00:00everything back it's awful oh no oh he got wiped out sir this is a this is a wendy's please
00:09please put the chainsaw away
00:16all right so we're welding together stuff
00:20that mask is awesome that's like fallout new vegas armor we have some bearings a wheel
00:27are we making another motorcycle what is this thing um we're using the chainsaw
00:33what why would we do that sir what are you doing
00:44all right so now we're welding some more stuff together
00:53get that right on there all right
00:57it's looking pretty cool so far i don't really know where we're going with it i'm a little afraid
01:02of what might happen oh my gosh so it only has one speed really it's just like chainsaw speed
01:23i didn't know chainsaw was a speed
01:24speed what are we doing now we're taking we're cutting some stuff making it all polished and
01:31nice clean so far i'm i know it's a vehicle i know it's gonna ride it has an engine okay
01:38we're going with green neon green that is vibrant my my man
01:47this guy wants to be seen and heard with his chainsaw
01:55um okay is that the seat are we going with a wooden seat
02:00not that i'm judging you're the you're the you're the master so i can't judge
02:09guys let me know down in the comments what do you think about motorcycles too dangerous or
02:13do you think they're awesome badass do you think that you could get one in the future
02:17do you have one now
02:25all right we're putting this is weird this is so he's taking like kid bicycle elements and he's
02:30putting a freaking chainsaw on it um okay that is i kind of like it is is it bad to say that i would
02:40i would give that like a let's see how it rides though are we gonna see it being tested yeah come
02:46on he doesn't look like the type of guy that would oh oh my gosh it's like a harley that is
02:52never we're taking this tire apart for what what is the reason for this
02:57we're making holes okay jeez buy me dinner first
03:02uh why it's like a it looks like a piece of armor almost now we're painting
03:09what that's a dangerous thing right though is that an axe
03:15why why would you need that why do you why do you need that in your life are you okay is everyone
03:19fine okay now we're wrapping around coils for what what is the purpose
03:29is the purpose okay now we're taking a leather jacket and ruining it why are we ruining that
03:38nice leather jacket like that okay i have so many questions and so little answers and so
03:47so hungry as well but that's beside the point
03:50what are you doing that's i'm pretty sure that's illegal now sir please put that back
03:57um i mean it looks kind of cool actually it's like mad max we got a chain up that thing that is
04:04i wouldn't want to get in a scuffle or a kerfuffle with that man he looks prepared for anything
04:13okay whoa that's well i love seeing like cars and vehicles being taken apart
04:23reminds me of my childhood growing up on the top of a mechanics apartment
04:31okay so now we have wheels and a seat it looks like
04:36taking off the old padding and maybe putting on some new stuff
04:39a building foam all right you have my okay we're stapling this nice cushion going on
04:52paint remover okay
04:54okay we're stapling this nice cushion going on
05:02paint remover okay
05:08ultrasonic cleaner the heck is that that's from like a marvel movie
05:13ultrasonic cleaner that's what the hulk uses okay paint
05:19so they're they're just going to trip out trick out this thing
05:23make it look nice and fresh got some suspension on it
05:30okay electric motor
05:34it looks pretty cool so far
05:40all right now we got these pads on the side vroom vroom all right it works
05:49we're going with pink okay i mean if you like pink that's it that's all that's all you
05:54through a strainer whoa why didn't you put it through a strainer
05:59if you know leave it down in the comments below
06:06wow that's actually kind of cool that's like
06:09that's barbie style barbie would ride that with pride she would love that
06:15i might have to hit up margo robbie see if she's she's down for a atv ride in the neighborhood
06:20oh my gosh leds okay chill out this is like sweet 16 imagine it's i i could like
06:27envision seeing like a sweet 16 in the newspaper like girl disappointed that her parents got her
06:33tricked out atv instead of a ferrari like she wanted okay this is it looks fun i mean honestly
06:42they put an engine on and everything like that's cool oh no oh he got wiped out that is just the
06:52worst day okay our wheels messed up but we ain't no quitters we are five minute crafters for real
07:03all right so now
07:10cut this all up take off everything what why why would you even try to fix it
07:16okay that's that's a bad question this is five minute crafts of course you're
07:19going to try to fix it like that's that goes without saying
07:23okay we're taking out random tools what are we going to do here i mean are you going to make a
07:26car car bike what sir i think that's illegal a car bike i'm not sure uh okay
07:42oh you know what'd be cool is a car unicycle
07:45on like one of those wires that goes across two skyscrapers that'd be awesome
07:52there's a lot of welding action going on here have you guys ever welded before i've never done
07:57it um and i'm a little bit like i'm like a little scared i'm afraid i'm gonna get a little sunburned
08:01but i'm not really afraid i'm just worried that i'm gonna get a little sunburned because it's
08:06There's a lot of welding action going on here.
08:08Have you guys ever welded before? I've never done it and I'm a little bit afraid to.
08:14Butch from our channel does it all the time. He's a pro. I might have to take a class from him.
08:23Okay, we're doing some drilling.
08:24Okay, we got a steering wheel. Alright, the handles are pretty low, but that's just the
08:36way that man goes. Yeah, he like goes over it. Final result. Let's see it driving the snow.
08:44It looks like it'd be really hard to pedal, but it's kind of cool.
08:48I give that like an 8 out of 10 for sure.
08:54All right, I see he's walking. He doesn't really like it that much.
08:59Okay, so we're getting two bicycle wheels, putting them together, rolling them out,
09:04car tire, boom. So we're doing another car bicycle, a carcicle.
09:15All right, we're just ruining everything because we're 5-Minute Crafts.
09:19Some welding, buff it out, wrench it up, be like quach.
09:30Okay, this one kind of looks cooler than the last one. I like the frame.
09:39Now we're taking off all these tubes and what are we going to do with this piece?
09:44What are we going to do with this piece? Looks like a lightsaber hilt.
09:53Okay, so he welded that with his finger and now
09:57we got some pipe edge. It looks like it's going to try to emulate like a
10:01motorcycle or like a Harley, but it's a bike.
10:04Acrylic paint, get that all up in everywhere, every nook and cranny, every crevice and crack.
10:19All right, it's a kind of cool color. I like that orange.
10:22A lot of people don't like orange, but I think it's underrated. I think orange and black is
10:27like one of the coolest. Have you seen Wolverine from like that X-Men show where he's wearing
10:31orange? That is a cool color. Okay, we're taking out a bike seat and now it's a cool
10:42orange motorized bike. Let's see it ride. Does it have any pedals? Oh no, it's only like that.