Short filmTranscript
00:00Holy shit, dude. That's a mangled mess. Oh god. It's all bloody and raw man. You shouldn't have gotten that stupid circumcision, man
00:08All right. Well, I did there's nothing I can do about it now. So fuck you guys. Thanks for making me feel worse about it
00:14Luther what's up? Sup? As you gave my daughter gonorrhea you little shit stain
00:22Better run Gallagher
00:24You burst his stitches again. You gave me gonorrhea. Why do you think you have gonorrhea?
00:29My girlfriend has it her dad wants to kill me and the dudes a cop. Okay, first things first. Let's run a test
00:35Hop up on the table
00:38That's not the hole it goes in whenever you consider not using a condom remember this pain
00:48What's happening gave you a jumbo dose of Thorazine my brain feels like cotton candy
00:53That's the way you're gonna feel for the next 72 hours. You guys are the best