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50 Secrets & Easter Eggs In Fortnite Season 2!
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00:00From a hot tub you don't want to jump in, to revealing Big Dill's true identity,
00:04here is 50 Secrets and Easter Eggs in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2.
00:08Let's start out with a reference to Kung Fu Panda. Near Outlaw Oasis,
00:12there's a cherry blossom tree on the hill. Seems innocent enough, but it's also surrounded by
00:16statues of turtles and it's at this point we're realizing, wait a second, it's Master Oogway.
00:22My time has come. You must continue your journey.
00:26Now closer to the Oasis itself, this holiday retreat seems pretty empty while you're exploring.
00:31Until you find these three statues of a wolf. You can rotate them around,
00:34trying to figure out the combination. What could it mean?
00:38That's until you see an unbreakable safe around the corner,
00:40something that can't be destroyed no matter what. It even has the same wolf statue on top.
00:44So this has to be what it unlocks, right? Well, you point all the wolves straight,
00:49figure it out, you hear a click and the safe still doesn't open.
00:53Now what you have to do is destroy the carpet beneath you and then it reveals the secret vault.
01:00Getting rich from a secret, it's always great, but the best Easter eggs have to be the ones that
01:04make you laugh. Like when you walk into a random store on the map and find an entire collection of
01:09wolf t-shirts. I guess Fortnite's pretty aware that adding a wolf protagonist to the season
01:14would be joked about. So they got ahead of the memes by straight up drawing their own.
01:18Whether it's a parody of the classic Photoshop shirts or my personal favorite,
01:22Doge. Yeah, this is easily the best joke in the mall. They straight up turn Fletcher Kane
01:26into Doge for a meme and stuck it on a t-shirt. I don't think a Fortnite villain has been done
01:31this dirty since Kato Thor. Not to mention they've embarrassed him even more with this
01:35toilet paper dispenser. Here we're at Fletcher Kane's house and instead of just a roll of toilet
01:39paper, he uses dog poop bags. And of course they're dispensed out of his, uh, you know.
01:45And while that was a lighthearted joke, this season has literally added the most R-rated
01:49back bling in Fortnite history. You see Mortal Kombat is now officially part of the game. And
01:54of course that explains this. It's kind of gross and it's obviously taken from one of
01:58Sub-Zero's most brutal fatalities. Sadly, you can't do these crazy finishers in Fortnite,
02:06but you can use Sub-Zero's weapon to do a straight up combo from Mortal Kombat,
02:10even finishing with an uppercut. Some of his references are straight up foreshadowing,
02:17like how they turned Sub-Zero's ice cream bike meme into an emote. But take a look on the side
02:21of the freezer and you'll see Raiden and Scorpion who is officially coming to Fortnite in just a
02:26couple of weeks. Now Mortal Kombat isn't the only way Fortnite's been dropping some inappropriate
02:30content. In the back alleyways of Crime City, you can find a red light special store with fish
02:34sticks a leg outside. If you understand what red light means, you'll probably be shocked this is a
02:39real Fortnite POI until you walk in and realize it's totally innocent. They're literally just
02:43selling red lights. Moving on, that outlaw oasis puzzle from earlier wasn't the only secret vault
02:49in the map. Turns out once you go to shiny shafts, there are three pressure valves that can be turned
02:53on and if you do it fast enough, a secret metal door will open. Now this season is all about
03:01breaking laws, but Fortnite will troll you if you don't follow this one. It can be found at the hot
03:06tub in the oasis that has a maximum of three people. Pretty specific sign, don't you think?
03:11We'll invite that extra friend to the hot tub party and this happens.
03:23Epic have been so consumer friendly recently. From decreased skin prices to converting every
03:28instrument into a free back bling and pickaxe and now they've taken it one step further. Previously,
03:33drift trails were completely useless to the average player. Unlike cars, wheels or boosts,
03:37these only work in racing mode and well not anymore. Now if you drift or slide in BR with
03:42any of these equipped, you'll finally see your cosmetics appear. Now I've been having a ridiculous
03:47amount of fun with the kneecapper bat. This might feel like your average melee weapon until you
03:51realize epic went all out. When you hit something with it, it sounds just like hitting a baseball
03:58and if you straight up home run an enemy into the sky, your character blocks their eyes from
04:01the sun to watch them go flying. It's not just baseball happening this season. The frog family
04:06are near where we left them. You see, after we spotted them taking diving lessons last time
04:11around, now they're relaxing and playing basketball together. They even got a frisbee session going.
04:16Our next Easter egg involves Nintendo, so Fortnite had to be a little vague about it.
04:20Regardless, you can find this poster in Crime City for two guys cleaning. You crime, we shine.
04:25And if those hats and outfits seem familiar, that's because these guys are a rip off of Mario
04:30and Luigi. I guess they became criminals instead of plumbers. Well, after seeing how Fletcher Kane
04:35uses doggy bags to poop and has a wolf shirt collection, I'm scared of him less. But Fortnite
04:40does want you to think he's intimidating because he's literally wearing a cape made of his own fur.
04:45You gotta admit, there's some aura here. In one of the weirdest side effects of the new season,
04:49Shogun X's medallion now gives you shield bubble protection every time you're healing. Except
04:54thanks to this, Epic now accidentally lets you pair it with a chug jug to get a ton of shield
04:58bubbles. Everyone's been talking about Big Dill, obviously he is everywhere, and yet no one has
05:03brought up his real secret name. Big Dill, it's just a stage name, but he's actually known as
05:08Dillinger, as revealed in this loading screen description and his edit style. Sounds like a
05:12weird full name, right? Well, it's actually two secrets in one, being a reference to John Dillinger.
05:17He's a real left gangster who was known for robbing 24 banks in the 1930s. Big Dill, he's a
05:22more modern take on this guy. Not only is he a rapper on the side, he's also basically scamming
05:27his audience with a meme coin. In vaults around the map, you can find the Dill Bit. It's a parody
05:31of Bitcoin that shows how much Fortnite is roasting crypto this season. In fact, on the upcoming Pump
05:36and Dump weapon, this has the Dill Bit symbol on it, and the name is a reference to the most famous
05:41crypto scam method. Now, that's not all. In the patch notes for the season, they even roasted Big
05:46Dill for his coin, saying you shouldn't take financial advice from a rapping pickle with more
05:50arrest warrants than top 40s. And while some fans hate Big Dill, our last mascot doesn't seem to be
05:56popular either. Bird was their first attempt at creating a huge icon for Chapter Six, and he just
06:01really didn't take off. So not only has his store been demolished by Fletcher Cain, I think Fletcher
06:06hates Bird, because in his house he could find a dartboard with Bird's face on it. Clearly, Fletcher
06:11thinks he's the best tycoon on the island because he has multiple paintings showing off his wealth,
06:15like one where he's toasting his glass of slurp in this portrait, very similar to Leonardo DiCaprio
06:21in The Great Gatsby. Then, here he is laughing at the dinner table, just like Leonardo DiCaprio again,
06:26this time in Django Unchained. So I guess Fletcher thinks he's some kind of Wolf of Wall Street, I
06:31guess. All right, I'll distract you from that terrible joke with an insane secret. Make sure
06:35you take full advantage of Sub-Zero's combat kit, because it straight up lets you walk on water.
06:42Speaking of tips, if you combine the adrenaline boon with a knee capper and Fletcher Cain's
06:46medallion, you'll just get unlimited sprint.
06:52And I know that's a lot of items to earn, but you could do a bunch with just the knee capper,
06:56like trolling teammates. You could even avoid fall damage with this thing by simply holding
07:03it while jumping off a mountain. It might be the best melee weapon we've had since the shockwave
07:07hammer. Now, some players have been pretty sad that Lost Lake got removed in season two, except
07:13it's not gone. If you head to Lone Wolf Lair, where Fletcher built his house in the lake,
07:16you could find a glass case that shows he simply built over it. And look, you can still see the
07:21face of the statue underwater. If you didn't have enough proof that Epic are chronically online,
07:26I think this tweet is the biggest piece of evidence. They announced downtime with a really
07:30strange video. If you don't get this, it's a reference to a viral TikTok trend where people
07:37analyze their game clips with a pointy finger like GTA NPCs, and Fortnite even did it with a
07:43pickle. Anyway, the screen you should be paying attention to is your own, especially after I show
07:48you this broken strat. You feel it kind of broke now that bars have reset? Well, don't worry,
07:53you can reach the gold cap in literally two minutes. Head into the mines with some mats
07:57and place cones everywhere, and you'll just farm all of the gold. Now you have a ridiculous amount
08:01of bars in seconds. Makes sense considering ore gives you gold, metal, and the rush ability all
08:06at once. Likewise, if you use the plasma laser in some water, you'll become the world's greatest
08:11fisherman. But let's catch up with some old friends over at Crime City because the Coral
08:19Buddies are now hanging out in the alleyways and listening to Big Dill. They've also set up camp at
08:23Outlaw Oasis, but I'm more focused on who is chilling in the sauna here. Yeah, the YouTube
08:28bots from last season are still around, and for some reason I guess they sweat. Why are they in
08:32here like the robots? And on the outside of the sauna, you'll see posters with Cuddle Team Leader
08:37and Meowsles getting pampered. Very cool, Fortnite. Now let's talk about this super
08:41mysterious character on the island. At the entrance to the epic mega arcade in Crime City,
08:46there's a missing poster on the wall. It's for a sheep we've never seen before, and from the way
08:50this image is posed, it looks like an item shop render, so this could be our first look at an
08:55upcoming skin. If he's missing and season two has this weird green screen recording room,
08:59I'm starting to think he was kidnapped. Oh, and speaking of the arcade, go inside to find a ton
09:03of references to Epic's past. It's called the Epic Mega Arcade for a reason, and that's because
09:08Epic Games was actually Epic Mega Games in the 90s. There are rows of games referencing Epic
09:13classics like Jazz Jackrabbit, Paragon, and Unreal. I think they're just trying to tell us,
09:18hey, we didn't just make Fortnite, okay? And if you've been happy with the recent
09:22Mad Miss changes, we actually have someone to thank. Turns out Joss from the Battle Pass is
09:26responsible for this, using her alchemy to turn it from a spray to a full-on smoke grenade.
09:31That's not the only secret surrounding Joss. If you're wondering why she has a traffic cone on
09:34her head, this is inspired by a Save the World skin from seven years ago. Perhaps my favorite
09:40sign on the wall so far is found over in Crime City's tattoo parlor. Unlike the one from chapter
09:45four, this place is filled with horrifying designs of all your favorite Fortnite characters. Like,
09:49what did they do to this llama? I guess Summergratz is a pretty fitting name.
09:54Not every secret is at the new locations. Head over to Mass Meadows and down into Daigo's old
09:58basement. We came here a bunch last season to complete story quests, but with Jade rescued,
10:02the need for dark magic is over, so everything's backed up. Visit Crime City instead where they
10:07have their own budget gym, Deadlifts. It's just a couple of weights, an old exercise bike, and
10:13weights with rocks. Yeah, this place is the Fortnite equivalent of the Salty Spittoon,
10:17and the gym jokes don't stop there. Turn around and on the desk you'll find a comically large tub
10:22of protein powder. Now, mobility is always great, but if you still want more, then you'll be happy
10:27to hear Rifts have made a secret return. Head to a black market, speak with the trader, and you'll
10:32be able to buy a Rift service from them. Not only great for rotating the zone, but also a perfect
10:36escape if you get cornered in the bunkers. If you don't like paying for your stuff, you could always
10:40rob one of the brand new jewelry stores around the map, but if you don't want to deal with the
10:44alarms afterwards, simply shoot them. One thing that's been shut off for good is Daigo's old
10:52portal. You see, last season we watched as he slowly ignited it to save Jade before a giant
10:56battle with Shogun X took place. In the end, the portal captured his spirit, bleeding gold into
11:01the island, and if you're wondering what happened next, it clearly overloaded because it now
11:05crumbled into pieces. Drift your way over to Crime City, and you'll be able to spot this golden
11:10statue of a deer just outside the town. Seems harmless, right? Well, this is actually yet
11:15another homage to the previous location. Just like Lost Lake, Fletcher obviously wanted to
11:19preserve some of Warrior's Watch, so anyone who landed there often would immediately recognize
11:24this golden stag from the top of the old dojo. Something else that remains makes a little less
11:29sense. If you visit Shogun X on the island, you'll notice he's still got the Typhoon Blade and
11:34Fironi Mask, and now usually if you defeated him, you get these for yourself, but now he drops none
11:39of them. Makes him the only place on the map you can still see these. If you notice that the brat
11:43looks a little different in the Tasty Boy's latest music video, it's thanks to his brand new hot
11:48golden chain. A lot of players were asking for this to be a style, so when we booted up Season 2,
11:53owners of the skin got it for completely free. If you decide you want to grab him for yourself,
11:57he'll be back in the shop soon with his brand new bling. A feature you might have missed is
12:01hiding in your locker right now. Scroll to the bottom, and you'll see a new music section called
12:06Moments. This is perfect for choosing your own theme to drop in from any music pack or jam track
12:11you own, and the best part? You could also choose one for your victory song. Click on screen right
12:15now to watch our next video. It's been Tommy, and keep it here on Top5Gaming.
