We went out into the streets of Manchester to ask people about their pets and how much they have changed their lives.
00:00Hi I'm Theo with Manchester World and I'm just about to head down to the streets of Manchester
00:03to ask people on the street about Love Your Pet Day and it was this week so we just basically
00:08want to ask pet owners how having a pet has changed their life, would they do it again,
00:13would they recommend it to other people and how they'd like to treat their pet on National Love
00:17Your Pet Day. This is Tally. Tally. Everyone should have one. I'm never bored, I'm never lonely,
00:26um I'm always kind of entertained. Well we've had cats for a year me and my boyfriend got
00:33cats like a year ago and that changed our lives a lot so getting him was like a step up because
00:38it's so difficult but he is like a child and he gets everything he wants obviously. She knows a
00:44lot of a lot of tricks so far a lot of like proper manners and socialization um so it takes about
00:50two years well it takes two years at least to train dogs as assistants
00:55um dogs and she is still in her puppy adolescence stage.