We try and escape the evil stalker in Minecraft
Friends in the Video
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @Zud
• Video Editor ► Russell
• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee
• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i
#gaming #ssundee #minecraft
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Friends in the Video
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @Zud
• Video Editor ► Russell
• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee
• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i
#gaming #ssundee #minecraft
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00:00Something is stalking players in Minecraft's creepiest seed, and now it's hunting us
00:06Every time the stalker steals someone's face it gains more terrifying abilities
00:11I'll need to uncover the clues to save the other players
00:17And escape before it takes my face too. So boys we're racing whoever escapes first wins
00:23We all have two lives so have fun losers idiot. I thought we were working together. No, there's a hunter
00:29Where's beautiful? Can I follow you and be scared? No, please don't I don't like this
00:33Okay, so we get items as we go Biffle gets more abilities as we go. We have two music discs
00:38I'll show you what that does a minute. Okay, what's down here?
00:40Get out of here. No, this is my area. Get out of here. Get out of here
00:44You're ugly. So it says search the cave for clues. We got more of those discs. What is this? Hold on. What is this?
00:50Look at yourself to see the trip. Oh look at my quest in the top left that checked off
00:55So I need to look at myself to see the truth. What do you mean? Look at myself. There's nothing about me
01:01I don't understand. All right. Well, let me get this item ring of invisibility. What does this do ring of invisibility a favorite of hobbits?
01:09I'm invisible
01:10If I stand still I can hide from Biffle. Oh, that is sick
01:15Okay. Now I have two new tasks search the campsite for clues
01:19I'm trying to figure out the clues of where the missing people went. I have any of you guys died yet
01:24No, I don't
01:37If why do you have a face
01:44Use my energizing music
01:46I gotta go
01:53Where are you
01:57Face and I want your face. Oh, why do you have my face?
02:06Okay, I'm running I'm running do something what do you what do you want me to do Zod? Huh? Oh, I forgot we can also
02:12Yep, see these right here. We can hide in these
02:17Eyes that where are you? Wait, my fear meter is going up while I'm in here. Let me join you
02:23Why are we in this tree together?
02:26Middle stop it. You're a bad person. My fear meter is filling. Okay, I gotta go
02:30Okay, so search the camp site for clues and talk to the fishermen. I got to go do that. Bye wait, hold on
02:38Where are you
02:47Do you wear our face I
02:50What is wrong with you?
02:52Okay, so look at the top, right? We all have two lives and we need three TNT. I found a TNT
02:56We need to take those. I need that
02:59Okay, so I need to search the camp site for clues. What is this?
03:03I've seen my friends in this forest even when they aren't online. What wait, do they get trapped here?
03:09I can't pick up the thing again. Wait, Biffle. What did you do to the people that came here for this scene?
03:15I'd said the intro I did the thing. All right, I'm talking to the fishermen. Hi fishermen
03:20It's so scary out here. Please get my fishing rod from my boathouse
03:24Sir, why are you worried about fishing rods when somebody is out there wearing people's faces? Why am I talking to an NPC again?
03:32All right, so top left. I need to unlock the boat and I have a key boathouse key. Yep. That makes oh I faded
03:37I forgot I can go invisible. Okay. Hey Biffle. I don't think you're ever gonna kill us ever. Oh, you don't think so?
03:42No, hey, you know the shot up man. No, I'm sorry. No, sorry. Yeah, will you shut up?
03:47Sizzles sizzles get there get the ring of invisibility
03:52Sizzles go invisible
03:56Wait me
03:58What is in here? Okay. Hold on. I need to is this it this is it? Hold on if I go boathouse key
04:05Unlocked the boat house. I'm in what is that? How do I go in there find the fishing rod?
04:10Okay, I need to find the fishing rod in here search the boathouse for clues. Oh, yep. All right. Here we go
04:15Leave here at once it knows what sigils died your dreams
04:22Leave here at once it knows when you are here. Oh, no, there's no way Biffle doesn't know what I'm here
04:28Sizzles, how did you die?
04:32I need to find the fishing rod. Oh, what is oh, it's here fishing rod find the fishing rod. What is this?
04:37Hold on. Do I see someone special fishing rod a very special fishing rod. What is this? So special about the fishing rod?
04:45What is the fishing rod even do the fishing rod is that
04:53I smell what is that the fishing?
04:56Anything? I don't know what the fishing rod does
04:58No, it's boiled steak. I know you're in here
05:03What are you doing?
05:07I'm literally you're literally up here. I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I could see you
05:13No, I can't get out I can't get out I'm trapped no, no, you better come you can't go up here
05:18You can't go in your mouth. Don't you stretch? He stabbed me
05:24Ow, ow, ow teleport teleport. Okay this uh, you can't teleport. Okay, that's a big that's broken. Where'd you go?
05:32Enchanting glow says it glows. Okay, so I can teleport now. That's pretty neat. Hey, that's pretty neat. All right, that's pretty neat
05:37Okay, what is this special fishing rod? Do it's not special. It says it's special, but it's not special. Hi, sir
05:43I have your fishing rod. Here you go. You found it. Take this key to the farm
05:48I also heard people throw more than coins into the fountain nearby
05:52So I need to check out the fountain and then unlock the farm gate
05:56Signals, are you okay sigils?
06:00One in life you're an idiot nuggly. Sorry. No, those are unrelated facts. Do you have the music?
06:07Yeah, I have this too. Oh, yeah, cool me to come back for you. Wait, you hold on sigils. What you have a cape on
06:16Developers who can't make capes go away beautiful is making these mods now
06:22I gotta go to the fountain. Oh you going where Sunday? Where do you think you're going?
06:27Where did where did he go? Wait, I see signals
06:30You were
06:33Okay, here's the fountain hi fountain, what do you got? Oh, give me that really give me that hold on
06:39Okay, I got that. What am I looking for here? Is that it? Oh
06:44Boys, I have to TNT. We're dabbing
06:50What do you want from me no, no, no, what do you want from me sigils?
06:54Can we just
06:55Yeah, he is pretty dirty guys. If you think sigils is dirty and that's so sad. It's a like button. Sorry
07:02Hit the subscribe button if you want me to open this door right now
07:07Wait, you don't want me to do that. I'm doing it. What door are you opening? So I have the farm key and
07:16Search the farm for clues search the hay bales inside the barn. Okay, I'm searching the farm
07:23Oh, you're at the farm. No, I said, I'm noted. Where are the clues?
07:35It is your fault look at you you were born that way and that's how you'll always be search for clues
07:40What is this if you see this I am one of them what okay search the hay bales inside of the barn
07:46What does that mean? Yeah, you should really what is
07:52Right-click the hay bale and account popped out. Okay
07:57In here and I have one special ability to get you out of here
08:09You're not running away from me, where are you Sunday? You're a psycho you are a psycho. I'm out. Where are you?
08:15Where are you? I don't like you
08:22Are you
08:25You're elusive because
08:30I see you. You literally are so stupid. I could hit through walls idiot. You where'd you go through Walt my fear meter?
08:37Oh, I see you. Why is everything turning white?
08:42You are going to become
08:45You're a psycho
08:48What is wrong with him, no, no, no, why is he a psycho I need to know why is a psycho I we all have one
08:53life left
08:56Mine you search the hay bale. Where'd you go? You found a strange-looking clock replay clock. This clock is ticking back. Oh
09:03What'd you find? Hmm? You can't have that. You can't have where'd you go?
09:08Why did I not heal the use the heal thing? What is this? You search a hay bale. You found nothing
09:12What is this? You search a hay bale crowbar? Oh, I got the quest done. Nice break into the underground bunk her
09:20Bunker, I know why am I not muting when I'm saying these things?
09:27Wait, is he hitting you
09:29I don't want this work
09:36All the top center sigils we have 84 seconds to revive Zod and if we don't he becomes a stalker too great
09:43Wait, I see him. Oh
09:47You can't you can't you can't puppy guard that's cheating I'm not I'm not puppy guarding I promise
09:52I'm not puppy guarding nothing. I just want I want brethren, you know, I'm some brethren
09:59Help me is it filling is your bar filling? No, what are we supposed to do?
10:17I saw all of you and I will
10:25Wait, I'm gonna use this
10:29We pulling me in no, I'm good for that killed me. No, that is good. Why did I do that?
10:33Yeah, why did I Sunday your reversal times gonna help me murder?
10:38Everyone where the citadels go. No
10:42No, it actually worked. It actually worked. Yeah. Oh, here's the bunker door. It's an underground bunker. Oh, yeah bunker
10:49What if you die you become me? What is this? Hold on to do that. That sounds like the worst thing radio tower key
10:55Okay, wait, you're going to the radio tower, I don't know don't do that that's bad
11:00What I need to search for bunker clues search for bunker resources. Got it. What are the clues?
11:05I have a radio tower key, but I don't know what to do
11:20Why did you allow that to happen
11:26Why are you saying that what is this there is no saving us just escape and save yourself
11:35What is this
11:37banana peel
11:39No, devil alpha on Sunday and then you for instance, give me that don't worry son
11:43No, can you guys actually change that? I'd rather have said front of me. Oh, no. Okay. Why are we talking about farting?
11:56No, no, no, no, I will murder you Sunday
11:59You're so annoying. What are you doing? Wait, can I just what are you doing this? Hold on? What are you doing?
12:04No, you cannot spam that
12:05Sunday because it goes off cooldown and I if I throw it out. Hey with a cue it breaks it
12:12Don't forget Zod's on his way. I'm coming. Don't you forget Zod's on stop. This is not funny. This is no, this is serious
12:20Yeah, I am aware of that sigils. Thank me
12:32Need to look for all these batteries are these the resources
12:35Batteries, I got three sources dab on dads. Okay. No, I need to go to the radio tower. I assume
12:55I can't
13:02Where are you? Why are you in a tree? Sorry? How did you get up there? I figured out an exploit
13:09We are I'm safe. Get out of there. How do I get out of here? I'm studying right now
13:22Didn't go the radio tower sigils. We need to let what is it?
13:25We need to let the people know that we need to leave so we can dab. What is that?
13:33They're exploding no, look at my fear meter my fear meter my fear meter, where are they? I'm trying
13:42Did not it's over here. Oh, give me another thingy. No, I needed a healing disc. Stop it. Stop it
13:49Hold on so this is how they get in. So if I do that
13:55Wait, that's perfect. Wait, what do you?
14:00Know what do I do? Power the lower radio tower where?
14:05You can't get in Kenya, come on
14:11Oh, that's cute
14:13The perimeter what it was circling perimeters
14:17What is this time freeze? Wait, wait, what do you say?
14:22I don't know. Oh, I need to power something up, right? No all this. All right, that makes sense
14:28Oh, we're powering that sizzles. We will get radio help. No. Okay. What is this man time freeze a clock that doesn't tick? Okay
14:40Yeah, do you see that little boys
14:46Stunned him. You got to be kidding me. No, they can stop time stun them stun them and trip them stun them and trip them
14:55I'm here. Oh, yeah
15:01No sigils sigils, you don't want to be there I got the TNT
15:11I got he studied me. Where'd you go? Did you leave me? What?
15:17I gotta go find him. Where'd they go? Let him go. Let him escape. I need their faces
15:24Where's the
15:29Me what I do
15:33Go murder him and take his face. I'm literally working on it destroy a blockage
15:39In the gate escape the forest and await rescue. Wait, what?
15:44They're trying to run no, no
15:53We have to go this way follow me follow me
15:58Okay, just keep running sizzle we can do this we talk to him every day
16:03We're not
16:06What and
16:08Wait, hold on sigils. Hold on. We got it. We got a created deformity go in there a
16:14Distraction not a deformity. Oh don't don't go in there then
16:43What did I do
16:47Don't let him escape
17:22No, I
17:38See something hey Pookie
17:41Stop it. Oh, you would stop it. Miss it. Stop it. Miss wait, you're leaving
17:46No, no. Oh, wait, I gotta get my but I gotta get TNT out so broken
17:53Wait here right next to you though, wait a minute. It's done those we stun those no
17:58We banana those
18:00TNT is it this is it?
18:08Go go go
18:11Hey sit y'all sit y'all you have three seconds. Hold on. You have three seconds. I hate you that I win
18:21Subscribe button I did it when I went invisible