• last month


00:01Now, let's begin!
00:02Yu-wa-na Nishi-ni Nippon Ekoya!
00:04Not defeated by rain,
00:06not defeated by snow,
00:07not defeated by disappointment,
00:09we head north towards our dreams!
00:11From the north,
00:13the Winter Special of 2025!
00:16Yay! Winter Special!
00:19When it's cold, I want to eat something warm.
00:22I want to eat!
00:23Ah, I want to eat.
00:25Hey, wait!
00:27Ramen! Here you go!
00:34Ah, it's good.
00:35It's good, isn't it?
00:36That's good, that's good.
00:37Well, let's get started.
00:38Wait a minute.
00:39I'm still eating.
00:43You're still eating?
00:44Yes, I'm still eating a little.
00:47Okay, close your eyes.
00:53Is he still eating?
01:05Yu-tachi travel the world in a jumping car!
01:11They run through the snowy country with no plan!
01:13Their destination is Hokkaido!
01:17I met you.
01:23Be careful!
01:25Somewhere there...
01:28Yu-tachi's life is at stake!
01:30Will Yu be able to return to the wild snowy hot spring?
01:35No, seriously.
01:36I can't go in there normally.
01:40I can't forget about it.
01:42I dream about it.
01:45A year ago, Yu-tachi ate Shichiren Yakisoba with his ex-girlfriend.
01:50In Akita in winter, they made a big hit!
01:55I remember the inside here.
01:58Yu-tachi travel the world in a jumping car!
02:06Yu, freeze!
02:09Oh no, it stopped.
02:11Do your best!
02:13It's so cold!
02:15Yu-tachi make a big hit in their dreams!
02:22Yu, what do you want to do in Japan?
02:24When it comes to snow, it's snowman!
02:28Yu, what do you want to do in Japan?
02:31First, let's go to the airport.
02:33Yu, what do you want to do in Japan?
02:39Yu-tachi come to Japan without losing to the cold!
02:46I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!
02:52Excuse me.
02:54Japanese TV program.
02:56Where are you from?
02:57I'm from Oakland, California, but I live in North Dakota.
02:59Yu, why did you come to Japan?
03:02I've always wanted to visit Japan.
03:04I thought it was a beautiful country.
03:06The food is delicious.
03:08I literally eat everything from...
03:10I've tried fried bugs to all different animals, snakes.
03:13I've eaten it all.
03:18I ate... yesterday I ate a shark.
03:23Oh yeah, I was in Thailand.
03:24That was a shark that I ate.
03:26This is a real shark.
03:27It's a real shark!
03:30It looks delicious.
03:31What is this?
03:32That's a Mexican cactus.
03:35Is this a cactus?
03:36You can eat a cactus?
03:38Everywhere I travel, I like to try the food and see the culture.
03:44Do you have any goals in Japan?
03:46Well, actually, no.
03:47Like I said, I've never been here before, so I'm just going to go.
03:50Would you recommend anything?
03:53I wonder what Japanese food is.
03:56How about grasshopper?
03:58I wasn't tired.
03:59I just ate fried grasshopper.
04:01I've eaten it before.
04:02You can only eat natto in Japan.
04:05Have you ever eaten natto?
04:09What is that?
04:10What is that?
04:11It smells.
04:12It smells?
04:15Well, I mean, in America I eat...
04:16I don't know, have you heard of chitlins?
04:19It's a pig intestine.
04:20It smells really bad.
04:23With a little hot sauce?
04:31Do you want to try it now?
04:36He's going to get it for you.
04:37I'll try it right now.
04:45Oh, man.
04:48Got it.
04:53Oh, man.
04:57That looks good.
04:58I want to try it.
05:05Is that mustard?
05:15This is definitely interesting.
05:20This is my bad.
05:22That was my bad.
05:29Oh, man.
05:31Why is it so sticky?
05:39Why is it so sticky?
05:43Why is it so sticky?
05:55This is coming near my mouth.
06:14Okay, I'll try it then.
06:16He's scared.
06:29Oh, man.
06:32That's not happening again.
06:40That was amazing.
06:42Good job.
06:45That's not happening again.
06:47I've never tasted anything like that in my life.
06:50No, thank you!
06:55Oh, no.
06:58Not happening again.
07:03Hey, guys.
07:04How are you doing?
07:10Excuse me.
07:11I'm Japanese TV.
07:15Interview, okay?
07:18Where are you from?
07:23There is the Ama woman.
07:25Do you know it?
07:26It's the freedive woman.
07:28I would like to meet them.
07:34It's the study of the relation between people and the environment.
07:40So I thought maybe I can explore this area of people and the ocean.
07:44Looked up about Ama.
07:46I do.
07:47I wonder if it's possible those days to become an Ama-san.
07:55Because it's something that I would like to explore.
07:58It's just in my mind right now.
08:00How is it today?
08:02But I would like to see it even if it's just a touristic.
08:07How do they perceive the ocean and the shells and the fish?
08:13What is their feeling about that?
08:16Because they used to freedive and fish in order to eat.
08:21I read that it was mostly women.
08:23So I'm curious also about...
08:30Sorry, if?
08:31Yeah, of course.
08:34I want to become an Ama-san!
08:41Meet again in Mie.
08:47Because it's common for Ama divers.
08:49I guess because the sea.
08:51It's my first time here, so just gonna walk around.
09:04What's your plan?
09:08It's a dolphin!
09:11Let's try.
09:18I got permission.
09:21It's cute.
09:24Here, in the sea around Kashiko-jima...
09:32There are a lot of real Ama-sans.
09:38Ama-summit is also open.
09:45Usually, the Ama-san dive.
09:48Which area around?
09:50We are now in Kashiko-jima.
09:54Ama-san dive here.
10:02Tomorrow, we don't have a reservation.
10:05But we can meet.
10:20Ama-san are working here.
10:23We can meet Ama-san here.
10:38There are a lot of islands around here.
10:42It's easy.
10:43I feel it's easy.
10:44I feel I'm back home.
10:47He grew up by the sea as a fisherman with his family.
10:51And since I was a kid,
10:53we would go to the sea every day.
10:56Not every day, but...
11:01It's beautiful.
11:05What's that?
11:06It's a squid.
11:07It's big.
11:08What's that?
11:13He's a pro.
11:17I was second in Europe.
11:19Peace European Championship.
11:22Under 17th place.
11:244th and 5th as well in the world championships.
11:27This is how I feel how I got closer to the sea.
11:33I was born into this tribe.
11:36The water tribe.
11:44And Ama-san,
11:46as the water woman,
11:49especially for just the fact that they're women
11:53and they're doing it for so much time,
11:56like thousands of years.
11:58And I was curious to know more about that.
12:08Let's go to Ama-san.
12:13Please show me around the village.
12:18Ama-san's around this village?
12:20There aren't many now.
12:22There used to be a lot.
12:24Now I'm just curious about this place.
12:27What do the people do here usually?
12:30They're mostly fishermen.
12:33And they still have enough fish in the sea?
12:37Yes, they do.
12:39And do they think, why those fishermen?
12:42It's all about global warming.
12:45Read it?
12:46Like, what is the source?
12:48They do it on TV.
12:50Do you have a connection with them?
12:53Not really.
12:55This hot spring has everything.
12:58Global warming.
13:07Sorry for the sudden visit.
13:24This is a replica of the actual hot spring.
13:37You can learn more about Ama-san here.
13:42I see.
13:45If you don't mind,
13:47we still have a few questions for Ama-san.
13:50Let's bring her in.
13:53Yeah, of course.
13:55I have so many questions.
14:01I'm Ama-san.
14:04Nice to meet you.
14:06I'm Ama-san.
14:14I'm Kimio Hayashi.
14:16I'm Kimio Hayashi.
14:18I'm 54 years old.
14:22I've been doing this since I was 10.
14:25I'm 69 now.
14:27I'm Ama-san.
14:33What do you feel about the tradition now?
14:37Are you afraid that...
14:42Amagyo has a long history.
14:47It's a shame to lose it.
14:50But the sea is getting worse.
14:54Young people can't live without Ama-san.
14:59I'm afraid that's why Amagyo is gone.
15:06The ship is going up.
15:11I don't know what you mean.
15:13I don't know.
15:16Are you born to the sea?
15:18Or are you just born to be an Ama?
15:21I think I was born to be Ama-san.
15:25Ama-san used to dive even when she was big.
15:30My mother used to put me in her belly and dive.
15:34I think I like the sea too.
15:37Okay, my question is...
15:39Not yet.
15:48I can't stop.
15:50She's listening to you.
15:52I'm tired.
15:54An hour?
15:56You were in the sea of questions.
15:58I still have a lot of questions.
16:00I'm running out of time.
16:08Ama-san is so strange.
16:11Ama-san is so strange.
16:13It's been 5,000 years.
16:16There are three types of Ama-san in the Shima Peninsula.
16:25Oh, I see.
16:37I see.
16:39This is a tool to remove abalones.
16:42Ama-san uses it.
16:44These are Ama-san's glasses.
16:46I see.
16:48You put it on like this.
16:50The mask, do they use to make it by yourself?
16:54I buy it at a glasses shop.
16:56A glasses shop?
16:58I want to ask more, but...
17:02See you again.
17:04Please come again.
17:07See you again.
17:13I'm sure that I will go to sleep in excitement for tomorrow.
17:18I have a feeling that she will be funny and very easygoing.
17:25I wonder what kind of Ama-san I will meet.
17:27Let's go!
17:31I might see how she dives.
17:33That's getting me really excited.
17:42Good morning.
17:44Let's go.
17:48She is a basic freediver, so she is easygoing.
17:51Until the Edo period, she used to dive naked.
17:57Can I ask you a question?
17:59Why are there so many women in Ama-san?
18:03Because of the fat content.
18:05When there were no wetsuits, men couldn't dive because it was too cold.
18:09I see.
18:13I'm going to call the legendary Ama-san.
18:16The legendary Ama-san is coming.
18:19I'm going to call her.
18:21The legendary Ama-san is coming.
18:23Legendary Ama-san, Kiriraru.
18:28The legendary Ama-san is coming.
18:35The legendary Ama-san is coming.
18:39Good morning.
18:45I'm Hayashi. Nice to meet you.
18:47She is wearing a kimono.
18:51You remember me, don't you?
18:53Nice to meet you.
18:55Nice to meet you.
18:57I'm Shobi.
18:59Are you kidding me?
19:01Nice to meet you.
19:05Are you Hayashi?
19:07Yes, I am.
19:09I saw you at the Ama-goya yesterday.
19:11What is this?
19:13I'm Hayashi.
19:15Do you remember me?
19:19What was that?
19:21Are you kidding me?
19:23No one noticed.
19:29These are the glasses I'm wearing.
19:32These are the glasses I'm wearing.
19:34In the old days,
19:36I used to polish my glasses
19:38with leaves.
19:40But now,
19:42I polish my glasses with sandpaper.
19:46When I was a kid,
19:48I used to polish my glasses
19:50with grass.
19:52What was that?
19:54What was that?
19:56What was that?
19:58I don't know.
20:01I don't know.
20:11This is a breathing method
20:13to absorb oxygen.
20:25It's my first time diving in Japan.
20:27It's like a dream.
20:31Are you okay?
20:33Are you okay?
20:41I'm used to the sea.
20:43I'm used to freediving.
20:45I can't dive in the sea.
20:47I can't dive in the sea.
20:49Isn't this an amazing experience?
20:51Isn't this an amazing experience?
20:53Ordinary people can't dive in the sea.
20:58We found another shell!
21:00We found another shell!
21:02What is that?
21:04It's a sea bream.
21:16She found another one!
21:18It's a sea bream.
21:20It's a sea bream.
21:22I'm very impressed.
21:25It's a legendary sea bream.
21:27It's a legendary sea bream.
21:29It's going again!
21:35Legendary sea bream.
21:49It's big!
21:51It's big!
21:53I didn't take big breath before going in, just going with empty lungs.
22:17It's a very hard technique.
22:19She's very professional.
22:20She doesn't feel the urge to lower her heartbeat between each dive.
22:37And I have very important questions.
22:39If I want to join the Amazon, how many shells do I need to catch per day?
22:50I'm very curious.
22:57This time!
23:02She's got a good sense of where to go.
23:04She's got a good sense of where to go.
23:11She can't get it.
23:12Oh, she got it!
23:13She saw it!
23:15She's still going.
23:16She's still going.
23:17She's still going.
23:19Oh, she's got a good sense of where to go.
23:22She got it!
23:23She got it?
23:24She got it!
23:25Oh, that's great.
23:30Oh, she's happy.
23:31She's smiling.
23:36She got it!
23:39Can I still become an Amazon?
23:41You can become an Amazon.
23:43I wish!
23:44I wish!
23:46I'm excited.
23:47I have no words.
23:48I'm so happy.
23:50I couldn't imagine that this will be my reality now.
23:58Oh, she's going to release the shell.
24:02Oh, she's going to release the shell she caught at the market.
24:06Yes, I got it.
24:18I prefer not to eat.
24:20Not to eat?
24:22That's amazing.
