00:10Previously on Allegiance what if we didn't have to be a secret we could go to jail have a nice flight
00:16Thanks. Wait, where are you going?
00:17Heading to Calgary just some loose ends at the Calgary CF PC. The CF PC is digitizing their archives
00:22Hey, I confirmation bias on steroids. So basically a high-tech version of carding the assistant commissioner is gunning hard for it
00:29I don't see a loser. I see someone who's angry get on your knees now
00:35Subject is down that has been neutralized. What's your take? It's the use of force justified. I trust your judgment
01:21Good job. We've done our victory laps
01:24Taken all the photos and our fans have gone home proud tonight and now it's just us and it's this feeling
01:32This feeling right here
01:34This is what I want you to remember. This is the reason why we play the game. I
01:40Know it hasn't been easy
01:43We've been through a lot
01:44But the only people who matter are those in this room right here right now
01:50and now
02:02Told you I did it still Eugene. I told you where's my champagne?
02:05Oh sure the balls at the end of the bench you put champagne bottles under the bench you friggin
02:22Stay here
03:16Know that was difficult
03:17Let's see how you they're just doing their job and
03:20They know you're doing yours. What does that mean?
03:23Conditional return to duty. No means that their final decision is still pending, but you pass your psyche about you can return to work
03:36I've been in your position. I know that means nothing because when you're in it you feel like you're the only one but
03:44These things can linger
03:45They change you sometimes in ways you don't expect anyway, we're all with you you did everything, right?
03:55I'm gonna go and finish up. I'll see you downstairs. Yes, sir
04:05He must have been a long week at home, I mean, I hope you didn't try to cook for yourself again
04:09Don't worry the ceilings not permanently damaged
04:14Are you cleared conditionally you didn't know that they kept me in the dark obviously a conflict of interest, yeah, right
04:21Can I do any? No, I'm good
04:24You sure?
04:25Because if you want I'm fine, and I'm officially back on the clock. So I should yeah. Yeah. No, I just
04:32I'll see you later
04:51Thank you, no, I mean
04:55Thank you
04:58You had my back I
05:02Was at that game
05:03My mom was a season ticket holder. She used to drag me this year every weekend
05:06I didn't thank you for a hockey girl. Well, we mostly just played tag. Well, she yelled at the refs
05:11She was the one who loved hockey. I hate hockey. Oh, well hockey player broke your heart
05:16Yeah, I bet you this guy just coached me through life must be nice not having to work hard at anything just cuz you're good at
05:22Hockey, that's great Baxter
05:24He was serving on the map when he got drafted. You don't get to that level without hard work
05:28She's right
05:30That kid was a star
05:33Hey flamed out. He couldn't handle the spotlight
05:37I'll take you to the scene
05:47Victim is Eugene Gunderson single gunshot wounds in the back between the shoulders. He was the team owner
05:54So what crowd? Yeah, it's a packed barn. The gunshot was heard 40 minutes after the game ended. So most of the fans have filtered out
06:02and the road team got back on their bus quick, but the home team continued the party in their dressing room where
06:08Coach Chris Amherst told him to stay put when they heard the shots. He found the body. He called it in
06:14I got officers getting statements from the players now any other potential witnesses?
06:18Yeah, I got four parents 11 fans three staffers all were in various spots around the rink, but no one saw the shooter
06:24So he's standing here when he gets shot
06:26falls forward
06:31Yeah, I already searched the press box there's nothing up there
06:47There it is
06:48rifle shell casing
06:50Hello a shot. I'm here shooter could be a marksman of some kind. I could have hidden up there taking the shot
07:00Yeah, run down these steps and took off out the doors and then the casing fell here
07:17Let's get this to ballistics do GSR tests on everybody here. Come on. We got to go talk to the coach
07:26Do you know if anyone was upset with Eugene had any issues with him?
07:29No, was he acting differently lately anything out of the ordinary Eugene was Eugene. He's full of life high energy
07:36I don't know who would want to kill him, especially now now. We just won provincials. We're heading to Nationals next week
07:43You know, what was your relationship with him? Like was he putting pressure on you to get the Nationals? No, nothing like that
07:49He let me coach the team how I wanted Eugene handle the business side and kept the crazies at bay crazy parents
07:57And fans
07:59Did you see the suspect if I saw the shooter he'd be down for the count I man's got real lucky
08:05Yeah, we found Ricky hiding under the desk. What were you doing in Eugene's office? We just took provincials
08:11We're gonna go celebrate. Does Eugene often party with fans or just the ones who bring the party goods?
08:16But you missed a spot
08:21What are you here to sell to Eugene who do you get your stuff from Ricky I ain't saying nothing look buddy
08:26The more we talk the better off you'll be otherwise we'll have no choice but to take you in as a suspect for murder
08:31Yo, I didn't kill nobody damn Eugene just owed me some cash
08:36That's it. And if you don't pay you've got to send the message ain't that right? I want a lawyer if we keep talking
08:41That's Ricky for gunshot residue and bring him in. Okay, let's go pal. Let's go. I
08:48Don't think Ricky could sit still for a minute. I don't want you to target a nice drink away
08:53Coach Chris said that Eugene was high energy. It's a lot of cocaine use and hockey circles
08:58Maybe he got involved in organized crime thinking it was a hit
09:01It could be you got a shooter who hit a target from a long distance
09:04No witnesses and they knew how to disappear right after guy on the hockey team
09:07Shouldn't he be able to pay for a habit like that junior hockey is not like pro sports. It's a miracle to break even
09:14All right. Let's let's check the team books. See what the money went
09:20Morning looks like our victim was old-school kept all the team's accounting on paper
09:30Okay, no, but if I took more time off I just
09:36You start knitting yeah, you're right
09:43We need to see how much money the team was making and if Eugene was spending on anything he shouldn't have been what do
09:49We have on the owner so far
09:51Eugene Gunderson, he grew up in Surrey worked for an investment firm in Sweden
09:56And then he moved back to buy the local team a few years ago. He's no partner
09:59No kids his next of kin is a brother, but we've confirmed that he's still in Pittsburgh. Where's our family. That's what I did find
10:06This is just one of the many photos. He took of his new car purchased a few months ago
10:10You still work for that firm? No, not since he bought the team. I thought you said junior hockey wasn't a cash cow
10:16But it's cash box-office merch concession
10:20Could be laundering money. Well keeping everything offline helps. I'll work with fraud on these
10:25How's the gun search going?
10:28There are hundreds of registered rifle owners in Surrey alone. I'm checking names against anyone in Eugene's circle
10:33That could be a pretty big circle
10:38Cross-reference with anyone who has a hunting license
10:47Wow, look who owns that rifle and has a hunting license
10:59I was at the range Wednesday night, but it's been locked up ever since
11:08But you coached Grant Baxter, oh
11:11Yeah, Grant was one of the first kids I ever worked with
11:14Oh yeah, Grant was one of the first kids I ever worked with. I remember watching him play. Such a beautiful player, wasn't he?
11:21Your gun cabinet
11:32I had it. It was right there. Someone must have stolen it
11:35Is anyone home during the game? No, no one. My wife and daughter have been on the island all week
11:40Well, you said you locked it up Wednesday night. Who's been down here since? I don't know. It could have been anyone. Anyone?
11:45Yeah, we have the boys over here a lot. We have barbecues with the parents. Even our coaches meetings are held out here
11:50Everyone's welcome anytime they want
11:52Do you have any security cameras?
11:54This is a safe neighborhood. No sign of a break-in. Anyone outside the family have a key to the house?
11:58Yeah, I leave one under a plan outside
12:01Some of the older boys, if they're out drinking, I told them they could sleep here so they don't drive home. Any of them have issues with Eugene?
12:09I don't know
12:12That guns out there and his open-door policy makes everyone a suspect
12:24Chris, did he have his staff over for a film session last night?
12:27Yeah, coach always invites us even the water boys so that we can learn systems, plays, breakouts
12:32He knows that we all want to move up. I don't want to be equipment manager forever
12:36Has Eugene ever denied you a promotion? I don't think any of us expected a promotion
12:40I mean we were all basically volunteering at this point. You haven't been paid?
12:46Sometimes he'd asked me to get his rifle for him on the way to the range, but we haven't gone in a while
12:52Any players ever tag along when you and coach went to the range?
12:55Rarely. Those boys couldn't hit the ocean if they fell out of a boat. What were your billet players doing at his house yesterday?
13:01They were hungry. Do you have any idea how much hockey players eat?
13:05His billet parents aren't all your meals covered by the team?
13:08Well, that would have been a question for Eugene
13:11Typically, we get new gear every year. Sticks, gloves, even custom trackies, but this year we're still wearing the old ones
13:18We even gave back some of our pay to get new stuff, but we never got it
13:22We make it work, but it's hard to feed the boys when we're only getting half our usual stipend
13:26We had a fundraiser before the season, even reached our goal, but Eugene never shared the money with us
13:32Do you know of anyone else who had financial issues with Eugene?
13:37You're damn right I smashed his windshield. He stole my money
13:40Okay, Eugene, he holds his parents meeting, right? Telling us all about the showcase tournament in New York
13:46You wanted your son to play in front of the American Scouts?
13:48Well a chance to play Div 1, who wouldn't want that for their son?
13:52Eugene says they can't afford it
13:53So I wrote him a check for the whole thing. Then I get back from a business trip
13:58My son says he never even went. Next thing I know, I see Eugene driving that car around
14:02You thought Eugene used your money to buy his car?
14:04Maybe, but I know when to fix in that windshield, that's for sure
14:08Why didn't you just talk to Eugene about this? Didn't make a difference on the ice?
14:12I didn't want to rock the boat. I let it go. We were winning. We were winning. We were winning
14:18Well, pretty much everyone who had access to coach's guns had financial issues with Eugene
14:24But they never did anything because God forbid anyone speak up while the team was winning
14:28Other alibis
14:29We'll gain to them as we speak. Get anything from the GSR tests?
14:32Negative. Everyone at the rink was clean unless the shooter was wearing gloves
14:35Do we have any idea where all the money went?
14:37Gunderson International. Turns out, Eugene started his own investment firm a year ago
14:41And boy, did they have a rough start. They amassed a ton of debt, they made some risky moves
14:47But then, he's suddenly back in black. Cash flush again as of a few months ago
14:52What, you thinking he was taking money from the team and putting it back into his own company?
14:55That dad we spoke to thinks Eugene bought that car with his money. Possible motive
14:59He was break a windshield pissed, not murder pissed
15:01He was riding this community's love of winning and robbing them blind. He was a con man
15:06With a coke habit
15:07Remember Ricky? His dealer from the rink?
15:09What if Eugene owed Ricky's guys and they took him out to send a message?
15:12No, no, no. He was good on that. There is literally an entire column labeled Ricky
15:17He was on payroll as a personal assistant. Yeah, only missing payment was for today
15:22Everything else was topped up
15:24Even if he was involved in organized crime, they wouldn't need to use the coach's rifle
15:28That's our murder weapon. The suspect had to have access to his house
15:31No one on this team has a C on their jersey. Where's their captain?
15:38And who were the other assistants on the team?
15:44Yeah, it's me, Lucas and Brandon and we've been the assistants all year
15:50Ajay should be the captain. He's the best player
15:52Did you have a team captain at all?
15:54Yeah, Benji. He's our best player dad
15:57How many times do I tell you, Poth? You have the most goals so you're the best player
16:01Well, the best player isn't always the one who scores the most goals, right Ajay?
16:05So why was Benji the best player?
16:08He was our leader, always put the team first, knew how to find guys on the ice
16:14And I wouldn't have scored any of those goals without him
16:17So why didn't he play in the final game?
16:19Because he was a cheater
16:21Dad, don't
16:23We have to tell her the truth. Benji was cut from the team
16:27When did this happen?
16:29A month ago. It hurt us both. We've known him for years
16:33He used to spend summers in my home training with Ajay
16:36Well, what did Benji do?
16:38Steroids. The worst thing
16:41I've always told Ajay, if you want to win, win right
16:44You cheat, you will always be a loser no matter what
16:47Dad, Benji's not a loser
16:49Did you know that Benji was doing steroids?
16:51Aye, Ajay wouldn't even know what they look like
16:53He does not need to cheat. We come from a line of strong Punjabi men
17:00Was Benji upset when he was cut?
17:04Do you know if Benji had any idea where Coach kept the key for the gun cabinet?
17:08Everyone knew it was in the drawer
17:13Can I use the washroom?
17:16Yeah, of course
17:20Just outside the door to the right
17:29Did Eugene have anything to do with Benji being cut?
17:32He was the one who did it. He had to
17:35Benji could have brought down the whole team with what he did
17:38Uncle, how do you know so much about hockey?
17:40I, me, I know nothing
17:43I don't know the difference between offside and icing, anything
17:47I don't know
17:49But Ajay, obsessed since he was born
17:54Day and night, hockey on the TV
17:56You try to turn it off, he starts crying
17:58My own mother couldn't watch her own dramas because Ajay was watching so much hockey
18:05All he ever wanted was to play for Surrey
18:08To be Grant Baxter
18:11So I said, whoever coached him, that man is going to coach my son
18:16Even if it means more shifts in my taxi, I'll do it
18:19And I got Ajay private lessons with Coach Chris since he was a boy
18:25And look at him now, eh? My son, number one player in Surrey
18:33He's lucky to have you
18:53Celebrated a little too hard last night?
19:05Hey, spoke to the other assistants
19:08Their captain was cut for steroid use
19:10Yeah, same story I got from Ajay and his dad confirmed that it was Eugene's decision
19:14I found Benji's plane ticket back to Swift Current, Saskatchewan
19:17And the date lines up with when he was cut
19:23Jillian, does Benji have a hunting license?
19:29Yes, he does
19:31Could Benji be our killer?
19:36Benji was in his last year of hockey, he was slowing down
19:39Guys like him would do anything to keep the dream of going to Nationals alive
19:42So that's when the steroid use starts
19:44He takes PEDs, test boosters, Trent
19:46They work, team starts winning again
19:48Then he's caught by the owner
19:49Yeah, he's labeled a cheater and his entire career's over, just like that
19:52And according to the other assistant captains, the team turned its back on him
19:56Benji loses his dream and his teammates in one fell swoop
19:59And Eugene took that from him
20:01And then the side effects
20:02High levels of anxiety, suicidal tendencies, increased agitation and rage
20:06Okay, so we got a skilled marksman in a severely affected mental state
20:10With a vendetta against the man who ended his dream
20:12What about his whereabouts at the time of the murder?
20:14Well, we know he's not in Swift Current anymore
20:16According to his mom, he hopped in his truck and went hunting three days ago
20:19No one's seen him since
20:22All right, listen up!
20:23Our shooter at large is Benderman Clark
20:25Six-foot, heavy build, presumed to have been shot in the head
20:27He was shot in the head with a shotgun
20:29Our shooter at large is Benderman Clark
20:30Six-foot, heavy build, presumed armed and dangerous
20:33Proceed with caution
20:34I want checkpoints in and out of Surrey
20:36Highways 117 and 99
20:38Need a Volo on a red Ford F100 pickup truck
20:41Saskatchewan plates
20:42Sierra, Romeo 5, Victor 7, 8
20:45Good work, get out there, find this guy and bring him in
20:48Benji may have been abandoned by his team
20:50But I know one player who still considers him his captain
20:54Ajay, have you been in contact with Benji since he's been cut?
20:59We think Benji might be back in town
21:02I texted him after he went home, but he never responded
21:06Is Benji okay?
21:08We're trying to find out
21:09Did anything go down after Eugene cut him?
21:12Eugene never cut Benji
21:14Coach did
21:17How do you know?
21:18Because I was there when it happened
21:20Because I was there when it happened
21:21I was running late to practice
21:23And I saw Benji in Coach's office
21:26And I couldn't hear what Benji was saying, but
21:28When he left, he slammed Coach's door so hard, I thought he broke it
21:31And then Coach just told the team Eugene just cut Benji, but
21:36Eugene wasn't even there
21:38And you have no idea what the argument was about?
21:42Was it about steroids?
21:43No, Benji never would have cheated, okay?
21:46He wouldn't hurt the team like that
21:49He protected us
21:53And you never told anyone about this?
21:55Coach didn't want anyone talking about Benji
21:58So the team moved on
22:02Why would Benji go after Eugene if Chris is the one who ended his career?
22:05Can we trust AJ's story?
22:07They're best friends, he's obviously biased
22:10But I'm with you, we need to hear Chris's side
22:13I'll call him
22:25That's voicemail
22:27Hi Chris, it's Detective Colani
22:29Call me back as soon as you get this
22:37Hey Zach
22:43Remember the team's equipment manager?
22:46They're wearing the same tracksuit
22:48Can you tell those two apart?
23:07Now imagine being across an ice rink
23:10What if Benji shot Eugene because he looked like Coach Chris from a distance?
23:14We need to find Chris
23:34Jillian, we need to find Chris
23:35We think that he was Benji's target and not Eugene
23:37What? How?
23:38It was Chris who cut Benji from the team
23:40He might have shot at Eugene because they were wearing the same tracksuit
23:42I'll track his phone
23:55His cell's pinging off towers in South Surrey
23:57He's by Morgan Creek
24:16Excuse me
24:36Chris, where are you right now?
24:37We need to talk to you
24:38It's about Eugene
24:57No, no, no, no, please!
24:58Please, don't!
24:59Please, don't!
25:00No, no!
25:01Please, put the gun down!
25:04Drop your weapon! Do it now!
25:06Tell them what you did!
25:07Show them! Please, show them!
25:08Drop your weapon!
25:09Tell them!
25:10Do it now!
25:11Tell them the truth!
25:20I want to know the truth
25:21I want to know what made you do this
25:23I want to know what happened
25:25But if you shoot him now
25:28Then no one will ever know what he did
25:55I understand you declined a lawyer
25:57Is that right, Benji?
26:00You wanted your coach to tell us something back in the alley
26:03Any reason why you can't tell us yourself?
26:09Well, here's what I can tell you
26:10We know this was your last year of junior hockey
26:13You were playing with your best friend, AJ
26:16On a team that was going to the Nationals
26:18All those hours in the gym
26:20All those practices, first thing in the morning
26:23It would have all been worth it
26:25But then
26:27You got cut
26:29And the dream was over
26:30It's no wonder you wanted revenge on Eugene
26:32I didn't mean to shoot Mr. Gunderson
26:36But you did, Benji
26:38You killed him
26:39The bullet in Eugene matched the one you fired at Chris
26:41You stole his gun because you knew how many people had access to it
26:44And that it wouldn't lead back to you
26:45You planned to kill Eugene
26:47No, I didn't!
26:55I thought...
26:56You thought it was someone else
26:59From where you were standing, they looked the same, didn't they?
27:01Same toque, same track suit
27:07I thought it was Coach Chris
27:09So you knew you killed the wrong man and you still came back
27:13Why, Benji?
27:16I wasn't...
27:19I wasn't strong enough
27:20You mean talking about the steroids?
27:23I wouldn't do that to my team
27:26Those were my guys and I...
27:28I let him down, I let him...
27:39You have him, keep going
27:41I had this partner back in Calgary
27:45Guy was a legend
27:47I thought I was lucky to be on his team
27:51And then this one rookie joined the force
27:55Kid was tiny
27:56But he wanted to be a cop more than anything
27:59With his dream
28:02And my partner made it his nightmare
28:05And I started his initiation, you know?
28:07Get me a coffee, clean my uniform
28:10Then he started backhanding him when he made a mistake
28:14Calling him runt
28:17I watched as this rookie got smaller and smaller
28:24But my partner had all the power
28:27All the respect
28:29So I stayed quiet
28:31And I thought to myself
28:33Am I a coward?
28:36Am I weak?
28:39Then one day, my partner called for his runt
28:42And got me instead
28:45And we got into it
28:47Next thing you know, we're on the ground, swinging
28:53Guys were trying to separate us, but...
28:56I was there
28:58Guys were trying to separate us, but...
29:01I couldn't stop
29:03Because every time I looked down at him
29:07I just saw my own face
29:12I let that rookie down
29:20I was...
29:23I was supposed to protect him
29:28Protect who?
29:31He protected us
29:39Mr. Garwa, thank you for coming
29:41What's going on? I'm still on shift
29:43Dad, can you sit down?
29:47I wanted you to be here
30:02After practice
30:05Coach would make me run stairs alone
30:09And I'd be so tired I could barely stand
30:13And he'd stretch me out
30:19Then he'd...
30:24Massage me
30:27He'd start on my legs
30:29And his hands would...
30:37I just...
30:40I couldn't do anything
30:42I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe
30:45I just froze
30:47But coach would just keep going
30:50When did this start, Ajay?
30:52When I started getting private lessons from him
31:01Did anyone else on the team know?
31:04I'd room with Benji on the road at tournaments
31:08But I'd always wait till he was asleep
31:12Before I had to go to coach's room
31:14I was never asleep
31:16Ajay, we'd come back
31:19Ajay, we'd come back
31:23I'd just hear him crying
31:27He'd cry all night
31:30And I never said a thing
31:38I started to hate the game
31:40Hate hockey
31:42I'd get sick
31:43I wanted to quit playing
31:44But I thought winning would just make it go away
31:47Winning made it worse
31:49I knew at McNationals
31:51There'd be another road trip
31:52And I went to coach and I told him
32:00I told him I knew what he was doing, Ajay
32:03And he said...
32:07Who's gonna believe you?
32:10And coach knew every scout
32:12Pro in college
32:13He could just end my career
32:15By the time I'd gotten back to my billets
32:17Coach had told everyone I was a cheater
32:19He turned him against me
32:20And then I was on a plane home
32:22And Ajay was...
32:30Ajay was still with him
32:32I know how much my dad sacrificed just to get me this far
32:37I couldn't let coach take that away
32:40So you kept this a secret?
32:58How you holding up?
33:00I'm okay
33:02Can't imagine what you've been going through
33:04With this case
33:07The last one
33:09How'd it go in there?
33:12I've been over both statements
33:14But I'm not confident
33:15You heard what he did to Ajay?
33:17Yes, but I'm not the only one that needs to hear it
33:19Like, the system also uses physical evidence for sexual assault cases
33:23Without it, the Crown may have to rely solely on their statements
33:26The defense is gonna make them go over it again and again
33:29Every word will be scrutinized
33:31And the way these cases are handled
33:33Can potentially re-trigger a victim
33:35To the point where they drop the case altogether
33:37They're not victims, they're survivors
33:42You're right
33:43But in this particular case
33:46All we have are two players
33:47One of whom is going away for murder
33:49Against a man with an exceptional 20-year record of coaching
33:54I'm sorry
33:55I wish it were different, but
33:57Without more evidence, this may not go their way
33:59You don't just become a predator 20 years into coaching
34:02There's no way that Ajay's the only one
34:14Are you sure this is the right place?
34:16Last known work address
34:18Alright, thanks Jillian
34:28Grant Baxter?
34:30Can I help you?
34:33You were my mom's favorite hockey player
34:36Sorry, I think you must have me confused with someone else
34:40There are a lot of kids in Surrey who play hockey because of you
34:43I don't care about hockey
34:44Who love the game because of you
34:46Please, just leave me alone
34:47And those kids, they need you now
34:49Grant, please
34:51I want to talk to you about Coach Chris
34:58What am I still doing here?
35:00Benji was pointing the gun at me, remember?
35:29Turn around
35:30Hands behind your back
35:32Turn around
35:57I was this tall
35:59My son
36:02His head barely above my knee
36:05He was begging me to get him a hockey stick for his birthday
36:10He was so happy when I got him that hockey stick
36:15He slept with it
36:17Took it to school
36:18Even took it to India when we went
36:2515 years Ajay's been playing
36:2915 years
36:30And I never once missed a game
36:38But somehow
36:40I missed this
36:59You didn't let me down
37:02You didn't
37:03I'm so sorry man
37:08Did you do this because you thought I could never stand up to him?
37:14I did because I knew one day you would
37:17And I would destroy everything you were for
37:19Couldn't let you do that
37:23Playing hockey with you is the happiest I've ever been
37:28Keep playing, Ajay
37:34Uncle, it's not your fault
37:38These predators
37:40They don't just groom kids
37:42They manipulate parents
37:45Entire communities
37:49Everybody misses it
37:55But this moment right now
37:59This is the moment you can't miss
38:04Thank you
38:12I know, Dad
38:14I know
38:16I should have been stronger
38:19Like our family
38:24My son
38:28You are the strongest man our family has ever had
38:44You talk to your sister yet?
38:47Sort of
38:54I just
38:57I didn't know what to say
39:00I get it
39:02Must be hard
39:04You never wanted your sister to be a cop and now here she is
39:08And here you are and what happened, happened
39:11So maybe it's okay you don't know how to feel
39:13But she's still your sister
39:31I love you
39:50Breaking news out of Surrey this morning
39:52Long time hockey coach Chris Amherst has been arrested on charges of sexual assault
39:58Ajay Gruel has given explicit consent to use his name in reporting this developing story
40:03This young man is standing up against the culture of silence that has plagued the game of hockey for far too long
40:11Putting his name out there like that, breaking the silence
40:14All the championships, scoring, titles, whatever records he breaks
40:18All that's nothing compared to what Ajay's done today
40:27More charges are expected as former players including Surrey Sparrows legend Grant Baxter continue to come forward
40:35Ajay's story should be a reminder to everyone that speaking out is not shameful
40:38It's inspiring for others to move forward, start to heal
40:49We set Ajay up with a counsellor who helps survivors of sexual abuse
40:54His father's going to attend too, they'll both have support
41:03I get why you wanted to talk to Benji alone
41:06You must have known that he was protecting Ajay
41:12The day before I found my partner, I found that rookie in the washroom
41:20He was on a horse, huddled over the toilet
41:23I'll never forget his face
41:26He was begging for help
41:29I saw that same look on Ajay
41:32Benji must have seen it too
41:34Is that why you went to Calgary?
41:38Yep, the internal investigation ended, no charges
41:45That blew all
41:47He kept his job, I got shipped out
41:53See you later Sabrina
42:10Mom's seat
42:22You know I went to the Gurdwara after I shot Jacob Ryan
42:27Did it help?
42:33I'm not sure
42:35If you need me for anything, so
42:40I got you
42:43For everything
42:48Hey that was a penalty, come on!
42:51You sound like mom right now
42:53I know
42:54Come on, pass it!
42:59Let's go Ajay!
43:00Let's go!
43:02Let's go Benji!
43:03There it is, there it is!
43:05Let's go!