• 2 days ago


00:00Previously on Wild Cards
00:02Aww, is this your brother?
00:04You keep your badge, I stay out of jail, and you can catch your brother's killer.
00:08So what, we're stuck here?
00:10Did we?
00:11I think we did, didn't we?
00:12How did that happen?
00:13Dorothy's chocolates.
00:14I just don't want to pretend like something didn't happen.
00:17Something definitely happened.
00:24My grandfather was the greatest man I've ever known.
00:27He lived every day like it was a gift.
00:29Most people his age were slowing down, but not Nana.
00:36Every day there was something new to learn.
00:38New music to hear, new art to see.
00:41And he was always active right up until the end.
00:48The day before he died, I remember his final words to me.
00:51Don't forget to open your eyes and ears.
00:53The world is trying to tell you something. You just have to listen.
00:59It's coming from inside the casket.
01:01Bring the key!
01:04Oh, Dorothy!
01:17It wasn't even gray.
01:18He was thinking about it.
01:20You know, I haven't heard you scream that loud since you pretended to, like, football for that fireman.
01:26Alas, he was better at putting out fires than starting them.
01:31How'd I do?
01:32Well, you're no beauty influencer, but you have a great canvas to work on.
01:36Well, you do too. I'm really going to miss this condo.
01:39Don't get misty-eyed. The last of the packages are soon to arrive, and that means...
01:43And as long as we keep solving cases, I'll get my dad out of jail.
01:47And then we grab the payday of ten lifetimes.
01:50It's just been so nice to be in a place for longer than a week.
01:53Waking up in the same bed, seeing the same sunrise.
01:56Maybe I did get too attached.
01:59Oh, I'll get it.
02:00No need.
02:01I installed a doorbell camera and remote key. Oh my.
02:06Who is it?
02:07Your attachment.
02:11Why, Detective, we were just talking about you.
02:13He's kidding. What are you doing here?
02:15Look, I need a favor.
02:16I'm all yours.
02:17My boat's out of the water right now. They're re-waterproofing the entire hull or something, so, uh...
02:22Yeah, say hello to my little friend.
02:24Of course we'll cat-sit.
02:26O-M-G, the famous Mark. It is a pleasure to meet you.
02:32Okay, so this is his catnip fish toy. It's a go-to if he gets nervous.
02:35His paper blanket's in the car.
02:36He'll be fine.
02:37Oh, poor thing. Does he have scurvy?
02:40Nope, he just looks like that.
02:42Hmm. We'll see about that.
02:45Oh, yes, there is nothing that Uncle Ricky can't fix.
02:50Does he like salmon souffle?
02:52Of course you do.
02:53Where's he going?
02:58Hey, Chief. What do you got?
03:00Yeah, sure. No, I know it.
03:02Okay, we're on our way.
03:03Where are we going? What should I wear?
03:05Something... black.
03:12Spoiler alert. I bet we find a dead body in there.
03:20So how would you want to be buried?
03:22I'd try not to think about it.
03:24I want my ashes sprinkled over Hugh Jackman.
03:27Dead or alive. Really doesn't matter.
03:30What's up?
03:31You won't believe me unless I show you.
03:33That's Mr. Singh, the deceased, and this is his funeral.
03:37She was inside the casket with Mr. Singh.
03:41Were they close? Was there like a two-for-one special? I don't understand.
03:45Nobody does.
03:46So nobody knows who this dead woman is or how she got here?
03:51Who are you?
04:08Max, get over here.
04:09As soon as she stops dying, I'll be right over.
04:11Don't worry. It's safe.
04:13Did the dead woman tell you that? Because she's lying.
04:16I promise, amiga. It's okay.
04:18What you saw was a cadaveric spasm. They can persist through rigor mortis.
04:22They're more common than you'd think.
04:24Sometimes air can even pass through the vocal cords, making it seem like the dead are talking to us.
04:28Okay, so she's got no ID and her purse and her phone are missing?
04:31So, robbery?
04:32Could be. You can clearly see the tan line where her wedding ring used to be.
04:35An attack might explain the ligature marks on her neck.
04:38Those are deep.
04:40Think she was strangled?
04:41Likely with some kind of strap, I'm guessing.
04:44The eyes show petechial hemorrhaging.
04:46But I need to do an autopsy to confirm actual cause.
04:48Possible time of death?
04:49Sometime between 10 and 12 last night.
04:51Well, this place would have been closed by then.
04:54So how did her body end up in Mr. Singh's casket?
04:56Let's talk to the owners.
04:58It's a mystery to us.
04:59And you're sure you don't recognize this woman in the casket?
05:03We assure you nothing like this has ever happened before.
05:05I would hope not.
05:07Well, then how do you explain it?
05:09We can't.
05:10Vernon and I completed the final prep on the body last night,
05:13locked the casket and headed upstairs.
05:15And what time would that have been?
05:17Around 9.30.
05:19And then we were upstairs playing Donkey Kong.
05:22I wouldn't have taken you as gamers.
05:24Oh, in this line of work, real life can be a little much sometimes.
05:27You need an escape.
05:31I understand.
05:32Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
05:34No. Of course not. No.
05:36Is there some way you could keep this quiet?
05:38If this gets out, it could ruin us.
05:40We're a small business.
05:41It's hard enough to compete with the big funeral chains without this getting around.
05:48You gotta come see this.
05:49Someone forced this open.
05:51When did you notice this?
05:52Just now.
05:54All right, I'm gonna need to take a look at the footage from that security camera.
05:56Sure, we can get it to you.
05:59No, actually, we can't. It's not working.
06:01Sure it is.
06:02No, you were supposed to call the security guy and fix it, but you didn't.
06:06Oh, right. Darn, I must have forgot.
06:08Things have been a little stressful around here lately.
06:11Let me guess. Customers just dying to get in?
06:15The opposite, actually. Business has been very slow.
06:17Oh, so it's been dead around here?
06:21That was the last one, I swear.
06:24Vernon, I need you.
06:26Mrs. Singh has family from out of town and she wants to proceed with the funeral.
06:30Will that be okay?
06:31That should be fine.
06:32Mr. Singh died three days ago of a heart attack. His death's not in question here.
06:35But the forensics team will need to take a look at the casket.
06:37We can get Mr. Singh another casket.
06:46Whoever broke in must have known that the camera was down and that they wouldn't have been recorded.
06:50Vernon didn't exactly seem like he was in a rush to get it fixed, either.
06:53You think he lied to explain the after hours corpse smuggling?
06:56Maybe. I'll get forensics to dust this door for prints.
06:59Seems like an awful lot of trouble. Why would someone break into a funeral home to hide a body in a casket?
07:04What happened to the good old days when you would just toss the body into the river?
07:07Because with water, bodies have a way of resurfacing. But this, this was a perfect disposal method.
07:11Or at least it would have been.
07:13What's strange is that nobody here knows who the victim is.
07:16Maybe Mr. Singh knew her. Maybe they were having an affair.
07:19You think Mrs. Singh, a woman in her, what, 80s, killed her husband's lover and then dumped her body in the casket?
07:25Hey, love makes you do crazy things.
07:27I promise you that woman is a stranger. No one has ever seen her. My husband didn't know her either.
07:33How can you be so sure?
07:34My husband and I were married when we were 18. We own a small dry cleaners, a full time job.
07:40We were together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for our entire lives.
07:45Okay, fine. It was just a theory.
07:48Look, we're so sorry you're having to go through all this today, Mrs. Singh, but the forensics team is going to need to examine the casket.
07:55I didn't order that one anyway.
07:57What do you mean?
07:58We prepaid our funerals years ago. My husband and I chose the basic models.
08:03But Mr. Gunderson texted me this morning and told me they were upgrading it because of a long relationship with them.
08:10Three generations of our family have gone through this funeral home.
08:14We appreciate you taking the time to talk to us, okay? My condolences.
08:20Right this way.
08:26That's quite the bump in accommodation. The casket upgrade is nearly a 10 grand difference.
08:32Yeah, doesn't exactly sound like something a struggling funeral home would do.
08:36No, it doesn't.
08:37The Gundersons are hiding something. Let's go find out what.
08:40We can talk in here.
08:45Like you said, it's hard to sustain a family run funeral home, what with all the competition from the big chains, right?
08:50So how could you afford to give a 10 grand upgrade to supersize the casket for the Singhs?
08:54We didn't.
08:55Of course not.
08:56Then how did Mr. Singh get one?
08:58The Singhs requested the upgrade.
09:00Uh-huh. And paid for it?
09:01No. No, Mrs. Singh told us that you texted her this morning offering a free upgrade.
09:07It wasn't me. No, she must be confused. Grief does that to a lot of people.
09:12Let me see your phone. Open the messages.
09:19He's right, there's no messages to the Singhs.
09:22You could have deleted them.
09:23Like you said, why would we give away a free upgrade to a bigger casket?
09:27To fit another body inside.
09:30Look, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you for questioning.
09:33This is outrageous.
09:34We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
09:35No, no, no, no.
09:36Hey, stop.
09:37Look, I'm sorry, but I've got to take your parents in for questioning, all right?
09:39They didn't do anything wrong.
09:41It's okay, Parker.
09:42I know who put her in the casket.
09:44How would you know that?
09:45Because it was me.
09:54I'm sorry.
10:02I messed up.
10:03Messing up is like when Ross said Rachel's name at the altar.
10:06This is murder.
10:11I didn't kill anyone, okay?
10:13She was already dead when they dropped her off.
10:15Who dropped her off?
10:16I don't know.
10:17Okay, Parker, calm down.
10:19Now just tell me what happened from the beginning.
10:22I owe a lot of money.
10:24From what?
10:29My parents don't know.
10:31Who do you owe the money to?
10:33My bookie, but he was arrested a couple months ago and sold off my debt.
10:37I was told that one day I'd be asked for a favor.
10:40And yesterday was that day?
10:42Last night I got a text with instructions.
10:44Leave the back door of the funeral home open at 1 a.m.
10:47and move Mr. Singh to a larger casket.
10:49So you texted Mrs. Singh from your father's phone offering the free upgrade
10:54and then deleted the text before he saw it.
10:56You didn't think your parents were going to find out about the upgrade?
10:58Of course, but I was going to find a way to try and cover it up before they caught on.
11:02And when we showed up, you faked the break-in.
11:05Who gave you your instructions?
11:06I have no idea. It was an anonymous text message.
11:09Why wouldn't you just call the police?
11:11Because they said if I didn't do this, then they'd go after my parents.
11:17Look, Parker, we have your cell phone, okay?
11:19So if you're lying, we're going to find out about it.
11:21I'm not. Okay, I swear, I didn't kill anyone.
11:28Okay, apparently Parker's story about the text checks out.
11:31Text messages came in late last night through a burner phone.
11:34There's no way to trace them.
11:35Parker's stupid, yeah, but there's no way he's a murderer.
11:38No, I agree. We've got to talk to that bookie to find out who he sold Parker's debt to.
11:41I'm going to need a medium, because he's dead.
11:44Died of a heart attack in prison last month.
11:46You've got to be kidding me. Any hits on our Jane Doe?
11:48Simmons put in a request to the Federal Missing Persons Database, but we won't get a response back until the morning.
11:53Look, someone went to great lengths to cover up this murder.
11:56There must be something bigger going on. Keep digging.
12:08What are you doing?
12:09I'm waiting for the third shoe to drop. Bad news always comes in threes.
12:13You don't actually believe that, do you?
12:18So what does the third shoe say?
12:20It's the marina. Apparently all of my boats are in worse shape than they thought.
12:24Is there anything I can do to help?
12:28It's going to be out of the water for at least a couple days.
12:30I'll have to grab Mark and stay in a hotel or something.
12:33Maybe I'll just crash here.
12:35Oh, no. There's no way I can let that happen.
12:38What kind of partner would I be if I let you and Mark sleep in the station?
12:41Thanks. We'll be fine. It's okay.
12:43Okay, you're hilarious. You're coming home with me.
12:47Not in the way that that sounds.
13:06More wine?
13:15Right. Sorry.
13:17This dish is incredible, Ricky. What's it called?
13:19He calls it riquitiki masala.
13:23I think it's time for our lavender bath.
13:27He doesn't like baths.
13:31I beg to differ.
13:34I beg to differ.
13:35It's our funeral.
13:37You two are on dish duty.
13:52Thanks for letting Mark and I crash here again.
13:54Anytime. I mean, if your boat springs a leak or something.
14:00By the way, I haven't wanted to pry.
14:02I figured you'd talk to me about it when you were ready, but...
14:06has there been any news with your brother's killer?
14:10Last update I got, they tracked him to some gas station in South Dakota,
14:13and as soon as they got close, he just...
14:18It's kind of weird how he always seems to be one step ahead of the feds.
14:21Yeah. I know.
14:23And how are you handling that all? Are you okay?
14:25Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
14:30I just wish that I was the guy out there chasing that bastard down, you know?
14:34All this sitting around, waiting for other people to get things done,
14:36it's just not something I'm good at.
14:40It's even harder when we're not working.
14:43That's why I've been fixing the boat so much.
14:45If I don't keep myself busy, my mind just starts to...
14:52How about you?
14:53Looks like you're getting settled here.
14:55I am.
14:56Do you think your dad's going to move in with you and Ricky when he gets out?
15:02I don't know.
15:03So does that mean you're thinking of staying?
15:12Olive, what do you got?
15:14No hello, how are you?
15:16Olive, why are you working so late?
15:18Why are you two together so late?
15:20He's getting his boat worked on.
15:21I do not want to know what that means.
15:23It doesn't mean anything, it's just...
15:25Fine, look, do you have something?
15:26Of course I do.
15:27I found traces of dog hair and dander in Jane Doe's neck tissues.
15:31Given that, she was most likely strangled by a dog leash.
15:34It's so we know what the murder weapon is.
15:36That's not all.
15:37I found something tangled up in Jane Doe's hair.
15:39I just texted you a photo.
15:41A blue contact lens.
15:48But our Jane Doe has blue eyes.
15:50So it's not hers.
15:51Had to have belonged to the killer.
15:53Blue-eyed killer.
15:54Sounds like a Netflix documentary.
15:56The one blue-eyed killer.
15:58Remember, the killer's missing.
16:00Good point, but that's an even better title.
16:02Are you two done?
16:03Buenas noches.
16:04Good night.
16:05Mark and I are ready for night-night.
16:08You are on the couch.
16:11And you are in your bedroom.
16:15Anything else?
16:16Yes, I hit the gummies.
16:19You kids behave yourselves.
16:23Should, uh...
16:24Yeah, should get to bed.
16:25Probably get some sleep.
16:28Well, have a good sleep.
16:31Yeah, you too.
16:52Guess no one else will live for you.
17:22Oh, wow, Ricky, that smells delicious.
17:30I could get used to this.
17:32Have a seat.
17:44Okay, taste test.
17:48Oh, my God.
17:50It's incredible.
17:51It's my mom's recipe, yeah.
17:53No matter what kind of mood my dad was in,
17:55if she made those,
17:56just the smell would put a smile on his face.
17:58Well, I'm with your dad on that.
18:00Ricky, you gotta try these.
18:01Carbs, darling.
18:02There might no flies out.
18:05Why is that picture a turnaround?
18:08It upsets Mark.
18:10What upsets Mark?
18:22Yates, what do you got?
18:24We got a hit on our Jane Doe.
18:26Husband called in a missing person,
18:27just arrived to identify the body.
18:39Oh, my God.
18:43Yes, that's my wife.
19:00The last time I saw Janice was the night before last,
19:05around 7 p.m.
19:07She left after we had dinner together.
19:10I went to sleep, and when I woke up,
19:13she still wasn't back.
19:14That's when I got nervous,
19:16and I filed the missing persons report.
19:19Where did she go?
19:21Um, I assumed she went to the arena.
19:24The arena?
19:26Millside Arena.
19:27She was a judge.
19:28What do you mean, judge?
19:29Like, as in legal?
19:31No, as in Beagle.
19:33Dog shows.
19:34We travel the dog show circuit
19:36all across the country.
19:37I went along to support her.
19:39I can work remotely from anywhere.
19:41You say you assumed she went to the arena.
19:44She often prepped the next day's events
19:46the night before.
19:47Does your wife have a connection to a Mr. Singh?
19:50No, not that I know of,
19:51but, again, we're not from here.
19:53Was Janice ever involved in anything criminal?
19:56Janice? No, never.
20:00Everything about her was by the book.
20:03That's what made her such a respected,
20:06best-in-show judge.
20:09Is that different from any other dog show judge?
20:13Spoken like a true cat person.
20:15I am so glad you asked.
20:17It's like being picked to be a ref in the Super Bowl.
20:21Mm, you bet it is.
20:22Oh, and get this.
20:23Judges aren't even allowed to own a dog.
20:25They could be accused of favoring a breed.
20:27Forensics followed a rental car's low-jack tracker
20:30and found it abandoned.
20:32No sign of a struggle,
20:33no purse, no bag,
20:36No sign of a struggle,
20:37no purse, no phone, no nothing.
20:39All right, let's get the phone company
20:40to give us her last location before the signal cuts out.
20:43Did she have any enemies?
20:44Oh, my God, yes.
20:45This world is insanely competitive.
20:47A lot of people got angry with her.
20:48A few days ago, her rental car was smeared with dog food.
20:51She was murdered with a dog leash,
20:52and they found dog hair embedded into her neck.
20:55Sounds like an angry competitor to me.
20:57But how did a best-in-show judge
20:59get caught up in the criminal underworld?
21:01I don't know.
21:02It sounds like we gotta sniff out the truth.
21:23Hi, I'm Becky Ann Swanson,
21:25and this is Woofie Goldberg.
21:26We're here to win it all.
21:33What do you mean we're not on the list?
21:35Can you check again?
21:36It's Goldberg.
21:39You're not on here.
21:40Then neither are your dog.
21:42Oh, for God's sakes.
21:43Well, I'm sure you've got 101 things to think about,
21:45so give me a second.
21:46I'll figure this out.
21:52Ricky, we're not on the list.
21:56I'm sorry about her, Captain.
21:58I lost track of time.
21:59We were missing her.
22:00I'm sorry about her, Captain.
22:01I lost track of time.
22:02We were meditating.
22:03Okay, well, can you get your zen in gear
22:05and get us on the list?
22:06Quiet your mind, and your soul will speak.
22:13We're in.
22:14And you are good to go, Becky Ann.
22:17Thank you, Sensei.
22:23Can you just check again, please?
22:25And thank you.
22:28Are we back on the list?
22:30Are you a new exhibitor?
22:32I haven't seen you before.
22:34Oh, yes, I'm Becky Ann, and this is Woofie Goldberg.
22:38Wesley Barnow, president of Canine Circuit Dog Shows
22:41and CEO of Furry Cuisine.
22:43Furry Cuisine is boldly balanced
22:44and brimming with benefits.
22:46It's the barking best for you and your canine companion.
22:50Well, that is quite the mouthful.
22:52So is Furry Cuisine.
22:54At my shows, it is the dog and their handler
22:57that is top priority.
22:59So if you have any problems, you come to me.
23:02Hey, you made it.
23:05This is quite the setup you've got going on here.
23:08Well, less than four years ago,
23:09when I started Furry Cuisine,
23:11I had one priority,
23:12to provide high-quality, human-grade food for dogs.
23:16And then that expanded into a competition,
23:18and now we have exhibitions in every city across the state.
23:21Who knew?
23:22Well, that is quite the come-up.
23:24I'm just tickled pink to be here, Mr. Barnow.
23:27You can call me Wesley.
23:29I think you're missing something.
23:31I am.
23:34Our brand-new GPS locator dog tag.
23:38You'll always know where Woofie Goldberg is.
23:41Why, thank you.
23:42If you need any more, let me know,
23:44because I have, like, three boxes of them in my car.
23:48Now I have some sad business to attend to.
23:51You'll have to excuse me.
23:53Oh, yes, I heard about that terrible news.
23:57Janice was a legend.
23:58Yes, she was.
23:59It's heartbreaking for all of us,
24:01but we press on in her honor.
24:04Choose any grooming station you like for Woofie Goldberg.
24:08Hope to see you again.
24:12And that, Lola, is a toupee.
24:15Pretty good one, but a rug for sure.
24:22Woofie Goldberg.
24:3237 vitamins and minerals.
24:36It's so good, you'll want to have a bite too.
24:45Wesley Barnow,
24:46president of Canine Circuit Dog Shows
24:48and CEO of Furry Cuisine.
24:50He's boldly balancing...
24:51I've seen their commercial.
24:53Detective Ellis, you got a minute?
24:55I'm sorry.
24:56I haven't slept much since I heard about Janice.
24:59Of course.
25:00What can I do for you, detective?
25:01I just have a couple questions for you.
25:02Now, the night Janice was killed,
25:04her key card logged an entry at 10.03 p.m.
25:06Do you have any idea what she might have been doing here
25:08so late at night?
25:09She was probably triple-checking the grooming stations
25:12and the show ring.
25:13I mean, she was a true pro.
25:16That's why she was our best-in-show judge.
25:18Can you think of anybody
25:19who might have wanted to harm Janice?
25:21Well, everyone hates the best-in-show judge.
25:24Unless you're the winner's bitch.
25:26Sorry, winner's bitch?
25:28The winning dog.
25:29Oh, of course.
25:31Sir, I'm here to move the boxes.
25:34Deliveries are in the back.
25:38You know who you should talk to is Vicky.
25:40Janice was her mentor.
25:41They were inseparable.
25:44Thank you for your time.
25:45Oh, thank you.
25:54Okay, you see anything?
25:58What about now?
26:04Okay, anything here?
26:07Will you stop asking me
26:08and just help me look for the thing?
26:10Okay, well, I'm just confused
26:11because it says that it should be, like, right here.
26:15Ooh, not it.
26:17No, no, no, no, no.
26:18That's not how this works.
26:19We're gonna decide this like adults.
26:22Yeah, okay.
26:25Two adults.
26:27That's two out of three.
26:33Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
26:44Uh, okay.
26:45Oh, you look scared.
26:46No, I'm fine.
26:50Rock, paper, scissors.
26:57Clean ears, correct position of front legs,
27:00firm, fine quarters.
27:03Excuse me?
27:04Sorry, I'm just running the judging checklist.
27:06Are you Vicky?
27:07Hi, I'm Detective Ellis.
27:08I'm here to ask you a few questions
27:10about Janice Evans.
27:11Do you mind if we do this later?
27:13The next round starts soon, and I'm not prepared.
27:15This should only take a few minutes.
27:17Now, Wesley tells me that you and Janice were close.
27:19Is that correct?
27:20She was my mentor,
27:21but more than that, she was also my friend.
27:23Um, I just can't believe she's gone.
27:26How long have you known Janice?
27:27Oh, I've been on the terrier beat for years.
27:31Terrier beat?
27:32It's best in group.
27:33I mean, I was working towards best in show
27:36with Janice's help,
27:37but getting promoted like this isn't how I imagined it.
27:41When was the last time you saw Janice?
27:43At the end of the first day.
27:45Okay, now when you saw her,
27:46was there anything strange about her behavior?
27:48Was she upset about something, maybe?
27:49No, Janice had her game face on, as usual.
27:53She's, um, she was all business once the show started.
27:59I'm sure you heard that somebody smeared dog food
28:01all over her rental car a few days ago.
28:03Is there anyone you can think of
28:04who might have had it out for Janice?
28:06This competition brings out the worst in everybody.
28:08I mean, don't even get me started on Mrs. Palmer.
28:11They broke the mold when they made that bitch.
28:16Sorry, who's Mrs. Palmer?
28:22Well, that's a beautiful coat she's got there.
28:24Mrs. Palmer says thank you.
28:27Well, you're very welcome.
28:29I'm Becky Ann.
28:32A question.
28:34Why do all these leashes look the same?
28:38You must be new to the circuit.
28:40Oh, it's our first big show.
28:41Show leads are all the same because it's about the dog,
28:44not about the dazzle.
28:45The level's the playing field.
28:47I see.
28:48You're lucky.
28:49Why's that?
28:50I used to be dazzled by the glamour of it all.
28:53But once you've peeked behind that curtain,
28:55you realize it's not about the dogs.
28:57It's just a bunch of oversized human egos
29:00in ugly competition with themselves.
29:02Best in show usually means biggest ego in owners.
29:07It's like that, is it?
29:09Afraid so.
29:10But not me, of course.
29:11This is all about Mrs. Palmer and letting her shine.
29:15This is our last year competing,
29:17and I just know that she would die happy
29:20if she could walk away with the top honour.
29:22Well, don't bet on it.
29:23I can hold my breath longer than that bitch can hold her bladder.
29:26Mrs. Palmer got disqualified when she made a little boo-boo
29:29and dropped a little doo-doo on her, I know, didn't you?
29:32While my Chiquita here was last year's winner's bitch.
29:35Oh, yes, you were.
29:37Listen to him, Mrs. Palmer.
29:39This is our year.
29:40Yeah. We'll see.
29:44Myrtle was convinced Janice had something against dachshunds.
29:47And did she?
29:48Let's just say that on the first day of the show,
29:50someone smeared furry cuisine dog food on Janice's rental car.
29:54I mean, it can't be a coincidence
29:55I saw Myrtle taking Mrs. Palmer out for a piddle
29:57around the same time it happened.
30:02God! What is that smell?
30:05Ugh! It's horrible!
30:09My bad. That smell is you.
30:11You haven't stopped smiling since I got in here.
30:14This whole thing would go a lot faster if you helped me out.
30:17This is the man in the garbage bin.
30:25Found it.
30:27Now help me out of here.
30:28Phone first.
30:30It's precious cargo.
30:35All right, help me out.
30:36Nice work. Smell you later.
30:44Well, bless my butt.
30:46This will help me keep track of Lola.
30:49You know she's not actually your dog, right?
30:51Shh! Don't say that out loud.
30:54By the way, Cooper told me that Myrtle
30:56furry-cuisined Janice's car.
30:59What the hell did you just say?
31:01Myrtle is the one that smeared dog food all over Janice's car.
31:05Maybe she finally snapped after getting passed over all these years.
31:14Yates, what do you got?
31:15What, I'm contagious now?
31:17Better safe than stinky.
31:19Hey, Ellis, we got Janice's phone. It's unlocked.
31:21Great. Did you look at it?
31:23I smelled it.
31:24That's weird.
31:26Did you find out anything that tells us why she went back to the dog show so late?
31:29Oh, you betcha. And it's a tale as old as time.
31:54Police! Open up!
32:09Looks like puppy love to me.
32:24So we confirmed you were with Janice and then she went back to the arena.
32:27But you lied about why she left.
32:30I have no idea what you're talking about.
32:32We have Janice's phone.
32:33We went through all the call logs and we spoke to the last person Janice talked to that night.
32:37Her sister.
32:38She called her crying on the way to the arena
32:40because she found out you were having an affair with Vicky.
32:42You don't understand.
32:44I love my wife.
32:45That's a bold statement coming from a guy found wearing another woman's dog leash.
32:49Yeah, I know. I cheated. It's true.
32:52But I didn't kill her.
32:53Janice was my mentor.
32:55She taught me everything.
32:57I would never hurt her.
32:59Right. Far from having a secret affair with her husband.
33:04Janice lived and breathes her work.
33:07I mean, poor Oscar was like a lap dog that she took with her from show to show.
33:11All the romance was gone from their relationship.
33:13And now you're best in show judge.
33:15That worked out well for you.
33:16No, no.
33:17When Wesley texted me that morning telling me that Janice hadn't shown up
33:20and asked me to take over for her, I felt awful.
33:26Wesley texted you about replacing Janice that morning?
33:29He used to text Janice her itinerary every morning at 7am like clockwork.
33:33He was like that about everything related to the show.
33:36Oscar, this isn't looking good for either of you.
33:38But we have alibis.
33:40A manager and a locksmith can back me up.
33:43Why a locksmith?
33:51So apparently the locksmith was from Passion Palace.
33:56And the handcuffs malfunctioned.
33:58And you don't want to know any more details than that.
34:00Uh, yes I do.
34:02Drinks on me.
34:03Okay, so if they didn't kill Janice, then who did?
34:06Oscar said that Wesley would text Janice every morning at 7am with the daily itinerary.
34:12Yeah, look at this.
34:13There was no text from Wesley the day after she was murdered.
34:15Exactly. Which could be an innocent mistake or a guilty slip up.
34:19Well, do you think Wesley knew Janice wasn't showing up for work?
34:21Well, if Wesley killed Janice and dumped her body in the casket, he would have assumed that nobody would ever find her.
34:26Well, what do we know about Wesley?
34:34Well, he doesn't have a criminal record.
34:36Look at his driver's license.
34:39Does that look like the Wesley we know?
34:41His eye color is listed as brown.
34:43We need to find that video of Wesley's commercial. The one that played non-stop at the dog show.
34:48It's fortified. It's organic. It has 37 vitamins and minerals.
34:52In fact, it's so good, you'll want to have a bite too.
35:00Mmm. Furry cuisine. Barking best for you and your canine companion.
35:06Look. His eyes are blue. He's wearing cosmetic contacts.
35:11Just like the one Olive found in Janice's hair.
35:14I mean, if it matches, that would connect him to the body.
35:16Book him, Danno!
35:18Dog show's done for the day. I mean, he could be anywhere.
35:21I know how to find him.
35:24Wesley has a box of these air tags in his car.
35:26Yeah, but you need a serial number to track that.
35:28Or we could just call Ricky.
35:36That's Wesley's car on the left.
35:38But when I run the plates for the one on the right, I get this.
35:42Gregory Thomas.
35:43Gregory Thomas. I swear I've seen his face before, but I can't remember where.
35:47Can you write his name?
35:48Yeah. Gregory Thomas.
35:54Wow. He's got a rap sheet a mile long.
35:57He's a known associate of the dead bookie.
36:00I bet he's the one who bought Parker's gambling debt.
36:04That's where I know him from.
36:06He was dressed as a delivery man at Wesley's dog show.
36:08Doggone it.
36:10But it still doesn't make any sense.
36:11What does organized crime have to do with a dog show?
36:14I don't know.
36:16I'm calling Lee and letting him know we're going inside.
36:38They're opening up cans of furry cuisine.
36:40I hope he's not forcing them to eat it.
36:45Looks like drugs.
36:47Wesley's not just a dog show mogul. He's Barking Pat.
36:50That's a perfect cover for a moving product without suspicion.
36:53Well, maybe when Janice was at the arena after hours, she saw something she wasn't supposed to.
36:57And so did you.
37:05Slowly get up.
37:09Now don't move.
37:11Hey man, look, I think we can just...
37:16Who's the top dog now?
37:18Take cover, take cover, take cover!
37:21Hey! Who's there?
37:26Max, you need to get to the Bronco right now.
37:29I'm gonna cover you on three. Ready?
37:31One, two, three, go!
37:51Police, freeze!
37:58I got your right, I got your right!
38:19You're under arrest for the murder of Janice Evans. Put your hands behind your back.
38:24Metro PD! On the ground! On the ground!
38:28Drop your weapons!
38:30Hands behind your head.
38:39Becky Ann Swanson? What are you doing here?
38:43Oh, don't you know? We're here to bring you to your new home.
38:46Where you'll get three meals a day, and if you're lucky, they'll let you out into the yard to do your business.
38:51I don't even like dogs. I'm a cat person.
38:55Alright, let's go. Come on.
39:09Just got off the phone with the Feds.
39:12Wesley's team hid the drugs in the cans in his dog food factory,
39:15and he used his traveling dog show as a cover for his drug distribution network.
39:19It was a good racket.
39:21Yeah, so good it didn't ping on anyone's radar.
39:23Feds also tracked the drugs back to their international source.
39:25They're about to take a lot of bad guys off the street, so good work.
39:28What about Parker? The funeral home kid.
39:30I mean, the only reason that drug dealer bought his gambling debt is so he could have access to the funeral home.
39:34To dump the body.
39:35Parker had no connection to Janice. He was just an unlucky sucker.
39:38Don't worry. He's looking at community service and probation instead of real jail time.
39:44Time's up. Her real parents are here to get Lola.
39:47Aw, let me just say goodbye.
39:50Unfortunately, we weren't the winners, bitches.
39:53But we did solve a murder and helped keep Janice's memory alive.
39:56From now on, the dog show will be called the Janice Evans Memorial Best In Show Championship.
40:03Come on. Here we go.
40:06So, what should I tell Ricky to make us for dinner?
40:09Could we rain check?
40:11The marina just texted me. My boat's ready.
40:13I was gonna swing by and pick up Mark, if that's okay?
40:15Yeah. Probably for the best. Ricky's getting too attached.
40:18Come on. I'll get us a ride over there.
40:27Ricky! What's for dinner?
40:31I'm too depressed to eat.
40:33I'm too depressed to eat.
40:35Mark is gone.
40:37How can you even think of food?
40:40Because I'm hungry.
40:43You're on your own.
40:46Just ignore any sobbing you may hear.
41:03All right. Here goes nothing.
41:16Don't judge me.
41:35The rules I made for myself are how I got to be where I am today.
41:40A very rich man.
41:42And more importantly, a free man.
41:44The rules have to be non-negotiable.
41:46Nothing less than commandments brought down from the mountain.
41:50Those rules are simple.
41:52Never punch down.
41:54Always lend a hand to those in need.
41:57Don't take anything from anyone who doesn't deserve to lose it.
42:00And don't get attached.
42:03Don't get attached to routines.
42:06Don't get attached to property or possessions.
42:08And most important of all,
42:10don't get attached to people.
42:12They'll only betray you.
42:14They'll slow you down or cloud your judgment.
42:17And any one of those can make the difference between freedom and 20 years in a cage.
42:22You must be willing to walk away from anyone at the drop of a hat.
42:26If you cannot,
42:27that's your warning sign to cut them loose.
42:53Do you say vase or vase?
42:59That's vase.
43:01That's vase.