• 5 hours ago
Pensez-vous que cette canette de soda dans votre main est inoffensive ? 🤔 Nous avons des nouvelles pour vous. Boire directement à la canette pourrait vous exposer à des bactéries cachées, des produits chimiques nocifs, et même à des risques pour la santé inattendus auxquels vous n'aviez jamais pensé ! 😱 Mais ce n'est pas le seul objet du quotidien avec un côté sombre surprenant - des ustensiles de cuisine aux chargeurs de téléphone, certains objets ordinaires peuvent être terriblement dangereux s'ils sont mal utilisés. ⚠️ Et si les choses sur lesquelles vous comptez chaque jour n'étaient pas aussi sûres que vous le pensiez ? 😳 Regardez maintenant pour découvrir les dangers cachés qui se cachent à la vue de tous ! 🔥🔎 Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00You are thirsty, so you open a soda can and drink a few big gulps.
00:05And then, all of a sudden, you see the patient.
00:08It turns out that the can was contaminated by something dangerous,
00:11like rat urine, and you had no idea.
00:15Like what, we never know what can be hidden in an apparently harmless drink.
00:20During transport, storage or handling,
00:23cans can be contaminated by germs, bacteria and dirt.
00:28When you drink directly from the can, these germs can enter your body.
00:32Cans are often stored in warehouses and are rarely cleaned before arriving at your home.
00:38Conditions in warehouses can be quite disgusting.
00:41Think of the rats running on them and the hygiene they leave to desire.
00:46To stay safe, it is advisable to clean the cans before drinking.
00:51Experts suggest washing them quickly with water and soap to avoid any contamination.
00:56Studies have shown that unwashed bottles can be full of bacteria.
01:01This step is therefore really important.
01:03Now, little question.
01:05Who killed the most people?
01:07Sharks or automatic distributors?
01:09Surprisingly, automatic distributors have a very dark past.
01:13Let's dive into the subject.
01:15But first, let's define what is called an automatic distributor victim.
01:20We exclude perimeter collisions and electric shocks.
01:24This is not the fault of the machine.
01:26What we count are the incidents where someone was seriously injured or even worse,
01:31and died after tilting a machine.
01:34For sharks, we count all fatal encounters.
01:38In 1995, two incidents related to automatic distributors
01:42led to death and a serious injury.
01:45Since 1978, there have been at least 37 incidents of this type and 113 injuries,
01:51which gives us about 2 deaths per year.
01:54Compare this to a single incident related to a shark in 2021.
01:59However, these data are quite old.
02:01Since 2008, no incident related to an automatic distributor has been reported.
02:06Why this drop?
02:07This could be due to warning signals and credit card readers,
02:11which reduce the need to shake the machines.
02:13But don't forget that your risk varies depending on your residence and your habits.
02:18In the end, the comparison between automatic distributors and sharks is no longer quite relevant.
02:24Today, you are more likely to have serious trouble with a shark than with an automatic distributor.
02:30But the fact is that sharks are not as bloody as they are claimed to be.
02:34Someone has drawn your attention to your nose hair,
02:37and now you are looking for a way to get rid of it.
02:40You might think that waxing is the solution.
02:43But wait, it's more dangerous than you think.
02:46Here are three good reasons to avoid waxing your nose hair.
02:50Your nose is full of delicate nerves, follicles, and many bacteria.
02:55Waxing nose hair can damage the sensitive skin inside your nostrils,
03:00letting germs penetrate, which can then cause infections and inflammation.
03:05In addition, just like waxing wax, waxing nose hair can give rise to embodied hairs.
03:12When the hairs grow back, they can wrap themselves in the follicle,
03:16creating bumps, discomfort, and inflammation.
03:19This can be a folliculitis, which manifests itself by small red bumps filled with pus,
03:25as well as edema or pain.
03:28In serious cases, waxing nose hair can cause a nasal furonculosis,
03:33an infection of the follicle accompanied by swelling and a gout.
03:37This infection can spread to the blood vessels near the brain,
03:41potentially leading to a cavernous sinus thrombosis,
03:45an infection characterized by the formation of blood clots behind the orbits.
03:49If it is not treated, this infection can put your life in danger
03:53and lead to permanent brain injuries.
03:55To avoid these problems, choose to wax your nose hair.
04:00Waxing does not make the hairs thicker,
04:03and it allows you to maintain a good amount of hair and remove pathogenic agents.
04:07Contact lenses are supposed to help you see,
04:10but they can also make you completely blind.
04:14It is strongly advised not to wear contact lenses in the shower.
04:18It is bad for your lenses and for the health of your eyes.
04:21Showering with contact lenses is like swimming or sleeping with them.
04:25It is a common mistake.
04:27Water and contact lenses do not do a good job.
04:30You must make sure your lenses are clean to avoid any problems.
04:34If water penetrates behind your lens,
04:37germs or chemicals such as chlorine can enter and cause problems.
04:42At best, you could end up having eye pain or dementia.
04:46But you could also contract conjunctivitis due to a bacterial infection.
04:51In rare serious cases, you could even be confronted with infections
04:55that can sometimes lead to ceaselessness.
04:58Most people wear their contact lenses in the shower inadvertently rather than voluntarily.
05:03If this happens to you, close your eyes immediately
05:06and gently leave the shower to remove your lenses.
05:09If your eyes are irritated or red, contact your ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
05:14Always use the cleaning solution recommended by your doctor
05:18to sterilize your lenses before putting them back on.
05:21But it is best to remove your lenses before taking a shower or a bath.
05:25If there is a decorative object to watch closely, it is the snowballs.
05:31They may seem harmless,
05:33but a family in East Hampton, Massachusetts, is proof of the opposite.
05:38In a succession of incredible events,
05:40a snowball started a fire in their apartment while no one was home.
05:45Fortunately, the liveliness of the neighbors' spirits
05:48and the rapid intervention of firefighters
05:50prevented the fire from spreading throughout the complex.
05:54It was a Thursday morning like any other,
05:56when around 11.30 a.m.
05:58the neighbors heard the fire alarms ringing in the apartment
06:01and called the emergency services.
06:03The firefighters arrived and found the place locked,
06:06so they had to force the entrance.
06:08Inside, they discovered a small fire on the lower table and a room filled with smoke.
06:14They also identified the culprit, a snowball.
06:17It was placed just above the lower table and a ray of sun was crossing it.
06:22Just behind, a piece of cardboard and polystyrene had caught fire.
06:27Although this is rare,
06:29it happens that fires caused by sunlight occur.
06:33Many firefighters have seen fires start because of mirrors and magnifying glasses.
06:37So, keep your snowballs safe from direct sunlight,
06:41better safe than sorry.
06:44Well, let's talk about deadly fruits now.
06:47No, I'm not going to bore you with a list of the most toxic fruits in the world.
06:52Instead, I'm going to tell you about something divinely delicious
06:57that can teleport you to heaven in a few seconds.
07:00Discover the coconut.
07:02This apparently innocent fruit has a dark side.
07:06Coconuts are responsible for around 150 deaths each year.
07:11There are pages and pages of reports relating to the deadly incidents caused by these little monsters.
07:17A full coconut weighs about 1.5 kg
07:20and if you know a little about physics,
07:22you will understand that gravity makes them even more dangerous when they fall from trees.
07:27But there is not only the fall of coconuts that should worry you.
07:31The consumption of large amounts of coconut water can lead to a sudden cardiac arrest due to hyperkaliemia
07:37due to its high potassium content.
07:39And although rare, cases of anaphylaxis have been observed in people allergic to coconut.
07:45Even if the most dangerous is when coconut falls on people's heads,
07:49there have been some pretty surprising incidents.
07:52In December 1923, a man from Newcastle, Pennsylvania,
07:56died while trying to open a coconut with the stock of a loaded revolver.
08:01The shot went and hit him in the abdomen.
08:05Do you know these super practical selfie sticks that help you take perfect pictures?
08:10It turns out that they can be much more dangerous than you think.
08:13These little gadgets have caused a surprising number of injuries and even deaths.
08:18Some people accidentally hit each other or hit other people,
08:23others fell from the top of a cliff
08:25and others were overturned by cars trying to take a pretty picture for social networks.
08:32Some popular tourist sites have even banned selfie sticks.
08:36For example, they have been banned on the beaches of Bombay.
08:39India, by the way, is the country that has the most deaths related to selfies.
08:44Nearly 40% of the 49 deaths recorded in the world over the last three years have occurred there.
08:51If you still think that selfie accidents are not so serious, consider this.
08:57From 2008 to 2021, 369 people have lost their lives trying to take a perfect picture.
09:04So yes, it's really something to take seriously.
