsters.
24:13 I...
24:15 I spent forever in the cemetery and then they stopped spawning on me.
24:22 [laughs]
24:23 So I don't know what's going on.
24:25 I-I think that I killed the progenitor werewolf too,
24:30 so let's go ahead and save.
24:32 And let's follow the instructions.
24:35 Now, where-where are the instructions again?
24:52 Uh, here? Oh, here we go.
24:54 Okay, uh, once I kill the progenitor, uh,
25:06 "Atonement, cure disease, and remove curse."
25:09 [music]
25:14 Atonement...
25:24 Cure disease...
25:29 And remove curse.
25:32 [music]
26:00 Alright, uh, number one, we are glad for you and happy to have been of help.
26:04 Can you find your way home?
26:06 And number two is, what will you do with your life now that you've been healed?
26:09 But I have no home. No worldly possessions. No longer.
26:15 They are yours.
26:17 Here, this key I give you opens a door to a house in the village of Barovia.
26:21 The house and everything within it are yours.
26:24 To do this is the smallest reward any man might confer for the salvation of his mortal life.
26:29 I cannot return.
26:31 Many of my victims' belongings are there.
26:34 I remember my victims.
26:38 I can still see the startled, glazed look in their eyes
26:41 when my weight and strength pinned them beyond hope of escape.
26:44 When my growls were close upon them and the hot breath of animal fury was against their throats.
26:50 Now, though I be weak and mortal, I must make amends.
26:54 I must help those families I have cruelly torn.
26:58 [Music]
27:00 Alright, alright, alright, alright.
27:06 So I stand corrected from what I said earlier.
27:09 Uh, that red key is not the jeweler's, uh, thing.
27:15 It's clearly the reward you get for saving the werewolf.
27:18 And, uh, I know I misidentified it and I said so in the video.
27:23 So please accept my apologies.
27:26 Now let's try and get out of here.
27:29 If I can find a way out.
27:32 Jump cut!
27:34 Alright, might as well record me fixing this.
27:38 Uh, where is it to fix?
27:51 Oh, I didn't, I misidentified it in the, uh, notes.
27:56 Okay, that's good.
27:58 There we go.
28:08 Now that's fixed.
28:11 Now I save.
28:15 And now let's go and head out there.
28:18 [Music]
28:46 And one thing I'm going to be looking up, uh, before the next video is if there is a quest for that man's son.
28:53 Um...
28:55 I don't think there is.
28:58 Uh, I think that there might have been, but it no longer exists.
29:03 It was never implemented, but I'm going to check.
29:07 So let's see.
29:14 Um...
29:16 Oh, yeah, that's right, there's some really cool stuff here.
29:43 [Music]
29:45 I don't think that's actually magic.
30:08 It's not.
30:12 [Music]
30:14 You know what, you're right, Abby.
30:32 How can we, how can we use them?
30:34 There's like nothing here.
30:36 Um...
30:38 Bracers...
30:40 Oh, Gauntlets of Dexterity...
30:43 And I'm going to keep the Ring of Regeneration.
30:51 Um...
31:04 Shiori has the Dexterity of 18.
31:06 I don't think there's, I mean, there's really nothing here.
31:10 I mean, I'm keeping that freaking ring.
31:12 That's for sure.
31:14 Um...
31:17 The victim would want me to have it.
31:20 That's what I, that's what, oh, and a pouch.
31:25 You could always use a pouch.
31:28 Um...
31:30 There.
31:39 Alright, so, uh, I'm not going to take any more potions.
31:43 I got too many.
31:45 Alright, so that's it.
31:47 Um, I'm going to end this video here.
31:49 And, uh, I'm going to look up the walkthrough, see if there's a guy with a,
31:53 there is a quest for the guy with that sun.
31:56 If, I remember that there was a quest that I kept missing.
32:00 I don't, I think I spent forever trying to find that quest with that guy and his sun.
32:06 But I may be wrong, unless it's in the old Slavic Road North.
32:11 Because we haven't been there yet.
32:13 I'm going to go, when we come back, we're going to finish the quest in the cemetery.
32:18 And then it's going to be off to Stratz.
32:21 Uh, to Castle Ravenloft.
32:24 Now, uh, it may, either it's going to end next episode or next two episodes.
32:31 So, uh, yeah, and, uh, just for people wondering how much time I cut out of this video.
32:37 Uh, this video ran, is running at 33 minutes.
32:41 I spent 8 minutes talking at the beginning of this video.
32:44 And the stream, including my talking, is in 1 hour and 40 minutes.
32:48 It was literally mind-numbing nothingness.
32:52 So I saved you from a bunch of nothing.
32:56 Anyway, so, uh, yeah, I'm showing you all the important fun parts.
33:01 And, uh, of course there's the grindy RPG parts that you guys really don't need to see.
33:07 If you do want to see it, go ahead and watch the live stream.
33:10 Uh, hang out with me some time.
33:13 And chat, and all that good stuff.
33:15 So take care, love you all.
33:17 Like, comment, share, subscribe, and click the little notification button.
33:24 Hope you guys have a wonderful day.
33:27 [Music]
