00:00So martial arts legend Leo Pong how's life treating you? I'm doing good life
00:09treating is good you know life treats you as good as you let it treat you
00:16you teach people how to treat you right. So can you introduce us who's here today
00:20of course we have Lee. Well today we got Lee and then we got Antonio he's a
00:25world-traveling martial artist a great fighter and then you got Richard
00:31Bustamante the father of Texas karate champion Linda Bustamante. Linda you're a
00:38karate champion why karate? Why karate? It's something I got brought up with
00:42when I was a little girl my dad started me when I was eight years old and he's
00:46trained me all the way up to now so he started me when I was in my backyard in
00:49our backyard with kicks stretches front snap kicks and horse dances reverse
00:54punches everything that you can think about so from that foundation with my
00:57dad just follow up to who I am right now and got my background in Goju Ryu
01:02which is go means hard closed hands straight linear attacks and Ju means
01:08soft open circular movements and then I have my background Taekwondo as well.
01:11Leo Pong is here of course he's the legendary student of Bruce Lee what's it
01:15like for you to meet him and talk to him? Oh my god it's the best experience you
01:19know I feel so honored you know to be able to work with him somebody that my
01:23dad told me about when I was young is just an honor I feel so humbled and just
01:29really really honored to be amongst him and going through his classes and to be
01:33working on a film with him I just feel very honored and blessed. Last time I
01:36talked to Leo we had fascinating stories about Bruce Lee did he share with you
01:40any stories? Yeah he has. Like which one? Let's see which which one stuck with me really
01:45really good he told me that he was his sparring partner that he trained with
01:49him and he knew him for 16 years and yeah that they had a really good
01:55relationship together and they just would train together you know all the
01:59time so I mean that stuck with me the most to have to be able to train with
02:04the legendary Bruce Lee is something that you know not very few people had
02:08and he he was one of the very rare people so. You know what Antonio told me
02:13a few minutes ago he said that to this day because Antonio lives in Asia
02:16Bruce Lee's done more covers of magazines than anybody else. That's right.
02:21How do you explain that? Well because he has a lot of charisma on the screen see
02:27Bruce said a long time ago he don't compete in tournaments but he thinks he
02:32gets more mileage out of being on the screen and he had natural skills he's a
02:38very enthusiastic by his martial arts so he he comes across very charismatic on
02:44the screen in fact one girl that knew nothing about martial arts said I can't
02:47take my eyes off this guy he's like a Picasso on the screen with his martial
02:54arts he's an artist yeah and so so because the media the movies is a
03:03medium that everybody goes to see you know and if you're down life is treating
03:09you bad and you're down where do you go you go to the movies back in the
03:13Philippines it's a very poor nation so two things that that that country's
03:20known for is number one is movies and number two women. I did not know that I
03:28thought you're gonna say Manny Pacquiao but well well Manny Pacquiao
03:32just came in late before he was Flash Lordi before then is Safrino Garcia you
03:37know you name all the Filipino fighters they all good at boxing you know so
03:43before you met Bruce Lee because you knew him for 16 years did you know
03:46anything about him not at all I didn't know who he I didn't know existed you
03:51know and I was training with Jimmy Lee and one day he said to me he says hey
03:57you ought to go to Wally J's luau I said because Wally used to put on the
04:02luau every year and he would feature different martial arts guys for
04:05demonstration as his main event he said I said why don't y'all go to Wally's
04:11luau he said well this time there's a kids gonna come down here he's 20 years
04:16old and he's gonna demonstrate I said what does he do he said well he has an
04:21old version of gung-fu so he's fantastic I said okay so I went there and there he
04:26was you know he jumped on the stage and he started his bad mouth and all the
04:31traditional guys and I see all the seafoods turn red in the face and then
04:36he asked somebody's anybody down there won't come up here and stop my punch so
04:40some guy jumped up on the stage and and some football player and he's just boom
04:46and the guy says and then he says well maybe you're not ready you want to do it
04:50again and guys yeah boom again and he touched him on the forehead and and the
04:55guy was too late or too soon. He couldn't block it.