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Music used with permission and licensed to How Ridiculous by Dream Records LLC | Sync Royalty


00:00If you add air to anything, will it blow up?
00:02That's what we'll...
00:04Yes! Yes! Yes! He's stuck!
00:08That's what we're here to find out!
00:10Let's start for it!
00:11Hot water bottle!
00:12Yes! We've got a nice board that's written, Scott!
00:15We're on a road of discovery.
00:17To what can we blow up?
00:18I'm on the road!
00:19Hot water bottle first.
00:20Bet you haven't blown one up before.
00:22Hopefully we do.
00:23Ready to go. Attached to the compressor.
00:25Flash shield!
00:26First round with the water bottle.
00:28What psi is it going to blow?
00:2967 psi.
00:32Triple digit!
00:333, 2...
00:34Hang on! Hang on!
00:37Oh, big!
00:38What are we at?
00:42It's getting so big!
00:45It's dropping!
00:46It's dropping!
00:47That is a large thing!
00:50Oh my goodness!
00:52I don't...
00:53It's at 107, 105!
00:55It's still getting bigger too!
00:56Is it getting bigger?
00:58Oh my goodness!
00:59What is this thing?
01:01Oh my goodness!
01:03I'm so tense.
01:04It's dropping.
01:05The psi is dropping.
01:06But I think it's still growing.
01:07But the volume is increasing.
01:09The pressure's dropping.
01:10It's finding a...
01:11Is it growing?
01:12It's got to find a spot.
01:13How much do you want to throw a dart at that thing right now?
01:15So bad.
01:16Can I ask?
01:17Is it growing?
01:18I think it still is.
01:19I think it is.
01:20It's hard to tell.
01:21It's heading down to my 67.
01:23That is a large boy.
01:25Nah, it is getting bigger.
01:27It's definitely getting bigger.
01:32Do we need a...
01:33Oh, it's going up slowly because the volume...
01:35Yeah, the volume's increasing.
01:36It's huge!
01:37Is it still getting bigger?
01:39Hope so.
01:40It is.
01:41That thing...
01:42Nah, it is.
01:44Come on, up to 67!
01:46This is the world's strongest water bottle!
01:50I'm shaking.
01:53Oh, it's moving.
01:55It's live.
01:56It's going up!
01:57Resilient hot water bottle.
01:58It's getting scared.
01:59Hold on to that camera tight, Stan.
02:00I'm flipping so tense.
02:01Oh, it's 57.
02:02It's heading towards your territory, Stan.
02:04I no longer...
02:05I can't see any crew members.
02:06They've all abandoned us.
02:07I'm so...
02:08I'm getting reamed by this camera.
02:10Stanley hasn't charged up.
02:12Oh, that was because the thing's off.
02:17That nearly hit the Phantom.
02:1949.5 PSI.
02:21Really caught me off guard.
02:23The video started with a bang, boys.
02:26That was a good start.
02:27We have the world's largest exercise ball coming up.
02:29Like, that could get massive.
02:31It came back to shape pretty good.
02:32Yeah, it just, like, basically shrunk.
02:34I mean, we know what rubber can do.
02:35Like, we bounced a bowling ball pretty dang high with some good rubber.
02:38I've got to put 49.5 PSI.
02:40Stan, forget that.
02:41I was closest.
02:42I get a point.
02:43And look, pressure's been on there.
02:44Hot, hot water bottle's currently in the lead.
02:46Karim's picked the next item, which is a...
02:48Wubble Bubble!
02:49It's like a little funnel.
02:51It's like a little fun kids thing that you just blow up.
02:53You can put water in it.
02:54We threw it off.
02:55Did we throw one off the dam?
02:56Oh, yeah!
02:57It's Wubble Bubble time!
02:58I reckon this is going to go good.
03:02It could also go bad.
03:03Bit of flubber about this.
03:05Really get that valve open.
03:06I'd make a hell of a surgery.
03:07Don't you put a...
03:08Just found the lower intestine, boys.
03:10Let's patch this up.
03:11And then close it.
03:13My wife says to me with total, like, sincerity?
03:19One of those two.
03:20She's like, no, you couldn't be a doctor.
03:21And I'm like, yeah, but wait a minute.
03:23What if I really tried?
03:24Like, really tried.
03:25Like, took 50 years to become a doctor.
03:27She's like, you wouldn't make it.
03:28And I'm like, no, I would.
03:29I would make a doctor.
03:31You reckon?
03:32Well, it'd be hard at first, but I'd get there.
03:34Would you be happy if Gornson was your doctor?
03:37Let us know in the comments, everyone.
03:38Looks like a bubble, Heron.
03:39Plays like a ball.
03:41It says it's made from expandium, which is trademark.
03:45So I don't know if I'm allowed to say that.
03:46When Gornson pulls the trigger, I'm pressing start.
03:49How long until it blows up?
03:5018 minutes, 42 seconds.
03:5228 minutes and 22 seconds.
03:56Far out.
03:57We've got to remember.
03:58We're going to go get lunch and come back.
03:59I hope.
04:01So what, 13, 18, 28?
04:02Yeah, and 22 seconds.
04:03Oh, did you go to 22?
04:04I think we can scrap the seconds.
04:06I'm pretty out of minutes.
04:11Wow, look at that.
04:12Wow, we're racing.
04:32Danford gets another point.
04:33I was 15 seconds off.
04:35Well done Gornson, good riding.
04:36There you go, so it's currently...
04:38Which makes no sense.
04:40It doesn't quite compute that.
04:42The bubble bubble I think could require more pressure.
04:45The skin of the thing is like thin as.
04:47Yeah, but it was Expandium trademarked.
04:49The PSI on the Wubba Bubba is 65 and the PSI on the hot water bottle is 49, I'm struggling
04:56with the logic.
04:57That's a good graph though.
04:58I freaking love...
04:59It's not a graph.
05:00Aaron, you can pick the next thing, what do you want to buy?
05:04A Rexy!
05:05Replica Rexy.
05:06Where's the air going in again?
05:07Um, we're just going to shove a needle in him.
05:08Josh also looking dangerous with a drill.
05:10Oh, hey, hey, whoa, whoa!
05:13Is he going to just stand and deliver?
05:16Imagine if, imagine if, um...
05:25Imagine if...
05:26That is a heck of a slide!
05:27I told you!
05:28Thank you, Derek!
05:29That's what I felt like.
05:31Hey, if we film together, we launch together, that's how it works.
05:36That's not correct.
05:37We're filming down here with Rexy and you just...
05:39That does look really good.
05:40Yeah, but I'm a piece.
05:41Yeah, we are here.
05:42Yeah, it was a 22 inch.
05:44You'd have to use a US passport to buy that one.
05:47This is going to be a fun game, boys.
05:49Young Joshua has constructed some booths.
05:52Jack, were you involved in the rigging of the lighting?
05:54I thread air printed the adapters.
05:56You need to press this button.
05:57Go back in, go back in.
05:58If I think it's going to pop, I've got to push the button.
06:01Oh, and that is actually yours.
06:04That might be your best Rexy ever.
06:05No, nah.
06:06It kind of looks like a chicken.
06:07A chicken, yeah.
06:08Well, Rexy's a pretty chicken.
06:09Practically got there.
06:10Oh, no, that didn't help, Scott.
06:11Why'd that do that?
06:13Sometimes you've got to stop.
06:14What was it?
06:15It's tough too.
06:16It's the last one to push their button before it pops.
06:19Gets a smack.
06:20Gets a point.
06:21And a point.
06:22Once you push button, that's your locked in and you can't see what anyone else has done.
06:27I kind of zoned out, which is a bummer.
06:30What was the rule?
06:31Here I am, I'll start.
06:32Three, two, one, begin.
06:36Oh, I was too late.
06:43I think I was just too late as well.
06:45I was too late, but who was the worst too late?
06:47Oh, a little tear.
06:48Separate to where he was being inflated?
06:50Yeah, that was there.
06:51I am going to award the point to the quickest reaction.
06:56Be the one.
06:57Be the one.
06:58Come on, come on, Red.
06:59Oh, Godson got it.
07:01High quality dinosaur.
07:02I mean, I know we've been testing him for years, but he just copped a fair bit.
07:05What PSI?
07:06He was big.
07:09Things that can't stretch much should need higher pressures.
07:11We're back with Rexy, round two.
07:13We just want a bigger, so we're going like, what is it?
07:17More PSI quicker.
07:18Josh has rigged up the big dog canister.
07:20Big dog canister.
07:21The BDC.
07:23We call it the BDC from now on.
07:25We'll just get a way bigger boom.
07:26I think we're all a bit flat about the, there's too much flatulence.
07:29We really want some boom.
07:30And no point on offer here.
07:31This is just for funsies.
07:33Three, two, one.
07:43That was better.
07:44That was way better.
07:47Oh, just blew out his stomach.
07:49Rex, you got the BDC in a big way.
07:51Look, it's snowing.
07:52Um, I guess we'll go to the fan.
07:55That was...
07:58I hope you blew out the front.
07:59Please blow out the front.
08:00He definitely blew out the front.
08:01It's like those kangaroos that are real jacked.
08:02You know, the ones that are like, serious weight.
08:05Look how big his neck is getting.
08:06Look at the width.
08:07He's like rugby player now.
08:08He's in the scrum.
08:09There's a wobble.
08:11The width and the hips.
08:12Not typically a compliment.
08:13Look at the width and the hips.
08:15That was like...
08:17Oh, yes.
08:18It's snowing.
08:19It's snowing.
08:20It's snowing.
08:21It's snowing.
08:22It's snowing.
08:23It's snowing.
08:24It's snowing.
08:25It's snowing.
08:26It's snowing.
08:27It's snowing.
08:28It's snowing.
08:29It's snowing.
08:31It's snowing.
08:32It's snowing from his groin.
08:33I'm so glad we redid that.
08:34Come on, DH.
08:35You need a lift, son.
08:36Don't get left behind.
08:37There's definitely people out there that don't know our first names, isn't there?
08:40They just think I'm Stamford.
08:41It's like Ronaldo.
08:42You just call me Stamford.
08:43It's my first and last.
08:44Let's go on to...
08:45Let him cook.
08:46Let him cook.
08:47Should we write Minwoo Lee on this thing?
08:48Minwoo Lee!
08:49I've never used a pressure cooker.
08:50Have you cooked anything in a pressure cooker?
08:51I haven't, but you know what's high pressure and cooking?
09:00The first comment is, do you want to be in a video?
09:03First time ever!
09:05We're giving a chance for you, one lucky fan, to fly out and join us.
09:11Be in one of our videos.
09:12We're going to pay for everything for you to be a part of it.
09:14It's gonna be awesome.
09:15This is what you've got to do.
09:16Join the VIP club, which is absolutely free.
09:20RexyClothing.com, it will be there.
09:22But also I'm going to put a link in the description.
09:24Go click that, sign up.
09:25It's going to take 30 seconds.
09:27And you just might be picked.
09:29for doing very little.
09:30And I think, Derek, what we'll do is,
09:31when we do pick one at random,
09:33I think we give them a call.
09:34Let's just get on the block.
09:35Get on the block.
09:37A little FaceTime.
09:38We'll be like, hey, Andrew, or Louisa.
09:41Are you available in September the 18th
09:44to come with us to Switzerland to film a video?
09:46Or I don't know what it'll be, or whatever.
09:48Love it.
09:49Why do people use these?
09:50Gordon, do you know?
09:51Like, why do people-
09:52I can't unsee yogurt.
09:55You cook yogurt in a pressure cooker.
09:57That's actually a really good question.
09:59I've never used one.
09:59Have you used one?
10:00A pressure cooker?
10:01No, but I think this is like a pressure cooker
10:03and a slow cooker.
10:04So I think you can use it with or without pressure.
10:05But I also don't know how you cook yogurt, so.
10:07There is six men here,
10:09and we all don't know what this is.
10:11Why do you want to cook under pressure?
10:12Actually, funnily enough,
10:13I bought it from a sweet lady on Facebook Marketplace.
10:16Sweet lady.
10:17And she's like, it's all brand new, it's fine.
10:19And she said, are you going to use it?
10:20I said, I'm going to try.
10:21She laughed at me.
10:22She didn't even know what I was going to use it for.
10:24Josh, what have you done here?
10:25Pressure cookers don't typically have this going in there.
10:29I plugged up the holes on top.
10:30These are like safety vents.
10:32So I had to plug these up.
10:33Oh, so we've reduced safety vents.
10:35I like that.
10:36Yeah, we don't want that.
10:37Yeah, we don't need safety vents.
10:38No, we're not about that, yeah.
10:39And then we just put a tire valve
10:40straight into the cooker itself.
10:43And that's just to make sure it stays on.
10:44Are we slowly incrementing this up with the BDC?
10:47What did BDC stand for?
10:49Big dog canister.
10:50Big dog canister, there we go.
10:51Through the regulator.
10:52Through the regulator.
10:54Many words.
10:55All right, let's just,
10:56pressure cooker blow up thing.
10:58All right, hectic explosion.
11:11Point up for grabs this round.
11:12What pressure will it explode?
11:13Got to make your guess.
11:14350 PSI.
11:19That's impressive.
11:20Just a guess.
11:21Probably wrong.
11:22What do you reckon?
11:24How good?
11:25The bad part about going first.
11:27You know what's even better is that the gauge
11:29on this high pressure thing's in kilopascals.
11:31Let us know when you're ready, Wallaces.
11:34All right, cool.
11:38Here we go, all right, Gaunson.
11:40Hemsworth, ready.
11:41Gaunson, ready.
11:43Here we go.
11:43Funniest part about that,
11:44I don't think anyone's seen it.
11:45Hemsworth jokingly cuddles Derek.
11:47Derek snarls like a terrier.
11:50You should put a torch on fire.
11:51Yes, yes.
11:52Wouldn't that be cool?
11:53The whole thing should burn up in flames.
11:54And then we actually have to use the fire extinguisher,
11:56not for the gimmicky kind of fun,
11:58but it was like, save me.
11:59Stop, drop, and roll.
12:00He just called this gimmicky.
12:03No, no, no, no.
12:05That's a gimmicky.
12:05I meant like-
12:06100 PSI.
12:07Three, two, one, go.
12:09Up to 100 PSI.
12:13That's a hundred.
12:15Go to 200 PSI.
12:20Oh, flip.
12:21Jeepers creepers.
12:26Okay, now this is sketched.
12:27Do we cancel?
12:28Heron's winning.
12:30Get behind the painting.
12:31Get behind the painting.
12:32You know it's 400.
12:35The lid popped off.
12:36400 PSI.
12:37Heron gets his first point of the video.
12:40Well done on your ceiling, Mr. Josh.
12:43Flippin' big.
12:44Is it a double O?
12:46Well, it's a pressure cooker.
12:48That's not cooker, is it?
12:50It looks like it, man.
12:50I mean, stay away from the single O.
12:52You're saying that was 400 on the nose.
12:55Yeah, it was sitting at 400.
12:56On the nose.
12:59We have a new leader.
13:00We have a new leader.
13:03Next up is another pretty intense item.
13:05We have the Stanley Cup.
13:07And not of the NHL variety.
13:09Josh has put valve in bottom.
13:11Fluid in.
13:12Do we know what fluid's in there, Josh,
13:13or is it a secret?
13:14Oh, it's mystery fluid.
13:15Is this as tight as it can go?
13:16Give it the Heron type of approval.
13:18And then go on Sanago, you can get a little more.
13:19Look at the carpenter's hands.
13:21More than a carpenter.
13:22Yeah, I did get a little bit there.
13:24Typically in How Ridiculous History,
13:25if Gaunson has tightened something,
13:27only Gaunson can loosen it.
13:29Gaunson likes to tighten the berries off things.
13:31Actually, you can see my Instagram handle.
13:33It's like, bio is incredible grip strength.
13:38You change that.
13:39Yeah, I might do it as well.
13:40All right, anyway, this thing's rigged up.
13:42You've got an app?
13:43I've got the app.
13:43We've got a scoreboard app.
13:45Pressure games.
13:46Nathan from Runtime Entertainment.
13:49Good on you, Nathan.
13:50I've also got a scoreboard board.
13:53You can actually download this too.
13:54HR Scorecard app.
13:56On the App Store.
13:57Psalm 8, member of HR, incredible grip strength.
14:00All right, well, we've been talking some serious smack.
14:03No idea what Editor Jack included,
14:05but it's probably a 10th of what we said.
14:06It's a small freshwater crayfish, basically.
14:09And I just put my finger in there and just let him bite me.
14:11Point to anyone who pushes the button last.
14:14Before it explodes.
14:15And if you haven't pushed it and it's exploded, you're out.
14:17Oh yeah, I found this funny purple ball.
14:19It's got a really sad face.
14:20It's looking right at the camera on the lid.
14:21Here we go, here we go, here we go.
14:23Surely not all my hidden spy camera on Stanford.
14:27Can you see the screen?
14:31Get that out of here.
14:31Starting in three, two, one.
14:38Oh, heck.
14:45Had anyone else hit that button?
14:51Just after him.
14:53It's literally like not quarter of a second.
14:56I'll take the point, thank you.
14:57What do we got?
14:58Oh, it's got twin thermoblock system.
15:00Sure we couldn't make some money off this
15:02before we destroy it?
15:03It's my old one that I gave to HR.
15:05Oh, did you?
15:06And then I fixed it here.
15:07And then I tried to make a coffee a couple of days ago
15:08and it went and spat at me.
15:11And we thought, right.
15:12And then I made a deal with Josh.
15:13If this works and it blows up,
15:15I'll buy a new coffee machine for the office.
15:17He did.
15:17I sent him to the link this morning.
15:19What have you got there?
15:20If we want to blow up six coffee machines,
15:22this is how we do it.
15:23Typically you can't inflate a coffee machine.
15:26You shouldn't be able to.
15:27I can see you've done this.
15:28What's that attached to?
15:29It's actually the boiler.
15:30You're gonna pick the game that we're playing for this one.
15:32What game are we playing?
15:33I think it's a, will it explode?
15:35Or will we blow our hose?
15:36Hose or machine?
15:42I'm also voting machine.
15:43Rock off for the point.
15:43Rock off for the point.
15:44If machine goes.
15:45This could be rather loose.
15:46So we're actually gonna go behind the brick wall
15:49around the corner and just listen.
15:50All right.
15:51Gas going on.
15:52Increasing pressure.
16:04Is that hissing out?
16:06Are we losing pressure?
16:12There's something really psycho about this.
16:14My neck is tensing up a lot.
16:20I think that's a nil old draw.
16:21The reality is that sometimes when you try
16:23to over-inflate things that you don't normally do that,
16:26it doesn't work.
16:26Wait, look at the hose.
16:29Points, points, points.
16:31The hose.
16:32Points, points, points, points, points, points.
16:34I don't think it busted, but it wasn't far off.
16:36The hose has.
16:38The hose is not broken.
16:39The hose is still intact.
16:41Taking this to the tribunal.
16:42This is crazy.
16:43You would, this is not safe for work.
16:45We cannot use this hose again.
16:47Well, we shouldn't.
16:48We definitely could.
16:49How has this not fundamentally inhibited
16:52its structural integrity?
16:54What was that sentence?
16:54Does it still work?
16:55That was actually quite smart from Dr. Gornson.
16:57Well, I'm upset.
16:58I deserve a point.
17:00It hasn't burst.
17:02I have not damaged the hose.
17:03I have not broken the hose in any way, shape, or form.
17:05I would say you have not split the hose.
17:07But that's not what you agreed to.
17:08We can take this back to the shop.
17:10Gornson, can we push air through that
17:11and inflate something?
17:12Could we inflate a basketball with this?
17:14Here's what you can't do.
17:14No, no, answer the question.
17:16Answer my question.
17:17No, no, answer mine first.
17:18If you put air in at one end,
17:19it will come out the other.
17:20So it works.
17:21But not 100% of the air.
17:22That thing's got tumors down the whole thing.
17:25It didn't fail.
17:2670, 75 points.
17:29The hose did not fail.
17:31If you had said to me.
17:32It made it back to earth.
17:33It will bulge.
17:34Wait a hot second.
17:36The hose.
17:37Are you actually serious or are you pulling me late?
17:40You should have differentiated between failure
17:42and catastrophic failure.
17:43That's what you're trying to say.
17:44Hashtag absolute poppy cocks.
17:49Basketball is next,
17:50but we're going to inflate three at once.
17:52We all have to pick what we think is the strongest one.
17:55Volunteer tribute.
17:56Last survivor wins the point.
17:5760 seconds to select starts now.
18:03I have selected.
18:04Locked in.
18:04Has all the characteristics of that ball,
18:06but it's also got an extra layer.
18:08I know for a fact that's just glued on.
18:10So I think you've selected poorly.
18:11Gornson, Stanford, Heron rigged up.
18:15Now, I believe one will go first
18:16and that'll be knocked out.
18:17We'll reset and then have a finale.
18:19Got a new hose too.
18:20Look at this.
18:21How good?
18:22Oh, we could have used the same one.
18:23Oh, we could have.
18:24Should have, would have.
18:24Three, two, one.
18:33Shot loses on to the final.
18:35I mean, ours are very similar.
18:36Like they're made by the same company.
18:38They're both just rubber.
18:39Yeah, mine's got the star on it, Stan.
18:41Mama always told me I was a star.
18:43Mine's for performance though.
18:44Come on.
18:45Come on, hold.
18:46Daddy, come on.
18:47That's a hundred.
18:49Go up.
18:52Yours is looking big, Stanford.
18:54Oh, mine is expanding quick.
18:56Oh, mine's catching up.
18:58Hit it.
18:59Come on, daddy.
19:03Wow, 300.
19:05That can't be right.
19:09They were very close.
19:10Good thing we got a high-speed camera.
19:12This is a phantom.
19:14Down to the wire.
19:15Josh called 300 PSI.
19:18That was nuts, though.
19:19348 PSI.
19:20Spalding dong, that's big.
19:22Everyone ready?
19:27It's pretty conclusive, wasn't it?
19:29Point to me.
19:30What is the time between?
19:31Jack, can you calculate that?
19:342.74 millis?
19:35Like million.
19:36Like point.
19:37Milliseconds in a second.
19:41No, how many?
19:42Whoa, whoa, whoa.
19:43What's a millisecond?
19:44Heading into lunch on day two.
19:46Heron moves on to three.
19:48Brett's on two and Scott's on one.
19:52These have got names on them.
19:53So we've got Heron, Stanford and NS Gonzo.
19:55See if you get that.
19:56Josh has sealed these.
19:57They also have a surprise in them.
19:59Just so you know.
20:00What's the game?
20:00I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out about it later.
20:01Should it be who goes first?
20:03Oh yeah, the other way around.
20:04We can mix it up.
20:05We've also just got lots of bouncy balls
20:06from when we dropped 100,000.
20:07Are we winning anything or is it just glory?
20:09Is there anything better than glory?
20:10I've got a great prize.
20:11What's the prize?
20:12A completely functioning blue house.
20:29Yeah, we win!
20:30Oh, the blue can of candy!
20:32Clean up, Judy!
20:35What was it?
20:3620 L buckets.
20:38That's a mighty seal from the Bunnings bucket.
20:51This is the first time I've ever seen one of these.
20:55Let go and he'll return to his normal shape.
20:58It's like a bit stress ball-y.
21:00I've seen people fill this with water,
21:02but never air it.
21:03Is it a booth job?
21:04Last one to push their buzzer before he pops.
21:06This is very, like, Toy Story.
21:09And the fact that I'm slamming it down.
21:13Oh, now it's like a gel.
21:14See that?
21:18Got a bit of Armstrong on me.
21:20Hang in there, stretchy boy.
21:28His limbs aren't getting bigger.
21:30Like a big potato.
21:35That was a fizzer.
21:36Oh, that's true.
21:37That is very weird.
21:42What do you make of that, Stretch?
21:44I, for one, am disappointed in Stretch.
21:46I expected way better.
21:47What are you doing to me, Mark?
21:50I mean, to his credit,
21:51he did return to exactly what he was.
21:53Yeah, but without his head.
21:56That would be a great game to play with, like, a balloon
21:59or something that just takes a while.
22:01Like an exercise ball?
22:02We came up with this idea actually years ago.
22:04But how do you feel about
22:05all of us sitting on this ball
22:07and it's the last one to get off gets the point?
22:10Because I guess once one goes,
22:11it's just head to head.
22:12Someone gets an instant free pass, I'm out.
22:14The other two, it's really, they decide.
22:16How does it work for your children?
22:17I don't have any, yeah.
22:18I don't plan on having any more.
22:19Maybe I'll stay there till it goes.
22:25What if two of us are on it when it goes?
22:27Rock off for the point.
22:28I like that.
22:29I reckon.
22:30That'll do.
22:34Oh my God!
22:35Oh no, I'm on for a while.
22:37I've got heaps to go here.
22:39What are we at?
22:40Three, three, two.
22:41I'm fogging up in me glasses.
22:46I'm bleeding!
22:51He's going down.
22:52I'm just going to bleed.
22:53No, I think I'm just here to the base.
22:55Oh no!
22:56Oh, she's caught!
22:58Wow, that is a taut ball.
23:07I'm on!
23:14Slap the leg!
23:15Slap the leg!
23:24Slap the leg.
23:25And that's why men don't live as long as women.
23:29Got him.
23:30Point for me!
23:31No, it didn't break.
23:33No, it didn't.
23:35Let's see the...
23:36Oh, yeah.
23:37Yeah, it's red.
23:38I'm feeling big red.
23:54Back in the booth.
23:55Let's play it out.
23:56We have the world's largest exercise ball.
23:57We call him Big Red.
23:58Mega ball.
23:59180 centimeters.
24:01These are the sort of balls...
24:04Literally horsing around.
24:05We've had some great moments with the Big Red.
24:10Oh, dear!
24:13Oh, the air gets so far!
24:20Oh, it's getting better!
24:24Big Red.
24:28He was also ready.
24:29He's still under-inflated, even though he's that big.
24:30I mean...
24:32He's two things.
24:33He's big and he's red.
24:34The last one to press it before it pops.
24:37In the booth.
24:38Score check.
24:39If I get this one, me and Derek will tie, and there will be a sudden death round for
24:42the winner.
24:43With Jean-Claude Van Damme.
24:44And you can win a brand new car!
24:48In the day and age of like, oh, I'm going to win a million dollars or give away a Tesla,
24:51I think there's something fun that HR...
24:53Just plays for nothing.
24:54We just play to win.
24:56Just for fun.
24:57We think there's something good about that.
24:58We care enough just because we want to play a game.
25:00Then tell my wife that I won.
25:01And I'll be proud, and she'll be proud.
25:03Have you ever considered, like, how insane it is that you can bang a nail into wood and
25:08it just will not come out?
25:11I haven't put a lot of thought into that.
25:20Oh, there we go.
25:22In you go, big red!
25:24Oh, it is definitely growing.
25:25It's definitely growing.
25:29He's going to go!
25:38I'm glad I pushed my button.
25:40No, you didn't.
25:41You dirty little liar.
25:45This is a big unit!
25:47He's going to go!
25:50Wow, we're so close to him.
25:52Far out!
25:55He's massive!
26:03Stamford wins.
26:04Hey, so it's a tie?
26:06Don't scare me so badly.
26:08Oh, it's a big boy.
26:10It's a big freaking boy.
26:13It's so big!
26:21I wish we put beanbags in here.
26:23Remember when we all pushed our buttons about 10 minutes ago?
26:26It's been a while.
26:27How are you going, Gordon?
26:28I've kind of relaxed into it now, realising there's nothing I can do about it.
26:31This thing needs to blow!
26:38Thanks for that.
26:39Hey, no wonder this thing took the bowling ball so well.
26:41Yeah, we had it like half this time.
26:54Oh my god!
27:07Finale items are set up.
27:09The game is pick the order in which they explode.
27:12If you get them in the right order, you get a point for that one.
27:14Most win, so we're going to do it in secret.
27:16We've got mini basketball, rugby ball, volleyball, Australian rules football, soccer ball and dodgeball.
27:23I've officially done my list and I'm submitting it to Scott.
27:26So we've agreed on only dodgeball and volleyball.
27:30Do you like that it's called Volleyball Wilson?
27:32Yeah, I had to format it.
27:34The reality, Gordon, is we could both get them all wrong and we're rocking off.
27:38Alright, we've got 20.
27:40Oh, gee.
27:42Heck, what's going to go?
27:50Dodgeball's getting big.
27:53Oh, rugby ball in trouble.
27:55Heck, this is interesting.
27:59You're huge!
28:00No, I think dodgeball can expand a lot.
28:06Wilson's done!
28:08So we need to unclip that?
28:09Wilson's not done.
28:10Oh, rugby!
28:11No, I think we've got to call Wilson.
28:13That's done.
28:15In a hose?
28:16Out a hose?
28:17Probably just let it go.
28:19Oh, heck.
28:22Just kill the dodgeball and the soccer ball.
28:24Get rid of them.
28:25Nah, mini basketball.
28:26You need to go, son.
28:27Oh, footy.
28:28Footy is big.
28:33Oh, footy.
28:35Footy wet.
28:36That's not good.
28:38Footy wet.
28:39That's not good.
28:41Is anything else going to go?
28:42Oh, soccer ball!
28:44I need that to go before that, and I win.
28:46Oh, wow.
28:47We are on.
28:49That's going.
28:51That is inflating.
28:57It's hard not to grimace, isn't it?
28:59It's hard to not see Brett winning this.
29:02It's hard to not see Brett winning this, I do agree.
29:05How's that look?
29:08Brett wins!
29:09I want to blow it though.
29:11Yeah, just connect it.
29:14I think this thing could go a while.
29:22That was very loud!
29:26And that was not wearing my ears.
29:2744 Club love you!
