• 2 days ago


00:00We're going to end up breaking his heart, Fabián.
00:03Wait a minute.
00:04Stop thinking about Erick and start thinking about yourself.
00:08What do you want?
00:10What does it matter what I want?
00:12You can't live your life doing what you want
00:14just without thinking about the consequences.
00:17Then let's assume the consequences.
00:20Let's face it.
00:21Let's go.
00:22And let's put up with this storm together.
00:25But let's not waste this opportunity that life is giving us to love.
00:38I'm so sorry, Fabián, but I really can't.
00:41I can't.
00:42I'm not going to do this to Erick. Period.
00:44There are codes between friends.
00:47And what do I do with all this I'm feeling for you?
00:50I can't, life.
00:51I can't.
00:53I can't forget him, much less tear you from my heart.
00:57Don't worry.
00:58Don't worry, I'll make it easy for you.
01:00In a few months I'm going to liquidate the debt I have with the union
01:03and then I'm going to leave town and you'll never see me again.
01:07Estrella, don't tell me that.
01:08Over time you will forget me.
01:17I'll never forget you, Estrella.
01:23I'll never forget you, Estrella.
01:36Good afternoon.
01:37Good afternoon.
01:38Sorry to bother you, but ...
01:40Are you Mrs. ...
01:43Edwiges Medina?
01:44The same one you saw in Calzán.
01:46How can I help you?
01:48I would like to make a consultation.
01:49Of course.
01:50I wanted to know if you made this pendant.
01:58Yes, yes.
02:00I've made some with this shape.
02:03Many because they are on request.
02:08Always together.
02:11Yes, of course.
02:13I made it.
02:14I made this more than 20 years ago.
02:17So many years?
02:18And do you remember who made it?
02:23A woman gave it to me.
02:25It was for her daughter who was going to turn 10 years old.
02:28Oh, how can I not remember?
02:30And it was the first one I made.
02:33And do you remember anything else about that woman?
02:35Her name? Who is she?
02:38Where does she live? I don't know.
02:43I say it was a long time ago.
02:46And why do you want to know?
02:48Because that girl who was about to turn 10 years old,
02:52maybe it was me.
03:03What do you mean you don't have dates for my wedding
03:05until six months from now?
03:06No, no, I can't wait that long.
03:08Look, start looking right now on the computer
03:11for a close date.
03:12Because look, Eduardo.
03:13Yes, I learned your name, Eduardo.
03:15Every time I call, I'm going to keep calling
03:17until they give me a date.
03:19And I'm going to keep chasing him until he has nightmares.
03:21Do you understand me?
03:24Sweetie, can I come closer?
03:27Yes, Mom.
03:29Calm down.
03:31How do you think the man from the civil registry
03:35is going to help you find a date for your wedding
03:39if you're threatening him, honey?
03:43I didn't raise you like that, daughter.
03:46Mom, she's giving me a lot of courage.
03:48Everything is going wrong for me lately.
03:50I think I had a bad eye.
03:53And it was probably Marina.
03:54Because she has nothing of a mermaid,
03:56but she has everything of a witch.
03:58Old witch.
03:59Oh, honey.
04:00Please, please, please.
04:02Don't say nonsense.
04:04You're giving too much importance to that girl.
04:09Hey, but don't defend her.
04:11She wants to steal my boyfriend.
04:12Let's see, what would you do
04:14if you were in front of my father's lover?
04:16Let's see.
04:23My dear girl.
04:35I can't believe what you just told me, Marina.
04:38You suffered an accident
04:39and you can't remember anything from your life.
04:42That's terrible.
04:44Look, maybe this can help you with something.
04:49Does it look familiar to you?
04:51Look, it looks like your tattoo.
04:54But, but how?
04:57It was painted by the same woman who made the pendant.
05:01Probably your mom.
05:03Was your mom a painter?
05:06I don't know.
05:08I remember it very well.
05:10She painted and brought a picture of a painting like this
05:13because it was her daughter's favorite.
05:15That's why she asked me to make the pendant in the shape of a mermaid.
05:19I loved it.
05:21So I asked her to paint me one just like it,
05:23as a form of payment.
05:25And didn't she leave any information there
05:27so we could locate her?
05:29Didn't she sign any receipt
05:30where we could see the name?
05:34I repeat, this happened more than 20 years ago.
05:38I really wish I could give you more details,
05:41but I don't have anything from that time.
05:46Ma'am, do you remember why Marina's mom
05:50asked you to always write together on the pendant?
05:56Of course.
05:57But what a memory I have.
06:00She gave me two pendants.
06:02Two pendants that were exactly the same for her daughters,
06:05so that they would always try to be together.
06:08I have a sister.
06:10I have a sister.
06:12I'm not alone in the world.
06:15I have a family.
06:18Thank you very much, ma'am.
06:21No, no, no.
06:22Stay with him.
06:23It's a gift.
06:25No, no.
06:26I can't.
06:28Please, please.
06:29She's yours.
06:31And I hope it helps you discover more of your past.
06:42Well, the truth is that I came to confess something
06:46that I've been keeping quiet for years.
06:48And I know that only you will understand me
06:51for what you have lived recently.
06:56What are you talking about?
07:01I was also cheated by a man I loved very much.
07:07And who cheated you?
07:10It's not even worth remembering that bastard.
07:14But the pain I felt when he preferred to marry another...
07:19I swear I don't wish it on my worst enemy.
07:25I felt so humiliated, trampled.
07:31Forgive me.
07:33I really had no idea.
07:37We see faces and unfortunately we don't know.
07:42That's why when I found out what Ulises did to you,
07:46I understood you so much, Meche.
07:48And that's why I'm here to offer you my most sincere friendship.
07:54Because I, better than anyone, know that it's not easy to get ahead.
08:00And much less to be alone.
08:06Yes, Rosalba, you're right. It's not easy at all.
08:10That's why if you ever need a friend to lend you an ear,
08:15we can go out for a coffee, some cocktails, whatever you want, Meche.
08:21Well, that's what I was coming for.
08:23To tell you that you can count on me for whatever you want.
08:35My friend.
08:37Did you see if it has a signature?
08:40It doesn't have anything at all.
08:44It's pretty, right?
08:48The colors, the texture.
08:51I think it's very magical.
08:53Of course.
08:54Yes, my friend, of course.
08:56We'll be back soon and everything will be fine here.
09:00See you in a bit.
09:04Best regards, Mr. Gabriel.
09:08Hey, how do you feel?
09:10It must be a little difficult to receive so much information like that.
09:14Well, it's weird to know that my mom sent me to do this
09:20and that I have a sister and that she has an identical
09:26and that I don't even know where they are.
09:30And it makes me very sad not being able to remember their faces.
09:35It's as if they were telling me the life of another person.
09:41But at least it's nice to know that my mom loved me.
09:49Maybe she and my sister are still looking for me, right?
09:53Did they ever think that you kicked yourself when you fell off the boat?
09:57You already kicked me!
09:59I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that.
10:02I'm sorry.
10:04No, it's okay.
10:05The truth is that it is a possibility, but...
10:10But whatever it is, I'm going to find my family.
10:14And we're going to help you, right, Charalitos?
10:17Come on, give me a hand.
10:18One, two, three, siren.
10:20One, two, three, siren!
10:27Pearl, you're here.
10:29Look what I brought.
10:30To make a salad.
10:31Thank you very much, come in.
10:34Well, I thought I'd buy some things so that we can cook better, right?
10:38We don't complicate our lives by choosing where we're going.
10:42We can take the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better.
10:47Do you like it?
10:48Of course I do.
10:50Can I help you?
10:54And that photo?
10:56This photo is from when we lived in La Cruz.
10:59I mean, I always lived there with my mom.
11:02Valentín arrived when he was 15 years old, after his mother died.
11:07He came to work in the group of fishermen I belonged to.
11:10And meeting my dad, the truth is, changed my life.
11:14So much?
11:17It's just that there were some guys there who grabbed me by the purl, Pearl.
11:20Stupid and even.
11:22They bothered me every day.
11:24And I had the worst time.
11:26But I couldn't defend myself either, because I was doing worse, Pearl.
11:30Oh, Pascual, I'm sorry.
11:32But when Valentín arrived, he saw how they brought me down.
11:35And he didn't even hesitate to go and punch the biggest guy in the group like a boxer.
11:44Valentín did that for you?
11:47Did he really hit the biggest guy?
11:50Yes, and he left him on the floor.
11:52Since that day, no one else dared to bother me.
11:55And Valentín, Valentín became my best friend.
11:59What do I say, friend?
12:01The brother I never had.
12:03And they became inseparable.
12:05Oh, we're so close, Pearl.
12:07And you know what I think?
12:09I'm sure we're going to be the best friends until God, there between the clouds, allows us to live.
12:16Because our friendship is made of ice.
12:33I don't have to hide it from you, nor am I going to lie to you.
12:36Yes, I like Estrella.
12:39And I think I'm falling in love with her.
12:43You're the one who's been lying to me, Erika.
12:46Telling me that Fabián was your boyfriend when they broke up a long time ago.
12:52You're very wrong if you think you have the way free, damn Estrella.
12:57If you don't fight with nails and teeth, you're going to end up losing your Fabián.
13:02And believe me, it's not nice at all.
13:23Hi, good afternoon. I'm talking to Sergio Falcón.
13:26Yes, who is this?
13:28I'm Estrella Contreras' friend.
13:32Are you going to tell me you don't remember her?
13:34You know I don't know who you're talking about.
13:37Sergio, I know it's been ten years since the last time you saw each other, but Estrella is not a common name.
13:44You know I don't have time for stupid things, what do you want?
13:47A man shouldn't forget the woman who gave him a daughter.
13:52What are you saying?
14:02No, there's nothing to accept because nothing is happening, Fabián.
14:05I think so.
14:25Oh, my love, hello!
14:28How was the walk, my love?
14:30Amazing, Mom.
14:31We went to a jewelry store in the capital and Marina found out that her mom was painting.
14:37Wow, that's great news.
14:40It means she's getting closer to finding out her past.
14:43And she must be very happy about that.
14:46The bad thing is that we couldn't find out her mom's name.
14:50But it looks like she also has a sister.
14:54I'm going to pray a lot so I can find them soon, Mom.
14:57Very good. What do you think if we pray together?
15:01You know, Mom, I've been thinking about what we talked about about my dad.
15:06And what did you think?
15:08I think I really don't want to meet a man who was so mean to you and didn't want to know anything about me.
15:16And I like how we are, just the two of us with my grandma and my aunts.
15:20As you wish, my love.
15:22But if you ever change your mind, you know you have all my support so we can find him.
15:29Thank you, Mom.
15:30But with you by my side, I have all the love I need.
15:35All of it.
15:36Come here.
15:38I'm going to fill you up.
15:41These two tails are full of kisses and tickles, kisses and tickles.
15:50Who was that girl who called you?
15:52I don't know. She told me she was my daughter.
15:55Obviously, I thought it was a bad taste joke.
15:57But then a woman called me and assured me that she was the best friend of a certain Estrella Compreras,
16:01the girl's supposed mother.
16:03And she assured me that I am the father.
16:06And do you remember that certain Estrella?
16:08Obviously not, Juanjo.
16:10It's been ten years.
16:11Do you know how many women have passed through my bed?
16:15Although there is one.
16:17A waitress.
16:19I remember her. She studied and worked.
16:21And one day she told me she was pregnant.
16:23Obviously, what she wanted was to catch me.
16:25So I gave her some money to solve it and then I never saw her again.
16:29Let's see, let's see, let's see.
16:30If that Estrella had a daughter of yours,
16:32and you prove that that brat carries your blood, Sergio,
16:36you're going to get your father to give you absolute control of business and fortune.
16:41No, Juanjo, because it's not that easy.
16:43Because my dad wants me to get married, he wants me to build a home.
16:46And for that I will have to marry that woman.
16:48And? You already conquered her once.
16:50I don't think it will be difficult for you to do it again.
17:13I want to show you that there are still those we love.
17:16With madness we are two among a million.
17:20The most difficult thing happened.
17:22And fate has already presented us.
17:33These are the best snowshoes I've ever tasted in my life.
17:37The dessert was delicious, Pascual.
17:39Well, it's my mom's recipe.
17:41My mom taught me to cook since I was a kid.
17:43And you have to prove it when you can, Pearl.
17:53Pearl, since we are reaching the end of our date,
17:57I, with a lot of respect, Pearl, want to ask you something.
18:03That if I can do something,
18:06as long as it doesn't bother you, because you have the right to tell me no.
18:10What do you want to do?
18:13Can I hold your hand?
18:32Why do you close your eyes, Pascual?
18:35I don't know. Do I leave them open?
18:40Yes, Pascual.
18:47Wow, sorry. Did I interrupt?
18:50No, we just finished eating.
18:55I had a great time, Pascual.
18:57Well, I'm leaving.
18:58I also had a great time, Pearl.
19:01Thanks for coming.
19:13Well, take care.
19:19And tell me, buddy, how did it go?
19:23We shook hands, Valentín.
19:27Can you believe it?
19:28Maybe on the next date we'll give each other our first kiss.
19:34Thank you, holy God.
19:41Hey, son.
19:43I was about to leave. I'm glad you made it.
19:46How did it go in the capital?
19:48I thought you were going to have a hard time, dad.
19:51Are you going to stay mad at me, Bucanero?
19:57I don't know.
19:59I don't know.
20:01I don't know.
20:04I don't know.
20:06I don't know.
20:08I don't know.
20:11I don't know.
20:14I'm sorry.
20:15Iker asked me to drop him off.
20:17I don't want to bother you.
20:18No, I really wanted to know how he was doing.
20:21Did you find the jewelry?
20:24And the lady who took care of us is the one who made my necklace.
20:28Well, that's very good news.
20:32And what else did you discover?
20:35This painting was painted by my mom.
20:40Wow, what a beauty.
20:44No wonder you paint so well.
20:46If not, well...
20:50You carry it in your blood.
20:53I was also investigating on my own, in the name of who owns the beach house.
20:58And did you find out anything?
20:59No, it's good news.
21:01The property doesn't even appear in the public registry.
21:04Don't worry.
21:07You've done enough for me, Gabriel.
21:14Forgive me.
21:18Forgive me.
21:20For not having gone with you.
21:23I should have been there with you.
21:27With you.
21:30Don't worry.
21:31Don't worry.
21:33I understand.
21:35You have to go on with your life and...
21:40You don't have to worry about me anymore.
21:45No more.
22:01No more.
22:22Take the last bite and hurry up because I don't want us to be late for school.
22:27Yes, mom.
22:29I'm going to wash my teeth.
22:30Okay, I'll wait for you outside.
22:33Nemesio, good morning.
22:36Hey, don't hurry to get there early because we're going to leave a little later.
22:39I'm going to take Azul to school and I want to talk to his teacher.
22:42Hey, tell Oliver, my sisters are already notified.
22:45See you in a little while, okay?
22:54Hi, star.
22:56So many years without seeing you.
22:59What are you doing here?
23:10What do you think?
23:13Why are you visiting Mercedes?
23:16Are you crazy, woman?
23:18Well, maybe.
23:23Sometimes I even have the courage to have her here close and not be able to scream her truths.
23:32I hate her, Porfirio. I hate her!
23:35But even so, I'm willing to be her best friend.
23:40You're exposing us, Rosalba.
23:42Why do you do it like that?
23:45Because I want Mercedes to lower the guard.
23:47Trust me.
23:49Make me part of your circle of trust.
23:52And when I least expect it from that damn woman,
23:56I'm going to cut her into pieces.
23:59I'm going to take all the courage I have saved up
24:03to ruin my life.
24:20It's a pleasure to see you again taking care of your business.
24:25These days of rest have served me well.
24:28I feel much better now.
24:31No, I see it and I confirm it.
24:33You're more beautiful than ever.
24:36Hey, stop.
24:38Don't make fun of me.
24:40It's early in the morning.
24:42And at this time?
24:43What are you doing?
24:45Oh, God.
24:47I wouldn't be able to make fun of a lady,
24:49let alone you.
24:51I mean it, Mercedes.
24:53Look, you're like good wines.
24:55Your beauty improves with age.
25:00You're overreacting, Mr. Gonzalo.
25:04And I don't like that.
25:06Go away with your flirting.
25:09I offer you an apology.
25:10My intention was the opposite.
25:13I never want you to feel that I'm disrespecting you.
25:17But if I'm honest with you, Mercedes,
25:20I would like you and I
25:23to get to know each other a little better.
25:27We're too old
25:30to be in this mess, don't you think?
25:33You'd better not waste your time
25:35and come and take mine too.
25:37Me too.
25:39Look, Meche.
25:41I also know what it's like to lose a partner
25:44and that life changes from one day to the next.
25:47Believe me, I've been there.
25:49But you have to move on, Mercedes.
25:52Not for me, for you.
25:54At some point, you have to turn that page,
25:58open your heart again
26:00and allow yourself to navigate the waters of love.
26:04Think about it, Mercedes.
26:15I chose to come to your little town
26:18because what we have to talk about has to be in person.
26:20Talk about what?
26:22How did you know I was at my mom's house?
26:24That's the least of it.
26:26The important thing is that I know you had a daughter.
26:28Now, two things.
26:30First, I'm the father.
26:32And if I am, the first thing I want to do is check.
26:35How dare you?
26:37I don't have to prove anything to you, Sergio.
26:40It was your daughter who spoke to me a few days ago.
26:42By the way, you shouldn't have sent the girl to give me messages.
26:45No, you're crazy.
26:47I haven't sent you any messages with anyone,
26:49much less with my daughter.
26:51Estrella, if you're looking for me after so many years,
26:53it's obvious you need money.
26:55Are you serious?
26:58I don't want anything from you, Sergio.
27:03You didn't think the same thing ten years ago.
27:05I gave you a lot of money so you'd be calm.
27:07If you're talking about the check you gave me
27:09to end my pregnancy, I broke it.
27:12And you know perfectly well that I never paid for it.
27:14I've never asked you for anything in my life
27:16and I'm not going to start doing it now.
27:18Let's see, Estrella.
27:20We're in trust.
27:22I really know everything.
27:24I know you have a very important debt
27:26with this union, the fishermen.
27:28I have no idea where you got that information from,
27:30but let me make it very clear to you.
27:31I would never ask you for anything.
27:35I'm ready, Mom.
27:46What's going on, Mom?
27:49Honey, wait for me in the bedroom, okay?
27:54I'll finish talking to him and we'll leave.
27:58Listen to me.
27:59I don't want to hurt you.
28:07So, what is your daughter?
28:10Well, I'm here and I came to help you,
28:12so tell me with confidence.
28:14How much do you need?
28:16There is no doubt that you are still
28:18the same arrogant as always.
28:20You want to solve everything with your money.
28:22You're a cynic, Sergio.
28:24You show up ten years later as if nothing happened
28:26and the first thing you want to do
28:27is take out your checkbook again?
28:30Let's see, Estrella.
28:32Let me understand you.
28:34Let me know what you're proposing.
28:37Because yes, it's been ten years.
28:39But you didn't have the decency to tell me
28:41that you were going to have a daughter.
28:43Because you didn't want her to be born.
28:45It was my decision to have her alone and without your help.
28:48All this time, I've never needed your weight.
28:51And now I'm not going to ask you for it.
28:53Get out of my house.
28:55Go, go. I don't want you to come back.
28:57Get out!
28:59Wait, wait, wait.
29:01I can be in the capital.
29:03I have business to attend to.
29:05When you get your rabies attack
29:07and you want to talk calmly,
29:09call me.
29:11Here's my phone number.
29:13I'll be waiting for your call, Estrella.
29:28I don't think that's a question, Pascual.
29:30If you want to kiss Perla on your next date,
29:32just get close to her,
29:34kiss her in the eyes,
29:36give her a caress,
29:38and if she takes it well,
29:40you kiss her.
29:42But very softly.
29:44The beginning has to be soft.
29:46Right, Gabriel?
29:48I think that's what I'm going to do.
29:50I'm going to kiss her.
29:52I'm going to kiss her.
29:54I'm going to kiss her.
29:55I'm going to kiss her, Gabriel.
29:57Well, I think I'd better ask for permission.
29:59I don't want her to get offended.
30:01You're really in love, aren't you?
30:03No, well, imagine.
30:05I'm just like you.
30:07By the way, tell us,
30:09how did it go with Brisa yesterday?
30:11Did you like the ring?
30:13I didn't give it to her.
30:15She had an accident.
30:17I couldn't reach her.
30:19You're not going back on that, are you?
30:21My love!
30:23I have a condition.
30:25I had to go a little crazy
30:27with the civil registry thing,
30:29but I got it.
30:33What is this?
30:35The date of our wedding.
30:37A couple broke up
30:39and the date was made available to us.
30:41Gabriel, we're getting married in a week.
30:43I'm going to be Mrs. Arenas.
30:56But, daughter,
30:58what happened?
31:00Why do you have that face?
31:02Sergio was here, Mom.
31:04And Azul saw him.
31:08Yes, yes.
31:10And you can't even imagine the surprise, Mom.
31:12I'm going to talk to my daughter.
31:14Come on, I'll go with you.
31:16Let's see, let's see.
31:18Wait, wait.
31:20What do you mean in a week?
31:22Yes, my love.
31:23I don't know what the problem was,
31:25but look.
31:27In seven days I'm going to be your wife, Gabriel.
31:31But it's too soon, isn't it?
31:33Well, a little bit soon.
31:35But what are we waiting for?
31:37Let's start our life together, my love.
31:39I'm so happy.
31:41Hey, I have to hurry to see the dress.
31:43And look for the place for the party
31:45and the invitations.
31:47I think we're going to make them digital,
31:49so we can send them by mail.
31:51What do you think?
31:53What's going on?
31:57We have to talk.
31:59Of course we have to talk.
32:01We have to talk about a lot of things.
32:03But you know what?
32:05First I would like us to go together
32:07to give the news to my family.
32:09And then we go to your house and we talk,
32:11because we also have to see the flowers and ...
32:13No, no, no, no, Brisa, Brisa.
32:15You don't understand me.
32:17What I mean is that
32:19we have to talk seriously.
32:21You and me.
32:23Let's go.
32:39Where is he?
33:01It was my idea to call him.
33:03My mom didn't know anything.
33:05And she doesn't want her money either.
33:07So don't be mean to her.
33:11No, no, Azul, please.
33:13I don't want you to think I'm like that.
33:15I swear I came with the best intention
33:17to help your mom.
33:19I know she's going through a very difficult situation.
33:23And also because she really wanted to meet you.
33:26I got your phone.
33:32I also wanted to meet him.
33:34I wanted to meet my dad.
33:37I'm very glad about that.
33:41And I also want to know
33:43why you didn't want me to be born.
33:47Why didn't you want to be my dad?
34:04Gabriel, please.
34:06You're killing me with this silence.
34:08You haven't said a word since we got here.
34:10Come on, baby, tell me.
34:12You got mad because I put the date on the civil registry
34:15without asking you.
34:17No, no, that's not why.
34:19I don't know.
34:21Why are you like this?
34:23You're in a hurry and everything.
34:25But the other day we talked
34:27and agreed that we were going to focus on our wedding.
34:30I thought you were going to be happy with the news.
34:33I don't want to waste any more time.
34:36I want to be your wife.
34:38I want to live with you.
34:42Gabriel, I'm getting scared.
34:45Are you okay?
34:47Brisa, you know I love you very much.
34:49And I really appreciate the time we've spent together.
34:53I can't keep lying to myself anymore.
34:56Not to me, not to you.
34:59Now I'm really scared.
35:01What the hell is wrong with you?
35:04Brisa, I think...
35:09I think it's better to stop this before it gets worse.
35:15No, no, no.
35:17No, no, you got the wrong idea.
35:18You got the wrong idea, didn't you?
35:20Yes, men panic when they think they're going to lose their freedom.
35:24But this doesn't have to be like this, my love.
35:26No, no, no, I didn't get the wrong idea, Brisa.
35:28What scares me is hurting you.
35:30Hurting you.
35:32I don't want that.
35:34Then what do you want?
35:36I'm sorry to tell you this,
35:38but I can't go on with the marriage.
35:41Bonita, I can't marry you.
35:49I don't understand.
35:51Did I do something wrong because you don't want to be my dad?
35:57No, Azul.
36:01You're too young,
36:03and there are things kids can't understand.
36:05My mom always tells me I'm too mature for my age.
36:10Tell me.
36:12I'm going to understand.
36:17This happened more than ten years ago,
36:19and I was very young at the time.
36:22Very young,
36:24and I didn't feel ready to be a dad.
36:27But now things are different.
36:29What if you give me a chance?
36:31When I called you,
36:33it was because I thought
36:35that maybe you had changed your mind.
36:38And now I do want to be my dad.
36:41I want to be my dad.
36:42And now I do want to be my dad.
36:47But no, sir.
36:49Now that I know you,
36:51I know I don't want to have a dad like you.
37:13Are you sure you don't want it?
37:15No, I'm not hungry.
37:20That woman.
37:22The more I look at her, the more I feel sorry for her.
37:25Erica's mom?
37:29She's been living there lately.
37:31Let's see how my mom is doing.
37:33But she's never been close to the family.
37:35Maybe she really wants to support Mrs. Meche
37:38now that she's a widow.
37:40No, Oliver.
37:42Let's go.
37:44I'm going to find out what it is.
37:49No, no, no.
37:51You can't do this to me.
37:53This has to be a joke.
37:55You and I are getting married, Gabriel.
37:57I'm sorry, Brisa.
37:59I'm really sorry.
38:01I tried, beautiful.
38:03I tried to make this work, but...
38:05No, I know.
38:07You're scared.
38:09You're scared.
38:10It's just a matter of a month.
38:12That way we have more time.
38:14Look, there's really no rush, my love.
38:16There's no rush.
38:18No, in three months.
38:20In three months it's better.
38:22That way we have more time to plan things
38:24and we're not in a hurry.
38:26Brisa, it's not because of the dates.
38:28You don't know.
38:30The seamstress is going to be happy.
38:32She's not going to get an ulcer
38:34because she was going to ask for the dress for tomorrow.
38:36Look me in the eyes.
38:38It's not because of the dates.
38:40If I'm not sure,
38:42it would be making a mistake, beautiful.
38:44It would be cheating on you, Brisa.
38:46You can't do this to me.
38:50You promised me, Gabriel.
38:52You said you'd be with me forever.
38:54I know, I'm sorry.
38:56Really, Brisa, I don't want to hurt you.
38:58This is what I wanted to avoid.
39:00I don't want you to feel bad.
39:02You don't deserve it.
39:05And I,
39:07I really can't fulfill
39:08that promise.
39:10I'm sorry.
39:12I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, really.
39:14It's because of that girl, right?
39:16It's because of her!
39:18Of course!
39:20You got involved with her on the trip they made.
39:22I knew it!
39:24That's not true, Brisa.
39:26Nothing has happened between Marina and me.
39:28I've never cheated on you.
39:30I've never been unfaithful to you.
39:32I don't believe you.
39:34I don't believe you at all.
39:36You told me you were going to be with me forever.
39:38You told me you were going to stay at home
39:40so you could stop fishing with your sisters.
39:42That's not enough money
39:44to take this step.
39:48A marriage, for God's sake.
39:50No, you were supposed to love me!
39:52You were supposed to take care of me forever!
39:54I feel like if I married you,
39:56it was to please you, Brisa,
39:58not because I was feeling it.
40:02Yes, and I know it hurts a lot,
40:04but I think it's for the best.
40:06It's going to be for the best.
40:08For the shipwreck?
40:10It's better for you, Brisa.
40:14Shut up!
40:16You never, never cared!
40:18Because if you really cared,
40:20if you really loved me,
40:22you would have kept all the promises you made to me!
40:24You're a liar!
40:26You're a coward, Gabriel!
40:39So your mom could be in the capital painting her paintings?
40:44And do you think you'd recognize her
40:46if you ran into her on the street?
40:49Teresita, I'd love to think I would.
40:52I'm going to see her
40:54and I'm going to know it's her.
40:57I swear I can't stop thinking
40:59about what her face would look like,
41:01what her face would look like,
41:03what her face would look like,
41:05what her face would look like.
41:06I want to see her face.
41:08I want to hug her.
41:10I want to ask her to tell me things about my life.
41:13I want to have my mom with me, finally.
41:19Ask the Virgin a lot, a lot, a lot.
41:22She's a mother.
41:24I'm sure she'll help you.
41:28Are you happy now?
41:30Of course I am.
41:32What's wrong, Brisa?
41:34Answer me!
41:36Is this what you wanted so much?
41:39Lower that tone, please.
41:42I don't understand what you're talking about.
41:44No, no, no.
41:46You never understand anything.
41:48You never know anything, poor thing.
41:50But look at that face of innocence.
41:52Save it for someone to buy it for you.
41:54Because I know exactly what you are.
41:56You're a thief.
41:58Brisa, for God's sake, calm down.
42:00There are people.
42:02Why are you screaming like that?
42:04Ask her.
42:06Stop being stupid.
42:08And for once in your life,
42:10be responsible that because of you,
42:12Gabriel just left me.
42:14And you ruined my wedding.
42:18What are you saying?
42:20Marina, did you know anything about this?
42:24Brisa, I swear I had no idea.
42:26I'm really sorry.
42:28I'm really sorry.
42:30Yes, since you arrived,
42:32you have cast your eyes on my Gabriel.
42:34Since you appeared, you have cast your eyes on my Gabriel.
42:36I wish they had never found you.
42:38I wish you had drowned in the sea, stupid.
43:06I wish you had drowned in the sea.
