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In this Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft redstone video, Mumbo ranks all of the Minecraft redstone components in the game. Ranging from redstone dust, through to pistons, observers and finally some oddity's such as chickens and wall blocks.

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00:00Behind me is every redstone component in the game and in front of me is a beautiful sunrise and to the right of me
00:05I've got this thing today
00:06I'm going to be making a tier list of all the redstone components in the game including the kind of but also kind of not
00:12Redstone components. Let's get the ball rolling with the simple ones
00:15I think i'd be hard pushed not to put redstone dust and redstone torches in the s tier
00:20They're kind of everything that redstone is built upon redstone blocks. However
00:24I think
00:26Either b or c. I think i'm i'm gonna go with c tier to be honest with you
00:30They always end up powering things that you don't want to they interact with pistons funnily
00:34You can't push them upwards c tier repeater comparator and target block though
00:39Absolute top tier stuff the target block isn't actually here for the use of a target block
00:43It's just because it redirects redstone signals and there's a solid block very useful now
00:47I'm thinking a tier for the copper bulb because having a t flip flop in a single block is incredibly useful
00:54It's not quite the top tier i'm also going to put levers in a tier
00:58Because buttons are better and I need some way to rank them above levers now
01:03Would I rank the wooden button and the stone button differently?
01:07Because the wooden button has a slightly longer press time. They're both useful
01:11They're both useful for their different respective things
01:14Now we've got all the pressure plates wooden pressure plate is probably b tier stone pressure plate is probably c tier
01:22It can't detect items which occasionally makes it more useful than the wooden pressure plate
01:26But I still think it's this way around in terms of use cases
01:28Then the gold pressure plate is probably a tier because it can detect individual stacks of items
01:35And then the iron pressure plate probably the same as the wooden one, although it does look better
01:40now, let's move on to the sound stone bits regular skulk sensor is probably
01:46E tier really I
01:48Like how often do I actually use just a straight up skulk sensor not that often and even calibrated skulk sensors
01:54I'm gonna go with c tier incredibly useful for traps for traps absolute s tier, but for all of redstone
02:01And the shrieker is z tier in terms of redstone stuff
02:05The only really niche use case that I have for it is when you activate it
02:09It gives a unique pulse length amethyst blocks being able to send sounds
02:14Probably e tier and wall blocks being able to block sounds
02:19I'm gonna go with c tier. No e tier. I'm giving up on trying to categorize these redstone components lightning rod
02:24I would say z tier i'd say tripwire hooks are probably e tier
02:29But I would actually say that string
02:33Is maybe
02:35b tier
02:36Because it gets used a lot for detecting entities in redstone contraptions and things and you can use observers
02:43With the string to actually get redstone outputs. Yeah, i'm sticking with that
02:46The next turn I would say is c tier using a book with 15 pages allows us to get specific signal strengths very easily
02:52And then also daylight sensors. I would also say a c tier great for their one use, but that's about it
02:59Oh my goodness. We have got some big hitters coming up in this row here
03:03This might be 100 s tier like regular pistons wicked sticky pistons. Obviously awesome slime blocks
03:10Fantastic honey blocks equally good equally useful
03:16We need them for a ton of stuff droppers
03:18The crafter honestly if there was like a thing between s and a I would say the crafter
03:24Would probably go there, but it's definitely better than all the stuff in the a and obviously hopper's absolute s tier item
03:31I'm having second thoughts as to whether or not I should have put buttons in the s tier
03:34This feels strange, but it's literally the way I activate every redstone contraption
03:38It has to go in the top tier chests are going to be s tier right and then and then the barrel
03:44I think also s tier because you can really slot it into a redstone contraption
03:48You don't have to worry about blocks around it in that way
03:50It's more useful than a chest but a chest can obviously double up. So there's a lot of uses for that
03:54Finally, I would say chisel bookshelves probably eat it if this was for building though. This would probably be an s tier block
04:00I love them furnaces
04:02Oh, this is curious
04:06I this is in terms of redstone components, right when it comes to use in redstone contraptions
04:12Probably b tier
04:15Like it's only really used in big auto crafting systems
04:19And and super smelters and things that are specific to the furnace
04:22It probably doesn't even need to be that high like it probably should be lower down the list
04:25But it would feel weird putting a furnace which is so essential to the game low
04:30I think trap chest for me is going to go in c tier back in the day
04:34This would have been incredibly high because it allowed us to stack chests and trap chests together
04:38But now that we can do that
04:39Anyway, see a jukebox has the properties of a target block and it also has an infantry definitely s tier decorated parts
04:46when it got the functionality of being filled with items felt incredibly promising, but
04:52it's not really so zed tier and now for the observer, I mean I actually
04:57I think this needs this needs a different sort of item frame. I think because this thing
05:03This might be the most s of all s tiers actually on the topic of observers
05:08Note block probably one of the most useful blocks for observer based redstone contraptions s tier
05:14I'm actually having to expand this top tier. I would say
05:18Composters probably a tier movable blocks that you can take
05:22Comparator outputs from and there's a variety of different signal strengths. I would say cauldrons
05:28Are the same but you've just got less variety of signal strengths regular minecart rails are probably a b tier
05:35I would probably put detector rails in a tier then powered rails
05:41in s tier because of the fact that we can put lines of powered rails next to one another to create redstone lines and also
05:47All the uses for powered rails i'd probably put activator rails also in a tier, right?
05:53The regular minecart is good for entity stacking obviously transporting players and mobs
06:00Is it gonna be s tier as well, you know what I think it is a tier but I also think that the barrel
06:06Is also a tier. I think that's what was throwing me off
06:09I was looking at the barrel and I was like the minecart's definitely more useful than the barrel
06:12But then it's not more useful than everything else
06:15I think the barrel was the weakest thing in s tier minecarts. It is an s tier, of course chest minecart on the other hand
06:23Maybe a c tier
06:25furnace minecart
06:27Probably a z tier can't remember the last time I used one of those tnt minecart is probably about as useful as a minecart chest
06:34now a boat with a chest is marginally more useful than a chest minecart because we can put a boat with a chest over nine
06:40Hoppers allowing even distribution of items very quickly oak door an iron door. I would say both
06:46E tier items i'm racking my brain for niche use cases of the fence gate, but I can't think of them right now
06:52So it's going in the e tier
06:53However, when I first started redstone these would have been in the s tier
06:56They were full all redstone contraptions were full of them because they were used to update pistons
07:01I would say wooden trap doors are marginally more useful than than regular doors and then iron trap doors
07:08Again, e tier tnt it probably has to be a tier for me
07:13That could be controversial. It's obviously amazing for tnt stuff, but in terms of broad redstone
07:18I don't think it quite gets into s tier
07:20I actually think it puts it in the same category as the crafter because the crafter is amazing at crafting stuff
07:26But that's kind of all it's good for okay
07:27I've got a plan both the crafter and tnt get glow item frames in the a tier redstone lamp is
07:35Probably similar in use cases to the copper bulb the bell in terms of redstone
07:41It's got to be zed tier drip leaf also definitely belongs in the zed tier and then for item frames really useful for entity-based
07:48Redstone contraptions making things more compact
07:51I don't think it's quite s tier though. I think it's going to be in the a tier. Oh and redstone ore I think just
07:57Yeah, I can't remember the last time I used ore in a redstone contraption now
08:01It's time for the weird items category item frames. Uh, we occasionally use them as input devices for redstone contraptions
08:09You can get eight different signal strengths from them
08:11I would say that puts them in the c tier leaf blocks when you attach a log to a line of leaf blocks
08:16You can actually detect
08:18That's using observers
08:21I'm gonna put it in the zed tier soul sand for use in bubble elevators and the fact that it has a slightly unique
08:28Block size I would actually say puts it in
08:33V tier maybe even a tier, you know, yeah, you know what?
08:37I think it's I think it's gonna be a tier. No now i'm putting it in b tier
08:41It's going to be tier and then magma blocks and the fact that that causes items to drop through water quickly
08:46I'm gonna put that in c tier
08:48Maybe even e tier. Yeah e tier wall blocks are used in entity stacking redstone contraptions and also for vertically sending redstone signals
08:59I think it's a c tier chickens used to get used for randomizers a lot and they still occasionally get used for randomizers
09:06I do think it is a zed tier thing though terracotta can be moved by pistons, but it doesn't stick to slime or honey blocks
09:14I would say it's probably e tier
09:18It would be s tier if it's stuck to sticky pistons, but they don't stick to sticky pistons
09:24So it's down here. Copper grates can be filled with water and it won't spill anywhere
09:29I would say that makes it a c tier block powdered snow is a dispensable block
09:35which sounds incredibly useful, but I think
09:38E tier ice allows items to slide over the top of it in water streams
09:42I would say this is an s tier item
09:44It's actually the only thing that makes large scale item transportation systems and large sorting systems possible
09:51Pointed dripstone can be used to fill up cauldrons. It also gets used quite a lot in traps to give extra fall damage
09:57I think it's gonna go in the c tier obsidian. It is an immovable incredibly blast resistant block
10:08That is interesting
10:10That is interesting. I
10:12Personally feel like this is an a tier block. It makes sense that it is in the same category as tnt slabs
10:20Okay transparent block we can place redstone components on top of them
10:23You can also allow items to pass under them. They're used in water streams. They're used for mob proofing
10:30It has to be s tier right the cactus used to break minecarts. I would say
10:37Maybe b tier the shulker box
10:39I think that is definitely an s tier allows you to compact your storage systems right the way down bulk storage
10:46You can use them in randomizers. There are tons of redstone use cases definite s tier glass represents generalized transparent blocks
10:53I would say slabs have more use cases because of all the item stuff, but transparent blocks aren't going to be useful
11:00Uh, I think i'm going to put them in b tier the creaking in theory allows for wireless redstone, but
11:07Yeah, there's a lot of issues with it
11:10So definite z tier webs allow us to drop entities slowly and get things stuck I would say that is a b tier
11:17wind charges
11:20Oh, that is interesting wireless redstone ability to activate redstone components from afar
11:26Yeah, it sounds good on paper. I I think b tier
11:31B tier the netherite block is a movable blast resistant block, which sounds incredible on paper
11:37But the issue is if the block is moving as the blast happens then it loses all its blast resistance and gets broken
11:45which I think
11:47Actually puts it in e tier and finally we have the sea pickle which we use to align items in water streams
11:54And I would say that is a firm
11:58b tier goodness gracious me
12:01That was harder than I expected it to be but this is what my tier list has ended up looking like
12:07Uh, you can roast me down in the comment section. I'm sure many of you would have made very different choices
12:12I'm excited to hear the arguments and see what goes down
12:16I hope you enjoyed this fun little video and I will catch you in the next one. See ya
