• 14 hours ago
00:10:30Mmm, this tastes very nice.
00:10:34You mustn't eat any more of that.
00:10:37If you eat too much, you'll know too much.
00:10:40Can you know too much?
00:10:42Oh, indeed, yes.
00:10:45And it will make you miserable.
00:10:47I don't want you to be miserable anymore.
00:10:50That's why I'm going to help you find your lost way.
00:10:53Thank you, kangaroo.
00:10:55But, um, could I please have some water?
00:10:58I'm very thirsty.
00:11:00Of course you are.
00:11:02Everyone's thirsty at sundown.
00:11:04I'm thirsty, too.
00:11:06But the nearest waterhole is a long way off.
00:11:09So we'd better start at once.
00:11:19Poor little human.
00:11:21Your legs aren't much good.
00:11:23And I really don't understand how you can expect to get along
00:11:26without a tail.
00:11:32I have an idea.
00:11:34Just step into my pouch,
00:11:36and I'll hop you down to the waterhole in no time.
00:11:46Lovely in here.
00:11:50And I feel as if I had my baby again.
00:11:53Well, we're off.
00:12:07Some people ride camels and some prefer mules
00:12:10While others ride turtles and don't they look cool
00:12:13But I curl up inside just enjoying the view
00:12:16As I ride in the pouch of a red kangaroo
00:12:19As she rides in the pouch
00:12:22Of a red kangaroo
00:12:26We fly through the air and bounce over the ground
00:12:29With a hippity hoppity boppity sound
00:12:32The best fun in the world and I tell you it's true
00:12:35Is to ride in the pouch of a red kangaroo
00:12:38Is to ride in the pouch
00:12:41Of a red kangaroo
00:12:43Hippity hoppity boppity bop
00:12:45When you feel as good as you know
00:12:48Hippity hoppity boppity bop
00:12:51That's the way we go
00:12:54You can travel by boat, you can travel by train
00:12:57You can walk if you like and get sunk in the rain
00:13:00But the best way to travel is something to do
00:13:03Is to ride in the pouch of a red kangaroo
00:13:06Is to ride in the pouch
00:13:09Of a red kangaroo
00:13:12Hippity hoppity boppity bop
00:13:15When you come with us you'll know
00:13:18Hippity hoppity boppity bop
00:13:21That's the way we go
00:13:27We jump through the bush and bounce up to the sky
00:13:30And if you're too frightened you'd better not try
00:13:34But just stand aside and just hullabaloo
00:13:38Because dot in the pouch of a red kangaroo
00:13:41Dot in the pouch
00:13:43Dot in the pouch
00:13:44Dot in the pouch
00:13:46Of a red kangaroo
00:13:53That was fun, but how did you...
00:13:58You must never make any noise near a water hole
00:14:01Oh, I was going to ask
00:14:03How did you find your way to the water?
00:14:06The bush looks all the same to me
00:14:08Look at this rock we're standing on
00:14:10What do you see?
00:14:13It's polished like glass
00:14:17It's so smooth
00:14:19Smooth with the passing of thousands of kangaroos
00:14:23Coming here to drink since time began
00:14:26All the animals know the bush
00:14:28It's like a kind of mother to all of us
00:14:31We'll drink now
00:14:33We're so frightened
00:14:35We're so frightened
00:14:36So thirsty
00:14:38So thirsty and so frightened
00:14:41Why don't they drink at the water hole?
00:14:44Because they're frightened
00:14:45Frightened of what?
00:14:48But I think it's all right now
00:14:50Kangaroo, you're so brave
00:14:53Will you go to the water first and let us know if it's all safe?
00:14:56We haven't had a drop of water for two days
00:14:59And we're dying of thirst
00:15:03Yesterday we waited for hours
00:15:05And then two humans came and we flew away
00:15:08So we're frightened
00:15:10And thirsty
00:15:21We love to splash the water with our wings
00:15:24Quack, quack
00:15:25And look for worms and other lovely things
00:15:28Quack, quack
00:15:29But we're much too tired for flying
00:15:31And our little beaks are drying
00:15:33So all we ever do all day is quack
00:15:41Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
00:15:45We love to go and paddle in the creek
00:15:48Quack, quack
00:15:49And dipple-dopple-dabble with our feet
00:15:52Quack, quack
00:15:53But we're much too tired for flying
00:15:55And our little beaks are drying
00:15:57So all we ever do all day is quack
00:16:06Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
00:16:08Quack, quack
00:16:10We're thirsty and we're frightened
00:16:12And our throats, they have tightened
00:16:14We're quivering and shivering
00:16:16And waiting till it's dark
00:16:18We're sobbing and sighing
00:16:20And we almost feel like crying
00:16:22Oh, there must be something else to do
00:16:24But quack
00:16:26Maybe we should be high up in the air
00:16:29Quack, quack
00:16:30And then perhaps we wouldn't ever care
00:16:33Quack, quack
00:16:34But we're much too tired for flying
00:16:36And our little beaks are drying
00:16:38So all we ever do all day is quack
00:16:47All we ever do all day
00:16:49All we ever do all day is
00:16:52Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
00:16:56Quack, quack
00:17:00I think you're safe now
00:17:02You all stay quiet
00:17:04And take a closer look
00:17:14I think you're safe now
00:17:48Quack, quack, quack, quack
00:17:51Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
00:18:13I don't think that was funny
00:18:20Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
00:18:24Quack, quack
00:18:26I am a pretty bush girl
00:18:28As pretty as can be, be, be
00:18:30And all the boys at my school
00:18:32Go crazy over me, me, me
00:18:35My boyfriend's name is Tubby
00:18:37And he comes from Sydney, I'll be
00:18:39With a lump on his nose and ten funny toes
00:18:41And this is how my story goes
00:18:46One day when I was talking
00:18:48I heard my boyfriend talking
00:18:50To a pretty little girl with a chocolate girl
00:18:52And this is what he said to her
00:18:54I L O V E love you
00:18:56I K I double S kiss you
00:18:58So he jumped in a lake and swallowed a snake
00:19:01And came back with a tummy ache
00:19:04So he jumped in a lake and swallowed a snake
00:19:06And came back with a tummy ache
00:19:19Oh, anywhere you like, dear
00:19:34It's very nice in here
00:19:36I prefer to sleep in the open
00:19:38Under the stars
00:19:40But I thought you might like somewhere warm and dry
00:19:45Oh, that's scary
00:19:47I wish Mopoke wouldn't make that noise
00:19:49When you're trying to sleep
00:19:51There's something wrong about some birds
00:19:53Who think they're musical
00:19:55They're so well behaved in the daytime
00:19:57But as soon as it's night
00:19:59Or a bit of moon in the sky
00:20:01It's woo-hoo, woo-hoo
00:20:03I wish it'd stop
00:20:07Would you mind singing a little further away?
00:20:10You're upsetting my little friend
00:20:15Doesn't she like my song?
00:20:17I think it's beautiful
00:20:20So sad and mournful
00:20:23I'm such a great artist
00:20:26When all the bush is quiet
00:20:28And everyone has time to be miserable
00:20:31I make them even more miserable
00:20:34Now, isn't that a nice thing to do?
00:20:37I'm sure it's lovely, Mopoke
00:20:40But she is very tired
00:20:44I suppose it's not everyone who can appreciate good music
00:20:52Perhaps this is all a dream
00:20:54And I'll wake up in my bed at home
00:21:04Do you think I'll ever find my way?
00:21:07We'll ask the animals for help in the morning
00:21:10And who knows?
00:21:12The humans might be looking for you at this very moment
00:21:15Why don't you...
00:21:54It's no use, Frank. We'd never find her now anyway.
00:21:58It's too dark.
00:22:00I suppose you're right.
00:22:02Just have to get some sleep and start again in the morning.
00:22:06She'd been lost for two days, Jack.
00:22:09Look, Frank, I've been a bushman all my life.
00:22:13And I thought she'd be in the valley here somewhere.
00:22:16But there's no sight of her.
00:22:18So at first light, we'll start searching the waterholes.
00:22:24It's going to be another cold night.
00:22:27Poor little Dot.
00:22:30I hope she's found some kind of shelter.
00:22:50What's the matter?
00:22:52I was dreaming about my father.
00:22:55I dreamt he was standing there calling me.
00:22:58Calling, Koo-wee.
00:23:00You're tired. You must rest.
00:23:02Try to sleep now.
00:23:05I wouldn't move if I were you, my friend.
00:23:20Good morning.
00:23:22Lovely day today.
00:23:24Might rain later, though. You can't tell anymore.
00:23:26The weather's gone all funny.
00:23:28I suppose you're wondering where your friend is.
00:23:30She's gone to get you some breakfast.
00:23:32That's where she's gone.
00:23:33And to arrange a council of the animals for you.
00:23:36Asked me to keep an eye on you.
00:23:38Lucky, wasn't it?
00:23:39She's a lovely lady, isn't she?
00:23:41What was I saying?
00:23:42Oh, yes. Don't move.
00:23:45Nasty fellows, these snakes.
00:23:47Never had any time for snakes.
00:23:49They're not gentlemen, you know.
00:23:50It's not good manners to go round biting people.
00:23:53I never dream of biting anyone.
00:23:56Except snakes, of course.
00:23:58What will I do?
00:24:01Just relax and enjoy yourself.
00:24:02There's nothing at all to worry about if you don't move.
00:24:05He'll come out into the sun soon, you see.
00:24:07And then...
00:24:08Ah, there. You see?
00:24:09Goodness gracious, just look at those fangs.
00:24:12Quite the largest fangs I've ever seen.
00:24:16Keep still now.
00:24:17Remember what I said?
00:24:32Oh, there you are.
00:24:34Come, Dot. We must go.
00:24:36Are we going home?
00:24:39Well, where are we going then?
00:24:41We're going to the council of the animals.
00:24:43Council of the animals? What's that?
00:24:46It's when the animals come together to decide important matters.
00:24:50Matters like how to find your lost way.
00:24:54Can they really help me find my way home?
00:24:59Can they really help me find my way home?
00:25:02I hope so.
00:25:04Animals are very clever, you know.
00:25:06We should get to the billabong by evening.
00:25:09That's where we meet.
00:25:10Some people ride camels and some prefer mules
00:25:13While others ride turtles and don't they look cool
00:25:16But I curl up inside just enjoying the view
00:25:19As I ride in the pouch of a red kangaroo
00:25:22As she rides in the pouch
00:25:25Of a red kangaroo
00:25:27We fly through the air and bounce over the ground
00:25:30With a hippity hoppity boppity sound
00:25:33The best fun in the world and I tell you it's true
00:25:36Is to ride in the pouch of a red kangaroo
00:25:39Is to ride in the pouch
00:25:42Of a red kangaroo
00:25:44Yippity hoppity boppity bop
00:25:46When you come with us you'll know
00:25:50Yippity hoppity boppity bop
00:25:52That's the way we go
00:25:55You can travel by boat, you can travel by train
00:25:58You can walk if you like and get stuck in a rain
00:26:01But the best way to travel is smart and to do
00:26:04Is to ride in the pouch of a red kangaroo
00:26:07Is to ride in the pouch
00:26:10Of a red kangaroo
00:26:12Dot in the pouch
00:26:13Dot in the pouch
00:26:15Dot in the pouch
00:26:17Of a red kangaroo
00:27:16I'm a frog
00:27:17I'm a frog
00:27:18I'm a frog
00:27:19I'm a frog
00:27:20We can live in a tree
00:27:21Or a log
00:27:22Oh what fun you have
00:27:24When you're a frog
00:27:25A frog
00:27:26On a log
00:27:27A log
00:27:28When you're a frog
00:27:29A frog
00:27:30When we see a man with a gun
00:27:31A gun
00:27:32And everyone else starts to run
00:27:33To run
00:27:34We dive in the twink
00:27:35As quick as a wink
00:27:37Oh what fun you have
00:27:39When you're a frog
00:27:40A frog
00:27:41On a log
00:27:42A log
00:27:43When you're a frog
00:27:44A frog
00:27:45Now that's a log
00:27:46And this is a frog
00:27:48Now I'm sure you will agree
00:27:50We're as handsome as can be
00:27:52And we look so sweet
00:27:54With our little webbed feet
00:27:56My little lady
00:28:00Bet you can't catch me
00:28:03When a fisherman tries to catch us
00:28:05Catch us all the fish
00:28:06Make such a fuss
00:28:07A fuss
00:28:08We just hop one, two, three
00:28:09And we're up a tree
00:28:11Oh what fun you have
00:28:13When you're a frog
00:28:14A frog
00:28:15On a log
00:28:16A log
00:28:17When you're a frog
00:28:18A frog
00:28:19Now that's a log
00:28:20And this is a frog
00:28:22Now I'm sure you will agree
00:28:24We're as handsome as can be
00:28:26And we look so sweet
00:28:28With our little webbed feet
00:28:30My little lady
00:28:34Bet you can't catch me
00:28:37I'm a frog
00:28:38I'm a frog
00:28:39I'm a frog
00:28:40We can live in a tree
00:28:41Or a log
00:28:42Or a log
00:28:43We can hop like a roo
00:28:44And we're faster too
00:28:45Oh what fun you have
00:28:47When you're a frog
00:28:48That's not a log
00:28:49And that's not a frog
00:28:52Now won't you come with me
00:28:54You'll be happy as can be
00:28:55And join in the fun
00:28:56We'll be a frog
00:28:57A frog
00:28:58On a log
00:28:59With a frog
00:29:00A frog
00:29:13Coming to the meeting are you?
00:29:15You're a little early
00:29:16We're going to the meeting
00:29:17After our evening dance
00:29:19Would you care to join us?
00:29:21We're practicing something new
00:29:23Can we stay?
00:29:26I love dancing
00:29:27Yes of course
00:29:29But I'm not very fond of dancing
00:29:31So I'll just watch
00:29:33But remember
00:29:34We mustn't be late for the meeting
00:30:48The meeting
00:31:35Here we are
00:31:36The Council of the Animals
00:31:38They're going to help you find your lost way
00:31:41They're very clever
00:31:43I always know what to do when there's trouble in the bush.
00:32:13I always know what to do when there's trouble in the bush.
00:32:44Well, here she is. This is Dot. You've probably all heard about her by now.
00:32:51She's trying to find her way and she needs your help.
00:32:55But she's human. What have humans ever done for us?
00:32:59That's true. If she's lost, it's her own fault. Animals don't get lost.
00:33:05Of course they do. You all know my child, don't you? My Joey? Where is he?
00:33:12That's right. He's lost.
00:33:15Poor kangaroo. She's so brave.
00:33:19What a shame.
00:33:21Poor lost baby.
00:33:23He's lost? Some humans came to hunt in the bush.
00:33:27They chased me and I hid Joey in some bushes to keep him safe.
00:33:32Then I led the hunters away and when I returned, my Joey was gone.
00:33:38How terrible for her.
00:33:40That's enough knowing.
00:33:42Dear little one.
00:33:43I've searched for days. I can't find him.
00:33:47So you see, my child is lost too. Just like this human child here.
00:33:53I wonder what happened.
00:33:55We should have helped.
00:33:57We really should help.
00:33:59Poor little human. Kangaroo, so kind.
00:34:04We should be kind too.
00:34:06Now, will you help?
00:34:08Yes, let's help.
00:34:11Of course we will.
00:34:15We'll help.
00:34:16Yes, we'll help.
00:34:19I'd like to help, but I don't know where your home is.
00:34:24And neither do I.
00:34:26I don't go near humans.
00:34:28I've never even seen one.
00:34:32I don't know where they live, do you?
00:34:35No, so we really can't help.
00:34:37Poor little dog.
00:34:44We can't help you.
00:34:47What will I do? Oh, please.
00:34:51Just a moment.
00:34:52I said we can't help you, but we know who can.
00:34:56You must go to the wisest animal in the bush, the platypus.
00:35:01Of course.
00:35:02The platypus. He's very wise.
00:35:05He knows everything.
00:35:07Yes, the platypus.
00:35:09Go to the platypus.
00:35:11The platypus.
00:35:12That's really the best advice we can give, Kangaroo.
00:35:15And now, we must close the meeting.
00:35:18Goodbye, Dot, and good luck.
00:35:26Goodbye, Dot.
00:35:27Goodbye, Dot.
00:35:30This way.
00:35:31A cave?
00:35:57Oh, where are we?
00:35:59It's a sacred cave.
00:36:01But nobody ever comes here anymore.
00:36:04Why not?
00:36:05Because they were afraid of the bunyip.
00:36:07The bunyip?
00:36:09There were people living here many years ago, all around this cave.
00:36:14And they had a camp just outside, where the animals had their meetings.
00:36:20There it is.
00:36:25What happened?
00:36:26One evening, the men in the tribe went fishing down in the billabong.
00:36:37They heard a strange roaring noise coming from the water.
00:36:41And out of the middle of the billabong came a monster, as big as 20 men.
00:36:47That was the bunyip?
00:36:50With a long neck and sharp claws, and covered with hair.
00:36:55Oh, dear.
00:37:20Oh, the bunyip's very bad.
00:37:24And the bunyip's very bold.
00:37:29And they tell me that the bunyip's now a thousand years old.
00:37:40So you better come home quickly.
00:37:45And you better hide very soon.
00:37:50Or the bunyip's going to get you.
00:37:55In the bunyip.
00:38:08The bunyip's partly animal.
00:38:12The bunyip's partly bird.
00:38:17The bunyip makes the strangest sound.
00:38:25That you have ever heard.
00:38:30So you better come home quickly.
00:38:35And you better hide very soon.
00:38:39Or the bunyip's going to get you.
00:38:45In the bunyip.
00:38:57The bunyip's always nasty.
00:39:01And the bunyip's very mean.
00:39:06He's the most unpleasant monster.
00:39:12That you have ever seen.
00:39:18So you better come home quickly.
00:39:23And you better hide very soon.
00:39:27Or the bunyip's going to get you.
00:39:32In the bunyip.
00:39:41In the bunyip.
00:39:46In the bunyip.
00:39:51In the bunyip.
00:39:57And the people were so frightened that they all ran away.
00:40:02And never came back again.
00:40:07My mother and father must be so worried about me.
00:40:12We'll go and see Platypus in the morning.
00:40:17All the animals say he knows everything.
00:40:22I'm sure he'll be able to help us find your way.
00:40:41You ask me, a little kid doesn't stand much of a chance out here.
00:40:46It's bad country.
00:40:49What? Oh, yes.
00:40:54But we'll keep going.
00:40:57We must keep on searching.
00:41:00Can't understand it.
00:41:03We followed her trail plain as day.
00:41:06Right up to the top of that ridge.
00:41:08And then there's animal tracks everywhere.
00:41:10And dots tracks stop.
00:41:12Not another sign.
00:41:14As if she just vanished.
00:41:16Yes, I know.
00:41:20If we find her at all, it'll be a miracle.
00:41:42Are you sure Platypus lives here?
00:41:45Why doesn't he come?
00:41:47Perhaps he doesn't know we're here.
00:41:49He knows all right.
00:41:50He knows everything.
00:41:52He just won't be hurried, that's all.
00:41:54He'll talk to us when he's good and ready.
00:41:57Here he is.
00:41:59Look, that's Mrs. Platypus with him.
00:42:14Remember to be very polite to him.
00:42:17Oh, it's very hard to be polite to Platypus because you don't know how to behave towards him.
00:42:22If you treat him as an animal, you offend his bird qualities.
00:42:27If you treat him as a bird, you offend his animal qualities.
00:42:32It's so difficult talking to two creatures in one.
00:42:37Good morning.
00:42:38Good morning.
00:42:39I'm Dot.
00:42:41I'm Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:42:43Now tell me, little human, are you going to write a book about me?
00:42:46Because if you are, I'll leave immediately.
00:42:49I can't stand any more books being written about me.
00:42:52I couldn't write a book.
00:42:55You're quite sure?
00:42:56I can't stand humans who write books about me.
00:43:00Quite sure.
00:43:01Then I'll try to believe you.
00:43:03But it's difficult to believe human beings.
00:43:05They tell such dreadful stories.
00:43:07One human said, I was a duck.
00:43:10A duck, mind you.
00:43:12Another said I was a rat or a mole and other such nonsense.
00:43:16And a third said that I don't lay eggs at all and that we were beavers in disguise.
00:43:21Such insults.
00:43:23And us too.
00:43:25When our ancestors were on earth millions of years before you humans were ever thought of.
00:43:30A million years is a very long time.
00:43:33I didn't say a million.
00:43:34I said millions.
00:43:36My ancestors were the famous Amphitherium, the illustrious Faxolotherium and the renowned Stereogonathus.
00:43:43So there.
00:43:45I didn't know that.
00:43:47Of course you didn't.
00:43:48That's because humans are so new.
00:43:50When you've been around for a few million years more, like us old respected families, you won't be quite so ignorant.
00:43:57Now, what is it you want?
00:43:59I'm trying to find my way.
00:44:02I don't know.
00:44:04Oh, but Kangaroo said you knew everything.
00:44:08That's true.
00:44:09I know that I don't know where you live.
00:44:12But wait.
00:44:13What sort of bush creatures come around your burrow?
00:44:15I don't live in a burrow.
00:44:17I live in a house.
00:44:19Oh, how frightfully uncomfortable for you.
00:44:22I like it.
00:44:23And the bush creatures like it too.
00:44:25Because they visit us all the time.
00:44:28Crickets and grasshoppers.
00:44:30Mice, lizards, swallows and possums and flying foxes.
00:44:34Cockerberries too.
00:44:35And magpies and willy-wagtails.
00:44:39That last one is the answer.
00:44:40Find willy-wagtail.
00:44:42He'll lead you straight home.
00:44:43He lives on the other side of Echo Mountain.
00:44:45You'll get there by nightfall if you hurry.
00:44:48Oh, thank you.
00:44:50Thank you, Platypus.
00:44:53Oh, oh, sorry.
00:44:55I meant, um, par-par-paradoxus.
00:45:01Ornithorynchus paradoxus, if you please.
00:45:04She seems to be a pleasant child.
00:45:06Just a trifle lacking in education.
00:45:08Shall we inform her, my dear?
00:45:19I'm Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:45:23And when you see me first, you're in for quite the shocks.
00:45:28I have a tail just like a beaver.
00:45:30And fur just like a bear.
00:45:32With feet just like a otter.
00:45:34Don't you know it's crude to stare?
00:45:36I'm really quite superior and I trust that you're aware.
00:45:41I'm Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:45:45He's an Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:45:48I just said that.
00:45:50I beg your pardon.
00:45:51What's the matter with you? Your turn now.
00:45:56I am an Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:46:00And when you see me first, you're in for quite the shocks.
00:46:06I give milk like any cow.
00:46:08And lay eggs like any bird.
00:46:10If you didn't know me better, you'd say it's quite absurd.
00:46:13So at the risk of being monotonous, and in case you haven't heard.
00:46:19I'm an Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:46:22You heard what she said.
00:46:23She's an Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:46:27It's togetherness time now, my dear.
00:46:29About time.
00:46:31Are you ready?
00:46:34We are Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:46:38And when you see us first, you're in for quite the shocks.
00:46:44It's really quite extraordinary.
00:46:46You won't believe your ears.
00:46:47We've been living in Australia now for 60 million years.
00:46:51We're a warish family, so give me Ornichairs.
00:46:54Hip-hip-hooray, hip-hip-hooray, hip-hip-hooray, hip-hip-hooray.
00:46:56For the Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:47:00The Ornithorynchus.
00:47:02The Ornithorynchus.
00:47:04The Ornithorynchus paradoxus.
00:47:12There now.
00:47:17Oh, it's my mummy.
00:47:20Do you think we'll ever find Willy Wagtail?
00:47:23I think so.
00:47:25He's a very small bird, but he's always singing.
00:47:28We'll hear quite well from a long way off.
00:47:31He's very friendly, too.
00:47:33I'm sure he'll help us find your way.
00:47:38You can't get a good day's sleep anymore.
00:47:41Talk, talk, talk.
00:47:43Talk, talk.
00:47:47Hello, kangaroo.
00:47:51What are you?
00:47:53I'm a girl.
00:47:55I've never heard of a girl before, or seen one, either.
00:48:00What sort of tree do you live in?
00:48:02I live at home.
00:48:04That is, when I'm there.
00:48:06Then where are you now?
00:48:09I'm not at home.
00:48:12Then you live where you don't live.
00:48:15Where's that?
00:48:16I've lost it, and I don't know where it is.
00:48:20You make my head feel empty.
00:48:23I don't understand you at all.
00:48:26I live in this gum tree.
00:48:28Would you like some of my gum leaves?
00:48:31They're delicious.
00:48:32No, thank you.
00:48:34When I'm at home, I have milk and bread and eggs and lettuce and...
00:48:40I've never ever heard of those.
00:48:43I'd love to see the trees they grow on.
00:48:46Will you show an egg tree or a bread tree to me?
00:48:49They don't grow on trees.
00:48:52Oh, you don't understand.
00:48:56Now you've made my head feel empty again.
00:49:01I think I'll have a little sleep.
00:49:04That'll make me feel better.
00:49:06Good night.
00:49:08Can you tell us how to find Willie Wagtail?
00:49:13Willie Wagtail?
00:49:15Oh, yes.
00:49:16Over there.
00:49:18On the other side of Echo Mountain.
00:49:25Do you know the best way over the mountain?
00:49:33At least we're going in the right direction.
00:49:48Telephone ringing.
00:49:56Telephone ringing.
00:50:05What's that?
00:50:08I can't tell.
00:50:10It's too far away.
00:50:12It's very strange.
00:50:15I'll have to go a little further on and sniff the air and listen carefully.
00:50:21I won't go far, so don't be afraid.
00:50:25Just stay here quietly till I come back.
00:50:34Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
00:50:39Danger! Danger! Danger!
00:50:45What's happening?
00:50:46Why are the animals running away?
00:50:48There's something wrong.
00:50:50Some kind of danger up ahead.
00:50:54Danger! Danger! Danger!
00:50:57Wombat, wait!
00:51:01Oh, it's humans!
00:51:03All the animals are leaving.
00:51:05Danger! Danger!
00:51:07We can't turn back now.
00:51:09We'll have to keep going, that's all.
00:51:11But we must be careful.
00:51:16Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.
00:51:38Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock,
00:52:08tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock
00:52:38tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick
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00:53:38They must have seen me. In my pouch. Quickly.
00:53:46But if you carry me, you'll never get away.
00:53:48Come on. There's no time. Hurry.
00:54:38Quick. They'll hide in that bush. One of the dingoes is coming up the ridge.
00:55:09No. No. Don't kill him. Don't. No. No.
00:55:27Here they come. Hurry.
00:55:38I'll have to try to jump the gap.
00:55:43Don't jump. I'm too heavy. You must put me down. You'll be killed.
00:55:49No. No. Never again. I'll never leave a child alone again. I'm going to jump.
00:56:38Oh. Oh. I can't go any further.
00:56:43But we're safe here, aren't we?
00:56:46No. Those dingoes won't give up. I can hear them. They're crossing the gully now.
00:56:57The dingoes. They're coming.
00:56:59Is that so now? We'll have to do something about that, won't we?
00:57:04But how can you? You're such little birds.
00:57:07We bitterns may be little birds, but we have very big voices.
00:57:55There you are. You're safe now.
00:57:58Those silly dingoes thought we were a bunyip.
00:58:01And did you see those dingoes tumble down the mountainside?
00:58:04What fools.
00:58:06They won't bother you anymore, friend kangaroo.
00:58:09Thank you. Thank you.
00:58:20Let her sleep. She's had a dreadful time.
00:58:24We'll stay with you till morning.
00:59:06Look, Frank, you can't go on.
00:59:08You're sick. You need a doctor.
00:59:10Another day out here and you'll be dead.
00:59:13That wouldn't do anyone any good.
00:59:15Not Jessie, not the child.
00:59:20You're right.
00:59:21I've never seen you sick like this before.
00:59:24We'll head for home right now.
00:59:29I don't know how I'm going to tell Jessie.
00:59:34Kangaroo must be thirsty.
00:59:37Give her some water.
00:59:38Water? I'll have to go way down to the river.
00:59:41There's no water here.
00:59:42Of course there is.
00:59:44It's all around you.
00:59:46There. Scrape away that moss.
00:59:49Dear me. You humans are so helpless.
00:59:53There's water here.
00:59:55Of course there is.
00:59:59Water here.
01:00:00Of course there is.
01:00:02Now. Give Kangaroo a drink.
01:00:06That's fine.
01:00:08Now pick some of those herbs and give them to her.
01:00:18There. Keep looking after her and she'll be all right.
01:00:22You'll soon be on your way again.
01:00:24And so must we.
01:00:26Take care.
01:01:57Here we are.
01:02:25On the far side of Echo Mountain.
01:02:28But where's Willy Wagtail?
01:02:32That's him.
01:02:34He's always singing.
01:02:41Clickety click.
01:02:43Clickety click.
01:02:45Willy Wagtail keeps singing that clickety click.
01:02:48All the bush birds agree my best trickety trick
01:02:51is my clickety clickety click.
01:02:54Clickety click.
01:02:56It's up in the morning.
01:02:58Clickety click.
01:03:00When I pounce on a worm.
01:03:02Pretty quickety quick.
01:03:04I sing clickety clickety click.
01:03:07Frogs squawk.
01:03:09Ducks quack.
01:03:11And kookaburra's ha ha ha.
01:03:13Snakes hiss.
01:03:15Seagulls wail.
01:03:17And no one makes a sound like little Willy Wagtail.
01:03:20Clickety click.
01:03:22Clickety click.
01:03:24All the day long I sing clickety click.
01:03:27And I'm certain that I won't get sickety sick
01:03:30of saying clickety clickety click.
01:03:33Frogs squawk.
01:03:35Ducks quack.
01:03:37And kookaburra's ha ha ha.
01:03:39Snakes hiss.
01:03:41Seagulls wail.
01:03:43And no one makes a sound
01:03:45that funny little sound.
01:03:47Clickety click.
01:03:49Like Willy Wagtail.
01:03:51Clickety click.
01:03:53All the day long I sing clickety click.
01:03:56And I'm certain that I won't get sickety sick
01:03:59of saying clickety clickety click.
01:04:02Clickety clickety clickety clickety clickety clickety clickety click.
01:04:07Just one more time folks.
01:04:09Clickety clickety clickety click.
01:04:17Let me know who you are.
01:04:19Everyone knows me.
01:04:21I'm Willy Wagtail.
01:04:23My little friend here is lost.
01:04:25Platypus said you might be able to help us find her home.
01:04:29A little human.
01:04:31I like humans.
01:04:33They're friendly to me, so I'm friendly to them.
01:04:35What's your name?
01:04:39That's a pretty name.
01:04:40And isn't that strange?
01:04:42I heard someone calling your name just the other day.
01:04:45Oh, they were looking for me?
01:04:47Where are they?
01:04:48They're gone by now.
01:04:49But I know where they live.
01:04:51In a house with big verandas.
01:04:53And a garden with roses?
01:04:55And a wooden fence?
01:04:56Not so fast.
01:04:58That's the one.
01:04:59But how do we get there?
01:05:01Oh, that's easy.
01:05:03Just follow the trail west.
01:05:05It goes past the bottom of the hill there.
01:05:08I'll take you home.
01:05:09Follow me.
01:05:29We searched everywhere.
01:05:32She's just gone.
01:05:36There's nothing else we can do.
01:05:43Willy Wagtail keeps singing that clickety-click.
01:05:47My best clickety-click is my clickety-clickety-click.
01:05:55It's up in the morning.
01:05:57And clickety-click-click-click when I pounce on the work.
01:06:01Pretty clickety-click, I sing clickety-clickety-click.
01:06:09All day long I sing clickety-click.
01:06:12And I'm certain that I won't get sickety-sick
01:06:15of saying clickety-clickety-click.
01:06:23Just one more time, folks.
01:06:32Oh, look, look.
01:06:34I'm home.
01:06:35Look there.
01:06:36Come quick.
01:06:38We're home.
01:06:40I can't come with you.
01:06:42Why not?
01:06:43Because these are your people.
01:06:45Your family.
01:06:46Oh, please.
01:06:48Please come with me.
01:06:51This is your home.
01:06:53My home is out there.
01:06:55But you'll wait for me, won't you?
01:06:57I'll bring my mother and father to you here.
01:06:59Just here.
01:07:00I won't be long.
01:07:09It's impossible.
01:07:14It's Dot.
01:07:18You're safe.
01:07:20What happened?
01:07:21Where were you?
01:07:22Are you all right?
01:07:23Yes, Daddy, yes.
01:07:25Oh, my baby.
01:07:27Dot, darling, what happened to you?
01:07:30We thought that you were...
01:07:32You were...
01:07:33I was lost and I didn't know what to do.
01:07:35And the kangaroo gave me food to eat
01:07:37and took me to see all the animals
01:07:39and I talked to them and...
01:07:42Wait, dear.
01:07:43You're too quick for me.
01:07:45You did say a kangaroo.
01:07:48Yes, a kangaroo.
01:07:49She's waiting for me there behind that bush.
01:07:51Come on.
01:07:52I'll show you.
01:08:00She's not here.
01:08:02She's gone.
01:08:03Where are you?
01:08:05Come back.
01:08:07Come back.
01:08:09Come back.
01:08:13Dot, please don't be sad.
01:08:16Your kangaroo must have her freedom.
01:08:19Must live her own life.
01:08:21She's going home.
01:08:23And her home is the bush.
01:08:27Kangaroo must have her freedom.
01:08:50Kangaroo, come back.
01:08:53Kangaroo, come back.
01:08:56Oh, kangaroo.
01:09:01Oh, kangaroo.
01:09:07I love you so much.
01:09:14Come back, please.
01:09:23Oh, kangaroo.