• 5 days ago
00:00A fighter makes a million how much does the fighter actually walk home with because Bernard Hopkins once said that he made like crazy
00:06Money, and he walked home with 17,000
00:09If you make a million, I'm just gonna give you on paper. All right, you know
00:12Yeah, a million dollars a fighter normally pays 30 percent manager train. Okay, so that's 700
00:19So that's 700 from that 700 used to go to pay taxes, which is so so no
00:23I don't have a lot of write-offs. Okay, you know boxers, you know, you're a self-employed
00:28So everything is a write-off. So you end up paying maybe from the seven you end up paying maybe
00:34150 200 so you keep 500 for sure. So it's like half so it's not a million you walk on with that
00:40But still it's enough 600. So if you get a million payday, it's not like you're gonna have a million in your pocket
00:44You're gonna have 500. That's why I said, you know
00:46Keep 600 five to six hundred by yourself to small properties that are that are gonna give you a thousand dollars a month
00:53Each but in fucking 20 years
00:56That rent is gonna be worth 3,000 each. That's true. And plus you'll only have a place to stay house in Oxnard
01:01Yeah, my house in Oxnard. I bought it for 250 in 2000 and that was amazing back then 250 was probably very expensive
01:07it was a new house the new fucking development and whatever everybody was crazy about those homes and
01:14In a time I have my house in Oxnard where I lived in Oxnard and
01:18And I never sold it and that when I was living there
01:22You know, if you ask around the rent was probably going for 1200, you know
01:27Right now my house is I'm renting for 3,300. That's Beverly Hills prices. That's Beverly Hills prices
01:34Is worth over 600 it's paid off already for the houses though house is worth over 600
01:38What do you're like if I want to sell it I sell it and I have
01:42600 what taxes where I keep half a million invest somewhere else, but why would I fucking say no, that's like retirement
01:49If it's giving me 3,300 a month clean profit every day every month every month 3,300, why would I fucking sell it?
01:57You know what? I mean?
02:00Right here. I got a condo. I have a country in Morneau Valley. I bought it for 105. That's not it's a three-bedroom condo
02:06That's amazing 105 and I'm getting 1,300 every month. Did you buy a brand-new? Yeah. No, it wasn't brand-new
02:11But it was it was a hundred and five. That's nothing. That's really cheap today. You can't buy anything like that
02:17Condos here to he's got three now in the same area
02:20But when he barely moved here two condos were my my sister
02:24My my two sisters and my grandma have their their places right there
02:27He got two condos for like $50,000 one was 60 and the other one was 50 and he rented it out for like like 1,300 each
02:35So he made the money back, you know, it's easy
02:39That's what you have to think about I mean, I know it's fun to buy crazy jewelry and nice stuff
02:44But you're young, you know, so you buy it
02:47Why are you doing that because right now you're still not in a level in a position where I I know you're not spending all
02:52Your money because you're not making a lot of money. But if I knew you were making
02:56$600,000 and buying
02:59$400,000 car then I'd be telling you something
03:01I see a lot of it in every sport a lot of
03:04Athletes go bro a lot of them in every sport because they one thing the NBA player told me that it lost 20 million
03:09He goes Ellie
03:09I thought I'll get another contract and the next contract never came never comes and he never saved his money
03:13No, he bought this way
03:15He partied every weekend and they spend like $50,000 on a party that next but sometimes the some fighters that next fight is never gonna
03:21Come no. So what do you do? You have to always think about the future. Yeah
03:26Something okay next fight. Ah, fuck it. I got next fight. I'm gonna make three million that fight might never have might ever happen
03:31So and you also should fighters open up another business to have another source of income
03:36Business is hard, you know, it's a lot of a lot of them think about a restaurant or something. It's hard
03:40You got you guys had a restaurant. It's hard. Well, it was it's hard because it's always cleanliness
03:4724-7 yes. Yeah, he's getting educated. You know, you can't buy this kind of education
03:52But you know what his mom his mom works works in the restaurant business and she knows a lot about restaurant
03:57One day, maybe they could open up a restaurant. What would you call your restaurant? It's been
04:03Don't know
04:05You see this mom knows restaurant business, huh Vegas good place have a sports bar. Yeah, so, you know, but don't be drinking
04:12With a with a restaurant. Yeah, you can show the fight
04:20Perfect then open up a barbershop for him. He rent a lugar city. No, I rent out rent out
04:25We're not spaces like he's not the only one you're gonna have five or six
04:28We ran out and you he makes his money. Hopefully you get with the rent, you know, you pay off everything else
04:33Hopefully you become famous. So people will come because it's your place. Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah, that's perfect
04:39But what about sponsorships Robert how come some fighters get majors is it politics
04:44There's not a lot of money sponsors either. Okay, Frank. Yeah Frank finds sponsors for these guys for Mikey for whatever. Yeah
04:52Frank, you know gets a $10,000 sponsor. Okay for him
04:57He thought he hustles and he fucking he fucking fights for his percentage because for him $2,000 is
05:04It's all he's gonna make the fighters gonna make two hundred thousand dollars a hundred and fifty
05:09Two million three million. Yeah, so it's more of
05:18You like cowboy boots why not they're expensive
05:22Me personally if I have if I have Mikey, yeah who has made millions, right in his fights
05:30Go, you know, he doesn't need to ruin his fucking Mikey sign right here his mind, you know, cuz he likes to have my yeah
05:37His Mike's because somebody's gonna give him $20,000 to put there
05:41It's a lot of money for Frank
05:43But if they gave Mikey two hundred thousand or half a million a million that's talking, you know
05:47Alexis Espino 20,000 is a lot because I'm just starting
05:51Right now
05:53He would say somebody else's name with a bag
05:55But you know what?
05:58Is Mikey that's true right here. Yeah for 20, but for Frank 50 whatever he does it, you know
06:04He does it but under or maybe so. Yeah, you know, okay, that's fine. You know Frank that it's a lot for Frank
06:11There's no I mean, yeah, and then um
06:14Frank does that they got a sponsorship for $6,000. I'm I represent Mitsubishi cuz I was
06:22That's why I represent battery. Okay. Well just
06:26Yeah, why not?
06:27How many people you got live with you know, and then I did us to him. Don't forget. All right
06:31We got this shit. We kept the audience. It's pretty good
06:35But the Robert you've been with Abbas Abbas for me to be she's been very loyal and then loyalty goes a long way
06:41He's happy our cars with the amateur team with the van. I was texting me and calling, you know, we're friends
06:48That's where it is. We're friends. We just have a good friend relationship
06:51It's been good to us all the time
06:53for many years
06:55Anthony Joshua says Eddie Hearn said today an interview that he wants to rematch in New York to rewrite history good idea a bad idea
07:01Why not go back home where you did good because that's where he lost
07:04He wants to know that he's got pride too. That's where he's that's where he wants the fight to happen. I
07:09I'm okay with it. What if he doesn't what if he goes through the same thing then it's then it was meant to be
07:14It was just meant to be he's done. He already made a lot of money also fucking retired. Who gives a fuck?
07:18That's true. I don't think I think
07:21They could do better. I think you could do better in the rematch, you know
07:24I got anti-risk cuz he's Mexican and I saw and I've known him for from early his career fighting for top-ranked
07:31Manny I've known for many years great people, you know, I know what a trainer goes through
07:36I've said it before many times but but I think Anthony Joshua with a good game plan could could could win the rematch but uh
07:46But he's got pride and he wants to do it in the same place where he loves I don't blame him
07:50I think it's a good idea. I think it's a good idea. Fuck it. Let's do it. You know, it's crazy
07:53Ask Miguel Cotto this week. What's his biggest win in his career? And I was very surprised at his answer
07:58What is a rematch with Margarito?
08:01For him it wasn't that it was the biggest win
08:05For him it was more about about that pride because he wanted that fucking win
08:09from the from the from the fight that he took a beating with Margarito and then that
08:14Controversy with hand with a hand with a wrap, but there's nothing he could say or do to prove that
08:23That Margarito
08:27He can't he believes so because he took a beating but Margarito hit hard regardless
08:32He took a beating against Pat against Pacquiao. So was Pacquiao also
08:36Had something illegal in his hands
08:43Should have been Mikey in the ring that night should have been Mikey should have been Mikey in there against Cotto with the last fight
08:48but look
08:50154 shirt offs don't count. That's true. But Cotto Cotto took a beating by Margarito. Yeah
08:57He can't say he cannot say that
09:00Margarito had
09:02Something illegal in his in his in his wraps because as
09:07Everybody knows when when there's championship fights and that big you always have somebody from the opposite corner
09:13Observing of serving you have the inspector also observing every fucking thing you do. So
09:20When he sent whoever he said, I don't even know who from his team came to see Margarito's
09:27Margarito's hand wraps, but I'm sure he was keeping an eye on everything
09:31So he didn't see anything. He approved it. You have to approve when you leave you have to approve it
09:36Then you come back. There's a commission looking there too. So so
09:41That means they didn't they didn't have anything. Where was the first fight?
09:47But but for him that was his biggest but for him because he still believes Margarito
09:52Hello was loaded and maybe just can't accept the loss like some fighters
09:56It's possible, you know, there's Margarito still active by the way, no, he's still right comes. No. No, is he fighting?
10:01No, I don't think so as a final. I'm sorry
10:17I'm Ellie setback Ellie setback reporting. But yes newsreporting.com. I'm Ellie setback reporting
10:24newsreporting.com. I'm Ellie setback reporting
