• 2 weeks ago
00:00Yeah, I mess with it, yeah.
00:01It looks nice now.
00:03This is so strange.
00:05Next, oh boy, what is happening here?
00:08Cutting off some clothes.
00:12Wet egg tray, no!
00:14Okay, okay, okay.
00:16What the heck is happening?
00:21I'm not mad.
00:22What is this?
00:23I'm just confused.
00:32Holy moly.
00:33That is really crazy.
00:34This is kind of weird, yeah.
00:37Oh boy.
00:38Okay, we're cleaning this off.
00:42No way.
00:45No way.
00:46What is this tool about?
00:50Okay, we got some nice...
00:52What the heck is happening?
00:54I don't know, broom?
00:55It's like a drum or something.
00:59And you get a...
01:02Alright, we got ice cream sticks to cover up these holes.
01:05That's what I do every time there's a hole in my house,
01:07just get an ice cream stick, cover it up.
01:10That's what you do?
01:11Yeah, yes.
01:14This is confusing me so much.
01:16So far it looks like a butt throne.
01:19This is just a booty throne.
01:20It's a personal throne, butt throne,
01:23which is comfortable.
01:25You need to always keep one position on it, right?
01:28Even slightly, your booty is in the wrong way.
01:31I want a booty throne.
01:33I like how it has literally the shape of the butt cheeks.
01:37So weird.
01:38All you need is just a wet booty tray.
01:45This is an interesting use of that tool.
01:50What is...
01:52What the fudge?
01:57What do they eat?
01:59What do they feed that thing?
02:00Alright, so...
02:02We have some nice paint jobs going on now.
02:07Sorry, I'm speechless.
02:12Okay, so...
02:13My brain melting.
02:15Guys, let us know.
02:16Do you want your own personalized booty throne?
02:20I kind of want one.
02:22I think it's a flex.
02:23When your friends come over to your house,
02:24you're like, yeah.
02:26There's your seat on the boring couch.
02:28I'm going to sit here on my booty throne.
02:32Oh, there's another girl.
02:34Not the original girl.
02:36I love it.
02:37I kind of like it, actually.
02:39Actually, not bad.
02:40It looks nice enough.
02:43This is so strange.
02:44Who signs up for this?
02:46How do you ask someone,
02:47is it alright if I just, like,
02:48make furniture out of your body?
02:51Is it okay?
02:52Like, that would be like...
02:53It is totally not okay.
02:55I'm going to be not okay with that, actually, sir.
02:57Just in case if you're both constructors
03:00or who live together.
03:04Maybe if you're artists.
03:05That's the only way I can see this not being that weird.
03:07It's still weird, but not that weird.
03:09Can you imagine some stranger come to you?
03:12I want to make some furniture from your body.
03:14I just want to make furniture
03:15from your legs.
03:19That's a red flag for me.
03:21Or a beige flag.
03:22It's like, eh.
03:23We're on the way.
03:26I'm just kidding.
03:27This is how mannequins must be made.
03:29Yeah, but...
03:31This is too perfect.
03:32What about her butt?
03:34You said butt.
03:36But it doesn't look...
03:37I mean, no way...
03:38That's cool.
03:39No, that's cool,
03:40but no way they achieved this shape
03:42out of that...
03:44Out of that mold.
03:45Oh, really?
03:46It's so perfect.
03:47That's true.
03:48Oh, well, that's a very nice compliment to the lady.
03:50It's so perfect.
03:52All right.
03:57I got you.
03:58I got you.
03:59All right.
04:00So, plastic model over the areas.
04:02Over the areas.
04:07Okay, more plastic.
04:08More plastic.
04:09Making molds here.
04:10So, to get transparent...
04:13Looks kind of cool.
04:14Looks like battle armor.
04:16Looks like I'm about to be a mage in Skyrim.
04:20Heck yeah.
04:23Okay, so we're making this.
04:25Chop it up.
04:30Gold leaf.
04:31Gold leaf.
04:32Gold leaf.
04:33Yeah, it could save every craft.
04:36Soup it up with some nice gold leaf.
04:38Got a problem in your life?
04:39Gold leaf.
04:40Got some taxes you haven't filed
04:41in a few years?
04:42Gold leaf.
04:43Got a girlfriend who just won't message you back
04:45because now she says you're a...
04:47What the food?
04:49What the...
04:52What is this heck?
04:535-Minute Crafts is getting crazy.
04:55This is getting weird now.
04:56I don't know if I like it.
04:58I don't know either.
05:00Why is there a candle there?
05:01What was the point?
05:04I don't know.
05:06Cutting off this weird sock that we made.
05:09Looks like a ninja turtle foot.
05:13But what's the candle about?
05:15I'm afraid.
05:16I don't know.
05:17My fight or flight senses are tingling right now.
05:20They actually...
05:21I don't know.
05:22My flint senses are tingling.
05:25I don't like this at all.
05:27I want mama.
05:29Not that way.
05:31Okay, so now we have...
05:32Okay, a lizard.
05:33Lizard foot.
05:35Any guesses what it could be?
05:37I'm guessing it's incorporated somehow
05:39into this ninja turtle foot.
05:42That's my guess.
05:44Looks like we got some foot.
05:45We're going to make a shoe, perhaps?
05:47The worst is going to be...
05:49I love kinetic sand.
05:51Kinetic sand.
05:53That doesn't look stable.
05:55Remember, there is a bolt inside.
05:58There is a bolt inside.
06:00It's going to be hard.
06:02We got some hot glue.
06:06That looks...
06:07Freaking ugly.
06:08I don't know about you, but...
06:10What the hell is that?
06:12It's a fashion.
06:14It's fashion.
06:15It's just fashion.
06:16You can't judge fashion.
06:17And the gold leaf, of course.
06:19This looks...
06:20What they do at restaurants to make things like 100 bucks more,
06:22they just add gold leaf.
06:25They're like, here, have a cappuccino.
06:26Five dollars.
06:27With gold leaf.
06:28Fifty dollars.
06:31That is our ex-gold leaf.
06:41That's an interesting...
06:44Not over the eye.
06:45Why over the eyes?
06:47Well, I'm worried about her hair.
06:50The face and...
06:51I think she has a bald cap on, though.
06:56I wonder if anyone's actually, like...
06:59You know, passed away not with this on,
07:02because they couldn't breathe or something.
07:04But they leave these two holes for her.
07:06I know, but think about how many times your nose gets stuff.
07:09That's my big fear in such a thing.
07:12Yeah, like your nose starts getting stuff.
07:13You cover and you leave only nose.
07:15But sometimes...
07:17That is a perfect molar face.
07:20Pretty good.
07:21Pretty good.
07:22Pretty dang good.
07:23Pretty dang good.
07:24All right.
07:25All right.
07:27So we open this up.
07:29Say hello to the beautiful face.
07:31Look at this.
07:33Slap it together.
07:39Yeah, it freaked me out when I found out that there's, like,
07:40literal, like, cracks like that on your skull.
07:42They're just pressed together really hard.
07:44There are, like, free cracks on your skull.
07:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:47I know.
07:48So creepy.
07:49I don't like that.
07:50So creepy.
07:51Recently I saw the video when one dude, the game streamer...
07:55...who start to shave his head...
07:58...and there is the gap for headphones.
08:00Yeah, yeah.
08:01That's so crazy.
08:02And I still have doubts, because it could be a fake,
08:05worry about that the gamers can get another shape of their skull.
08:10No way.
08:11No way.
08:12No way.
08:13No way.
08:14I doubt that.
08:15So I doubt it as well.
08:16Because your head is only...
08:17Only if you were a baby and you started doing that,
08:19because that's when your head's soft.
08:20But once it hardens, it doesn't change shape like that,
08:22unless it's under crazy pressure.
08:24But, like, headphones, I can't imagine having that much pressure on your head.
08:27But sometimes when I wear them, I feel pain here.
08:34I don't wear them that often.
08:36I'm not a gamer like that.
08:37I'm not a gamer as well.
08:38But, anyway.
08:39I like single player games, so I don't need headphones.
08:42Because I'm lonely and I don't have any friends.
08:45No, don't worry.
08:46I'm just kidding.
08:47I do have friends.
08:48We are friends.
08:50My only friends.
08:52Comment down below if you'll be my friend.
08:53All right.
08:54So, hinge on this.
08:56We will screw it in.
09:00That is kind of scary and cool at the same time.
09:05It's actually a nice copy of her face.
09:10It's a really perfect copy.
09:15I would give that, like, 9 out of 10, actually.
09:16That's super cool.
09:17And creepy.
09:18If I were, like, a serial killer, that would 100% be in my house.
09:22If you come to your house...
09:24If you go to someone's house and that is in their living room,
09:28get a booty.
09:29You can sit on that booty.
09:33Got some silicone on the legs.
09:35This looks uncomfortable.
09:36All right.
09:37Been there, done that.
09:38You know what I'm talking about.
09:39All right.
09:40So, we're doing that on both legs.
09:42That looks super comfortable.
09:43Love this.
09:44Love this for her.
09:46Of course, we got to get that foot action in there.
09:50So, still confused.
09:52All right.
09:53We got leggy, leggy legs.
09:55We're making a nice mold of the leg.
09:57So, what is the purpose?
10:00Maybe a statue of someone?
10:04Or they're going to use it as a literal leg for, like, a table or something.
10:07Would be funny.
10:08For the table?
10:10It could be a funny table.
10:11Imagine a table of legs.
10:12What did I say?
10:14What did I say?
10:16I expected...
10:17That is the worst table.
