That you (people) may believe in Allah and His Messenger and honour him and respect the Prophet and exalt Allah morning and evening. Al-Quran 48:9
And mention the name of your Lord (in prayer) morning and evening. Al-Quran 76:025
by Islamic Azkars for Quran, Hadith &, Azkar
That you (people) may believe in Allah and His Messenger and honour him and respect the Prophet and exalt Allah morning and evening. Al-Quran 48:009
#surah kawther #theholyquran #surahalkawthar #surah al kawthar english translation#surah al kawthar mishary rashid alafasy
#beutifulquranrecitation #Quran kareem
#surahfatihakawazifa #quranrecitation #surahfatihakifazilat
#surahfathiha with english translation
Quran and Hadith, Islamic Teachings, Dua and Izkar and Introduction of Historical place in Saudi Arabia and world
قرآن و حدیث، اسلا می تعلیمات، دعا و اذکار
And mention the name of your Lord (in prayer) morning and evening. Al-Quran 76:025
by Islamic Azkars for Quran, Hadith &, Azkar
That you (people) may believe in Allah and His Messenger and honour him and respect the Prophet and exalt Allah morning and evening. Al-Quran 48:009
#surah kawther #theholyquran #surahalkawthar #surah al kawthar english translation#surah al kawthar mishary rashid alafasy
#beutifulquranrecitation #Quran kareem
#surahfatihakawazifa #quranrecitation #surahfatihakifazilat
#surahfathiha with english translation
Quran and Hadith, Islamic Teachings, Dua and Izkar and Introduction of Historical place in Saudi Arabia and world
قرآن و حدیث، اسلا می تعلیمات، دعا و اذکار