(Adnkronos) - “È molto importante che i pazienti, le pazienti e le persone che sono loro accanto, possano, anche da casa, usufruire di strutture che diano supporto. A volte queste persone non sono in grado di percorrere chilometri e chilometri per raggiungere l'ospedale e avere un colloquio psiconcologico che”, con ‘In buona salute’, “può svolgersi da casa propria, in una situazione più confortevole”. Sono le parole di Gabriella Pravettoni, responsabile scientifico di ‘In buona salute’, direttrice della divisione di Psiconcologia dell’Istituto europeo di oncologia (Ieo) e professoressa di Psicologia delle decisioni all’università degli Studi di Milano, partecipando, nel capoluogo lombardo, all’incontro organizzato con la stampa per presentare ‘In buona salute’, la prima piattaforma online di psiconcologia in Italia (inbuonasalute.eu).
00:00I am very happy that there are initiatives such as that of the Online Psycho-Oncology Platform,
00:12which was presented today here at the State Hall in Milan, because even in my position as Director of the EO Psycho-Oncology Division,
00:25I see that many people have psychological needs that are not met,
00:32due to the fact that in Italy, even today, only 20% of the centers have a structured psycho-oncologist.
00:41And we must say that, thanks to the fact that therapies lengthen the survival, the long life of people,
00:54we have more and more people who can stay in treatment, who can live well,
01:00but they are people whose psychological needs must be met and supported.
01:07Therefore, supporting psychological needs and the psychological well-being of people becomes a priority.
01:17As has been seen in the latest research also published on Nature Medicine,
01:22the lengthening of the life of patients, if it is associated with a low stress,
01:31that is, people are supported to cure their depression, their anguish, their anxiety,
01:39they have better results throughout the duration of the therapies.
01:45And so we really have to aim at broadening the life of people in their quality of life and not only to lengthen it.
01:55This is what psycho-oncology can do.
01:58Since there are few centers and few structures,
02:04for this reason I see in favor of the establishment of psycho-oncology platforms,
02:12it remains understood, where truly expert people must work.