• 20 hours ago
Out of these 1,025... I mean, 256 Pokémon... who do you think deserves the title of the strongest to ever do it? The answer might just surprise you...

Here is the full bracket in case you're curious:
➤ https://challonge.com/pkmnontop

➤ WATCH LIVE: http://twitch.tv/alpharad
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#pokemon #alpharad #showdown

➤ Xalem: @Xalem_Plays

➤ me (not the strongest)

➤ Koro: http://twitter.com/wingedkoro

➤ https://pastebin.com/D4XEM6Au
00:00Out of 1025 total Pokemon, which one is the strongest? Some might say Calyrex Shadow,
00:07Urshifu, Incineroar, and your dad might say Charizard. With so many possible choices ranging
00:14from Eternatus Eternamax form to, uh, Weedle, I wanted to put every single Pokemon in existence
00:20to the test in my very own tournament of power. Curating a move pool for over 1000 Pokemon would
00:26have been a bit too time consuming for my taste and wouldn't have really answered the question.
00:31So let's raise the stakes and allow only Metronome, a move that can virtually be any other move. All
00:38these Pokemon have to depend on are their typing and their stats. Everything else is left up to
00:43chance. Unfortunately though, my bracket website of choice only supports tournaments of up to
00:48256 entrants, so subscribe for parts 2, 3, and 4. While you're at it, let me know in the comments
00:55who you're cheering for, as well as who you'd like to see next. Given that this is all random
00:59seeding, sometimes you get Machoke versus Cresselia, as well as Roselia versus Budew, and both of these
01:04games went exactly as you'd expect. Then you have some interesting gambits like Whimsicott versus
01:09Bisharp. See, the Prankster ability gives priority to moves like Metronome, but they simply don't
01:14work against dark types like Bisharp, making this an essentially unwinnable matchup. Wait, what a
01:19throw! Oh my god, the skill swap! Okay, so Whimsicott can- oh my god, what an insane turnaround!
01:27Bisharp threw so hard! Yet not everything goes according to plan here. Like, don't get me wrong,
01:33most games go exactly as expected when they're roughly evenly matched. So here's Arshan versus
01:39Salamence. Intimidate to start things off. I can see Salamence going far. Oh my- I thought it was
01:43going to be a one shot, honestly. Rock Blast is pretty spicy though. That's a good move to- oh,
01:48wait, wait, hold. One wrong move on Salamence. Fake out? That's a miss. Hold- wait, ain't no way
01:53Arshan outspeeds though. Oh my god, it does! Brutal Swing, that should- Arshan holds on? Wait, wait,
01:59wait, wait, wait. Oh, one health and a dream? Ain't no way, ain't no way. Wait, wait, wait, Arshan.
02:05The Drain Punch, the 2 HP revival. Tucker Punch misses. Oh, it could never hit. Oh, what? He's
02:12taking his time here. Oh, and there it goes. Wow. You know what's the funniest thing? That match
02:18was determined from Intimidate. Since the first round has a total of 128 separate matches to
02:24spectate, don't worry. I'm going to curate only the best of the best to show you. Let's see what
02:29Dratini can do here. Poison Powder, nice. Oh, the singular beat-up doesn't really get a lot of value.
02:35Parting Shot, no! Oh, oh, okay. Oh, for sure. I was thinking Memento. I thought it was over. This
02:40is neck and neck, but one of them is Poison. Oh, that Play Rough would have been it. That would
02:45have been the game set match. That is Quad Effective. Magnet Rise, kind of a throw here.
02:50Confusion's over. Thunder, that's it. That's it. The little worm pulled through. Okay, sorry. Most
02:57of these curated matches have come down to Coughing Baby versus Hydrogen Bomb, but the twisted part
03:02is that sometimes the Coughing Baby can win. I think anyone who bets on Marshadow is safe to do
03:08so. Turn 1 Sand Tomb, though, does get a lot of value. Met with Hyper Beam, Cottonee has to-
03:17Yeah, so in the giant pool of Metronome, there's a good amount of ways to explode and also cause
03:22your opponent to explode. Another unconventional way to die is having your opponent use Taunt.
03:27Given that Metronome is technically a status move, this pitiful Pidgey has to just sit there and
03:33watch as they struggle their tournament life away. All right, so enough of the little league. Let's
03:38start up a new match of a Nuclear Missile up against yet another Nuclear Missile. Okay, Bar
03:43Barrage. The Poison stacks up. Just Turn 1 status is so good. Having to recharge after being Poison
03:49is awful. Okay, Necrozma trying to swallow, cannot. Okay, the end grain, though, that is the opposite
03:55of Poison. Electro Ball, not enough. The Screech could set up for a big play here. Water Spout.
04:01Oh, that's it. That's it. That's bye-bye. Yeah, that actually was not even very close. So when
04:07you put two Goliaths in the room, the bigger Goliath wins, I suppose. So how about two Coughing
04:12Babies? I say it a lot, but it really could go either way. Wonder Room, oh my gosh. What do we
04:17do in the Wonder Room? In Wonder Room, it swaps your defense and special defense, but I don't
04:21think that really matters when they're all pitiful. Pichu is actually swinging. It is dodging near
04:26everything. The only move that's really connected is Gust. Pichu Shell Smash? Minimize into Shell
04:31Smash? Look, Pichu, just touch crap. Crabby wins. Most games after this went exactly as expected,
04:41from Charmeleon triumphing over Gerder, Frigabax taking down Frillage, and Dunsparce eliminating
04:46Volcanic. Wait, what? Dunsparce can sneak in one attack here? False swipe! Not that attack!
04:52Oh my... Wait, wait! Oh my god! Someone hit someone!
05:05Someone hit someone! Oh my god! So, that's it! I know that this tournament is essentially a CPU
05:10tournament in Smash Bros, but do you realize what channel you're on? What's funny is that it
05:14feels like there's some sense of followable logic in these attack patterns. I know it's all random,
05:20but somehow part of me believes that all these Pokemon have a choice. You know,
05:23like Ledian holding on to a phenomenal lead and then using Parish Song? Parish Song? Wait,
05:29Wobbuffet Stall! If Wobbuffet Stalls, it wins! Parish Song is an utter throw in this format.
05:35This is the win-con for Wobbuffet now. It just has to live. Okay, the burn, it doesn't matter,
05:40it doesn't matter. Oh my god, the Parish Counter. This does nothing. Simple Beam doesn't really do
05:45anything. I think that's it. That's... Oh, and a Miss Focus Blast on top. The Quad Resist,
05:50anyways. That is a, uh... It's a very elaborate explosion, huh? To nobody's surprise, Garchomp
05:59takes down their first-round opponent, Landerous T defeats Minior, and despite all odds, Solgaleo
06:04takes the win over Tepig. Then, the bracket suddenly gets randomly stacked with matches
06:09like Zygarde versus Hoopa Unbound, Calyrex versus Dawnwing's Necrozma, and Articuno versus
06:14Mega Sableye. I'd love to tell you that these were all great games, but they all resulted in
06:19either rolling a stab move, being Toxic Stalled, or watching your opponent kill themselves for fun.
06:24Of course, when you had a match and one of the players was, uh, Primal Groudon,
06:28they had a pretty good chance of winning. But before I can take you to round two,
06:31allow me to show you the thrilling start of Bramblegast's generational tournament run.
06:36I don't know about Bramblegast versus Slowking. Uh, Ice Punch, not the play. It could freeze.
06:40Psystrike is rough, though. I think this is gonna be another match like before,
06:44where it's just gonna end. Nothing exciting's gonna happen. There's one more hit. Yeah,
06:49Bram... Oh, that's immune. Is it too late to... I think it's too late to minimize.
06:53If Bramblegast simply doesn't get hit, that Brave Bird would have done it, for goddamn sure.
06:57Okay, wait, Wish? I was counting Bramblegast out. If it survives this...
07:01Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That is... What?
07:12That was perhaps the most surgical string of events we've seen at all in this tournament.
07:17Bramblegast clutched up. The most exciting matches in round one beyond Bramblegast were
07:22probably just getting to watch Onyx die, Kira murder Aklefa, and Altaria challenge Deoxys.
07:28Okay, a Hyper Beam is an interesting start. It got some big damage on. Was it worth it,
07:34though? Deoxys currently has the lead from that. Ooh, it misses a very crucial Thunder.
07:40Flame Wheel hits. Resists. Oh, the burn, though. Oh, that could have been a game-changing burn.
07:48And the Torment... Oh, it is so stacked against Altaria right now. They have to win this turn.
07:56Can they?
08:02Sure, it was exciting to watch God cast over 100 souls to hell, but the second half of the fights
08:07wasn't nearly as exciting as the first. Sure, we've seen a lot of metronomes be used, but it's
08:12mainly because most of the games went like this. Okay, Power Split is a great start. Wait, what?
08:17No. What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
08:22What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? Just give them all your stats while you're
08:24at it, Zapdos. What? What? What? What? Ro... Rolycoly? Steam Engine? Oh. Oh.
08:42Four turns was all it took for Rolyco... Wait, no. Oh, that's... That's... That's not what I
08:48thought would happen. Sorry, I'm going to show you this clip. You just got to weed out the weaker
08:53Pokemon, you know? Is it just survival of the... Okay, whatever. We have now eliminated such a
08:58large amount of the competition that we are down to half. 128 Pokemon now remain in the tournament.
09:04However, for the finals, I'll allow subscribers like you to vote in some of your favorites who
09:09didn't quite survive. So here we are at round two with half of the competition still ready to go.
09:14Cresselia takes an early fall alongside Roselia, since both of their successors are clearly equal
09:19in strength. Then somehow, the luckiest Whimsicott in existence took the stage again.
09:24Oh, Glacier's not great. We're probably still faster than Stonjourner,
09:29and let's slow it down even more. Okay, I think we can handle the charge. Rock Smash, break it,
09:34yep. Defense down. Whimsicott, we're setting up on it. Sparking Aria, we resist. Mortal Spin.
09:39I don't even know that move, but sure, it poisons. It's really just a stalling game,
09:43because that poison is going to take a lot of the damage away. Oh, Aurora Beam.
09:48We have to hit it with a physical move. That is the real thing. Overheat. Nah, that's not great.
09:54We've kind of nerfed everything we have, and now it's... Uh-oh, one turn. Just let this one turn.
09:58Metal Claw? All right, that's it. Whimsicott moves on again. I promise this is not rigged.
10:05Salamence goes on to prove that they deserve to be here, and if I'm Dewott, I am utterly
10:09embarrassed that Archon did better. So now let's watch these two elusive dragons go head-to-head.
10:15We got Wild Bolt Storm. We resist. Crit, though... Oh my god. Taunt is diabolical. Dratini just has
10:23to live these. I don't think Dratini can live enough struggles, though, is the problem.
10:28Wait, the baby doll eyes? Wait. Oh my god, Groudro wins. Groudro wins, but... Wait,
10:37no. Metronome's up. Oh my god, though. As you've seen before, getting hit by Taunt is a near
10:43guaranteed loss, but I discovered something even more sick and twisted in this one. Oh my god,
10:49there's Imprison. Dude, that is so evil. Toxic Imprison? Like, there is no possible way you win
10:56that. That is a game set match. Wow. Like all sporting events, we happen to run into a little
11:03bit of controversy. See, all these matches were pre-recorded to make the actual live showcase of
11:09the tournament as smooth as it could possibly be. However, someone made a bit of a mistake
11:14behind the scenes and gave Glaceon snow warning. Glaceon does not get snow warning. I'm always
11:20rooting for the underdog. Like, no matter what, I want to see the underdog win, just simply because
11:24it's funny. Endeavor doesn't hit. Sand Tomb, that is the move that moves mountains. It is such a
11:31massive play. Morning Sun comes out, but Retaliate. Ah, well, Sand Tomb 12% every single time. If we
11:39can get a Burn or Poison on the board, too. Okay, Future Sight, though. This is looking doable. This
11:44is absolutely very... Glaceon, hold, Shadow Punch. Wait, Sand Tomb? Oh my god, 2 HP. Future Sight!
11:52Wow! Oh my god. What? It upsets. Wait, no, wait. Okay, guys, I don't mean to point this out. Glaceon
12:01doesn't get snow warning. It gets snow cloak. Glaceon might be using performance-enhancing
12:06drugs here. Thus, Ice Gate was born. An illegal Glaceon stormed through the tournament and won a
12:13game she absolutely should not have, since snow increases the defense stat of all ice Pokémon.
12:19I know we should disqualify her, but hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to win,
12:23huh? So that's the story of how Glaceon became our tournament's most hated Pokémon and somehow
12:29Krabby became the hero. Anyways, Krabby versus Charmeleon. The Swing and a Miss on the Sun Spore.
12:37Skill Swap. Okay, let's just trade. Will that impact the game at all? We'll see.
12:41Krabby has not done anything yet, by the way. Oh no, no, no, no, no! That's...
12:49Krabby won by doing absolutely nothing. To nobody's surprise, the pitiful pile of
12:56disgrace known as Frigabax lost to the stoic majesty of Dunsparce through a finishing blow
13:02of stalling out poison. Thrilling. Then we decided to break out the big guns of Garchomp
13:08versus Solgaleo. I think Garchomp wins on paper. Oh my god, no Retreat Turn 1? Prismatic Laser does
13:16do a lot, though. That was a great pull. Gigaton Hammer. He has to recharge those. That was free
13:21damage. Topsy Turvy. Whoa, whoa, whoa, careful now. Careful. I don't think you want to do that,
13:26Moo. That sounds like a bad idea to me. No Retreat into Topsy Turvy might be one of the worst
13:32attempted plays of all time. Okay, Dark Pulse though is super effective. That does nothing,
13:38actually. Oh my god. In this greater tournament series, I've also included all regional variants,
13:44since they do different things, you know? I mean, I personally think even Megas count as different
13:49Pokemon, because they have different abilities. And yeah, sure, they're stronger, but I just want
13:53to include them, even if they lose to Beratik. Either way, that match led us to the clash of
13:57two Unovan Titans. Landorus Therion and Thundurus Incarnate. I did not realize the absolute heat
14:04that we have right here. We have Fickle Beam and Eruption. That's a pretty good start. The
14:09Intimidate is coming in clutch. Gust. Stab. Nice. Oh, the Leaf Storm's a miss. Wouldn't have done
14:13too much anyways. Probably would have hurt more than it would have hit. Oh, the Stone Edge,
14:18though. Wow. I mean, he's the guy for a reason, you know? We had Flygon Triple Axel through Iron
14:24Leaves, Terrakion Lunge over Castform, and Ogre Pond stepping on a bird. Everything went as
14:29expected, and then Wishiwashi successfully swung on Zygarde and won. We had a lot of close games,
14:36a lot of mean games, and even a Roaring Moon who tried to Sheer Cold a Popplio before killing it
14:41anyways in a shockingly close game. Like, what's the deal with Salamence on Fraud Watch? The
14:45Legendaries kept winning, the birds kept fighting, but then we all realized the sheer unbridled
14:50strength of the ability Cursed Body. Uh-oh, Cursed Body. Uh-oh, I didn't even realize.
14:57Oh no, we are struggling now. That's 25%. Froslass has to do 2% damage here. Oh, they won.
15:03After watching the mid-off of Meltan versus Crocalore, the live studio audience came across
15:07what is potentially the most embarrassing match of all time. Wow. Zygarde, isn't this how the
15:15other Zygarde lost too? Why is Zygarde such a buster? Dear god, do you see this? Despite this
15:22tragic showing, surely another broken Legendary won't lose, right? Sky Attack ain't gonna do too
15:28much. Bitter Blade, oh my god. Uh-oh, and there's the taunt. Wait, I think Struggle, yeah. To nobody's
15:35surprise, De'Ante also won, Zamazenta won, and of course, Chi-Yu was also presented with yet
15:41another free win. A match for the ages opened with Knock Off, taking half of its health. Wait,
15:46Sweet Kiss. This confusion can make a huge difference. Wait, Razor Shot. Wait, wait. Oh,
15:52the confusion has not mattered yet. Oh, it hits. Wait, wait, wait. Bramblecast takes down Chi-Yu.
16:00After everything we've seen so far in this tournament, it felt pretty funny to then watch
16:04Dino fight Anorith this late in bracket. Sure, we've had some instant wins, a few close games,
16:09but never has there been such a surgical gambit before Combusken. I think we know who wins this
16:14on paper. Nasty Plot is interesting. Uh, it's almost over, by the way. Victory...
16:21Being at 9 HP against 100, okay, and now it's an even...
16:25Oh, oh, oh.
16:31Nasty Plot, Forest Curse into Blast Burn against a Water-type.
16:38Absolute phenomenal play. And despite all odds, Minccino survived an
16:42eternity-sized explosion and moved on to the next round of bracket. We have eliminated such a large
16:47amount of the competition that we are now down to a mere 64 Pokémon remaining in the tournament.
16:52At long last, the seemingly invincible Squawkabilly failed to open this round,
16:56and unfortunately enough, Whimsicott went with him. Alolan Marowak won thanks to Cursed Body
17:01being as broken as we thought it was, and Jirachi won their game by simply being a better Pokémon.
17:05Being this late into the tournament, most outcomes felt predetermined,
17:08like Marshadow having to defeat a Chinchou to qualify into Top 64. However, our suspect of
17:14Glaceon returned with the proper ability that they should have always had, just to see if the
17:18success was tied to Snow Warning alone. Ice Gate has been resolved, everyone,
17:23only Necrozma suffered. Oh, got the Sub up, and it takes the damage of Judgment?
17:28Blood Moon behind a Sub, I don't know how you beat that. Petal Blizzard, okay,
17:31that's how you knock it out. Uh, Thunder Fang, we just have to hit hard. Moosharna's about to
17:36get confused, never mind. I forgot, I was confusing the moves. Glaceon got confused,
17:40actually. We hit through it, Poison Jab. Ooh, one more turn, wow. Glaceon moves on, oh. Oh,
17:46no, of course. There was a chance I could have done more. As you can tell by chat, Glaceon's
17:50reception is split. Some want to see her take it all the way, but others see her as a dirty cheater
17:55who deserves the death penalty. I would like to remind everybody that this is just a silly Pokémon
18:00video. Either way, she moves on to Top 64 alongside Dunsparce. Somehow. Like, sure,
18:06Garchomp had to fight Wobbuffet, but realize that Landorus had to defeat a Flygon for the chance
18:11at the same placing as Dunsparce got from challenging Krabby. Maybe randomized seeding
18:16was a bad idea. On the bright side, given that we've gotten rid of nearly all the fodder,
18:19most of the matches up ahead are filled with two equally destructive nuclear weapons.
18:24Circuitry, Draining Kiss, just to top it all off. Flying Press, that's good. Circuitry does
18:29a very high special attack, though. Heavy Throat Shot. Bitter Blade, though, that is stabbed. We
18:34get the health back a little bit. Oh, no, this is actually neck and neck. This is one of the
18:38closer games. Fly, I don't think that kills. Fly absolutely does not kill here. Circuitry in red.
18:43Sleep Powder, though. Now we have a battle. Anything can happen here. Wish! Oh, that's a
18:47free wish after the sleep. Echoed Voice comes out. Crit II. Oh, that wish might have solved the whole
18:53game. Oh, three turn sleep. Torch Song. BM insult to injury right at the end. Similarly, our next
19:00match is another clash of the titans between Roaring Moon and an Ice Titan that did not have
19:05to cheat to get this far. Pressure, though, on all the legendary birds is very strong. Judgment out
19:10the gates. Crit II. Thunder Shock. No real wings on this guy. Oh, Super Fang is great. Mystical Fire
19:17we resist. Water Pulse, crit. No confusion, though. Morning Sun, and we're back up. It's like nothing's
19:22happened. Hex, that's okay. Roaring Moon, slight lead. Aqua Jet. Uh-oh, uh-oh. Articuno locked into
19:28Thrash. This is bad news for Roaring Moon. We know we have another one coming out. Do we have a third?
19:33Oh, we do. Uh-oh. We got one more. Does this kill? It could. Three percent. It's confused. Getting
19:39triple Thrash. Oh, that's Recoil. You're dead. Once again, Froslass returns to the battlefield and wins
19:43through Cursed Body abuse, while Melt is forced to fight Hariyama. How did this thing even make it
19:49this far? Okay, we're causing an uproar. We are locked into an attack, which again is very, very-
19:55never mind. Miraculous overcame Da Dunsparce and secured a place in top 64, and for whatever reason,
20:00Dunsparce can do what Da Dunsparce can't. Despite the recessed matches between these title fights,
20:06Primal Groudon and Mega Deancy were ready to take the stage. Desolate Land is nice. See, Water Pulse
20:12out of the picture. Magic Mountain Smokescreen, that does happen though, so that was an awful
20:16turn for all parties. Oh, Sludge is nice. Mega Drain. Oh, we can shake that off Groudon, and
20:20what do we have now? Extra Sensory. That's okay. Absorb is also okay. It's- it's fine. Gigaton Hammer
20:27though? My god, and it was a crit? One of the most tragic games of the entire bracket was a phenomenally
20:34buff Screamtail demolishing a Sharpedo who was burned, bloodied, and ultimately dying. Waiting
20:40one more turn would have given them a win, just- it's just guaranteed, but the Screamtail had one
20:46final gambit left to rip. Incredible. I know we've established that Glaceon was the villain, but for
20:51whatever reason, Bramble Gas was the People's Champion. Everybody was rooting for them. It only
20:56wanted Bramble Gas, of all Pokemon, to win the entire tournament. People were betting on them,
21:02even when their opponent was Zamazenta. Air Cutter, Wind Rider, we get the buff,
21:07uses Gust, super effective, phenomenal. Actually, phenomenal. Acrobatics? Ooh, that is gonna hurt.
21:15Okay, Shadow Force? That Aeroblast would have killed. Zamazenta might be under suspect right
21:22now. Oh, oh. Of course, some likely Pokemon get eliminated from bracket since not even a
21:31skilled Squawkabilly can scrap with an average Annihilate. And before you ask, these are two
21:36different color Squawkabillies, it counts. And honestly, forget a billion, because Kyurem can
21:41barely take down one singular lion. And on the other side of the tournament, Primal Kyogre moves
21:46on in a desperate attempt to kill Groudon one last time. Believe it or not, with all the names I just
21:51mentioned, Kricketot has also made it this far in tournament. Like, yes, this is where they perish,
21:57but I'm honestly a bit impressed that Kricketot outperformed threats like Necrozma and Zygarde. Oh,
22:03and then Arceus Smited Pincurchin. Are you starting to see a trend here? At least we had a close
22:08matchup of Mega Blaziken versus Mew, but the next true showstopper wouldn't happen until the start
22:13of Top 32 with Glaceon challenging Marshadow. No Dream Eater, that has not worked yet. Shadow Claw
22:20is big, but just the stat difference here, it's only 25%. And now we have Flail, which, okay,
22:2610%. Flamethrower is, that's good damage too. Good to use that special attack stat a little more
22:31from Glaceon, luckily. And the crit hit increased. Flame Charge is nice. We get that speed buff too.
22:38Glaceon still does not move first. Oh, but that Skitter Smack took a lot out of it. And there,
22:44oh wait, that crit? So, at least Ice Gate is alive and well, huh? Some other ferocious foes
22:50definitely carried on like Iron Thorns and Alolan Marowak, but the audience really waited in awe
22:54when both Garchomp and Dunsparce took field. Turn one, Mud Slap, brutal. Fire Fang, that's rough
23:01skin, take more damage from that. Oh, Facade. Nice hit, nice hit. Aqua Tail, that's fine. That's
23:06another contact move, unfortunately. It feels like Dunsparce could kill itself from rough skin
23:11entirely. Okay, there's Hyper Voice, good job. Stab, no contact. Is Lumina Crash enough? No.
23:17I think if it makes, oh. Oh my God. Garchomp is absolutely one of the strongest Pokemon in
23:27existence, but not today. Nope. That spot now belongs to Dunsparce, apparently. And since we're
23:33breaking all 1,025 Pokemon into a ton of smaller brackets, I decided to allow anyone who qualifies
23:39into the top 16 of any tournament to qualify into a major final tournament in the end. And just like
23:45that, Dunsparce is now one of the greats who gets to compete for the gold in this tournament series
23:50circuit final thing. Also, top 16 for the tournament doesn't really turn out to a pretty
23:54bracket, so I'm also gonna allow you, the loyal subscribers who have subscribed by clicking the
23:59subscribe button, to vote in a few fan favorites who might not have quite performed as well as,
24:05say, Dunsparce. Can you tell I'm shocked by the Dunsparce thing? Sure, Corviknight takes out
24:10Landerous, which, yeah, is an upset, but like, it's not Dunsparce, you know? Either way, it's
24:15just shocking to see that Garchomp, Landerous, Salamence, and Jirachi are all missing out of
24:19the finals. But that's only from the first few matches of top 32. As we move on in bracket,
24:23Wishiwashi knocks Terrakion down to 1 HP, but fails to close it in the end. Calyrex and Circuitry
24:29find an unfortunate foe to face, since they both want to qualify into top 16. Yeah, despite
24:34inflicting each other with status, the poison-bearing Calyrex pulled ahead. So now, allow
24:39me to ask a very real and very genuine question. How the hell do we still have this many ice-type
24:44Pokemon in the tournament?
24:46At this point, I'm really starting to see the flaw in random seeding, because in one battle,
25:10we get to see Hariyama take out the trash, and in the immediate next one, Primal Groudon violates
25:15the Geneva Convention only for Zamazenta to unalive themselves. Sure, the tactician of
25:19Combusken moves on alongside an erupting Ceruledge. Meanwhile, Annihilate clocks in and imprisons yet
25:25another legendary victim. As stated before, Primal Kyogre is desperate for another chance
25:30at murdering Groudon, but sure enough, Groudon has shooters and Hippowdon is not even going to
25:34give Kyogre the chance. Oh, and Arceus killed Pinsir. Just kidding, God is dead and Pinsir
25:38moves on in the tournament. And in the final round of top 32, Scizor steals an aforementioned
25:43strategy and imprisons Mega Blaziken until their dying breath. That's right, Mega Blaziken,
25:49the fire type, lost to Scizor, who is now in top 16, alongside Combusken. Make it make sense.
25:56In top 16, Iron Thorns came out the gate swinging with a plus four super effective
26:01Shadow Claw, while a fan-hated Glaceon took out a fan-favorite Dunsparce.
26:07Karma, oh my god. Back to back, he lives by fissure, dies to sheer cold. Corviknight continued
26:15their streak of upsets with a fatal Razor Shell, but then Frostlass also got the chance to continue
26:20their own streak of upsets. Metronome Rock Tomb, we're gonna make him even slower. It doesn't matter
26:25all that much. Double hit, doesn't hit. And we got Leech Life, that is quad super effective.
26:32No Curse Body needed. They resist it. One of the few types we resist, and Curse Body, you're done.
26:37You're done. Another legendary to fall.
26:39Kariyama attempted to unleash a lethal Hydro Cannon, but Pramalgradon's Desolate Land not
26:44only kept them alive, but ultimately kept them in the tournament. Out of all of our final
26:48contestants, Combusken is definitely the most surprising one here, and unsurprisingly, they
26:54tragically folded under the pressure. And now we have Annihilate versus the Kite of
26:58And now we have Annihilate versus the Kyogre Killer. The Kyurem Killer versus, oh wow, opening
27:05Ice Shard. Water Pulse, no confusion. Ooh, Stun Spore, pretty nice. Okay, Fly can be deadly here
27:12though. Bitter Blade would have been phenomenal. Oh, oh, big damage. You gotta hit it with something
27:18hard. Oh buddy, you gotta hit it with something hard. Sandstorm kills. Oh, hold. Wait. Annihilate
27:25still in this. Expanding Force, humbles it just a little bit more. Water Spout would have been
27:31huge. I think 80 more health and that would have been great. Haze was good for Hippowdon here.
27:35Iron Head, so-so. This is getting closer and closer. Wait, High Jump Kick misses on the Ghost
27:41Type. With Scizor now knowing Flamethrower, they qualified into top eight as the final bug
27:46remaining. So now we're truly at the end. We started with 256 entrants and we're now presented
27:52with only eight Pokemon across four separate matches. Iron Thorns versus Glaceon, Corviknight
27:57versus Froslass, Primal Groudon versus Ceruledge, and Annihilate versus Scizor. Only one of these
28:03Pokemon can take home the first major win in the tournament series of power. But for now,
28:08let's just focus on who can make it to the next round. I mean, Iron Thorns absolutely should win
28:13here. I mean, we're Heal Pulsing for Christ's sake. Crab Hammer gonna hurt. Crit Chance increased too.
28:23No way. Sure, Glaceon has been under heavy scrutiny in this tournament for their alleged
28:28cheating, but even though Snow Warning is gone, they're still hitting nonstop Sheer Colts.
28:33Cursed Body versus Pressure. Personally, I think Cursed Body still wins here. Torch Song is a crazy
28:39opener. Acid Armor, I guess let's just build up. Mean Look, can't leave. Mud Slap lowers accuracy.
28:45Okay, this feels pretty even. You really just gotta watch out for that. Cursed Body, I think
28:50maybe setting up for just one big move. Hey, let's get you up at full health while you're at it.
28:54Doesn't matter. You're just going to get Cursed Body and it won't account for anything. Ivy
28:58Cudgel misses. Ceaseless Edge, super effective. Corviknight, though, is looking very nice. Okay,
29:05Horned... Wait, there it is. Wait, no, no, no, this is actually bad. They tried. They tried. Oh,
29:15wow. Attempting to take a page out of Glaceon's book, Frost Blast went for it all. Unfortunately,
29:21Corviknight is Bird, so Fissured, no hit. However, Corviknight gets to move on alongside either
29:26Primal Groudon or Ceruledge. Okay, opening rest, a little strange. Attract Immune. Groudon,
29:32Ace King, does not fall for that shit. Dazzling Gleam, though, not too much. At least it got
29:37damage on the board here. Rock Wrecker, oh my god. This top four is certifiably spicy,
29:44with these three champions in the making already advancing onwards. But we still have one final
29:49match to watch, so let's just hope it's a good one. Rock Tomb slows it down. Already have the
29:54speed, but it's nice to have in the back. Infestation is a killer. We talk about it.
30:00This is the most insidious killer we have. Immune to Acid. Ah, this looks pretty good.
30:07Scizor has a stage set. But, okay, Focus Blast connects. Stab two.
30:11Here we are. Only four fighters remain, with all of them a singular match away from competing in
30:21the finals. All we can hope for is three final explosive rounds. But not like explosive like
30:29Scizor, you know? Muddy Water, lower accuracy, maybe? No. Okay. Uh-oh, Glaceon, time to pull it
30:36out. Hyper Beam. Okay, you got two turns now to pull Sheer Cold. Recover is huge, actually. You
30:42gotta keep in mind pressure here, though. We are already down to 11 here. Door Power, not too scary.
30:47Glaceon, what do you got? Sacred Fire is pretty big. Oh, the burn is massive. Happy Hour, that's
30:53a waste of a turn. Aqua Step, we're faster now. Wood Hammer, resisted a tiny bit of recoil. Jaw
30:59Lock, that's okay. Is this another Glaceon win? There ain't no way, right? That's curtains.
31:05That's a checkmate right there. Disable guarantees it. Oh, wait, Glaceon also struggled.
31:12Oh, pressure finally kicked in. It actually has minus one metronomes because of pressure. Now
31:16that Glaceon's waiting in the winner's circle, it's up to either Primal Groudon or Annihilate
31:20to put this heel of a Pokemon in their place. Psychic Noise. It's not too much. Lowers or gets
31:26heel block up. Disarming Voice is super effective. I think I already see where this one's going.
31:31That's neutral damage. Hex is good here. Oh, I'm not feeling so good. Magical. Oh, Annihilate is
31:38close. Dying. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. The Dragon Claw doesn't do much. That's it. That's GG's. That's
31:45a checkmate. Synthesis. Oh my God. What an unreal checkmate. With 254 other Pokemon eliminated from
31:55the tournament, one more was about to join them since there can only truly be one winner.
32:00Of course, this all leads up to the greater finale at the end, but one of these two was going
32:05to leave the first tournament a bit more decorated than the other. Was it going to be the unexpected
32:10savior of Primal Groudon? Or was it going to be the coy and deceitful Glaceon who would do
32:15absolutely anything to win? Either way, we'd have our answer very, very soon.
32:21Okay, Groudon misses their first move. Psyblade from Glaceon. Frost Poison. Does it? Oh, no poison.
32:28Okay, Ancient Power. Do we get a boost? No boost. No boost. Dodge an Inferno. An Intense Sun. Okay,
32:34we're flying. What do we got? Shadow Claw. Dodge it again. Dodging attacks is massive. Oh. Oh.
32:40Fell Stinger. Glaceon. You got to put some more damage on the board. Ivy Cudgel. Oh my God!
32:47It is a Mewd from Sheer Cold. What? That is the plot armor? Oh my God. A Shurge wave is still not
32:54over yet. It's the Force Palm. Crit. Para. No Para. Wait, what do we got? No! No way!
33:05Primal Groudon went through all of that just to explode at the end? At the end of the day,
33:12heroes are not magically designed to always win. Like it or not, we have our first winner. So now,
33:19who do you think will win the next one? But more importantly, who do you think can stop them?