• 7 hours ago
HIYA Toys G.I.JOE The Baroness Exquisite Mini Series 1/18 Scale Action Figure


00:00Anastasia Zirovna just got gifted something exquisite. Here's a look at the
00:04brand new Haya toys. This is the G.I. Joe exquisite miniseries The Baroness.
00:30A brilliant master of disguise and psychological manipulation, the Baroness is in control of every situation.
00:35Her only desire is to watch the world unravel and she will use her inherited
00:39wealth, connections and skills to make it happen, no matter where she needs to
00:42swear her allegiances. This brand new Baroness action figure stands at 102
00:46millimeters tall and features 15 articulated points. Faithful recreation
00:51of Baroness's original setting from G.I. Joe, featuring the classic Cobra design,
00:55well armed and fitted with a black bodysuit, detailed body armor and two
00:59holsters on legs. Well, we know if the Baroness is here, her darling Destro
01:02must be nearby. Before we go get a closer look at the exquisite miniseries of the
01:06Baroness, I'd like to thank the folks over at Haya toys. They were kind enough
01:09to provide the sample we could have a look at. Taking though the tape measure,
01:13let's first see how tall the Baroness stands. The answer to that is about three
01:16and three-quarters of an inch in height. Translating though to a figure that's
01:20about nine and a half centimeters tall. And wouldn't you know it, Destro was
01:23nearby. Here's what the figure looks like along with the Destro we've already had
01:26a look at. Here's also what she looks like with Cobra Commander. We'll also
01:30bring in another elite member of Cobra. Here's what she also looks like with
01:34Firefly. And choosing though the first female figure that we've gotten from
01:37Haya toys or G.I. Joe for that matter, we've also gotten ourselves Lady J. And
01:40just to kind of move Cobra Commander here out of the way, we'll kind of keep
01:43all the Cobras on one side. If you look at her next to say like Lady J, she's
01:47about the same size, although with her hair she's a little bit taller. Speaking
01:51of her hair, she actually does have an extra hair piece. We'll kind of talk
01:54more about that in a moment. First though, the figure does come in clear
01:56with a display stand. I want to bring in though one of the other display stands
02:00so you can see that there are very similar in style of terrain. In fact, if I
02:04put that upside down, is that the same one? Yeah, I'm looking at the
02:08line of the bullets. Bullet casings seem to be in the same spot. It is an
02:12identical display stand. Also with these display stands, if you haven't already
02:15found this out, you get yourself these eye brackets. Where do the eye brackets go?
02:19You may ask. Thank you. Thank you for asking. You can see that there's these
02:23open slots. Two on this side, two on this side, two on the other
02:28sides as well. If you take these eye brackets though and you put them
02:31together, basically you could put two. I find sometimes one is more than
02:35enough. Take then the other display stand, snap them together, and hey, wouldn't you
02:40know it? Now you've got yourself a much larger terrain. You can rinse and repeat
02:44and continue this process from how many stands you have. It's a much bigger display
02:47base. You can actually have all these figures standing on top of. By the way,
02:51there's the pegs. There's only one peg on all the display stands. So when
02:56it comes to attaching her onto display stand, you only have that one place to
02:59work with. Let's put that off to the side, not drop it actually. The figure does also
03:03come included with what looks to be an Uzi. I like that she has this. Actually,
03:08she has more weapons than what you're actually seeing right now anyways. It's
03:11cast here in all black plastic. My one big issue that I have really with the
03:15gun is that the handle is way too big. Now she does come with a couple of
03:18swappable hands. Out of the package though, if I can just pick her up for a
03:22second, she has these really tiny little gripped hands. Too small, in fact, to already
03:27hold the Uzi, so you're not gonna be able to really use these hands. But then she
03:30also has a changed out hand. So like if I just put the figure down here for a
03:34second, I want to show you guys the differences between the two. Just a
03:38regular, you know, C-clamp gripping hand. And if I can still hold on to this, she
03:43has one that actually has a trigger finger hand. See the extended finger out
03:47right there. I've already taken the liberty of swapping these out. They work
03:51on very tiny pegs. So when you're looking with a Baroness here, and actually even
03:55Lady J had this issue as well, you're dealing with first of all a female frame.
03:59And so therefore everything is basically a lot smaller than on the male figure
04:03bodies. Just to basically attach the new hand in place. But look at the size
04:07of these pegs that you have to work with. Kind of just twist the hand and put it
04:10on the peg. This is not a good time. Not a good time to have moisturizer on your
04:15hands. No, it's not. But yeah, just basically put it on the peg. I think
04:18we've got it on there. I think we've got it on there. Okay. With the hands now
04:23swapped out, one of the, again, big issues going back to the idea that the Uzi had
04:26a handle too big. Look at the size of her grip. Look at the size of the handle here.
04:31Now at the beginning of this review, you can pry, of course, the plastic on the
04:34figures away from itself. But the handle, I feel, is just way too big. If the handle
04:39was only just the size of the clip alone, then that wouldn't be so much of an
04:43issue. But when you've got a handle that's already at two sizes wider than
04:46the grip, there's no real way that she can properly hold that. I mean, yeah, you
04:50could probably stretch the fingers away a lot further. But man, oh man, that's just...
04:55I feel like she has a couple of guns also. I'll wait, giving it away already.
04:59She has a couple of pistols concealed on the sides of her legs. Now those actually
05:03have suitably sized handles. I wish that the Uzi could have followed suit as well.
05:08Let's go ahead and just take that off right now. It does also have, by the way, a
05:13removable silencer. So just I want to make sure I cover off all the bases here.
05:16If you don't like to have a silencer, she likes to make noise when she's
05:19shooting at people. You can easily just take the silencer off. But basically that
05:22just plugs onto the end like that. There's no storage space at all to store the Uzi.
05:27So if you're looking to put that on the figure, while she has storage places
05:31for everything else, she doesn't have a place to store it with this gun. So as
05:35already mentioned, the figure does also have a couple of pistols there. They're
05:39holstered here on the side. So she's got these black holsters on the sides of her
05:43legs, and if you retrieve them, she has what seems to be matching pistols. Just
05:47to pull these out right now. This one's actually a little stubborn.
05:51I'll just pull it out on the other side here. There we go. All right. If you're
05:58looking at the look of the pistols, they seem to be identical. Silver on the top,
06:01and if you look at actually the clips on the bottom, the magazines are actually in
06:05red. Now these fit a lot better though in her hands. Again, you just want to wedge
06:11them in there. And because again, she's already got her fingers designed to
06:14hold around the trigger, they're a perfect hand for the job. And again, you
06:18can just double that up by having the other hand with the other gun. Slide that
06:23in there. Almost. Almost got it. There we go. I was actually a little bit
06:33worrisome about it. I was going to remove the hands by accident, because again,
06:36they're so tiny. While she's holding her, let's look at the back of her body.
06:41Concealed on her back, although not so concealed, everything on her is black
06:45essentially, except for this handle of this knife. You can actually unsheathe
06:49this knife. Let's just put her down here for a second. The knife is, as you can see,
06:55there's a little Cobra logo there on the top. A little Cobra head and a handle. I
06:59mean, look how small this is compared to my thumbnail. No, not my
07:04thumbnail. Yeah, not the review thumbnail. But yeah, that's a tiny, tiny
07:08little Cobra head. The handle's been painted really well. You've got the gold
07:11on the bottom there for the guard, gold on top of the Cobra, and then you've got
07:14the blade itself. Now, one thing though about putting that blade on the back of
07:19her body like this is, when you do get down to the articulation on the figure,
07:22when you start to rotating her around, I do notice though that the handle kind of
07:26gets in the way of things. So like, if you're turning it, for example, it's gonna
07:30clip against the side of her torso. You might even find too that it clips her
07:34hair as well. So you may even choose just, if you are one that likes to kind of go
07:38periodically to your figures on your shelf, kind of start to move stuff around,
07:41you may want to first though remove the knife before you start moving things
07:44because you don't want to actually pull this by accident and remove it all
07:47together. It looks though like you may be able to remove it from her belt. That
07:51could also be just a little bit of adhesive that they put there, and if I do
07:54pull it off, there may not be a likelihood I'll be able to put it back
07:57in place. So let's go ahead and remove the pistols. Let's put them off to the side.
08:02I'm putting them at least in a place where I know that where they are, so I'm
08:05not gonna accidentally lose them. One thing also that Baroness does also come
08:09included with as well is a hairpiece. Now, the thing already about Baroness though
08:13is, while she looks pretty much like Baroness that we're used to seeing, they
08:17have incorporated now some purple on the bottom of her hair. We have gotten
08:21iterations of Baroness in the past where she has colored off the ends of
08:24her hair like this, so I don't think this is the first time this has happened.
08:27However though, if you're looking to have a different hairstyle, it really isn't
08:31that much different from one another. This hair, whereas this one here is
08:34straight down, this hair sways slightly off to the side. It might be one thing
08:38that you can also use too if you're worried about clipping the knife because
08:41the hair is gonna be a little more on an angle. The hair is also what seems to be
08:45a little bit shorter, and it also has like a part right here on this side
08:49whereas if you look at this hair piece, the part seems a little bit further
08:53over. So there's the differences between the two. I know it's probably hard to
08:57kind of see the differences, but I just want to show you guys what the stock
09:00head sculpt looks like or the stock hair sculpt looks like. It looks pretty good.
09:04To detach that though, all you have to do is just pull the hair off. Make sure of
09:09course you're not gonna be pulling the head off in the process. There is a peg
09:12on the inside of the hair. There's a very obvious hole there on the top of
09:16Baroness's head. Oh no. Oh no. That's a safety hazard right there. But basically
09:20then you're just gonna take that peg again and you plug it back onto her hair.
09:24You want to really kind of make sure that it's far enough on the front of her
09:27head that when you plug it in place, it's gonna look in place. And again, you can
09:32see now the difference is the hair is slightly flown to this side. It's a
09:36little bit shorter as well. I think really of the two hairs, I think I
09:39actually like this one a little bit more. It has a little more bang it seems on
09:43the front and I also like that it's a little bit shorter too. I mean you could
09:47choose either one. It's entirely up to you. But just to show you again the back
09:50of it, yeah there's definitely a length difference between the two hairs. As for
09:55Baroness's head sculpt though, for what we get for a three and three quarter inch
09:58size, it's not bad. Now they have chosen though to sculpt the glasses on her face
10:03and left the lenses off altogether. I mean they could have easily, I'm sure,
10:08added lenses over top like as real glasses. The problem goes with that though
10:12is that the eyes would be completely masked. A lot of times it does distort
10:16the look and sculpting of the eyes. They chose instead just to give the
10:19suggestion that she's wearing glasses by doing it a frame instead. Some though may
10:23not like that. I don't mind it. I think if you are gonna be
10:27sculpting glasses on like this, I think finish down below here because they sort
10:31of just disappear at the bottom of the frames. Head sculpt though looks good. I'm
10:35pretty happy with that though. She's got of course the Cobra emblem there on the
10:38front of her chest. A tinier emblem there at the bottom on her
10:42belt as well. It really makes up what little there is of red on her body. Down
10:47below though it would look like red at first glance but she's actually got
10:50these little pink notations there on the fronts of her boots. It's a nice looking
10:54outfit. I mean it's classic looking Baroness. Spin this around so you guys
10:57can see what it looks like from all the sides. Certainly yes using a shinier black
11:01plastic and it works really well for the character. Now for the articulation
11:05though for Baroness. Head's gonna work by being on a ball joint of course so the
11:08head's gonna rotate back and forth. This one works a little bit better because
11:11the way they sculpted the hair that you can turn the head I feel a little bit
11:14better. Head can look up and while you're doing that sometimes it does end up
11:19popping the hair off. So the head looks up only a little bit. The head looks down a
11:22lot more though. You can also rock it back and forth too. The upper torso is
11:26gonna be yes on a ball joint. The lower abdomen is also on a ball joint and this
11:29whole time that I'm doing this I still have that knife there. So I want to show
11:32you guys what it looks like on the back. Yeah again you can move the torso. I mean
11:36yes it's not it's not terrible. I mean you're only gonna be able to rotate the
11:40torso that far anyway so it's not like it's gonna clip the knife as bad as I
11:43was probably making it out to be earlier. The arms do hinge out. Now the way they've
11:48designed the shoulder pads here. The shoulder pads if I can show you are
11:52actually on the arms themselves. So when you are rotating the arms they're not
11:55necessarily gonna get in the way of things but they'll bring the arms out.
11:59This one actually bends a little bit easier out than this one here. Do I have
12:02hair all the way on there? I don't think I did. There we go. Yeah this arm can come
12:07out better. I think I almost had a T-pose. This one seems a little bit more hung up
12:11but I would imagine though if I was able to free the shoulder pads here this arm
12:15would be able to do basically the same. She does of course have a swivel there.
12:18A swivel there in the bicep. She has a swivel in the arm. A hinge in the elbow.
12:23Just a single hinge and hands rotate back and forth. Be careful though
12:26swiveling the hands because again they're on tiny tiny little pegs. Legs of
12:32course finally do split out. They're on ball joints. Yeah you can take the legs
12:35and move forward. You can move back. You can also again drop these legs down to a
12:38little bit to give a little bit more extra clearance. It's just a case of
12:41basically popping them back in place. She has a swivel there at the top of the
12:44thigh. Double hinge on the knee. And again she's got the articulation in the
12:48foot. Now with her feet unfortunately though she's got these
12:52leg guards on the front so it doesn't give her as much freedom I feel as what
12:56Lady J had. She also does have an ankle rocker. Of course without saying I'm
13:01sure she already has peggles on the bottoms of her feet so if you want to
13:03make use of the display stand get her in creative poses you can certainly do
13:07that as well. Baroness at least of what we've gotten so far from the Hayato's
13:11exquisite miniseries was probably the figure I was the most excited for. I've
13:14always really had a thing for Baroness. Baroness. Baroness. Baroness. The figure
13:18again looks pretty good. The thing about the
13:22glasses though if I can just get her properly stand. The thing with her glasses
13:26is that they chose to give her the frame sculpted as part of her face. I don't
13:30mind that. I think it actually makes her for a prettier face where it doesn't
13:33look like she's being covered over. Because sometimes when you use clear
13:36plastic and you put them on the lenses of the frames for glasses on action
13:39figures half the time you can't even see the eyes at all. I think by just giving
13:44the suggestion of frames on her face works a little bit better. I just feel
13:48though that they probably could have maybe finished the job and added a tiny
13:51little line. Maybe it was just gonna be too busy and that's why they chose to
13:54leave the line off on the bottoms of the frames. But yeah it's a nice
13:57looking Baroness. Once again bring back in her her dearest Destro. Again here's
14:02Cobra Commander. I have Storm Shadow somewhere too. I'm not even sure where
14:06where his whereabouts are right now. Maybe he's fighting right now spirits.
14:09And of course there's also Firefly. Most of the time too a lot of these figures
14:14are based on the larger scale Hasbro classified series figures. I didn't
14:18really talk too much about that. Certainly that is the case when it comes
14:20to Firefly here. Baroness we've gotten also as well classified series figures. I
14:24think they kept pretty close to the original design of the character while
14:28adding their own spin to it. She has quite a lot of cool accessories. One of
14:31the biggest bummers though is unfortunately the handle for the Uzi I
14:34feel is again way too large. I feel like based on the size that they
14:38provided here for the handle it feels almost as if the Uzi was intended for a
14:41different figure and maybe not one that was three and three quarter inch in size.
14:45If you are looking to enlist the Baroness as part of your Cobra
14:48collection you'll be happy to know though the Haya Toys exquisite mini
14:51series of the Baroness is currently available right now online. Most of the
14:54online sites show these as going anywhere from $35 to $39.99. For a $40
15:00figure I mean a little it is a little on the small side yes but keep in mind is
15:04also as well that they're in limited quantities. They're not mass-produced
15:07they're not ones that you can usually find in retail stores. So because of that
15:10though the Haya Toys exquisite mini series generally are going to be a little
15:13bit more than a standard three and three quarter inch size figure. The head sculpt
15:17for what you're getting though is pretty good here for Baroness. Not that she just
15:20has one swappable hair piece but she actually has two. The figure does come
15:24included of course with that Uzi. The thing though about the gun is still the
15:27handle is way too big. The pistols are much easier thing for her to handle then
15:32she of course does have on the back of her body a concealed blade as well.
15:35Although the moment she does turn around considering though she is a black clad
15:39character you're gonna spot right away that she's packing a blade. A big thank
15:43you again to the folks over at Haya Toys that did provide the sample again of the
15:46brand new Haya Toys exquisite mini series 1 18th scale Cobra Baroness that
15:51we had the chance to have a look at this review. What do you guys think of this
15:54figure? Let me know down below in the comment section. Have you guys been
15:56collecting at all any of the G.I. Joe exquisite mini series and which ones do
16:00you currently have? If you guys did also enjoy this video you can do it a solid
16:04of course throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more so? I hope so.
16:07Hit that subscribe, turn on that Bell and of course come back. We're gonna be by
16:11the way even though we are wrapping up things right now for the Baroness I can
16:14you though. Courtesy of the folks over at Haya we will be looking at some more
16:17exquisite mini series not only of G.I. Joe but other franchises as well. As
16:22always thanks for watching. See you guys next time!
