00:00If I hadn't seen the notes in Martin's room with my own eyes, I I might actually be buying your act. It's not bad
00:08But it's clear from the notes that you were trying to track down your son or at least find out something about him
00:13That's why you went to Martin. I never went to Martin. I
00:17Have never talked to a lawyer about my baby. I've never talked to anyone
00:22Give it up Brooklyn. I saw Martin's notes
00:28Had a baby when you were a teenager Dante's baby you can at least admit that much I can show you pictures of that too
00:34if you'd like
00:48Baby I gave birth in San Francisco
00:56I didn't even know if I had a girl or a boy
01:00Couldn't know I never even him
01:09I have never looked for him and I have never talked to a lawyer
01:17Well, your mother has because she showed up at Martin's hotel room
01:26Forget it Ned my mother and Martin Gray's hotel room
01:30Not exactly, but what were you doing in there? I'm pretty sure that Martin just didn't hand you his notes
01:36No, he didn't. How did you get those pictures? What does it matter the truth's the truth you broke into Martin's hotel room, didn't you?
01:44You got that information
01:46Illegally, I swear if your cousin Carly gave you the master key
01:51Nothing to do with and this has nothing to do with you the child you gave birth to is my son's half-brother
01:59Dante's son
02:00He has another child out in this world
02:05Dante cares about you
02:08And I believe that you care about him. So how could you give birth to his child and never tell him his son existed?
02:19Call me a hypocrite
02:22You got pregnant in high school, too
02:24Remember, I certainly do and you made a choice
02:29That was right for you. And you had people supporting you as they should have. Well Lulu I
02:36Made a different choice. I
02:39gave birth to my child and
02:42I gave him up for adoption so he could have a better life. I
02:47Wasn't ready to be a mother and had I told Dante the truth that choice would have been taken away from me
02:56So you get off your high horse, okay, we both made choices do you regret yours?
03:04I made the choice that was right for me at the time and I am glad that you feel that way
03:10I'm not judging you for your choice. So don't you dare judge me for mine?
03:15I am NOT judging you for your choice. I am judging you for your lies
03:21Dante has a son out in the world and because of your lies, he doesn't know it
03:25No matter what your circumstances were then he deserves to know now and if you won't tell him I will