• 2 days ago
00:00But let's move on to foreign policy, that little touched on area of the speech that you identified
00:04right at the beginning. I mean, world leaders, I mean, the whole world would have been watching
00:08very closely, listening very closely. Overall, what is the message you think this new administration
00:16is sending out to the rest of the world?
00:17I think it's very similar to what it was in the first term. I thought one of the best lines that
00:21Donald Trump used in the first term was America first doesn't mean America alone. Yes, he is
00:27looking to reset the relationships with a bunch of different countries and regions. I think it's
00:33fair to say he's skeptical about the long-term prospects of our relationship with Europe,
00:38that he sees Europe moving in a different direction than he sees America moving.
00:42By the way, I put the UK in sort of a middle ground between those two things. The ties between
00:47those two countries are so strong that I don't consider, of course, they're not part of Europe,
00:51I guess, technically anymore. Geographically, they are, but that you're seeing him review
00:58sort of the relationships that we have doesn't mean we're going to drop out of NATO. It just
01:02means that he's going to look differently at Russia, differently at China, differently at
01:06India, differently at our alliances in Asia. I think he probably thinks now that Australia and
01:12Japan are better and more reliable allies right now than, say, France and Germany are.
01:19That is real. It doesn't mean you're going isolationist. I know that gets
01:23pitched that way often overseas.
