• last month
00:00You're the anti-gang unit of the LAPD?
00:21Well, most of our responsibilities are gathering information on the gangs.
00:26How many gangs do you have in Southwest?
00:29Well, there's about at least a dozen.
00:33Maybe 12 to 20 gangs that are operating in Southwest.
00:38Black gangs, Bloods, Crips, and Hispanic gangs.
00:42You know, it tells you what the crime was, description of the people, the suspects,
00:46and basically their M.O., their modus operandi, as far as what they did and how they did it.
00:51In the back, we have a little map of how our division,
00:57and where the different crimes, at what time they occurred, and what areas.
01:01So we know where the palm areas are at.
01:03What are some of the cases on the sheet?
01:05Let me see here. We got some Grand Theft Autos, attempt murders, shootings, robberies,
01:12robberies, home invasions.
01:14These guys right here coming up?
01:16They're members of the Street Villains gang.
01:20Miguel, Albert.
01:23Mike, why are you shy? Why are you being shy?
01:30Later on, they'll be drinking here in the same alley.
01:32So they seem like good kids, happy going, but...
01:37Yeah, don't let that appearance fool you.
01:39They control this neighborhood here, and there's probably maybe half a dozen to a dozen there.
01:45And if need be, a couple calls on their cell phone, they'll have another dozen out.
01:50Just like that?
01:51Just like that.
01:52So you knew them by name?
01:54Pretty much. We know every single person there by name.
01:57I've arrested a few of them a couple times.
01:59What do they tell you after you arrest them for the third time, fourth time?
02:02You know what?
02:05318, I'm just a millionaire.
02:073 Lincoln, Sam George, 472.
02:14You know, you build a rapport with these people, and a lot of times they think that because they know you,
02:22you're going to give them a break, and it's played with graffiti from all the surrounding gang members.
02:28And what are some of those?
02:30So here on the right side, that's STV, that stands for Street Villains.
02:34That's the local Hispanic gang in this area.
02:40What's the next one? The baseball glove?
02:42Yeah, it's a baseball glove, and you'll see the letters RFC, that stands for Roland Ford's Crips Gang.
02:49What the baseball glove represents, it is showing four fingers, and the baseball is a zero,
02:54or the four and the zero.
02:56And that represents their gang.
02:58So I see another thing X'd out on the bottom, what's that?
03:02Yeah, what that means, it's NHCG, that stands for Neighborhood Crips Gang.
03:08That's another way that they would call themselves.
03:12The H is crossed out there because it's their rival gang, the Hoovers.
03:17What they'll do is, any letter that is the first letter of the rival gang, like an H for Hoovers, will be crossed out.
03:26If you look at the top, there's another H and a K, the H is crossed out.
03:31Hoover, the H means Hoover and the K means killers.
03:34What's your name? China.
03:36China, hi China.
03:38Don't forget about me.
03:40I won't.
03:42He knows you.
03:44Don't be shy, can't wait to get to her.
03:46That's why.
03:54L.A., that's L.A., don't take that to him.
03:57Alright ladies, have a good one.
03:59There'll be a whole bunch of shootings and a hard copy flying around and I can't sleep.
04:04Really, it bothers you to sleep?
04:06How many shootings do you hear?
04:08A lot.
04:11Every night almost?
04:13What are the odds of someone growing up here not being in a gang?
04:16Well, you're looking at that one percent.
04:18The odds are really, it gets tough.
04:28He ran into a couple of street gang members who, as he was riding his bike, asked him where he was from.
04:35And he said where he was from.
04:37And because they coincided in the same area, they basically just let it go.
04:43Otherwise it could have ended in a shooting.
04:45It could have ended in a fight, a shooting, or something like that.
04:47But like we stated earlier, when they coincide and they don't have a major problem with each other,
04:53they usually just stay away from each other and that's it.
04:57And then you'll just make sure they...
04:59Yeah, just make sure he doesn't have any warrants and he's not...
05:03It could be a possible murder suspect or whatever.
05:06That's the gang member that asked him where he was from.
05:10Me and Miguel were always...
05:12Is he a stalwart driver?
05:14Yeah, he always knows who's here and who's not.
05:28Yeah, we know him.
05:30He was the one that, as he was riding his bike, asked him where he was from.
05:35And he just told her that because he said,
05:37I'm Danger from the street vendors.
05:39That's Miguel's motto, Danger.
05:41Over here in the blue, in the blue graffiti, that's a Hispanic gang.
05:46They're called the 4-6 Street Tokers.
05:51They came here and they graffitied 4-6 Street.
05:55And there's kind of a turf war going on with some Hispanic gangs.
05:58So they came in and graffitied.
06:01And then somebody, another gang,
06:03you see the initials SCA stands for South Central Assassins.
06:07They came here and crossed out the 4-6 Tokers graffiti.
06:13So why do they have a turf war?
06:15Is it over drugs, guns, just pride?
06:18A lot of it is trying to claim the streets.
06:21What's your name, man?
06:27Look for it, okay?
06:38Do you guys see a lot of these scenes when you go out in your area,
06:42a lot of these scenes with the candles?
06:44Yes, it's kind of a way of people paying their respects
06:48and memorializing their family members, their loved ones.
06:52It's just really sad, you know, to see that.
06:54An innocent backstander gets the worst end of it.
06:59She's running down the sidewalk here.
07:01So we come around.
07:05And she ends up hiding underneath the car.
07:07We go to get her, she points the gun at us.
07:09This is where we shoot at her.
07:11We pull in here, we get out, get her.
07:14She points the gun, and we shoot at her.
07:17Was she hit?
07:19She was hiding underneath the car pretty good, right in the middle.
07:23An injunction is like a restraining order, as it were.
07:27That they are restricted in terms of their gang activity in that specific area.
07:35And so what John talked about was the service of some of those gang members
07:40on the restraining order, as it were,
07:43that they are restrained from doing this within this area for this period of time.
07:51What else happened last night?
07:53That was the only major stuff.
07:5722, Cruz and Frias.
07:5923, Avila and Lou.
08:01They're over at Communications.
08:0324, Pack and Zavala.
08:05Keep in mind, you guys are on 24 today.
08:0731, John and Brandy.
08:10Brandy will be a little bit late.
08:12And 32, Renee and Gil.
08:15And Jess, as usual, is going to be on 46.
08:18And I'll echo what the lieutenant said last night.
08:22Just like we debriefed and we came back here and we discussed it again.
08:26Last night was bitchin'.
08:28It was a real good thing.
08:29We didn't put a lot of people in jail, but we definitely sent a message out there.
08:32And Southwest Gangs knows now that no matter where they go,
08:36we're going to follow, track them down, and do what we have to do to monitor their activities.
08:42Did you enjoy it?
08:44Every day.
08:47Isn't that dangerous, though?
08:48It's always dangerous.
08:50You know, you don't think about that.
08:51You just think about the good things that we do.
08:53Kind of help people out.
08:58How does the community respond when you show up?
09:03It's a different side.
09:04You see a lot of people that have a lot of support.
09:06A lot of support for us.
09:08Very happy about it.
09:09And some people that really don't like us.
09:11Ellie Sekbeck, reporting.
