00:00Obviously, you're not on a team, Jordan,
00:01and in a year coming off wrist surgery,
00:03I imagine it's nice for you to be able to head home
00:05and then maybe in the future, you could be on a TGL team.
00:08Who knows, right?
00:10Yeah, maybe. I mean, I would talk to those guys
00:12from the very beginning and, you know,
00:14just where I'm at in life with my two young kids
00:16and I live in Dallas.
00:18Um, just isn't a great time right now,
00:20given... given what it is in our schedule.
00:23And you're seeing these guys obviously shoot back,
00:25but most of those guys either live there
00:28or live close to there or don't have kids,
00:32multiple kids under four years old.
00:34So, um, a little different place in life right now.
00:38But, um, you know, certainly that one
00:41that took place, that Tiger Rory one,
00:43um, was pretty exciting to the end.
00:45And then, um, from what I'm hearing,
00:47this one today was as well.
00:48So, um, yeah, the concept is pretty cool.
00:52I'm having a different demograph...
00:55a different demographic when I'm at the course
00:57asking me about it than, um, you know,
01:00your typical, um, network consumers
01:03on the weekend of a PGA Tour event.
01:05So, uh, they seem to be potentially accessing
01:08what they're trying to access, which is great,
01:10um, if it's another way to help grow the game.
01:13So, no team is, like, silently trying to recruit you,
01:17although you say that,
01:18hey, right now I'm unavailable.
01:20Like, if you look at Jordan Spieth
01:21on the waiver wireless, like,
01:23currently it says, like, untradable,
01:25like, can't get you to come join the team.
01:27What about a sub? Could you be a sub?
01:30I've, uh, I've been asked by a couple players now
01:32to sub in. Um...
01:34Who's asked you?
01:35Uh, still... still seeing that as an issue
01:39from my scheduling purposes here.
01:41Um, they've asked...
01:43I've been there when Scotty's been asked,
01:44and it's the same kind of situation.
01:46So, they're one of these venues in Dallas,
01:49and we might have, uh, another chance of joining.
01:52So, maybe down the road.
01:54Can we workshop a Dallas team name?
01:56What would, uh, what would the...
01:58Would be the Dallas what?
02:00Well, um...
02:02Let's see how you're on your feet.
02:03Cowboys and the Mavericks are kind of taken
02:05and not really in the best light right this second.
02:07So, um, you know, we'd probably would get in trouble
02:12for using those anyways, but, uh, no, I...
02:14You got anything?
02:17We could be the Dallas Shufflers.
02:19I'll take it back to you.