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#ludwig #nuzlocke #pokemon
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#ludwig #nuzlocke #pokemon
00:00It's been almost two years since I played a Pokemon game, which is weird because it
00:03was one of my favorite games growing up.
00:07Well, the last time I played Pokemon, it didn't go well.
00:10If you didn't watch the video, I basically had to cheat to beat a game of Pokemon, which
00:14is kind of embarrassing for a guy in his 20s to do.
00:17So I vowed I was never going to play a Pokemon game again unless I magically got better or
00:21they actually made a new Pokemon game that was good.
00:24Neither of those things happened.
00:25But what did happen is I got a message.
00:27A lot of messages.
00:29You see, every day since I stopped playing Pokemon, I got a message from this guy named
00:35Day one of asking for some Nuzlocke content.
00:37And if you don't know, a Nuzlocke is basically just a harder way to play Pokemon.
00:41The same harder way that I had to cheat the last time I tried it.
00:44So I ignored these DMs for the first week, and the first month, and the first year.
00:50But Parker didn't give up.
00:52The messages kept coming.
00:54So at the same time, day 500 was quickly approaching, I also discovered a new way to play Pokemon.
00:59You see, the thing I didn't enjoy about a Nuzlocke is that it was very stressful, and
01:03also very boring.
01:04A lot of it was just grinding levels, or using rare candies to expedite that process.
01:09But you see, my friends Poinkero and Smallant found this new way to play Pokemon called
01:13an Ironmon.
01:14I didn't really know much about it, all I knew is that it took them months if not years
01:18to beat, and thousands of resets.
01:21Now if I have one motto in life, it's that I'd rather be lucky than good, so I figured
01:26If I'm not good at Pokemon, I'll just be lucky and win a Pokemon game.
01:29And so after 500 days of asking me to do some Pokemon content, I finally replied.
01:35And that was the start of Pokemon Week.
01:37Now I'm no stranger to marathon streams.
01:40I did it for League of Legends when I played for 100 hours straight, I did it for Elden
01:44Ring when I stayed live until I beat the game, but in this scenario, I was basically going
01:49to stay live until I beat my first ever Ironmon.
01:51If you don't know what an Ironmon is, I'll go through the rules as it becomes applicable,
01:55but the basic premise is you get one random Pokemon with totally random moves and totally
01:59random stats, and you go up against trainers with totally random Pokemon and totally random
02:04Oh, that are also 50% stronger than normal, so the elite 4 has a bunch of level 90s, and
02:10that one Pokemon has to beat all 8 gyms, all the elite 4 members, and finally the Pokemon
02:15champion himself.
02:16And if that sounds difficult, I still haven't told you the hardest part of all, Professor
02:20Oak's lab.
02:21You see, the idea of an Ironmon was created by a streamer called i8erpie.
02:25He was sick of Nuzlocke runs because they were pretty much solved and really boring
02:28to watch as a viewer, so he wanted something fun to watch, and what's more fun to watch
02:32than gambling?
02:33How do you gamble in Pokemon?
02:35By turning every single run into a 1 in 3 guess.
02:39You see, when Professor Oak gives you a choice of 3 Pokemon, you only get to look at one
02:43of them, and whichever Pokemon you look at, you have to keep, and then you have to immediately
02:47battle your rival, who by the way has a level 8 compared to your level 5 because all the
02:52trainers are stronger.
02:53And if his Pokemon happens to have better base stats than yours, or even the same base
02:57stats, you're gonna lose.
02:59And you know what happens if you lose and your Pokemon dies?
03:02You get to do it all over again.
03:05And so 80% of all Ironmon runs is this.
03:09Picking a random Pokemon, dying to your rival, doing it all over again.
03:12Now the good news is if you do beat your rival and you get out of Professor Oak's lab, you
03:16have beaten the hardest part of the game.
03:18The bad news is you have now entered the next hardest part of the game, trying to beat the
03:22first gym leader.
03:23Because you see, part of the goal of an Ironmon is that you can only gain experience from
03:27other trainers.
03:28And to enforce that, you're only allowed to catch one Pokemon per route and swap with
03:32your current Pokemon, aka a pivot, or kill one Pokemon per route to get a little bit
03:36of experience to hopefully help you beat the next trainer or gym leader.
03:41My first 8 hours of attempts, I was just stuck in the lab the entire time, so to make things
03:45more interesting, I decided to name every single Pokemon after a viewer.
03:49And if that Pokemon died, the viewer would get banned, and the only way I would unban
03:53them is if I eventually beat the game.
03:56After 8 hours, I finally had some hope when I found this Slaking.
04:00Oh wow.
04:04We catch this 100%.
04:05You see, Slaking has one of the best base stat totals in the game, and that's how you
04:11determine the potential of a Pokemon.
04:13The higher the base stat total, the better Pokemon they generally are.
04:17The stat distributions still factor in, as well as their ability and moveset, but end
04:21of the day, base stat total is king, and Slaking has the highest base stat total of any Pokemon.
04:27And I mean any Pokemon, I'm including legendaries in this.
04:30You might not think of Slaking as this OP Pokemon, but that's because if you ever played
04:34the game, you know his ability Truant, where every other turn, he slacks off.
04:39Just literally does nothing in exchange for being super powerful the one turn he does
04:43do something.
04:44But because the game is randomized, Slaking's ability wasn't Truant.
04:47It was actually something also kind of useless.
04:50It's the ability called Plus, which makes Plusle more powerful if he's in a double battle
04:54with Minim, but just not having Truant is so strong that it doesn't matter that that
04:59ability doesn't actually provide any benefits.
05:02And like every other Pokemon, I decided to name Slaking after a viewer, Swizzy Mars.
05:06Now Swizzy didn't have the best moveset, but once he hit level 7, he learned Dizzy Punch,
05:10which is massive, because now he has a stab move that also can cause confusion.
05:15And just the way the stats randomly distributed, his attack stat was his highest stat.
05:19I'm not as good as SmallerPoincrow, so I'm not doing the Ultimate Kaizo Ironmon, I'm
05:24just doing a regular Ironmon with one additional rule that I'm only allowed to use one Pokemon.
05:30Basically it all started with Ironmon, and then people solved it, so they went to Ultimate
05:32Ironmon, then they solved that, then they went to Kaizo Ironmon, and now they solved
05:36that, so they're doing Super Kaizo Ironmon, they're just trying to find new ways to torture
05:41I'm not that good at Pokemon, I'm almost 30, I'm cool just doing a regular Ironmon, I had
05:44to cheat to do a damn Nuzlocke, this is cool to me.
05:48Because of Swizzy's insane stats, I was able to cruise through the Viridian Forest, and
05:51then I went to go fight my rival, an optional battle that's in front of Victory Road, to
05:54hopefully get some more stats to help me beat the first Gym Leader Brock, which I had failed
05:59to do at this point so far.
06:01And even though Furret was 5 levels higher than Swizzy, his base stats were so much worse
06:05than my Slaking, that I was faster and stronger, and I won without losing any health.
06:11And for the first time in 8 hours, I started to believe this run was possible.
06:15I'm not even gonna lie, I am a firm believer in this motherfucking Slaking, he is big.
06:24Swizzy doing tricks on it.
06:26The only other battle that's kind of tough is the rival battle before Misty's Gym, but
06:35luckily for me, my rival's Pokemon weren't that good, so Swizzy won without too many
06:40And after that, the game becomes a lot easier.
06:42You see, a Nuzlocke, you're kinda stressed at every second, because you can't be overleveled,
06:48you have to make sure the levels are distributed amongst all your Pokemon.
06:52But in an Ironmon, it's different, there's a limited amount of XP you can get, but you
06:55need every last drop, because the final Pokemon champion has a level 95.
07:00And after defeating your rival, you unlock 20 trainer fights, and with all that experience,
07:06you quickly level up, and become overleveled.
07:10And then the rest of the game becomes a lot easier.
07:12I was so strong that I was easily one-shotting random trainers, and even gym leaders.
07:17I was so strong, I wasn't even training off of the wild Pokemon I was allowed to kill,
07:22because it wasn't even that much experience relative to my high level.
07:26Not only that, but I also picked up a scope lens, which increases your chance of getting
07:29a critical hit.
07:30And I also had a move, which increases your chance of a critical hit.
07:33So I was getting critical hits like one third of the time.
07:36So even Pokemon I had no business one-shotting, I was still one-shotting a lot of the time.
07:41And chat started to notice, and they weren't too happy about it.
07:45I was talking to Cutie this morning, I called her, and I was like, Pokemon's going well,
07:50and I was explaining to her why slacking was so strong.
07:54And I was like, people are going to be so mad if I beat it today.
07:57And she's like, yeah, isn't it supposed to be a week?
07:59It's like Pokemon week.
08:00And I'm like, yeah, I mean, if my slacking gets the W, it gets the W.
08:05I don't give a fuck.
08:06I know how you guys are, because you want me to struggle.
08:09I understand how rare this is.
08:14Not every run, in fact, I played 55 runs, I never ran into a slacking one time.
08:19And if I lose this run, I'm going to go 55 more runs without seeing a slacking again.
08:24I made it very clear that I wanted to do an Ironmon in one sitting.
08:29I'm not trying to do an ultimate Kaizo Ironmon that takes months to do, and end up sleeping
08:33on a weirdly shaped Snorlax pillow for the next six months of my life, single because
08:38my girlfriend will have broken up with me, because I'm spending six months playing Pokemon.
08:43That's not the goal here.
08:45The goal is to give myself a good challenge for Parker, who had been asking me to play
08:48Pokemon for 500 days.
08:50Now, although I'm massively over leveled, there's still some concerns.
08:54Luckily, slacking is a normal type, which is actually a really strong typing in the
08:58third gen.
08:59Normal isn't 4x weak to anything and is only 2x weak to fighting moves.
09:03And because I have such high speed attack and also a flying move, which is super effective
09:07against fighting types, that's not even that much of a concern either.
09:11So what are the concerns?
09:13There's three of them.
09:14Destiny Bond, which a Pokemon can use, and if I kill that Pokemon, it will also kill
09:18me too.
09:19Parashong, which the moment you hear it, you will die in three turns.
09:22So I have to either kill the person who casted it, or run away from the battle if it's a
09:26wild Pokemon.
09:27If it's a trainer battle, I have no other Pokemon to switch into, so I'm SOL.
09:31The final concern is counter.
09:33Basically, if I come super close to one hitting a Pokemon, but I fall just short, and then
09:38they use counter, well, it does all the damage I did to them, doubled.
09:43So yeah, I am overleveled, and I am breezing through every single gym after Brock, but
09:48at any moment, I could lose the run, and I was trying to convince Chat that that could
09:53And because Chat was so incessant that I was invincible, there's no way I was going to
09:57lose, this is so boring because I'm so overleveled, I started to get a bit careless.
10:13Oh my god.
10:24That was one of the three things I said could take me out.
10:29I think being left with 1 HP proves it.
10:31Doesn't matter how well your Ironmon's going, it can still end at any moment.
10:36But luckily, I did defeat all 8 gyms, I made it through Victory Road, and I finally got
10:40to the Elite Four.
10:41And I'll just play the clip.
10:43Giraffarig, we just go with Strength.
10:58Water, Ice, best play, Ancient Power.
11:03That's so cringe.
11:26I didn't know he had Counter.
11:28Dude I get it man.
11:31I get what Luka felt like when he got that call.
11:41That's so cringe.
11:43Oh my god it's over!
11:45It's over!
11:47It's over dude!
11:49It's over!
11:55Welcome to Ironmon baby.
11:57It took me like 10 hours just to get to that point.
12:02I knew this would happen.
12:05And all the motherfuckers who were saying this shit was too easy.
12:10They wouldn't shut the fuck up.
12:12They wouldn't stop talking.
12:14They were so annoying.
12:16And then I lose.
12:18And now you know what they do?
12:20They don't even apologize.
12:22They don't even go, you know what I was right.
12:24It actually can be bullshit and hard.
12:26They'd laugh.
12:28They'd just laugh at me.
12:30Do you remember how I said there's always a way to lose in an Ironmon?
12:32Well I found out the hard way.
12:35This could happen with a counter.
12:37And let me tell you, that broke me.
12:39For the next 4 hours I just rolled the dice at Oak's Lab.
12:41Losing battle after battle after battle.
12:43Banning person after person after person.
12:45I think I was almost hoping I would lose my rival battles.
12:47Just so I would have the opportunity to ban one of the chatters.
12:49Who was saying that this was so boring to watch.
12:51Because it was so easy.
12:53Now there's a rule in an Ironmon.
12:55Where you can have 3 of your favorite Pokemon.
12:57And if they come up in Oak's Lab.
12:59You're allowed to switch from whatever you randomly pick.
13:01To one of your 3 favorites.
13:03And my 3 favorites are Blaziken, Slaking, and Metagross.
13:05Not because I have high base stat totals.
13:07Just because I've always loved them.
13:09Since I've been a child.
13:11And what do you know.
13:13After 100 plus resets.
13:15I finally found a Metagross.
13:19Metagross is my favorite Pokemon.
13:21The reason Metagross is so good.
13:23Is that he has an amazing typing.
13:25Steel Psychic.
13:27Which is only 2x weak to fire and ground.
13:30He also has a 600 base stat total.
13:32Which isn't as high as Slaking.
13:34But he's right on par with Salamence.
13:36Or some other pseudo legendaries.
13:38Do you want to know my rival's Pokemon?
13:42The same Pokemon that just ruined my last run.
13:44And so I named Metagross after one of my viewers.
13:48And I got my revenge on Dewgong.
13:50I only won that fight with 3 HP.
13:52And the only reason I won it.
13:54Is because Dewgong low rolled the low kicks.
13:56But it was enough.
13:59I actually had really high special attack.
14:01And low attack.
14:03Which is kind of weird for a Metagross.
14:05But kind of good for the Ironmon.
14:07You see in Gen 3.
14:09They decided to split up physical and special attacks.
14:11Based off of what type of move it was.
14:13Not what the actual move itself was.
14:15So all fire moves are special.
14:17And all normal moves are physical.
14:19No matter what move it is.
14:21So this meant that I couldn't get a steel type move.
14:23Because that would use attack.
14:25But I could get really good coverage.
14:27With special moves.
14:29Like Crunch and Leaf Blade.
14:31I quickly defeated Brock.
14:33And then had my rival fight before Misty.
14:35Which was also pretty easy.
14:37And as I was working my way through all the trainers.
14:39I found something special.
14:49That is so.
14:53Leftovers are the best held item in the game.
14:56It basically totally de-risks the run.
14:58If you're asleep.
15:00You're now gaining health while you're sleeping.
15:02If you are burned or poisoned.
15:04It offsets the damage done by that.
15:06And it even reduces the amount of times you have to go back to the Pokemon Center.
15:08Because you're just healing as you battle.
15:10And so I won't lie.
15:12Gyms 2 through 8 was the easiest time I've ever had playing Pokemon.
15:14In my life.
15:16I kept my core moveset of Crunch and Leaf Blade.
15:18As well as Morning Sun.
15:20Which healed like half my health whenever I need it.
15:22And then later on added Surf.
15:24Which was my most powerful attack.
15:26I looked for about as long as you can possibly look.
15:28For a Psychic TM.
15:30Literally any Psychic TM.
15:32Psychic, Psywave, Psybeam, Extrasensory.
15:34You name it.
15:36I would take any of them.
15:38Because a stab move would be so powerful.
15:40Psychic please.
15:44Needle arm dude.
15:46But alas.
15:48I was unable to find one.
15:50And so almost 24 hours after my slacking died.
15:53In 50 hours after I had started this challenge.
15:55I took on the Elite Four once again.
15:57This time with my Metagross, Truneld.
15:59Although Truneld is a very safe Pokemon.
16:01He's not super strong.
16:03Because he doesn't have any stab moves.
16:05So it's pretty easy for him to get walled out.
16:07Which is exactly what happened against the first trainer.
16:09Oh the Will-O-Wisp.
16:15So cringe.
16:17This is why.
16:19I spent so fucking long.
16:22Looking for a Psychic move.
16:36What is going on?
16:40I'm fucking hitting myself every time.
16:42End it.
16:44I'm ending the stream.
16:46I'm ending the fucking stream.
16:48This is so fucking annoying.
16:50Holy shit.
16:52I fucking hate this game.
16:56I want everyone in this game to blow their shit off smooth.
16:58I want to watch them do it one by one.
17:00I want to see fucking Lorelei.
17:06My rival one by fucking one dude.
17:08Like it's the Kingsman man.
17:10I want to sit there and watch it.
17:12It's grass.
17:14It's crazy right?
17:16Random Pokemon.
17:19Every Pokemon is not weak to me.
17:23All of them.
17:25Oh you had a water type?
17:27One water type out of six?
17:31It's super frustrating to play against but
17:33it doesn't matter because at the end of the day I won
17:35and I picked up enough items along the way
17:37to replenish my PP for the next battle.
17:39I knew PP would be the problem so obvious.
17:41What do you think I've been doing?
17:43What do you think
17:45I have been doing?
17:47I went to the Sevii Islands.
17:49I cleaned out the generators.
17:51I went to Articuno's Lair.
17:53What do you think I've been doing?
17:55The second Elite Four battle was about as easy as it gets.
17:57I had a bunch of super effective moves
17:59and I was able to kill all their Pokemon without losing
18:01too much PP and any health at all.
18:03And then it was time for the third
18:05Elite Four member. She started off
18:07with the Drought Mr. Mine with Heat Wave
18:09who quickly burned me.
18:11And although the burn was annoying and took a bit of time to get rid of
18:13the bigger problem was the weather change.
18:16I didn't realize immediately but because of the weather change
18:18my most powerful move Surf
18:20was now my weakest
18:22because water moves are so much weaker than the sun.
18:24It didn't really matter when Blastoise came out
18:26because I wasn't going to use Surf anyway
18:28but when I was fighting against Scizor I noticed
18:30I had to use like five Surfs to kill the guy
18:32when it would normally only take two.
18:34Surf all day. Surf in USA.
18:36It's going to take a minute.
18:38I made quick work of the Mysterious
18:40with Crunch and then it was down to
18:42Laloon and at this point
18:44I still didn't realize how little damage
18:46Surf was doing. So I'm celebrating
18:48before the fight is even over, spamming
18:50A on the Surf button expecting that
18:52to work and then move on to the final
18:54Elite Four member when this happens.
19:02Take off emote only mode right
19:04the fuck now. Take off emote
19:06only mode right the FUCK
19:08NOW! Now the way Parasong
19:10works is simple. Everyone who hears it
19:12dies after three turns. That means me
19:14and the Laloon are both going to die
19:16but the Laloon doesn't care because when he
19:18dies he's AI. He goes back to the Pokeball.
19:20When I die I have to
19:22sleep in a Storlax bed for another
19:24eight hours, wake up, and do the same
19:26thing all over again. Back to the lab
19:28baby. And so there's only one
19:30option. Kill the Laloon.
19:32Now here I have a big decision.
19:34I have an X Special in my bag which would increase
19:36the power of my special attack by two stages.
19:38I could use that X Special
19:40and then take two turns to hopefully
19:42kill the Laloon but in doing that
19:44I would have one less turn of attacking.
19:46So I decide instead to roll the
19:48dice on Leaf Blade which has an extra
19:50high chance to critical hit. It did a little
19:52more damage than I thought it would and not only that
19:54I got kinda lucky because Laloon used
19:56Double Edge which hurts himself a little
19:58bit in recoil damage. So I figured
20:00with one more Leaf Blade that would get
20:02the job done. Instead
20:04he was left with one HP. And if you've
20:06ever been to the Elite Four
20:08you know they always have a
20:10potion ready. And so at this
20:12point there's only one way to win.
20:14I need Laloon to kill himself.
20:16I'm serious!
20:18I need Laloon to
20:20kill himself because if he doesn't kill himself
20:22I die to Parashong next
20:24turn when he uses a potion to heal up all his
20:26health and then even if I get a critical hit
20:28it won't do enough damage to kill him.
20:30And that's when a miracle happens.
20:32Please! Please!
20:38Yes! Yes!
20:46Oh my god!
20:48After 24 hours I was finally
20:50back to Lance.
20:52Okay, this is the point
20:54where yesterday
20:56we lost our run.
20:58So we've made it as far
21:00as we once did with our slacking.
21:02Are you having fun, lad? No!
21:04Smile. Not one more TTS for the rest
21:06of the day. Thank you until
21:08the run is over. Because I was sitting
21:10on a rare candy for the last 8 hours,
21:12I was also the highest level you can possibly
21:14be. Level 100.
21:16And that's when I run into Celebi.
21:18You see, Celebi has a move called Spore.
21:20A move that puts you to sleep and has
21:24accuracy. To the people of Nintendo,
21:26how did you think
21:28that this was a good idea? It's one of the
21:30worst moves in the game. That's why
21:32it's banned in almost every single
21:34competitive format. Not only does she
21:36have Spore, but she also had Swagger.
21:38So when I would fall asleep, she would use that move.
21:40Now, that move kinda seems good on
21:42paper. It increases the attack of the
21:44person it's hitting, but also makes
21:46them a bit confused. I didn't think
21:48much of it because I was using special attack
21:50anyway. And so I thought if I were to
21:52hit myself in confusion while using a special attack,
21:54it would register my special attack for the
21:56damage output.
21:58That is not how it works. I learned
22:00that is not how it works
22:02when I hit myself for a shit ton of damage.
22:04And if I keep trying to fight the confusion
22:06and losing the coin flip, there's
22:08a real chance I Polololoon and kill
22:10myself. Because I didn't want to waste all
22:12my PP, I decided to do the only thing
22:14that I thought would work. I spammed Poké
22:16Flute. So I'm not
22:18even gonna consider anything.
22:20I'm not risking anything at all.
22:22I'm just playing the Poké Flute until he's out of PP.
22:24This costs me nothing.
22:26This is like
22:28not even top 10%
22:30of the lamest Pokémon showdown matches
22:32that have happened. So whatever, it's fine.
22:34This is what the game is.
22:36I think it's fine to use Crunch.
22:38It'll only take two, and I'm
22:40still going to use a Max Ether
22:42at the end of this fight before the next fight.
22:44I could
22:46play the Flute 29 times
22:48and have it kill itself, but
22:50you know, it's okay.
22:54And guess what
22:56his last Pokémon was?
22:58A Laloon. And I don't know if it's just
23:00something in the water, but this Laloon
23:02also decided to kill himself.
23:04I've seen this one before.
23:10It, you know,
23:12it's crazy to see that happen
23:14not just once, but twice.
23:16And finally, it was time to face
23:18the Pokémon Champion after 52
23:20hours of attempting this challenge.
23:22Where I would have to face the same exact
23:24Pokémon that killed my Slaking with
23:26a level 95
23:30I'd love to set up
23:32an X Special. I'm not going to do it against a Pokémon
23:34with Toxic. Toxic doesn't
23:36even affect me.
23:38We got a full restore off. That's
23:40huge. What's that? What's that? What's that?
23:42What's that?
23:44What luck.
23:46That's so troll.
23:48I don't want to X Special
23:50because I would hate to be hit by a Scary Face.
23:52It's minus three speed for me. That's way
23:54too much.
23:56Damn, he's faster. I keep forgetting he's faster.
23:58Oh no.
24:02Fuck my Chug's life.
24:04Can you imagine how much damage a crit would do?
24:08Just like it's a little
24:10sus out of what he has.
24:20I think it's worth just instantly healing that.
24:22I think we tank one.
24:24I think we tank one.
24:26I think we tank one.
24:28I think we tank one.
24:30I think we tank one.
24:32I think we tank one
24:34and we use an X Special.
24:46This whole time I could have killed him.
24:50Explod with Drizzle. Surf.
24:52It's extra powerful.
24:54It's our strongest move.
24:56We don't know what he has.
24:58He's got the
25:00We don't know what he has.
25:06Could lower a special defense. Didn't.
25:14Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice.
25:17That's the last one.
25:18The Pokémon that knocked my Slaking not only out of the Elite Four, out of existence,
25:25Is the final Pokemon of the final trainer of the iron man challenge?
25:30There's no way
25:35It's his ace
25:37His level 95 it would have been cool if my voice didn't crack, but who cares
25:44There it is oh
25:47My god there it is iron man
25:51completed final time
25:5352 hours
25:5510 minutes
25:56holy shit
25:59122 attempts
26:02Our final run took us eight hours our champion pokemon
26:06Was metagross who did what slacking could not and we even ran into dude. Oh that
26:12That perish song where he killed himself like i'm gonna replay that in my head
26:17for years
26:18Anyway, that's how I beat my first ever iron man, and I actually kind of enjoyed doing it
26:22So maybe i'll do pokemon again in the future. Just please stop dming me day one of blank
26:29I'm getting hundreds of messages from you guys. I'm not doing it anymore. I don't care if you're day 500
26:34I'm not doing it man. I'm done
26:37Okay, maybe day a thousand because that's kind of crazy, but everything else. I don't care about. Nope
26:42All right. Thank you very much for watching subscriber. I thank you very much. See you later guys. Goodbye now
26:45Goodbye. See you later. Goodbye now. Goodbye